And [for] you cherished children,
[389] I have explained the general approach to the desired path of study. This is what we seek from your studies, each one according to his level. The essence of the matter is to know every subject within its context in a genuine manner, for all the particular elements and all the distinct factors to find their place in a structure, so that all these particulars and factors will be clear [to the student].
The above is also true with regard to the study of the works of the halachic authorities. One should know thoroughly all the contrasting perspectives on the laws taken by the halachic authorities who differ. [A student should have a clear picture in his mind,] knowing the opinion of every halachic authority, his motivating rationale and reason, and the different laws that are derived as a consequence of that approach. Everything should be thoroughly clear in your minds.
Do not hurry to collect much wealth, i.e., do not hurry to study a lot, [lest] you know not even a little. Instead, collect [knowledge] little by little [until it amasses to] a large amount.
Whenever you study a law, bide time over it until you know it thoroughly with all its particulars, and with the different opinions concerning it. Speak over every subject out loud with its particulars and with the different opinions in an ordered fashion. In this manner, the subject will become registered within your minds as explained above.
[This chapter] communicates the [proper] approach to study — [continuing] the previous explanations — with regard to [studying the works of] the
halachic authorities.

- (Back to text) [This passage is directed to the students of Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim.]