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A Treatise on White Magic - Rule One - Some Basic Assumptions |
The above is a brief analysis of the first rule for magic and
I would like to suggest that in the future as the students meditate on the rules that they
make such an analysis themselves. If they do this during their consideration of each rule
they will approach the whole matter with greater interest and knowledge. They will also
save themselves much looking back and reference. It will be seen from a consideration of the above analysis that a very clear summation is given and that the student is started in his study of magic with a brief understanding of the past situation, his equipment and the method of approach. Let us realize from the start the simplicity of the idea intended to be conveyed by my remarks hitherto. Just as in the past the instrument and its relation to the outer world has been the paramount fact in the experience of the spiritual man, so now it is possible for a readjustment to take place wherein the outstanding fact will be the spiritual man, the solar angel or soul. It will also be realized that his relationship (through the form side) will be to the inner as well as the outer worlds. Man has included in his relation only the form side of the field of average human evolution. He has used it and has been dominated by it. He has also suffered from it and consequently in time revolted, through utter satiety, from all that pertains to the material world. Dissatisfaction, disgust, distaste, and a deep fatigue are characteristic very frequently of those who are on the verge of discipleship. For what is a disciple? He is one who seeks to learn a new rhythm, to enter a new field of experience, and to follow the steps of that advanced humanity who have trodden ahead of him the path, leading from darkness to light, from the unreal to the real. He has tasted the joys of life in the [59] world of illusion and has learnt their powerlessness to satisfy and hold him. Now he is in a state of transition between the new and the old states of being. He is vibrating between the condition of soul awareness and form awareness. He is "seeing double". His spiritual perception grows slowly and surely as the brain becomes capable of illumination from the soul, via the mind. As the intuition develops, the radius of awareness grows and new fields of knowledge unfold. The first field of knowledge receiving illumination might be described as comprising the totality of forms to be found in the three worlds of human endeavor, etheric, astral and mental. The would-be disciple, through this process, becomes aware of his lower nature and begins to realize the extent of his imprisonment and (as Patanjali puts it) "the modifications of the versatile psychic nature." The hindrances to achievement and the obstacles to progress are revealed to him and his problem becomes specific. Frequently then he reaches the position in which Arjuna found himself, confronted by enemies who are those of his own household, confused as to his duty and discouraged as he seeks to balance himself between the pairs of opposites. His prayer then should be the famous prayer of India, uttered by the heart, comprehended by the head, and supplemented by an ardent life of service to humanity.
As he perseveres and struggles, surmounts his problems and brings his desires and thoughts under control, the second field of knowledge is revealed - knowledge of the self in the spiritual body, knowledge of the ego as it expresses itself through the medium of the causal body, [60] the Karana Sarira, and awareness of that source of spiritual energy which is the motivating impulse behind the lower manifestation. The "disk of golden light" pierced; the true sun is seen; the path is found and the aspirant struggles forward into ever clearer light. As the knowledge of the self and as the consciousness of that which the self sees, hears, knows and contacts is stabilized, the Master is found; his group of disciples is contacted; the plan for the immediate share of work he must assume is realized and gradually worked out on the physical plane. Thus the activity of the lower nature decreases, and the man little by little enters into conscious contact with his Master and his group. But this follows upon the "lighting of the lamp" - the aligning of the lower and higher and the downflow of illumination to the brain. It is essential that these points should be grasped studied by all aspirants so that they may take the needed steps and develop the desired awareness. Until this is done, the Master, no matter how willing He may be, is powerless, and can take no steps to admit a man to His group and thus take him into His auric influence, making him an outpost of His consciousness. Every step of the way has to be carved out by a man himself, and there is no short or easy road out of darkness into light. |
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