CD N°1: Phosphenic Mixing. Examples of its use. Practicing Phosphenic Mixing using the sun. CD N°2: Using the reflection of the sun on water. Study of cases of clairvoyance. Study of the traces of Phosphenism in history. Powers of Tibetan lamas who traditionally use Phosphenism. The techniques of clairvoyance of Nostradamus. The purification of thoughts. CD N°3: Continuation of the course on Phosphenic Mixing. Method for falling asleep. Increasing the number of prophetic dreams. Suggestion and Phosphenism. CD N°4: Course on clairvoyance. Phosphenic telepathy. Apparitions. Solar prodigies. CD N°5: Rhythmic thinking course: the second key to telepathy and clairvoyance. Astral projection. Rhythmic thinking associated to head sways. CD N°6: Phosphenism and the etheric plane. The aura. Frontal sways. The various traditional types of sways. CD N°7: Course on rotation (whirling dervishes). The Phosphene shows us the most appropriate speed of rotation. Associated meditation: mental rotation. Specific mantras for rotations. CD N°8: Course on developing the third eye. The connections between spiritual traditions. The connections between the eye of Shiva and the mental void. CD N°9: Course on astral projection through static contraction. The different kinds of astral projection. Apparition of the double at a distance. Becoming aware of the double. Projecting the double. Astral travelling CD N°10: Meditation for the ascension of the soul into the cosmos. Meditating on the sun. Journey to the center of the galaxy. CD N°11: The "OM" mantra. Original, traditional and logical pronunciation. CD N°12: Analogue letter charts for the creation of mantras. The lama's exercise by Alexandra David-Neel. Reorganizing life with the vibration of the mantra. CD N°13: Course on developing supranormal powers using the rhythm of 1/6th of a second. The mantras to use with the rhythm of 1/6th of a second . The "Kee" and "Kree" mantras. CD N°14: Course on breathing. The four conditions necessary to produce spiritual breathing. The pneumophene exercise. CD N°15: Meditating from chakra to chakra. CD N°16: Organization of the exercises in function of one’s free time. The direction of the movement of consciousness when falling asleep and waking up. Developing clairaudience. The "phosphenic substance".