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          Before  these  assembled spirits  I bring  (name type  of tool)  to be
          dedicated to the service of the Lady and Lord. 
          (Pass tool three times through smoke of the incense.) 
          By the power of air, be thou purified.  Be thou dedicated to purity of
          thought and to  harmlessness that  all intentions for  which thou  art
          used may harm none and be for the good of all. 
          (Pass tool three times through or over the flame of the fire candle.) 
          By the power of fire, be thou  purified.  Be thou dedicated to  purity
          of desire,  and to harmlessness  that all goals  which thou  art doest
          help achieve may harm none and be for the good of all. 
          (Take a few drops of water and sprinkle or dab on instrument.) 
          By  the power of water, be thou purified.  Be thou dedicated to purity
          of emotion, and to harmlessness that all  that thou shalt be used in a
          spirit of harmony, harming none and for the good of all. 
          (Touch instrument to the stone or salt in north quarter) 
          By  the  power of  earth,  be thou  purified.   Be  thou  dedicated to
          steadfastness  and purity of purpose, that my will be achieved without
          wavering, with harm to none and for the good of all. 
          (If this is a chalice, present it first to the Lady, then to the Lord,
          if  athame,  reverse  order.    All  other  instruments  use  personal
          preference, but it is courtesy to present them to Her first.) 
          Lady Freya,  Keeper of Femininity, bless  this chalice.  Let  it be as
          Thy  cauldron, a  vessel  of productivity  that  it may  be worThy  to
          dispense Thy bounty.  Let it be used in Thy service and in the service
          of humanity.  Let it be  so bound that no harm  may come of it to  any
          being,  but  let  it   rather  be  an  instrument  of   good-will  and
          understanding; of loving harmony.  To  Thy sacred self I dedicate this
          vessel, (name  of vessel),  that it and  I may long  be of  service to
          Lord Thor,  companion to  the Lady, champion  of the Gods,  bless this
          chalice and keep watch over it.  Guard the works which come forth from
          it, that they  ever be in the service of Thee  and Thy Lady, that they
          be  of service  to  humankind, and  that  they abide  by  the laws  of
          harmony.  To  Thee I vow I  shall use it for Her  sacred purposes, and
          for no other.  
                                      So mote it be. 
          Lord Thor, thunderer & hammer  wielder, bless this athame.  Let  it be
          as the spring  rains which fall upon the  earth to cause Her  to bring
          forth Her bounty. 


          Let it quicken my hopes  and dreams, yet keep them from  causing harm.
          Let  it guide them in the harmony  of the seasons, bringing forth only
          good for all. 
          Lord Thor, bless this athame,  (name of athame), that it be  used ever
          in the worship and honor of the Gods. 
          Lady Freya, companion to  the Thunderer, lover of the Gods, bless this
          athame  that it  shall bring forth  joy, and  shall cause  no pain nor
          disharmony to any. 
          I dedicate this athame (name athame), symbol of the Defender  and Rain
          Maker, to Thy service.  May it ever bring Thee joy and pride. 
                                      So mote it be. 
          (This ritual, with  suitable changes,  may be used  to dedicate  other
          tools as well as these.) 
