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This digital edition by Joseph H. Peterson, Copyright © 2000. All rights reserved.
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Geometricall Figures also arising from numbers, are conceived
to be of no less power. Of these first of all, a Circle
doth answer to Unity, and the number ten; for Unity is the
Center, and circumference of all things; and the number ten
being heaped together retuens into a Unity from whence it
had its beginning, being the end, and complements of all
numbers. A circle is called an infinite line in which there is no
Terminus a quo, nor Terminus ad quem, whose beginning and
end is in every point, whence also a circular motion is called
infinite, not according to time, but according to place; hence
a circular being the largest and perfectest of all is judged
to be the most fit for bindings and conjurations; Whence
they who adjure evil spirits, are wont to environ themselves
about with a circle. A Pentangle also, as with the vertue of the
number five hath a very great command over evil spirits, so by
its lineature, by which it hath within five obtuse angles, and
without five acutes, five double triangles by which it is
surrounded. The interior pentangle containes in it great mysteries,
which also is so to be enquired after, and understood; of
the other figures, viz. triangle, quadrangle, sexangle, septangle,
octangle, and the rest, of which many, as they are made of many
and divers insections [intersections], obtain divres significations and vertues
according to the divers manner of draeing, and proportions
of lines, and numbers. The Egyptians, and Arabians
confirmed that the figure of the Cross hath very great power,
and that is the most firm receptacle of all Celestial powers, and
intelligencies, because it is the rightest figure of all, containing
foure right angles, and it is the first description of the superficies,
having longitude and latitude: And they said it is inspired
with the fortitude of the Celestials, because their fortitude
results by the straitness of angles and rayes: And stars are
then most potent when they possess four corners in the figure
of the heaven, and make a cross, by the projection of their
rayes mutually. It hath moreover (as we shewed before) a
very great correspondency with the numbers 5. 7. 9. most potent
numbers. It was also reckoned by the Egyptian Priests,
from the beginning of Religion amongst sacred letters, signifying
amongst them allegorically the life of future salvation. It
was also impressed on the Picture of Serapis, and was had in
great veneration amongst the Greeks. But what here belongs
to Religion we shall discuss elsewhere. This is to be observed,
whatsoever wonderfull thing figures work when we write
tham in Papers, Plates, or Images, they do not do it but by
the vertue acquired from sublimer figures, by a certain affection
which a natural apitude [aptitude] or resemblance procures, in as much
as they are exactly configured to them; as from an opposite
wall the Eccho is caused, and in a hollow glass the collection
of the solarie rayes, which afterward reflecting upon an opposite
body, either wood, or any combustible thing doth forthwith
burne it: or as an Harpe causeth a resounding in an other
Harpe, which is no otherwise but because a sutable and a
like figure is set before it, or as two strings on a Harpe being
touched with an equall distance of time, and modulated to the
same intention, when one is touched the other shakes also:
Also the figures, of which we have spoken, & what characters soever
concern the vertues of the Celestial figures as they shall be
opportunely impressed upon things, those ruling, or be rightly
framed, as one figure is of affinity with, and doth express an
other. And as these are spoken of figures, so also they are to
be understood of Geometrical bodies, which are a Sphear [sphere], a
Tetracedron, Hexacedron, Octocedron, Icocedron, Dodecacedron
[tetrahedron, hexahedron, octohedron, icohedron, dodecahedron],
and such like. Neither must we pass over what
figures Phythagoras [Pythagoras] and his followers, Timeus, Locrus,
and Plato assigned to the Elements and Heavens: for first of all
they assigned to the earth a four square, and a square of eight
solid angles, and of twenty four plains [planes], and six bases in form
of a Dice to the fire, a Pryamis [pyramid] of a four triangular basis, and of
so many solid angles, and of twelve plaines; to the aire Octocedron
[octohedron], of eight triangular bases, and six solid angles, and ternty
four plains: and lastly, to Water they have assigned Icocedron [icohedron]
twenty basesm twelve solid angles: To the Heaven they
have assigned Dodecacedron [dodecahedron] of twelve five cornered bases,
and twenty solid angles, and sixty plaines. Now he which
knows the powers, relations, and proprieties of these figures,
and bodies, shall be able to work many wonderful things in
Natural and Mathematical Magick, especially in Glasses.
And I knew how to make by them wonderful things, in which
any one mught see whatsoever he pleased at a long distance.
Musical Harmony also is not destitute of the gifts of the
Stars; for it is a most powerful imaginer of all things,
which whilst it follows opportunely the Celestial bodies,
doth wonderfully allure the Celestial influence, and doth
change the affections, intentions, gestures, motions, actions
and dispositions of all the hearers, and doth quietly allure
them to its own properties, as to gladness, lamentation, to
boldness, or rest, and the like; also it allures Beasts, Serpents,
Birds, Dolphins to the hearing of its pleasant tunes. So Birds
are allured with Pipes, and Harts are caught by the same. Fish
in the lake of Alexandria are delighted with a noise. Musick
hath caused friendship betwixt Men and Dolphins. The sound
of the Harp doth lead up and down the Hyperborean Swans.
Melodious voyces [voices] tame the Indian Elephants: and the very
Elements delight in Musick. The Hulesian fountain otherwise
calm, and quiet, if the Trumpet sound riseth up rejoycing [rejoicing],
and swells over its banks. There are in Lydia those which
they call the Nymphs Ilands [Islands], which at the sound of a Trumpet
forthwith come into the middle of the sea, and turning round
lead a dance, and then are returned to the shores; M. Varro
testifies that he saw them. And there are more wonderful
things then these. For in the shore of Attica the sea sounds
like a Harpe. A certain stone of Megaris makes a sound like a
Harpe every time the string of a Harpe is struck; so great is the
power of Musick, that it appeaseth the minde, raiseth the
spirit, stirreth up souldiers [soldiers] to fight, and refresheth the weary,
calls back them that are desperate, refresheth travellers. And
the Arabians say, that Camels carrying burdens are refreshed
by the singing of their leaders. In like manner, they that carry
great burdens, sing, and are thereby strengthened and refreshed:
for asinging causeth delight and strength, pacifieth the angry,
cheareth [cheers] up those that are sad and heavy, pacifieth enemies,
moderates the rage of mad men, chaseth away vain imaginations:
Hence it is that Democritus and Theophrastus affirm
that some diseases of the body, and minde may thus be
cured, or caused. So we read that Therpander, and Arion of
Lesbos cured the Les*ians [inhabitants of Lesbos], and
Ionians by Musick; and Ismenia
of Thebes cured divers of very great diseases by Musick; Moreover,
Orpheus, Amphion, David, Phythagoras [Pythagoras], Empedocles,
Asclepiades, Timotheus, were wont to do many wonderful
things by sounds: Sometimes they did stir up dull spirits by
familiar sounds; sometimess they did restrain wanton, furious,
angry spirits by more grave tones. So David with a Harp moderated
Saul in a rage. So Phythagoras [Pythagoras] recalled a luxurious
yong [young] man from immoderate lust. So Timotheus stirred up King
Alexander to a rage, amd again repressed him. Saxo the Grammarian,
in his History of the Danes, tells of a certain Musician,
who boasted that he could by his Musick make every one that
heard it to be mad; and when he was constrained by the Kings
command to perform the same, he endeavoured to work severall
wayes upon the affections; and first, by a tone of Musicall
gravity filled the hearers with a kinde of sadness and unsensibleness;
then by a more lively sound he made them rejoyce [rejoice], and
dance; and lastly, he by a more earnest Musick, reduced them
to fury and madness. We read also, that they in Apulia that
were touched with a kinde of dangerous Spider, were astonished
untill they heard a certain sound, at the hearing of which
every one riseth up and danceth. And it is believed (Gellius
being witness) that they that are pained with the Sciatica, are
eased at the sound of a Pipe. Also Theophrastus reports, that
the sound of a Flute cures the biting of Spiders. And Democritus
himself confesseth that the Consort of Pipers, hath been a
cure for very many diseases.
Moreover we shall not dent, that there is in Sounds a
vertue to receive the heavenly gifts; if with Pythagoras
and Plato we thought the heavens to consist by an Harmonial
composition, and to rule and cause all things by Harmonial
tones and motions: Singing can do more then the sound of an
Instrument, in as much as it arising by an Harmonial consent,
from the conceit of the minde, and imperious affection of the
phantasie [phantasy] and heart, easily penetrateth by motion, with the
refracted and well tempered Air, the aerious spirit of the
hearer, which is the bond of soul and body; and transferring
the affection and minde of the Singer with it, It moveth the
affection of the hearer by his affection, and the hearers phantasie
by his phantasie, and minde by his minde, and striketh the
minde, and striketh the heart, and pierceth even to the inwards
of the soul, and by little and little, infuseth even dispositions:
moreover it moveth and stoppeth the members and the
humors of the body. From hence in moving the affections harmony
conferreth so much, that not onely natural, but also artificial
and vocal Harmony doth yield a certain power both to
the souls and bodies: but it is necessary that all Consorts proceed
from fit foundations, both in stringed instruments, in
pipes, and vocall singings, if you would have them agree well
together: for no man can make the roaring of Lions, the
lowing of Oxen, the neighing of Horses, the braying of Asses,
the grunting of Hogs to be harmonious: neither can the
strings made of Sheeps and Wolves gut, be brought to any
agreement, because their foundations are dissonant; but the
many and divers voyces [voices] of men agree together, because they
have one foundation in the species or kinde: so many birds
agree, because they have one nigh genus or kinde, and a resemblance
from above; also artificiall instruments agree with
natural voyces, because the similitude that is betwixt them, is
either true and manifest, or hath a certain analogy. But every
harmony is either of sounds or voyces. Sound is a breath,
voyce is a sound and animate breath; Speech is a breath pronounced
with sound, and a voyce signifying something: the spirit
of which proceedeth out of the mouth with sound and
voyce; Chaludius [Chalcidius] saith that a voyce is sent forth out of the inward
cavity of the breast and heart, by the assistance of the
spirit. By which, together with the tongue, forming, and
striking the narrow passages of the mouth, and by the other
vocall organs, are delivered forth articulate sounds; the
elements of speech, by which Interpreter the secret motions of
the minde are laid open: but Lactantius saith, that the nature
of the voyce is very obscure, and cannot be comprehended
how it is made, or what it is. To conclude, All Musick consisteth
in voice, in sound, and hearing: sound without Air cannot
be Audible, which though it be necessary for hearing, yet,
as Aire, it is not of it self audible, nor to be perceived by any
sense, unless by accident; for the Sight seeth it not, unless it be
coloured, nor the Ears unless sounding, nor the Smell unless
odoriferous, nor the Taste unless it be sapid [savory], nor the Touch
unless it be cold or hot, and so forth: Therefore though
sound cannot be made without Air, yet is not sound of the nature
of Air, not air of the nature of sound, but air is the body
of the life of our sensitive spirit, and is not of the nature of any
sensible object, but of a more simple and higher vertue, but it
is meet that the sensitive soul should vivifie the air joyned to it;
and in the vivificated air, which is joyned to the spirit, perceive
the species of objects put forth into act, and this is done in the
living air, but in a subtile and Diaphanous the visible species, in
an ordinary air the audible, in a more gross air the species of
other senses are perceived.
But understanding now, that of the seven Planets, Saturn, Mars, and the Moon have more of the voice then of the Harmony. Saturn hath sad, hoarse, heavy, and slow words, and sounds, as it were pressed to the Center; but Mars, rough, sharp, threatning [threatening] great and wrathful words: the Moon observeth a mean betwixt these two; but Jupiter, Sol, Venus and Mercury, do possess Harmonies; yet Jupiter hath grave, constant, fixed, sweet, merry, and pleasant Consorts; Sol venerable, settled, pure and sweet, with a certain grace; but Venus lascivious, luxurious, delicate, voluptuous, dissolute and fluent: Mercury hath Harmonies more remiss, and various, merry and pleasant, with a certain boldness: but the Tone of particulars, and proportionated Consorts obeyeth the nine Muses. Jupiter hath the grace of the octave, and also the quinte, viz. the Diapason with the Diapente: Sol obtains the melody of the octave voice, viz. Diapason; in like manner by fifteen Tones, a Disdiapason; Venus keepeth the grace of the quinte or Diapente. Mercury hath diatessaron; viz. the grace of the quarte: Moreover the ancients being content with four strings, as with the number of Elements, accounted Mercury the Author of them, as Nicomachus reports, and by their Base strings would resemble the earth, by their Parhypas or middle the water; by their note Diezeugmenon, or Hyperboleon the fire; by the Paranete or Synemmenon, or treble, the Air; but afterwards Terpander the Lesb*an [inhabitant of Lesbos] finding out the seventh string, equalled them to the number of the Planets. Moreover, they that followed the number of the Elements, did affirm, that four humors, and did thin the Dorian musick to be consonant to the water and phlegm, the Phrygian to choler and fire, the Lydian to blood and air; the mixt Lydian [mixolydian] to melancholy and earth: Others respecting the number and vertue of the Heavens, have attributed the Dorian to the Sun, the Phrygian to Mars, the Lydian to Jupiter, the mixt Lydian [mixolydian] to Saturn, the Hypophrygian to Mercury, the Hypolydian to Venus, the Hypodorian to the Moon, the Hypo mixed Lydian [Hypomixolydian] to the mixed Stars: Moreover they refer these modes of Musick to the Muses, and the strings to the Heavens, but not in that order as we have declared concerning the nine Muses, amongst our numbers and celestial souls; for they say Thalia hath no Harmony, therefore ascribe her to Silence, and the Earth; but Clio with the Moon move after the Hypodorian manner; the string Proslambanomenos or Air. Calliope and Mercury possess the Hypophrygian maner, and the Chord, Hypate-Hypaton, or B. Mi. Terpsichore with Venus the Hypolydian manner, and Parahypote, Hypaton; and for Melpomene and the Dorian manner with Licanos, Hypaton, or D. Sol. Re. are applied to the Sun. Erato with Mars keep the Phrygian fashion, and the Hypatemise, or E.la.mi. Euterpe, and the Lydian Musick, and Pachyparemeson agree with Jupiter; Polymnia and Saturn keep the mixt Lydian [mixolydian] manner, and Lichanos Meson D.Sol.Re. To Urania and the fixt Stars the Jypo mixt Lydian [hypomixolydian] Musick, and the string Mese, or A.le.mi.re are ascribed, as we reade them expressed in these Verses.
Silent Thalia we to th' Earth compare,
For she by Musick never doth ensnare,
After the Hypodorian Clio sings,
Persephone likewise doth strike the Base strings;
Calliope also doth Chord sedond touch,
Using the Phrygian; Mercury as much:
Terpsichore strikes the third, and that rare,
The Lydian Musick makes so Venus fair. Melpomene, and Titan do with a grace
The Dorian Musick use in the fourth place.
The fift ascribed is to Mars the god
Of War, and Erato after the rare mode
Of th' Phrygians, Euterpe doth also love
The Lydian, and sixt string; and so doth Jove.
Saturn the seventh doth use with Polymny,
And causeth the mixt Lydian [mixolydian] melody.
Urania also doth the eight create,
And musick Hypo-Lydian [hypolydian] elevate.
Moreover there are some who find out the harmony of the
Heavens by their distance one from another. For the space
which is betwixt the Earth and the Moon, viz. an hundred and
twenty six thousand Italian Miles, maketh the Intervall of a
Tone; But from the Moon to Mercury being half that space,
maketh half a Tone; And so much from Mercury to Venus
maketh another half Tone; But from thence to the Sun, as it
were a threefold Tone and a half; and makes Diapente; But
from the Moon to the Sun, maketh a twofold Diatessaron with
a half; Again from the Sun to Mars is the same space as from
the Earth to the Moon, making a Tone; from thence to Jupiter
half of the same making half a Tone; So much likewise from Jupiter
to Saturn, constituting an half Tone, from whence to
the starry firmament is also the space of an half Tone. Therefore
there is from the Sun to the fixed Stars a Diatessaron
distance of two tones and an half, but from the Earth a perfect
Diapason of six perfect tones; moreover also from the
proportion of the motions of the planets amongst themselves,
and with the eight Sphere, resulteth the sweetest Harmony of
all; for the proportion of the motions of Saturn to Jupiters
motion, is two fold and an half; of Jupiter to Mars, a six fold
proportion; of Mars to the Sun, Venus and Mercury, which
in a manner finish their course in the same time, is a double
proportion; but Saturns proportion to the starry Sphere is a
thousand and two hundred, if it be true which Ptolomy
saith, viz. that, that Heaven is moved contrary to the primum
mobile in an hundred yeers, one degree. Therefore the proper
motion of the Moon being more swift, maketh a more acute
sound then the starry firmament, which is the slowest of all,
and therefore causeth the most base sound; But by the violent
motion of the primum mobile, is the most swift, and acute
sound of all; but the violent motion of the Moon is most
slow and heavy, which proportion and reciprocation of motions
yeelds a most pleasant Harmony; from hence there are not
any songs, sounds, or musicall instruments more powerfull in
moving mans affections, or introducing magicall impressions,
then those which are composed of numbers, measures, and proportions,
after the example of the Heavens. Also the Harmony
of the Elements is drawn forth from their BAses, and Angles,
of which we have spoken before; for between Fire
and Aire, there is a double proportion in the Bases, and one
and an half in solid Angles; again in Planes, a double; there ariseth
hence an Harmony of a double Diapason, and a Diapente.
Betwixt the Aire and Water, the proportion in their Bases is
double, and one and an half; hence Dipason, and Diapente;
but in their Angles double; Hence again Diapason; but between
Water and Earth the proportion in the Bases, is threefold
and a third part more; from hence ariseth Diapason, Diapente,
Diatessaron; but in the Angles one and an half, again
constituting Diapente. To conclude, betwixt Earth and Fire,
in the Bases the proportion is one and an half, making Diapente;
but in the Angles, double, causing Diapason; but between
Fire, and Water, Aire and Earth, there is scarce any
consonancy, because they have a perfect contrariety in their
qualities, but they are united by the imtermediate Element.
Seeing man is the most beautifull and perfectest work of
God, and his Image, and also the lesser world; therefore
he by a more perfect composition, and sweet Harmony, and
more sublime dignity doth contain and maintain in himself all
numbers, measures, weights, motions, Elements, and all other
things which are of his composition; and in him as it were in
the supreme workmanship, all things obtain a certain high condition,
beyond the ordinary consonancy which they have in other
compounds. From hence all the Ancients in time past did
number by their fingers, and shewed all numbers by them; and
they seem to prove that from the very joynts of mans body all
numbers measures, proportions, and Harmonies were invented;
Hence according to this measure of the body, they framed,
and contrived their temples, pallaces [palaces], houses, Theaters; also
their ships, engins [engines], and every kind of Artifice, and every part
and member of their edifices, and buildings, as columnes, chapiters
of pillars, bases, buttresses, feet of pillars, and all of this
kind. Moreover God himself taught Noah to build the
Arke according to the measure of mans body, and he made
the whole fabrick of the world proportionable to mans body;
from whence it is called the great world [macrocosm], mans body the less
[microcosm]; Therefore some who have written of the Microcosme or of
man, measure the body by six feet, a foot by ten degrees, every
degree by five minutes; from hence are numbred sixty degrees,
which make three hundred minutes, to the which are compared
so many Geometrical cubits, by which Moses describes the
Arke; for as the body of man is in length three hundred minutes,
in breath fifty, in hight thirty; so the length of the
Arke was three hundred cubits, the breadth fifty, and the
height thirty; that the proportion of the length to the breadth
be six fold, to the heighth ten fold, and the proportion of the
breadth to the height about two thirds. In like manner the
measures of all the members are proportionate, and consonant
both to the parts of the world, and measures of the Archetype,
and so agreeing, that there is no member in man which hath
not correspondence with some sign, Star, intelligence, divine
name, sometimes in God himself the Archetype. But the
whole measure of the body may be turned, and proceeding
from roundness, is knowen to tend to it again.
Also the four square measure is the most proportionated body;
for, if a man be placed upright with his feet together, and his
arms stretched forth, he will make a quadrature equilateral,
whose center s in the botom [bottom] of his belly.
But if on the same center a circle be made by the crown of the
head, the arms being let fall so far till the end of the fingers
tough the circumference of that circle, and the feet spread abroad
in the same circumference, as much as the fingers ends are
distant from the top of the head; Then they divide that circle,
which was drawn from the center of the lower belly, into five
equale parts, and do constiturte a perfect Pentagon; and the
Heels of the feet, having reference to the navile [navel], make a triangle
of equal sides.
But if the Heels being unmoved, the feet be stretched forth on
both sides to the right and left, and the hands lifted up to the
line of the head, them the ends of the fingers and Toes do
make a square of equall sides, whose center is on the navile [navel], in
the girdling of the body.
But if the hands be thus elevat4ed, and the feet and Thighes
extended in this manner, by the which a man is made shorter
by the fourteenth part of his upright stature, then the distance
of his feet heving reference to the lower bellu, they will make
an equilaterall Triangle; and the center being placed in his
navile [navel], a circle being brought about, will touch the ends of
the fingers and toes.
But if the hands be lifted up as high as can be, above the head,
then the elbow will be equal to the crown of the head, and if
then the feet being put together, a man stand thus, he may be
put into an equilaterall square brought by the extremities of
the hands and feet; the center of this square is the navel,
which is the middle betwixt the top of the head and the knees.
Now let us proceed to particular measures. The compass of a
man under the armpits contains the middle of his length,
whose middle is the bottom of his breast: and from thence upward
to the middle of his breast betwixt both dugges, and from
the middle of his breast unto the crown of his head, on every
side the fourth part; also from the bottom of his breast to the
bottom of the knees, and from thence to the bottom of the
ankles the fourth part of man. The same is the latitude of
his shoulder-blades, from one extream [extreme] to the other: The same
is the length from the elbow to the end of the longest finger,
and therfore this is called a cubit. Hence four cubits make
the length of man, and one cubit the bredth which is in the
shoulder-blades, but that which is in the compass, one foot;
now six hand-bredths make a cubit, four a foot, and four fingers
bredths make a hand-bredth, and the whole length of man
is twenty four hand bredths, of six foot, of ninty six fingers
bredths. From the bottom of his breast to the top of his breast,
is the sixth part of his length, from the top of his breast to the
top of his forehead, and lowermost root of his hairs, the seventh
part of his length; of a strong, and well set body, a foot
is the sixth part of the length, but of a tall the seventh. Neither
can (as Varro, and Gellius testifie) the tallness of mans body exceed
seven feet. Lastly, the Diameter of his compass is the
same measure as is from the hand, being shut unto the inward
bending of the elbow, and as that which is from the breast to
both dugs, upward to the upward lip, or downward to the
navel; and as that which is from the ends of the bones of the
uppermost part of the breast compassing the gullet; and as
that which is from the sole of the foot to the end of the calf
of the legg, and from thence to the middle whirle bone of the
knee. All these measures are co-equall, and make the seventh
part of the whole height. The head of a man from the bottom
of the chin to the crown of his head is the eighth part of his
length, as also from the elbow to the end of the shoulder-blade;
So great is the Diameter of the compass of a tall man.
The compass of the head drawn by the top of the forehead, and
the bottom of the hinder part of the head, make the fift part of
his whole length; So much also doth the bredth of the breast.
Nine face-bredths make a square well set man, and ten a tall
man. The length of man therefore being divided into nine
parts, the face from the top of the forehead to the bottome
of the chin is one; then from the bottom of the throat, or the
top of the breast unto the top of the stomack [stomach] is another; from
thence to the navell is a third; from thence to the bottom of
the thigh, a fourth; from thence the hipp, to the top of the
calf of the leg, makes two; from thence to the joynt of the foot
the leggs make two more; all which are eight parts. Moreover
the space from the top pf the forehead to the crown of the
head & that which is from the chin to the top of the breast, and
that which is from the joynt of the foot to the sole of the foot,
I say these three spaces joyned together make the ninth part.
In bredth the breast hath two parts, and both Arms seven. But
that body which ten face bredths make, is the most exactly proportioned.
Therefore the first part of this is from the crown of
the head to the bottome of the nose; from thence to the top
of the breast, the second; and then to the top of the stomack [stomach] the
third; and from thence to the navel, the fourth; from thence to
the privy members [genitals], the fifth; where is the middle of the length
of man, from whence to the soles of his feet are five other
parts, which being joyned to the former, make ten whole, by
which every body is measured by a most proportioned measure.
For the face of a man from the bottom of his chin, to the top
of his foreheadm and bottom of the hair is the tenth part. The
hand of a man from the shutting, to the end of the longest finger
is also one part; also betwixt the middle of both dugs is
one part and from both to the top of the gullet is an equilaterall
triangle. The latitude of the lower part of the forehead
from one eare to the other is another part; the latitude of the
whole breast, viz. from the top of the breast to the joynts of
the shoulder-blades, is on both sides one part, which make two.
The compass of the head cross-wise from the distance of the
eye-brows by the top of the forehead unto the bottom of the
hinder part of the head, where the hair ends, hath also two
parts; from the shoulders on the outside unto the coupling together
of the joynts of the hand, and on the inside from the
arm-pits unto the beginning of the palm of the hand, and of
the fingers, are three parts. The compass of the head by the
middle of the forehead hath three parts; the compass of the
girdling place hath four parts in a well set man, but in a thin
body three parts and a half, or as much as is from the top of the
breast to the bottom of the belly. The compass of the breast by
the arm-pit to the back hath five parts, viz. as much as half the
whole length. From the crown of the head, to the knurles of the
gullet is the thirteenth part of the whole altitude. The arms being
stretched upward, the elbow is even to the crown of the
head. But now, let us see how equal the other commensurations
are to one the other. As much as the distance is from the chin to
the top of the breast, so great is the latitude of the mouth; as
much as is the distance betwixt the top of the breast, to the
navell, so great is the compass of the mouth; as much as the
distance is from the chin to the crown of the head, so great is
the latitude of the girdling place; as is the distance from the
top of the nose to the bottom, such is the distance betwixt the
chin, and the throat. Also the cavity of the eyes from the
place betwixt the eye-brows unto the inward corners, and the
extension of the bottom of the nose, and the distance from the
bottom of the nose to the end of the upper lip; I say these three
are equals amongst themselves; and as much as from the top of
the nail of the forefinger to the lowermost joynt thereof.
As the Consonancy of the body consists of a due measure
and proportion of the members: so the consonancy of
the minde of a due temperament, and proportion of its vertues
and operations which are concupiscible, irascible, and
reason, which are so proportioned together. For Reason to
Concupiscence hath the proportion Diapason; but to
Anger Diatessaron: and Irascible to Concupiscible hath
the proportion Diapente. When therefore the best proportionated
soul is joyned to the best proportionated body, it is
manifest that such a man also hath received a most happy lot
in the distribution of gifts, for as much as the soul agrees with
the body in the disposition of Naturals, which agreement indeed
is most hid, yet after some maner shadowed to us by the
wise. But to hasten to the Harmony of the soul, we must inquire
into it by those Mediums by which it passeth to us, (i.e.)
by Celestial Bodies, and Sphears [spheres]; Knowing therefore what are
the powers of the soul to which the Planets answer, we shal by
those things which have been spoken of before, the more easily
know their agreements amongst themselves. For the Moone
governs the powers of increasing and decreasing; the Phantasie
and Wits depends on Mercury; the Concupiscible vertue on
Venus; the Vitall on the Sun; the Irascible on Mars; the
Natural on Jupiter: the Receptive on Saturn: but the Will as the
Primum Mobile, and the guide of all these Powers at pleasure,
being joyned with the superior intellect, is always tending
to good; which intellect indeed doth alwayes shew a pathway
to the Will, as a Candle to the eye; but it moves not it
self, but is the Mistriss [mistress] of her own operation, whence it is called
Free Will; and although it alwayes tends to good, as an
object sutable to it self: yet sometimes being blinded with
error, the animal power forcing it, it chooseth evil, believing it
to be good. Therefore Will is defined to be a faculty of the intellect,
& Will wherby good is chosen by the help of Grace; and
Evil, that not assisting, Grace therefore, which Divines call Charity,
or infused Love is in the Will, as a first mover; which being
absent, the whole consent falls into Dissonancy. Moreover,
the soul answers to the Earth by Sense, to the Water by
Imagination, to the Air by Reason, to the Heaven by the
Intellect, and the soul goes out into an HArmony of them,
according as these are tempered in a mortall body. The wise
Ancients therefore knowing that the Harmonious dispositions
of bodies and souls are divers, according to the diversity of
the complexions of men, did not in vain use Musical sounds
and singingsm as to confirm the health of the body, and restore it
being lost so to bring the minde to wholsome [wholesome] manners, untill
they make a man sutable to the Celestial Harmony, and make
him wholly Celestial. Moreover, there is nothing more efficacious
to drive away evil spirits then Musicall Harmony (for
they being faln [fallen] from the Celestiall Harmony, cannot endure
any true consent, as being an enemy to them, but fly from it)
as David by his Harp appeased Saul, being troubled with an
evil spirit. Hence by the ancient Prophets and Fathers, who
knew these Harmonicall mysteries, singing and Musical sounds
were brought into sacred services.
Every natural vertue doth work things far more wonderful
when it is not onely compounded of a natural proportion,
but also is informed by a choice observation of the Celestials
opportune to this (viz. when the Celestial power is
most strong to that effect which we desire, and also helpt by
many Celestials) by subjecting inferiors to the Celestials, as
proper females to be made fruitful by their males. Also in every
work there are to be observed, the situation, motion, and
aspect of the Stars, and Planets, in Signs and Degrees, and
how all these stand in reference to the length and latitude of
the Climate; for by this are varyed the qualities of the angles,
which the rays of Celestial bodies upon the figure of the thing
describe, according to which Celestial vertues are infused.
So when thou art working any thing which belongs to any
Planet, thou must place it in its dignities, fortunate, and
powerful, and ruling in the day, hour, and in the Figure of the
Heaven. Neither shalt thou expect the signification of the
work to be powerful, but also thoo must observe the Moon
opportunely directed to this; for thou shalt do nothing without
the assistance of the Moon: And if thou hast more patterns
of thy work, observe them all being most powerful, and looking
upon one the other with a friendly aspect: and if thou canst
not have such aspects, it will be convenient at least that thou
take them angular. But thou shalt take the Moon, either
when she looks upon both, or is joyned to one, and looks upon
the other; or when she passeth from the conjunction, or aspect
of one to the conjunction or aspect of the other: for that I
conceive must in no wise be omitted; also thou shalt in every
work observe Mercury; for he is a messenger betwixt the
higher gods, and infernal gods; when he goeth to the good
he increaseth their goodness; when to the bad, hath influence
upon their wickedness. We call it an unfortunate Sign, or Planet,
when it is by the aspect of Saturn or Mars, especially
opposite, or quadrant; for these are aspects of enmity; but a conjunction,
or a trine, or sextile aspect are of friendship; betwixt
these there is a greater conjunction: but yet if thou dost already
behold it through a trine, and the Planet be received, it is
accounted as already conjoyned. Now all Planets are afraid
of the conjunction of the Sun, rejoycing in the trine, and sextile
aspect thereof.
Now we shall have the Planets powerfull when they are
ruling in a House, or in Exaltation or Triplicity, or
term, or face without combustion of what is direct in the figure
of the heavens, viz. when they are in Angles, especially of
the rising, or Tenth, or in houses presently succeeding, or
in their delights. But we must take heed that they be not in
the bounds or under the dominion of Saturn or Mars, least
they be in dark Degrees, in pits or vacuityes. Thou shalt observe
that the Angles of the Ascendent, and Tenth and Seventh
be fortunate, as also the Lord of the Ascendent and
place of the Sun and Moon, and the place of part of the fortune,
and the Lord thereof, the Lord of ihe foregoing Conjunction
& prevention: But that they of the malignant Planet
fall unfortunate, unless haply they be significators of thy work,
or can be any way advantagious to thee; or if in thy revolution
or birth, they had the predominancy; for then they are
not at all to be depressed. Now we shall have the Moone
powerfurful if she be in her house, or exaltation, or triplicity, or
face, and in degree convenient for the desired work, and if
it hath a mansion of these twenty and eight sutable to it self
and the work; Let her not be in the way burnt up, nor flow in
course; let her not be in the Ecclipse [eclipse], or burnt by the Sun, unless
she be be in unity with the Sun; let her nor descend in the
Southern latitude, when she goeth out of the burning, neither
let her be opposite to the Sun, nor deprived of light, let her not
be hindred by Mars, or Saturn. I will not here discourse any
longer of these, seeing these, and many more necessary things
are sufficiently handled in the Volums of Astrologers.
There is the like consideration to be had in all things concerning
the fixt stars. Know this that all the fixt stars are of
the signification and nature of the seven Planets; but some are
of the nature of one Planet, and some of two. Hence as often
as any Planet is joyned with any of the fixt stars of its own nature,
the signification of that star is5 made more powerful, and
the nature of the Planet augmented: but if it be a star of two
natures, the nature of that which shall be the stronger with
it shall overcome in signification; as for example, if it be of
the nature of Mars, and Venus; if Mars shall be the stronger
with it, the nature of Mars shall overcome; but if Venus, the
nature of Venus shall overcome. Now the natures of fixt stars
are discovered by their colours, as they agree with certain
Planets, and are ascribed to them. Now the colours of the
Planets are these: of Saturn, blew [blue], and leaden, and shining
with this: of Jupiter citrine neer to a paleness, and clear
with this; of Mars, red, and fiery; of the Sun, yellow, and
when it riseth red, afterward glittering: of Venus, white
and shining; white with the morning, and reddish in the evening:
of Mercury, glittering; of the Moon, fair. Know also that
of the fixed stars by how much the greater, and the brighter
and apparent they are, so much the greater and stronger is
the signification; such are these stars which are called
by the Astrologers of the first, and second Magnitude. I will
tell thee some of these which are more potent to this faculty,
as are viz. the Navel of Andromeda in two and twentieth
degree of Aries, of the nature of Venus, & Mercury; some
call it Jovial, & Saturnine. The head of Algol in the eighteenth
degree of Taurus, of the nature of Saturn and Jupiter. The
Pleiades are also in the two and twentieth degree, a Lunary star
by Nature and by complexion Martial. Also in the third degree
of Gemini is Aldeboram [Aldeboran], of the nature of Mars, and
complexion of Venus: but Hermes placeth this in the twenty
fifth degree of Aries. The Goat star is in the thirteenth
degree of the said Gemini, of the nature of Jupiter, and Saturn;
the greater Dog star is in the seventh degree of Cancer,
and Venereal: the lesser Dog-star is in the seventeenth degree
of the same, and is of the nature of Mercury, and complexion
of Mars. The Kings star, which is called the Heart of the Lion,
is in the one and twentieth degree of Leo, and of the nature of
Jupiter and Mars; the tail of the greater Bear is in the nineteenth
degree of Virgo, and is Venereal, and Lunary. The Star
which is called the right wing of the Crow is in the seventh degree
of Libra, and in the thirteenth degree of the same is the
left wing of the same, and both of the nature of Saturn and
Mars. The Star called Spica is in the sixteenth degree of the
same, and is Venereal and Mercurial. In the seventeenth degree
of the same is Alcameth, of the nature of Mars, and
Jupiter; but of this when the Suns aspect is full towards it; of
that when on the contrary. Elepheia in the fourth degree of
Scorpio, of the nature of Venus, and Mars: The Heart of the
Scorpion is in the third degree of Sagittarius, of the nature of
Mars, and Jupiter: the falling Vulture is in the seventh degree
of Capricorn, Temperate, Mercurial, and Venereal: The
taile of Capricorn is in the sixteenth degree of Aquarius, of the
nature of Saturn, and Mercury: The Star called the Shoulder
of the Horse, is in the third degree of Piscis, of the nature of
Jupiter and Mzrs. And it shall be a general rule for thee to
expect the proper gifts of the Stars whilest they rule, to be prevented
of them, they being unfortunate, and opposite, as is above
shewed. For Celestial bodies, in as much as they are affected
fortunately, or unfortunately, so much do they affect us,
our works, and those things which we use, fortunately, or unhappily.
And although many effects proceed from the fixt Stars,
yet they are attributed to the Planets, as because being more
neer to us, and more distinct and known, so because they execute
whatsoever the superior Stars communicate to them.
The Sun, and Moon have obtained the administration or
ruling of the Heavens, and all bodies under the heavens.
The Sun is the Lord of all Elementary vertues, and the Moon
by vertue of the Sun is the mistress of generation, increase, or
decrease. Hence Albumasar saith, that by the Sun and Moon
life is infused into all things, which therefore Orpheus cals the
enlivening eyes of the heaven. The Sun giveth light to all
things of it self, and gives it plentifully to all things not only
in the Heaven, Aire, but Earth and Deep: whatsoever good we
have, as Iamblichus saith, we have it from the Sun alone, or from
it through other things. Heraclitus cals the Sun the fountain
of Celestiall light; and many of the Platonists placed the
soul of the world chiefly in the Sun, as that which filling the
whole Globe of the Sun doth send forth its rayes on all sides
as it were a spirit through all things, distributing life, sense and
motion to the very Universe. Hence the ancient Naturalists
called the Sun the very heart of heaven; and the Caldeans [Chaldaeans]
put it as the middle of the Planets. The Egyptians also placed it in
the middle of the world, viz. betwixt the two fives of the
world, i.e. above the Sun they place five Planets, and under
the Sun, the Moon and four Elements. For it is amongst the
other Stars the image and statue of the great Prince of both
worlds, viz. Terrestiall, and Celestiall; the true light, and the
most exact image of God himself; whose Essence resembles the
Father, Light the Son, Heat the Holy Ghost. So that the Platonists
have nothing to hold forth the Divine Essence more
manifestly by, then this. So great is the consonancy of it to
God, that Plato cals it the conspicuous Son of God, and Iamblicus
[Iamblichus] cals it the divine image of divine intelligence. And our
Dionysius cals it the perspicuous statue of God. It fits as King
in the middle of other Planets, excelling all in light, greatness,
fairness, enlightning [enlightening] all, distributing vertue to them to dispose
inferior bodies, and regulating and disposing of their motions,
so that from thence their motions are called daily, or nightly,
Southern, or Northern, Orientall, or Occidentiall, direct, or
retrograde; and as it doth by its light drive away all the
darkness of the night, so also all powers of darkness, which we
read of in Job; Assoon as morning appears, they think of the
shadow of death: And the Psalmist speaking of the Lyons [lion's]
whelps seeking leave of God to devour, saith, The Sun is
risen, and they are gathered together, and shall be placed in
their dens; which being put to flight, it followes, Man shall
go forth to his labor. The Sun therefore as it possesseth
the middle Region of the world, and as the heart is in
Animals to the whole body, So the Sun is over the heaven,
and the world, ruling over the whole Universe, and those
things which are in it, the very author of seasons, from whence
day and year, cold and heat, and all other qualities of seasons;
and as saith Ptolomy, when it comes unto the place of
any Star, it stirs up the power thereof which it hath in the
Aire. So as with Mars, heat; with Saturn, cold; and it disposeth
even the very spirit and mind of man, from hence it is
said by Homer, and approved by Aristotle, that there are in
the mind such like motions, as the Sun the Prince and moderator
of the Planets every day bringeth to us; but the Moon,
the nighest to the Earth, the receptacle of all the heavenly Influences,
by the swiftness of her course is joyned to the Sun, and
the other Planets and Stars, every month, and being made as
it were the wife of all the Stars, is the most fruitful of the Stars,
and receiving the beams and influences of all the other planets
and Stars as a conception, bringing them forth to the inferior
world as being next to it self; for all the Stars have influence on
it being the last receiver, which afterwards communicateth
the influences ot all the superiors to these inferiors, and pours
them forth on the Earth; and it more manifestly disposeth
these inferiors then the others, and its motion is more sensible
by the familiarity and propinquity which it hath with us;
and as a medium betwixt both, superiors and inferiors, communicateth
them to them all; Therefore her motion is to be
observed before the others, as the parent of all conceptions,
which it diversely issueth forth in these Inferiors, according to
the diverse complexion, motion, situation, and different aspects
to the planets and others Stars; and though it receiveth powers
from all the Stars, yet especially from the Sun; as oft as it is in
conjunction with the same, it is replenished with vivifying vertue,
and according to the aspect thereof it borroweth its complexion;
for in the first quarter, as the Peripatetickes deliver,
it is hot and moist; in the second hot and dry; in the third, cold
and dry; in the fourth cold and moist; and although it is the
lowest of the stars, yet it bringeth forth all the conceptions of
the superiors; for from it in the heavenly bodies beginneth
that series of things which Plato calleth the Golden Chain, by
the which every thing and cause being linked one to an other,
do depend on the superior, even untill it may be brought to
the supreme cause of all, from which all things depend; from
hence is it, that without the Moon intermediating, we cannot
at any time attract the power of the superiors. Therefore
Thebit adviseth vs, for the taking of the vertue of any Star, to
take the stone and herb of that plant, when the Moon doth
either fortunately get under or hath a good aspect on that
And seeing the Moon measureth the whole Zodiack in the
space of twenty eight dayes; hence is it, that the wise-men
of the Indians and ancientest Astrologians have granted
twenty eight Mansions to the Moon, which being fixed in the
eight sphere, do enjoy (as Alpharus saith) diverse names and
proprieties from the diverse Signs and Stars which are contained
in them, through which while the Moon wandreth, it obtaineth
other and other powers and vertues; but every one of
these Mansions, according to the opinion of Abraham, containth [sic]
twelve degrees, and one and fifty minutes, and almost
twenty six seconds, whose names and also their beginnings in
the Zodiack of the eight sphere, are these. The first is called Alnath,
that is the horns of Aries; his beginning is from the
head of Aries of the eighth sphere; it causeth discords, and
journies; the second is called Allothaim or Albochan, that is the
belly of Aries, and his beginning is from the twelfth degree
of the same sign, fifty one minutes, twenty two seconds compleat;
it conduceth to the finding of treasures, and to the retaining
of captives; The third is called Achaomazon or Athoray,
that is, showring or Pleiades; his beginning is from the
twenty five degrees of Aries compleat fourty two minutes, and
fifty one seconds; it is profitable to Saylors [sailors], Huntsmen, and Alchymists;
The fourth Mansion is called Aldebaram or Aldelamen
that is the eye or head of Taurus; his beginning is from
the eight degree of Taurus, thirty four minutes, and seventeen
seconds of the same Taurus being excluded; it causeth the destruction
and hindrances of buildings, fountains, wels, of gold-mines,
the flight of creeping things, and begetteth discord. The
fift is called Alchatay or Albachay; the beginning of it is after
the twenty one degree of Taurus, twenty five minutes,
fourty seconds; it helpeth to the return from a journey, to the
instruction of scholars, it confirmeth edifices, it giveth health
and good will, the sixth is called Alhanna or Alchaya, that is the
little Star of great light; his beginning is after the fourth degree
of Gemini, seventeen minutes, and nine seconds; it conduceth
to Hunting, and besieging of Towns, and revenge of
princes, it destroyeth Harvests and fruits and hindreth the operation
of the Physitian [physician]. The seventh is called Aldimiach or
Alarzach, that is the Arm of Gemini and beginneth from the
seventeenth degree of Gemini, eight minutes and thirty four
seconds, and lasteth even to the end of the sign; it conferreth
gain and friendship, its profitable to Lovers, it scareth flyes, destroyeth
Magisteries. And so is one quarter of the heaven compleated
in these seven Mansions; and in the like order and number
of degrees, minutes and seconds, the remaining Mansions
in evert quarter have their severall beginnings; namely so, that
in the first signe of this quarter three Mansions take their
beginnings, in the other two signs two Mansions in each; Therefore
the seven following Mansions begin from Cancer, whose
names are Alnaza or Anatrachya that is misty or cloudy, viz.
the eighth Mansion; it causeth love, friendship, and society of
fellow travellers, it driveth away mice ands afflicteth Captives,
confirming their imprisonment. After this is the ninth called
Archaam or Arcaph, that is the eye of the Lyon; it hindreth Harvests
and travellers, and putteth discord between men. The
tenth is called Algelioche or Albgebh, that is the neck or forehead
of Leo; it strengtheneth buildings, yeeldeth love, benevolence
and help against enemies; the eleventh is called Azobra
or Ardaf, that is, the hair of the Lyons [lion's] head; it is good for
voyages, and gain by merchandize, and for redemption of
Captives; the twelfth is called Alzarpha or Azarpha, that is
the tayle of Leo; it giveth prosperity to Harvests, and Plantations,
but hindreth Seamen, but it is good for the bettering of
servants, Captives and companions. The thirteenth is named
Alhaire, that is Dogstars, or the wings of Virgo; it is pravalent
for Benevolence, gain, voyages, Harvests, and freedom of captives;
the fourteenth is called Achureth or Arimet, by others
Azimeth or Alhumech or Alcheymech,
that is the spike of Virgo,
or flying spike; it causeth the love of martyred folk, it cureth the
sick, its profitable to Saylors, but it hindreth journies by land;
and in these the second quarter of Heaven is compleated. The
other seven follow, the first of which beginneth in the head of
Libra, viz. the fifteenth Mansion, and his name is Agrapha or
Algarpha, that is, covered, or covered flying; its profitable for
the extracting of treasures, for digging of pits, it helpeth forward
divorce, discord, and the destruction of houses and enemies,
and hindreth travellers. The sixteenth is called Azubene or
Ahubene, that is, the horns of Scorpio, it hindereth journyes
and Wedlock, Harvests and Merchandize, it pervaileth for redemption
of captives. The seventeenth is called Alchil, that is
the Crown of Scorpio, it bettereth a bad fortune, maketh love
durable, strengtheneth buildings, & helpeth Seamen; The eighteenth
is called Alchas or Altob, that is the Heart of Scorpio; it
causeth discord, sedition, conspiracy against princes and mighty
ones, and revenge from enemies, but it freeth captives and
helpeth edifices; the ninteenth is called Allatha or Achala, by
others Hycula or Axala, that is the tayle of Scorpio; it helpeth
in the besieging of Cities and taking of Towns, and in the driving
of men from their places, and for the dcstruction of Sea-men, and
perdition of captives. The twentieth is called Abnahaya,
that is a beam; it helpeth for the taming of wild beasts, for
the strengthening of prisons, it destroyeth the wealth of societies,
it compelleth a man to come to a certain place. The one &
twentieeth is called Abeda or Albeldach which is a desert; it is
good for Harvests, gain buildings and travellers, and causeth divorce;
& in this is the third quarter of Heaven is compleated. There
remaineth the seven last Mansions compleating the last quarter
of heaven; the first of which being in order to the two and
twentyeth, beginneth from the head of Capricorn, called Sadahacha
or Zodeboluch, or Zandeldena, that is a pastour; it promoteth
the flight of servants and captives, that they may escape,
and helpeth the curing of diseases; the three and twentieth is
called Zabadola or Zobrach that is swallowing; it maketh for
divorce, liberty of captives and the health of the sick; the
twenty fourth is called Sadabath or Chadezoad, that is the Star
of fortune; it is prevalent for the Benevolence of marryed
folk, for the victory of souldiers, it hurteth the execution of
Government, and hindreth that it may not be exercised; The
twenty fifth is called Sadalabra or Sadalachia, that is a Butterfly
or a spreading forth; it helpeth besieging and revenge, it destroyeth
enemies, maketh divorse [divorce], confirmeth prisons and buildings,
hasteneth messengers, it conduceth to spels [spells] against copulation,
and so bindeth every member of man, that it cannot
perform his duty; the twenty sixth is called Alpharg or Phragal
Mocaden, that is the first drawing; it maketh for the Union
and love of men, for the health of captives, it destroyeth prisons
and buildings; The twenty seventh is called Alcharya or
Alhalgalmoad that is the second drawing; it encreaseth Harvests,
Revenues, Gain, it healeth infirmities, but hindreth
buildings, prolongeth prisons, causeth danger to Seamen, and
helpeth to infer mischiefs on whom you shall please; the
twenty eight and last is called Albotham or Alchalcy, that is
Pisces: it encreaseth Harvests and Merchandize, it secureth
travellers through dangerous places; it maketh for the joy of
marryed couples, but it strengthenth prisons, and causeth loss of
treasures; and in these twenty eight Mansions do lye hid many
secrets of the wisdom of the Ancients, by the which they
wrought wonders on all things which are under the circle of
the Moon; and they attributed to every Mansion his resemblances,
Images, and seals, and his president intelligences, and
they did work by the vertue of them after diverse manners.
Whosoever will work according to the Celestiall opportunity,
ought to observe both or one of them,
namely the motion of the Stars, or their times; I say their
motions, when they are in their dignities or dejections, either
essential or accidentall; but I call their times, dayes and hours
distributed to their Dominions. Concerning all these, it is abundantly
taught in the books of Astrologers; but in this place
two things especially are to be considered and observed by us.
One that we observe the motions and ascensions and windings
of Stars, even as they are in truth in the eight sphere, through
the neglect of which it happeneth that many err in fabricating
the Celestiall Images, and are defrauded of their desired effect;
the other thing we ought to observe, is about the times of
choosing the planetary hours; for almost all Astrologers divide
all that space of time from the Sun rising to setting into
twelve equall parts, and call them the twelve hours of the day;
then the time which followeth from the setting to the rising,
in like manner being divided into twelve equall parts, they
call the twelve hours of the night, and then distribute each of
those hours to every one of the Planets according to the order
of their successions, giving alwayes the first hour of the day
to the Lord of that day, then to every one by order, even to
the end of twenty four hours; and in this distribution the Magicians
agree with them; but in the partition of the hours some
do different, saying, that the space of the rising and setting is not
to be divided into equall parts, and that those hours are not
therefore called unequal because the diurnal are unequal to the
nocturnall, but because both the diurnal and nocturnal are even
unequall amongst themselves; therefore the partition of unequall
or Planetaty hours hath a different reason of their measure
observed by Magicians, which is of this sort; for as in
artificiall hours, which are alwayes equall to themselves, the
ascensions of fifteen degrees in the equinoctiall, constituteth
an artificial hour: so also in planetary hours the ascensions
of fifteen degrees in the Eclipicke constituteth an unequall
or plametary hour, whose measure we ought to enquire
and find out by the tables of the oblique ascensions of every
So great is the extent, power and efficacy of the Celestiall
bodies, that not only naturall things, but also artificiall
when they are rightly esposed to those above, do presently
suffer by that most potent agent, and obtain a wondefull life,
which oftentimes gives them an admirable Celestiall vertue;
which thing Saint Thomas Aquinas that holy Doctor, thus
confirmeth in his book de fæto, when he saith, that even garments,
buildings and other artificiall works whatsoever, do
receive a certain qualification from the Stars; so the Magicians
affirm, that not only by the mixture and application of naturall
things, but also in Images, Seals, Rings, Glasses, and some
other Instruments, being opportunely framed under a certain
constellation, some Celestiall Illustration may be taken, and
some wonderfull thing may be received; for the beams of
the Celestiall bodies betng animated, living, sensuall, and bringing
along with them admirable gifts, and a most violent power,
do, even in a moment, and at the first touch, imprint wonderfull
powers in the Images, though their matter be less capable.
Yet they bestow more powerfull vertues on the Images,
if they be framed not of any, but of a certain matter, namely
whose naturall, and also specificall vertue is agreeable with
the work, and the figure of the image is like to the Celestial; for
such an Image, both in regard of the matter naturally congruous
to the operation and Celestiall influence, and also for its
figure being like to the Heavenly one, is best prepared to receive
the operations and powers of the Celestiall bodies and
figures, and instantly receiveth the Heavenly gift into it self;
then it constantly worketh on another thing, and other things
do yeeld obedience to it. Hence saith Ptolemy [Ptolomy] in centiloquio,
that inferior things do obey the Celestiall, and not only
them, but also even their Images; Even as earthly Scorpions
obey not only the Celestiall Scorpion, but also his Image,
if it shall be opportunely figured under his ascent and Dominion.
But the Celestial Images, according to whose likeness
Images of this kinde are framed, are very many in the heavens:
Some visible and conspicuous, others onely imaginable,
conceived and set down by Egyptians, Indians and Chaldeans [Chaldaeans];
and their parts are so ordered, that even the figures of some of
them are distinguished from others: for this reason they place
in the Zodiack circle twelve general images, according to the
number of the signs: of these they constituting Aries, Leo, and
Sagittary for the fiery and oriental triplicity, do report
that its profitable against Feavors [fevers], Palsie [palsy], Drosie, Gout, and
all cold and phlegmatick infirmities, and that it makes him
who carrieth it to be acceptable, eloquent, ingenious and honorable,
because they are the Houses of Mars, Sol, and Jupiter.
They made also the image of a Lion against melancholy
phantasies, the Dropsie, Plague, Feavors [fevers], and to expel diseases,
at the hour of the Sun, the first degree of the sign of Leo
ascending, which is the face and Decanate of Jupiter; but against
the Stone, and diseases of the Reins, and against the hurts of
beasts, they made the same image when Sol in the heart of the
Lion obtained the midst of heaven: and again, because Gemini,
Libra, and Aquarius do constitute the Aerial and Occidental
Triplicity, and are the houses of Mercury, Venus, and Saturn,
they are said to put to flight diseases, to conduce to friendship
and concord, to prevail against melancholy, and to cause
health; & they report that Aquarius especially freeth from the
Quartane [quartan]. Also, that Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, because they
constitute the watry & Northern Triplicity, do prevail against
hot and dry Fevors [fevers]; also against the Hectick, and all cholerick
passions; but Scorpio, because amongst the members it respecteth
the privy parts [genitals], doth provoke to lust: but these did
frame it for this purpose, his third face ascending, which belongeth
to Venus; and they made the same against Serpents
and Scorpions, poysons [poisons], and evil spirits; his second face
ascending, which is the face of the Sun, and Decanate of Jupiter;
and they report that it maketh him who carrieth it,
wise, of a good colour; and they report that the image of
Cancer is most efficacious against Serpents, and poysons [poisons], when
Sol and Luna are in conjunction in it, and ascend in the first
and third face; for this is the face of Venus, and the Decanate
of Luna; but the second face of Luna, the Decanate of Jupiter:
They report also that Serpents are tormented when the Sun
is in Cancer: Also that Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, because
they constitute the earthly and Southern triplicity, do cure hot
infirmitiss, and prevail against the Synocall Feaver; it maketh
those that carry it grateful, acceptable, eloquent, devout and
religious, because they are the Houses of Venus, Mars, and Saturn:
Capricorn also is reported to keep men in safety, and also
places in security, because it is the exaltation of Mars.
There are besides in the Zodiack thirty six images, according
to the number of the faces of the which, (as Porphyry
saith) Teucer the Babylonian long since wrote, who was a
most ancient Mathematician, after whom the Arabians also
wrote of these things. Therefore it is said, that in the first face
of Aries, ascendeth the image of a black man, standing and
cloathed in a white garment, girdled about, of a great body,
with reddish eyes, and great strength, and like one that is
angry; and this image signifieth and causeth boldness, fortitude,
loftiness and shamelesness; in the second face ascendeth
a form of a woman, outwardly cloathed with a red garment,
and under it a white, spreading abroad over her feet, and
this image causeth nobleness, height of a Kingdom, and
greatness of dominion: in the third face ariseth the figure of a
white man, pale, with reddish hair, and cloathed with a red
garment, who carrying on the one hand a golden Bracelet, and
holding forth a wooden staff, is restless, and like one in wrath,
because he cannot perform that good he would. This image
bestoweth wit, meekness, joy and beauty: in the first face
of Taurus ascendeth a naked man, an Archer, Harvester or
Husbandman, and goeth forth to sow, plough, build, people,
and divide the earth, according to the rules of Geometry; in
the second face ascendeth a naked man, holding in his hand a
key; it giveth power, nobility, and dominion over people: in
the third face, ascendeth a man in whose hand is a Serpent,
and a dart, and is the image of necessity and profit, and also of
misery & slavery. In the first face of Gemini ascendeth a man in
whose hand is a rod, and he is, as it were, serving another; it
granteth wisdom, and the knowledge of numbers and arts in
which there is no profit: in the second face ascendeth a man
in whose hand is a Pipe, and another being bowed down,
digging the earth: and they signifie infamous and dishonest
agility, as that of Jesters and Juglers [jugglers]; it also signifies labours
and painful searchings: In the third, ascendeth a man seeking
for Arms, and a fool holding in the right hand a Bird, and in
his left a pipe, and they are the significations of forgetfulness,
wrath, boldness, jeasts [jests], scurrilities, and unprofitable words: In
the first face of Cancer ascendeth the form of a young Virgin,
adorned with fine cloathes [clothes], and having a Crown on her head;
it giveth acuteness of senses, subtilty of wit, and the love of
men: in the second face ascendeth a man cloathed in comely
apparrel, or a man and woman sitting at the table and playing;
it bestoweth riches, mirth, gladness, and the love of women:
in the third face ascendeth a man a Hunter with his lance
and horne, bringing out dogs for to hunt; the signification
of this is the contention of men, the pursuing of those who
fly, the hunting and possessing of things by arms and brawlings.
In the first face of Leo ascendeth a man riding on a
Lion; it signifieth boldness, violence, cruelty, wickedness,
lust and labours to be sustained. In the second ascendeth
an image with hands lifted up, and a man on whose head is a
Crown; he hath the appearance of an angry man, and one that
threatneth, having in his right hand a Sword drawn out of the
scabbard, & in his left a buckler; it hath signification upon hidden
contentions, and unknown victories, & upon base men, and upon
the occasions of quarrels and battels [battles]: in the third face ascendeth
a young man in whose hand is a Whip, and a man very sad,
and of an ill aspect; they signifie love and society, and the loss
of ones right for avoiding strife. In the first face of Virgo
ascendeth the figure of a good maide, and a man casting seeds;
it signifieth getting of wealth, ordering of diet, plowing, sowing,
and peopling; in the second face ascendeth a black man
cloathed with a skin, and a man having a bush of hair, holding
a bag; they signifie gain, scraping~ together of wealth and covetousness.
In the third face ascendeth a white woman and deaf,
or an old man leaning on a staff; the signification of this is to
shew weakness, infirmity, loss of members, destruction of trees,
and depopulation of lands. In the first face of Libra ascendeth
4the form of an angry man, in whose hand is a Pipe, and the
form of a man reading in a book; the operation of this is in
justifying and helping the miserable and weak against the
powerful and wicked: in the second face ascend two men furious
and wrathful and a man in a comely garment, sitting in
a chair; and the signification of these is to shew indignation
against the evil, and quietness and security of life with plenty
of good things. In the third face ascendeth a violent man
holding a bow, and before him a naked man, and also another
man holding bread in one hand, and a cup of wine in the other;
the signification of these is to shew wicked lusts, singings,
sports and gluttony. In the first face of Scorpio ascendeth a
woman of good face and habit, and two men striking her;
the operations of these are for comliness, beauty, and for strifes,
treacheries, deceits, detractations, and perditions; in the second
face ascendeth a man naked, and a woman naked, and a
man sitting on the earth, and before him two dogs biting one
another; and their operation is for impudence, deceit, and false
dealing, and for to lend mischief and strife amongst men; in
the third face ascendeth a man bowed downward upon his
knees, and a woman striking him with a staff, and it is the signification
of drunkenness, fornication, wrath, violence, and
strife. In the first face of Sagittariys ascendeth the form of a man
armed with a coat of male [mail], and holding a naked sword in his
hand; the operation of this is for boldness, malice, and liberty:
In the second face ascendeth a woman weeping, and covered
with cloathes; the operation of this is for sadness and fear of
his own body. In the third face ascendeth a man like in colour
to gold, or an idle man playing with a staff; and the signification
of this is in following our own wills,and obstinacy in them,
and in activeness for evil things, contentions, and horrible
matters. In the first face of Capricorn ascendeth the form of a
woman, and a man carrying full bags; and the signification of
these is for to go forth and to rejoyce [rejoice], to gain and to lose with
weakness and baseness: in the second face ascendeth two women,
and a man looking towards a Bird flying in the Air; and
the signification of these is for the requiring those things which
cannot be done, and for the searching after those things which
cannot be known: In the third face ascendeth a woman chast [chaste]
in body, and wise in her work, and a banker gathering his mony [money]
together on the table; the signification of this is to govern in
prudence, in covetousness of money, and in avarice. In the first
face of Aquarius ascendeth the form of a prudent man, and of
a woman spinning; and the signification of these is in the
thought and labour for gain, in poverty and baseness: in the
second face ascendeth the form of a man with a long beard;
and the signification of this belongeth to the understanding,
meeknes, modesty, liberty and good maners: in the third face
ascendeth a black and angry man; and the signification of this is
in expressing insolence; and impudence. In the first face of
Pisces ascendeth a man carrying burthens [burdens] on his shoulder, and
well cloathed; it hath his significion in journeys, change of
place, and in carefulness of getting wealth and cloaths: in the
second face ascendeth a woman of a good countenance, and
well adorned; and the signification is to desire and put ones
self on about high and great matters: in the third face
ascendeth a man naked, or a youth, and nigh him a beautiful
maide, whose head is adorned with flowers, and it hath his
signification for rest, idleness, delight, fornication, and for
imbracings of women. And thus far concerning the Images of
Faces. Besides these, there are as yet three hundred and sixty
Images in the Zodiack, according to the number of the degrees,
whose forms Petrus de Abano hath described: without
the Zodiack there are also general Figures, which Hyginius
and Aratus describe for us, and very many particular ones,
according to the number of faces and degrees, existing therein,
of all which to speak it would be too long; but of these the
more principal are accounted, Pegasus which prevaileth
against the diseases of horses, and preserveth horsemen in battle;
Then is Andromache, which begetteth love betwixt husband
and wife, so that it is said even to reconcile adulterers: Cassiopeia
restoreth weak bodies and strengtheneth the members;
Serpentarius chaseth away poysons [poisons], and cureth the bitings of
venemous beasts: Hercules giveth victory in war; the Dragon
with both the Bears maketh a man crafty, ingenious, valiant,
acceptable to the gods and men: Hydra conferreth wisdom
and riches, and resisteth poysons [poisons]. Centaurus bestoweth health
and long old age: Ara conserveth charity, and maketh one
acceptable to the gods; Cetus maketh one amiable, prudent,
happy both by sea and land, and helps him to recover his lost
goods: the Ship affordeth security in the waters; the Hare
prevaileth against deceits and madness; the Dog cureth the
Dropsie, resisteth the plague, and also preserveth from beasts,
and fierce creatures. Orion granteth victory: The Eagle giveth
new honors, and preserveth the old. The Swan freeth from
the Palsie and the Quartain [quartan]: Perseus freeth from Envy and
Witchcrafts, and preserveth from Lightnings and Tempests:
The Hart preserveth Phrenetical and mad people. And thus
much may suffice to have been spoken.
But now, what Images they did attribute to the Planets,
although of these things very large volumes have been
written by the ancient wise men, so that there is no need to
declare them here, notwithstanding I will recite a few of them;
for they made, from the operations of Saturn, Saturn
ascending in a stone, which is called the Loadstone, the Image
of a man, having the countenance of an Hart, and Camels seet
and sitting upon a Chayr or Dragon, holding in his right hand,
a sithe [scythe], in his left hand a dart; which image they did hope
would be profitable for prolongation of life; for Albumasar
in his book Sadar, proveth that Saturn conduceth to
the prolongation of life; where also he telleth that certain regions
of India being subject to Saturn, there men are of a very
long life and dye [die] not unless by extream old Age: They made
also an other Image of Saturn for length of dayes, in a saphire,
at the hour of Saturn, Saturn ascending or fortunately constituted,
whose figure was an old man setting upon an high
chayre [chair], having his hands lifted up above his head, and in them
holding a fish or Sickle, and under his feet a bunch of Grapes,
his head covered with a black or dusky coloured cloth, and
all his garments black or dark coloured: They also make this
same Image against the Stone and diseases of the kidnyes [kidneys], viz.
in the hour of Saturn, Saturn ascending with the third face of
Aquarius: they made also from the operations of Saturn, an
Image for the encreasing in power, Saturn ascending in Capricorn;
The form of which was an old man leaning on a staff
having in his hand a crooked sickle, and cloathed in black. They
also made an Image of melted Copper, Saturn ascending in his
rising, viz. in the first degree of Aries, or which is more true
in the first degree of Capricorn, which Image they affirm to
speak with a mans voyce; They made also out of the operations
of Saturn, and also Mercury, an Image of cast metall, like
a beautifull man, which they promised would foretell things
to come, and made it on the day of Mercuy, on the third hour
of Saturn, the sign of Gemini ascending, being the house of
Mercury, signifying prophet, Saturn and Mercury being in
conjunction in Aquarius in the ninth place of Heaven, which
is also called God; Moreover let Saturn have a trine aspect
on the ascendent, and the Moon in like manner, and the Sun
have an aspect on the place of conjunction. Venus obtaining
some Angle may be powerfull and occidentall; let Mars be
combust by the Sun, but let it not have an aspect on Saturn
and Mercury; for they said, that the splendor of the powers of
these Stars was diffused upon this Image, and it did speak with
men, and declare those things which are profitable for them.
From the operations of Jupiter, they made for prolongation
of life, an Image, in the hour of Jupiter, Jupiter being in
his exaltation fortunately ascending, in a clear and white stone,
whose figure was a man crowned, cloathed with garments of a
Saffron Colour, riding upon an Eagle or Dragon, having in his
right hand a dart, about as it were to strike it into the head of
the same Eagle or Dragon. They made also another Image
of Jupiter at the same convenient season, in a white and clear
stone, especially in Crystall, and it was a naked man crowned,
having both his hands joyned together and lifted up, as it
were deprecating something, sitting in a four-footed chair,
which is carried by four winged boys, and they affirm that this
Image encreaseth felicity, riches, honor, and conferreth Benevolence
and prosperity, and freeth from enemies; They made
also another Image of Jupiter for a religious and glorious
life, and advancement of fortune; whose figure was a man
having the head of a Lyon [lion], or a Ram, and Eagles feet, cloathed
in Saffron coloured cloathes, and he was called the son of
From the operations of Mars they made an Image in the
hour of Mars, Mars being in the second face of
Aries, in a Martiall stone, especially in a Diamond; The form
of which was a man armed, riding upon a Lyon [lion], having in his
right hand a naked sword erected, carrying in his left hand the
head of a man; they report, that an Image of this kind rendreth
a man powerfull in good and evill, so that he shall be
feared of all; and whosoever carryeth it they give him the
power of enchantment, so that he shall terrifie men by his
looks when he is angry, and stupifie them; they made another
Image of Mars for the obtaining of boldness, courage, and
good fortune in wars, and contentions, the form of which was
a souldier armed and crowned, girt with a sword, carrying in
his right hand a long Lance; and they made this at the hour
of Mars, the first face of Scorpio ascending with it.
From the operations of the Sun, they made an Image at the
hour of the Sun, the first face of Leo ascending with the
Sun, the forme of which was a king crowned, sitting in a
chair, having a Raven in his bosom, and under his feet a Globe;
he is cloathed in Saffron coloured cloathes [clothes]; They report that
this Image rendreth men invincible, and honorable, and helps
to bring their businesses to a good end, and to drive away vain
dreams; also to be prevalent against feavers [fevers], and the plague; and
they made it in a Balanite stone or a Rubin, at the hour of
the Sun, when it in his exaltation fortunately ascendeth; They
made another Image of the Sun in a Diamond, at the hour
of the Sun, it ascending in his exaltation; the figure of which
was a woman crowned with the gesture of one dancing and
laughing, standing in a Chariot drawn with four horses, having
in her right hand a looking glass, or buckler [clypeum], in the left a
staffe, leaning on her breast, carrying a flame of fire on her head;
They report that this Image rendreth a man fortunate and
rich, and beloved of all; and they made this Image, on a Corneoll
stone at the hour of the Sun ascending in the first face
of Leo, against Lunatick passions which proceed from the
combustion of the Moon.
From the operations of Venus they made an Image, which
was available for favor, and benevolence, at the very hour
it ascending into Pisces, the form of which was the Image of a
woman having the head of a bird, and feet of an Eagle, holding
a dart in her hand. They made another Image of Venus
for to get the love of women, in the Lapis Lazulus [lapis lazuli], at the
hour of Venus, Venus ascending in Taurus, the figure of which
was a naked maide with her haire spread abroad, having a looking glass
in her hand, and a chain tyed about her neck, and
nigh her a handsome young man holding her with his
left hand by the chain, but with his right hand making up her
hair, and they both look lovingly on one another, and about
them is a little winged boy holding a sword or a dart. They
made another Imageof Venus, the first face of Taurus or Libra
or Pisces ascending with Venus, the figure of which was a
little maide with her hair spread abroad, cloathed in long and
white garments, holding a Laurell Apple, or flowes in her
right hand, in her left a Combe. Its reported to make men
pleasant, jocand, strong, chearfull [cheerful] and to give beauty.
From the operations of Mercury, they made an Image at
the hour of Mercury, Mercury ascending in Gemini, the
form of which was an handsome young man, bearded, having
in his left hand a rod in which a serpent is twyned about, in
his right carrying a dart, having his feet winged; They report
that this Image conferreth knowledge, eloquence, diligence
in merchandizing and gain; moreover to beget peace
and concord, and to cure feavers; They made another Image
of Mercury, Mercury ascending in Virgo, for good will, wit
and memory; The form of which was a man sitting upon a
chaire, or riding on a Peacock, having Eagles feet, and on his
head a crest, and in his left hand holding a cock or fire.
From the operations of the Moon, they made an Image for
travellers against weariness, at the hour of the Moon, the
Moon ascending in its exaltation; the figure of which was a
man leaning on a staffe, having a bird on his head, and a flourishing
tree before him; They made another Image of the
Moon for the increase of the fruits of the earth, and against
poysons [poisons], and infirmities of children, at the hour of the
Moon, it ascending in the first face of Cancer, the figure of which
was a woman cornuted, riding on a Bull, or a Dragon with
seven heads, or a Crab; and she hath in her right hand a dart,
in her left a looking glass, clothed in white or green, and having
on her head two Serpents with horns twined together,
and to each arm a Serpent twined about, and to each foot one
in like manner. And thus much spoken concerning the figures
of the Planets, may suffice.
They made also the Image of the head and taile of the
Dragon of the Moon, namely betwixt an Aeriall and fiery
circle, the likeness of a Serpent, with the head of an Hawke
tyed about them, after the manner of the great letter Theta, &
they made it when Jupiter with
the head obtain'd the midst of
Chap. xxviii. Of the Composition and Harmony of the humane soul.
Chap. xxix. Of the Observation of Celestials, necessary in every Magical
Chap. xxx. When Planets are of most powerful influence.
Chap. xxxi. Of the Observation of the fixt Stars, and of
their Natures.
Chap. xxxii.
Of the Sun, and Moon, and their Magicall considerations.
Chap. xxxiii. Of the twenty eight Mansions of the Moon, and their vertues.
Chap. xxxiv. Of the true motion of the heavenly bodies to be observed in the
eight sphere, and of the ground of Planetary hours.
Chap. xxxv. How some artificiall things as Images, Seals, and such like, may
obtain some vertue from the Celestial bodies.
Chap. xxxvi. Of the Images of the Zodiack, what vertues they being ingraven,
receive from the stars.
Chap. xxxvii. Of the Images of the Faces, and of those Images which are
without the Zodiack.
Chap. xxxviii. Of the Images of Saturn.
Chap. xxxix. Of the Images of Jupiter.
Chap. xl. Of the Images of Mars.
Chap. xli. Of the Images of the Sun.
Chap. xlii. Of the Images of Venus.
Chap. xliii. Of the Images of Mercury.
Chap. xliv. Of the Images of the Moon.
Chap. xlv. Of the Images of the head and Tayle of the Dragon of the Moon.
which Image they affirm to availe
much for the success of Petitions, and would
signifie by this Image a good
and fortunate Genius, which they would represent by this
Image of the Serpent; for the Egyptians and Phenicians [Phoenicians] do
extoll this creature above all others, and say it is a divine creature
and hath a divine nature; for in this is a more acute spirit,
and a greater fire than in any other, which thing is manifested
both by his swift motion without feet, hands or any other
instruments; and also that it often reneweth his age with his skin,
and becometh young again: but they made the Image of the
taile like as when the Moon Ecclipsed [eclipsed], in the Taile, or ill
affected by Saturn or Mars, and they made it to introduce, anguish,
infirmity and misfortune; and they called it the evill
Genius; such an Image a certain Hebrew had included in a golden
Belt full of Jewels, which Blanch the daughter of the
Duke of Borbon (either willingly or ignorantly) bestowed on
her husband Peter King of Spain, the first of that name, with
which when he was girt, he seemed to himself to be compassed
about with a Serpent; and afterwards finding the Magicall virtue
fixed in the girdle, for this cause he forsook his wife.