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          From: L.A. HUSSEY
          Subj: THE LAWS
          I  am disturbed and disappointed.   "The Christians  are our enemies."
          "They  will torture you to make you talk about the Craft."  "Lie about
          the Craft." "Covens splitting up makes for bad feelings."

          What  depressing  garbage.   This  is the  20th  century, and  this is
          America,  this is not Inquisition days.   The more we keep secret, the
          more the ignorant will assume that  we have horrible secrets to  keep.
          The true secrets of the Gods cannot be given away, because they cannot
          be  spoken -- they are beyond  all language.  And  as for bad feelings
          when  covens break  up, maybe  that is  how it is  where you  are, but
          around here,  there is rejoicing when one coven becomes two.  Seems to
          me like  my best  possible response  to your "Laws"  is the  following

          The songs are sung to rouse our  anger of martyred Witches gone to the
          But what is served by  righteous singing, if all we do is  stew in our
          Nine million dead in four hundred years;
          More in that time simply died of disease.
          Why do we dwell on long past dead
          When we are alive in times like these?
          Rise up, Witches, throw off your masks
          And cease crying guilt for ancient crimes.
          Earth and all Her children need us
          For ALL face now the Burning Times.

          In  the face  of that hostile  power, how  did the  old knowledge stay
          How have we  still a  Craft to practise?   Our ancestors  knew how  to
          fight and survive!
          How do we honour our blessed dead?
          Slavery threatens us all but few.
          We must teach their cunning ways --
          EVERYONE needs the skills they knew!
          Rise up, Witches, gather your strength,
          And let your power spread and climb;
          Earth and all Her children need us
          For ALL face now the Burning Times.

          I will not  cast off Science's works -- Witches all forces to Will can
          I'll not accuse for war and waste some patriarchy of faceless men.
          Men do not cast the only votes;
          Women alone do not demonstrate.
          Rather than shut out half the race,
          Who if not we will change that state?


          I will not blame a Father's Church -- blame and guilt are their tools,
          not mine,
          And  even in  the shuls and  churches, allies  there will  I seek, and
          I will not answer hate with fear,
          Nor with a smug, cheek-turning love.
          I will not answer hate with rage;
          By strength alone will I not be moved!

          I will not  hide in my sacred  grove -- the  fact'ries and cities  yet
          ring me about;
          I  will not climb my ivory tower --  the real world exists tho' I shut
          it out.
          I will not work for Church nor State
          Who serve themselves while they serve us lies,
          Nor only for my Witchen kin,
          But for the family of all alive!

          So if rebellion means to fight a State lost sight of why it was built,
          If heresy's to reject a Church that rules with force or fear or guilt,
          Then let us all be rebels proud,
          And shameless heretics by creed --
          A tyrant's hand subjects the Earth,
          More heretic rebels are what She needs!

          Did  it ever occur to the writers  of your antique laws that the Craft
          might actually  be WELCOMED by a  great number of people?   That there
          might actually be more of us than of those who wish us ill?   That the
          only reason those who fear  us are so active nowadays is  because they
          see us becoming  more and more welcomed  by more people?  As  I say in
          another song, "When folk in sorrow  turn away/ From paths that lead to
          misery/ And seek  new ways  for wholeness' sake/  Then waiting,  ready
          shall we be."

          All I can say is, I'm Goddess-glad I'm not in your tradition.

          Leigh Ann

          To  this I  would add  only  one more  admonishment, based  on my  own
          experience: It is  as important not to take oneself,  one's power, and
          one's  Craft too  seriously as  it is  not to  take them  too lightly.
          Moderation in all things, including moderation.  And remember that all
          acts of love and pleasure are the rites of
          the Goddess, and this includes HAVING FUN.

          B*B Leigh Ann
