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John Dee: True and Faithful Relation, Part 3 (excerpts)

This digital edition by Joseph H. Peterson, Copyright © 2003, 2005. All rights reserved.

[p. 73]


Pars prima ejusdem.



Tuesday Morning, Anno 1584. Aprilis 10. stilo novo Gregoriano.


After our divers prayers and contestation of our humility, obedience, and credit in these Actions: and being come now to Cracovia, the place sanctified, whereunto we were willed to make hast, &c, At length appeared Nalvage.

E.K.���� He hath a Gown of white silk, with a Cape with three pendants with tassels on the ends of them all green; it is fur, white and seemeth to shine, with a wavering glittering. On his head is nothing, he hath no berd. His physiognomy is like the picture of King Edward the sixth; his hair hangeth down a quarter of the length of the Cap, somewhat curling, yellow. He hath a rod or wand in his hand, almost as big as my little finger: it is of Gold, and divided into three equal parts, with a blighter Gold than the rest. He standeth upon his round table of Christal, or rather Mother of Pearl: There appear an infinite number of letters on the same, as thick as one can stand by another. The table is somewhat inclined on one side: he standeth in the very middle; his garment covereth his feet: his breast seemeth smooth as the down remaining of a Swan, when all the feathers be off, so is his neck, &c. He is lean and long-visaged.

D.�������� The infinite mercies of God be on us: and the light of his countenance shine on us; and his favourable countenance be on us.

Nal. .....����������� Amen, unto him that is; and was, and liveth for ever.

E.K.���� He looketh earnestly on his table, and turneth him to view it.

Nal. .....����������� All things are in order. Thus saith the Messenger of him which is the God of Wisdom. Is your worthinesse such, as you can merit so great mercy? or are your vessels cleansed, and made apt to receive and hold the sweet liquor, pure understanding it self?


Hath the Sun entred into your bowels, or have you tasted of the night-dew? Where are your wedding Garments; or after what sort do you provide for your marriage? Unseasoned you are and withered flesh, partakers of those things which make you holy: through which partaking and the secret providence of him that is the Highest, you became dignified to the end, and are sufficiently washed for the time of entrance. O stiff-necked people you deserve nothing, and yet you have the hire of such as labour. But, what can corruption be partaker of those things that are incorruptible? or man, which savoureth in himself, can you savour also of the Almighty.

O you weaklings, O you of no faith, O you Cankers of the earth; Where is the shame you have; Where are the tears you let fall; Where is the humility you are taught to? Nay you are such as say in your hearts; if the Spring be fair, the Harvest is like to be good: If these thing come to passe, it is the finger of the Lord. But such is your imperfection; such are the fruits of the flesh, and the vanity of mortality.

Notwithstanding, consider that you are servants: Do therefore the will of your Master. You are become free: Be faithful and thankful to him that is the giver of liberty: Nay you are become children: partakers of the counsel of him that sitteth and seeth, and saith I am. Therefore be sober, faithful, and waver not, for the inheritance of your Father is great: your freedom is without recompence, and your Master the King of Justice.

[p. 74]

Where are the people, or in what generation did they dwell, that hath been thus acquainted and drawn into familiarity with the true Servants and Angels of God? �Unto whom have those mysteries been opened. Is it not said, of those that are sanctified, The Lord appeared unto them in a vision: But he cometh to you when you are awake: Unto them he came unlooked for, unto you he cometh requested. �Arise up therefore, and be not forgetful what the Lord hath done for you; for the things of this World are not, until they be done, neither is there any thing assured, but by the end.

It was said unto Abraham, And Iwill destroy them. �He believed it; but he asked not, when. �Great is the reward of Faith; for it giveth strength: But those that are faithful are not of this world. Notwithstanding, you have said, (as it was said by the Disciples to Christ, when they were yet unpure, and blind) When shall these things come to passe? �Lord, what is meant by this, or that?� Simple Faith excelleth all Science. �For, Heaven and Earth shall perish in their corruption: But the voices of the Lord, much more his promise, are become Angels for ever: For as the Sun begetteth in the earth, and is father of �many things that live in corruption and have end: So is the God of Heaven, the bringer forth and begetter of things celestial with life and for ever. �For why, Dixit & factum est, Every Idea in eternity is become for ever, and what is thought, is become a living creature. �I teach you a mystery.

As the tree in sappy life, watering her self throughly, bringeth forth the ornaments of her own beauty: So the spiritual part of man being good and dignified, burnisheth himself, with his sound and faithful thought: I mean the glory and shew of his own beauty; for the soul of man groweth, either with beauty to salvation, or with dishonour and filthinesse, to damnation.

I have done my Commandment. I have as a Schoolmaster warned you, and as a friend counselled you: I will also teach you.

[E.K.��� He speaketh in a thin small voice.]

D.����������� He used a great pause, and silence.

E.K.���� He standeth and pointeth with his rod to the letters of his Table, as if he made some account or reckoning. �He went out of the middle, and measured how many steps it is about.

Nal�.� Pater, Filius, Spiritus Sanctus: Fundamentum, substantia, & principium omnium.

E.K. Thought in his minde, rerum, and he answered his thought, saying, What need I say rerum?� The Grammarians will be on my side. Omnium, is more than to say omnium rerum.]

E.K.���� This seemeth to be spoken by some other, in my imagination.

Nal�.� Omnium, is the thing that is my charge.

E.K.���� He still conferreth place to place, &c.

����������� So.������������������ E.K. Now he standeth still.

����������� Corpus omnium �.����� E.K. He pointeth to the whole or round table which he standeth on.

����������� 1. The substance is attributed to God the Father.

����������� 2. The first circular mover, the circumference, God the Son, The finger of the Father, and mover of all things.

����������� 3. The order and knitting together of the parts in their due and perfect proportion, God the Holy Ghost.� Lo, the beginning and end of all things.

E.K.���� He still counteth and conferreth places and letters together.

Nal�.� Lo, it is divided into 4 parts: whereof two are dignified: one not yet dignified, but shall be: the other without glory or dignification.

E.K.���� He seemeth to point to some divisions.

Nal�.� Understand God, as the substance of the whole, (as above said.)

E.K.���� He counteth again.

Nal�.� The substance of this part is called Vita.

E.K.���� He pointeth to the uppermost part.

Nal�.� Called Vita Suprema. See here three small lines.

[E.K.��� Those three small lines appear in the uppermost parcel,[

Say � Gaudium, [pointing to the uppermost line.

Say � Pr�sentia [pointing to the second.]

����� Laudantes or Triumphantes [pointing to the third.]

[p. 75.]

E.K.���� Now he beginneth to account in the second portion,

Nal�.� The Continent, Vita. �����[He counteth again.

E.K.���� The four portions are of equal wideness, but not of equal clearness; and that about the center is of fuskish or leadish colour.

E.K.���� Now he sheweth three small lines in the second portion. He seemeth to speak to speak to himself somewhat.

Nal�.� Say �� Potestas �. to the first line pointing. �Motus �� to the second; Ministrantes �.. to the third.

E.K.���� Now he proceedeth to the third circular portion.

Nal�.� This Continent is also Vita [pointing to the third portion] non dignificata, sed dignificanda.

Nal�.� See �. E.K. There are also three lines, Actio �.. in the first line.� Factum ...: in the second. �Confirmantes �.. in the third. �Sirha, this is true Logick.

[D.������ He said so to E.K. who now gave himself to study Logick diligently.]

E.K.���� Now he standeth trembling.

Nal�.� Ob qualis est Justitia inter miseros?

D.�������� �. Sed, mors est qu� peperit hanc

Vita est etiam h�c, sed qu� peperit mors.

Say �.

        Luctos �..

        Discordia �..

        Confundantes �..� Here seem three lines also.

Those that do their duty shall receive their reward. �Let my diligence teach you diligence.

Be not angry, because you do not understand: These be means to understand.� E,K. cconfessed that he was very angry.

Nal�.� Pray unto God, for I am resisted.

D.�������� Deus in adjutorium nostrum intende, &c.

Say �. Vita Suprema. [pointing to the uppermost line of all.]� I find it (by addition) in this Language, I ad, but written thus, toward the left hand, in three angles







Say �� Gaudium �.. Moz. �I find it is a name ascending and answereth to the two extremes of I ad in this manner.












D.�������� I pray you, is Mozod, a word of three letters, or of five?

Nal�.� In wrote three, it is larger extended. [D. Z extended is zod.]

D.�������� Will you pardon me if I ask you another question of this extension?

Nal�.� Say on: Moz in it self signifieth Joy; but Mozod extended, signifieth the Joy of God.

D.�������� No word in his radical form is extended.

Nal�.� These doubts will at length grow easie.

Pr�sentia �.. I find it called Zir.

So .....













����������� This Lesson is greater than any that waslearned in Cracovia this day.

Nal�.� � Potentia �.. But say, Vita secunda. �I ad but thus.







































[p. 76]

I will teachyou here after the distinction of them.

D.�������� You mean of I ad diversly signifying.

Say �.. Potestas �.. I find it Bab. �It doth ascend from the right hand to the left.

Motio �. I find it Zna.

They will not fall out so, but they will fall out well enough.

Nal�.� Vita tertia. �� I ad.

D.�������� I pray you, what is of Ministrantes?

Nal�.� Look you to your Charge.

Actio��� �..����� Sor

Factum �..����� Gru

�..����� Vita, qu� etiam est mors.

I ad

Luctus� �..����� Ser

Discordia �..�� Osf












If the order of the Table be ex spiritu Sancto,

The substance of the Father; How shall we gather the Circumference, which is the Son?

The Son is the Image of his Father; Therefore, in his death, he must be the Image of his father also.

If substantia be in forma Crucis, then the Son is the Image of his Father.

��� Laudantes������� �..����� Luach.

D.�������� The rest I pray you to deliver us.

Nal�.� Bear with me, for it is easie for you, but hard for me.



































































����������������������� Ministrantes����� �..����� Lang.

����������������������� Confirmantes��� �..����� Sach.

D.�������� Now.

Nal�.� When I know, you shall.

D.�������� As Sach.

God be merciful to man.

It is so terrible, that I tremble to gather it.

Confundantes�� �..����� Urch.

Thus I have made plain this body generally: the particulars are long, hard, and tedious.

Thy name be blessed, O God, which canst open a means, whereby thy powers immediate may be opened unto man.� Power, glory, and honour, be unto thee, for thou art the true body of all things, and art life eternal.

E.K.���� Now he is suddenly vanished away with the Table.

Deo nostro sit omnis laus & gratiarum actio nunc & in sempiterna seculorum secula. �Amen.



Thursday, Mane, Aprilis 12. 1584.� Cracovi�.


D.�������� Some delay upon our prayers made, at length appeared Nalvage in shape and attire as last before: He standeth still.

Nal�.� Benedictum sit nomen Domini in �ternum.

D.�������� Amen.

Nal�.� Audite mei fratres patienter.

The Godhead in his secret judgement keeping in his Almighty bosom, the image and form of all things, universally, looked down upon the Earth; for he said, Let us now go down among the sons of men: He saw that all things grew contrary to their creation and nature; either keeping their dignities and secret vertues shut up in obscurity, or else riotously perishing, through the imbecility and frowardnesse of ignorance: So that it was said, Behold, I delight not in the World: The Elements are defiled, the sons of men wicked, their bodies become dunghills, and the inward parts (the secret chambers of their hearts) the dens and dungeons of the damned: Therefore I will draw my spirit from amongst them, and they shall become more drunken, and their ignorance such as never was: No, not since the fall of heavens.

For, lo, the time is come, And he that is the Son of Unrighteousnesse,[1] is and liveth: Unto him therefore shall be given strength and power: and the Kings of the Earth shall become mad: yea, even raging mad; yea even in the third madnesse, and that in the depth of their own imaginations; and I will build my Temple in the Woods, yea even in the Desert places; and I will [page 77.] become a Serpent in the wildernesse: for I have tucked up my garments and am fled away, and She shall mourn on the Mountains without comfort.

����������� Lo, the Thunder spake, and the earth became misty, and full of fogge, that the Soul of man might sleep in his own confusion.� The second Thunder spake, and there arose spirits, such as are the Sooth-sayers, Witches, Charmers, and Seducers: and they are entred into the holy places, and have taken up their seats in man.� Woe be unto the earth therefore: For, it is corrupted. �Woe be unto the earth, for she is surrendred to her adversary: Woe be unto the earth, she is delivered into the hands of her enemy: Yea, Woe be unto the sons of men, for their vessels are poysoned.� But even then said the Lord, Lo, I will be known in the wildernesse, and will Triumph in my weaknesse.

����������� And lo, he called you, and you became drunken, and foolish with the spirit of God: and it was said Descend, for he calleth, and hath called: and Raphael that brought up the prayers descended: and he was full with the power, & spirit of God: and it became a Doctrine, such was never from the beginning: not painted, or carved: filed, or imagined by man, or according to their I,aginations, which are of flesh: but simple, plain, full of strength, and the power of the holy Ghost: which Doctrine began, as man did, nakedly from the earth: but yet, the image of perfection.� This self-same Art is it, which is delivered unto you as an infallible Doctrine, containing in it the waters, which runne through many Gates: even above the Gate of Innocency, wherein you are taught to finde out the Dignity and Corruption of nature: also made partakers of the secret Judgements of the Almighty to be made manifest, and to be put in execution.� Which knowledge in you is to be made perfect: two wayes, by power, mediate, and immediate.� Immediately from God, in respect of his will, and secret Judgements, as unto the Apostles.� By means and tradition, as from us, opening the substance and body of nature, according to our own image, which is the thing I have now in hand.� I am therefore to instruct and inform you, according to your Doctrine delivered, which is contained in 49 Tables.� In 49 voyces, or callings:[2] which are the Natural Keyes, to open thise, not 49 but 49.� (for One is not to be opened) Gates of understanding, whereby you shall have knowledge to move every Gate, and to call out as many as you please, or shall be thought necessary, which can very well, righteously, and wisely, open unto you the secrets of their Cities, & make you understand perfectly the contained in the Tables.� Through which knowledgeyou shall easily be able to judge, not as the world doth, but perfectly of the world, and of all things contained within the compasse of Nature, and of all things which are subject to an end.

����������� But behold, this charge of mine is tied unto time: Therefore be diligent to learn, diligent to hear, and that with patience: For it is neither a free School, not a School of continuance.[3]� For as power is not given unto me beyond the first day of August next, so have you no strength to learn after, because I am the staff of your Doctrine.

Nal�.� I am for the comfort of the world, and not for the hindrance: Thus sayeth the Lord.� To them that have Harvest let them reap, and unto such as have labour let them work.� As for me, I am tied to time, and am ready at all times: For I mearure not your n ight, nor day.

D.�������� Thanks be unto the highest.

Nal�.� Cease now with me, for no more descendeth.

����������������������� Soli Deo Honor & Gloria.



����������� After-noone, the same Thursday�.After some short Ejaculations of prayers to God, there appeared a great masty Dogge:[4] with whom I would have nothing to do, but expect Nalvage.� He said, that he was Nalvage.� We rebuked him as a Hell-hound.� At length he departed, and Nalvage appeared; but brighter then to day.

Nal�.� Have you those things I told you to day?

D.�������� We have them in record and minde.

Nal�.� Read them��

D.�������� I did read them.

E.K.���� He laugheth, ha, ha, ha, &c. a great laughter: He hath also a Table, but seemeth not to be like the former Table of Nalvage.� There are ten, or eleven divisions in this Table, as was not in the former Table.

D.�������� If thou art Nalvage, proceed in the Doctrine of wisdom, if thou art not Nalvage, depart in the name of Jesus.

�..����� I have free will, and therefore I will be here.

D.�������� Now I doubt nothing, but thou art a deceiver.� [Audite:][5] The ignorance of the wicked becometh dust: which shewing it self is swept out of doors, and thrown on the Dung-hills.

E.K.���� Now appeareth one like true Nalvage.

Nal�.� Even so is it of the [������� ] for thou hast opened thy blasphemy: and being discovered, art become more accursed: Therefore because thou art accursed, thou art not dignified; but become a Vessel of iniquity: and therefore hast no free-will.� For, free-will either is, or is in state to be dignified.� Therefore, as dust I sweep thee out: and cast thee into that Dunghill, which is the place of the greatest woe: the Dunghill, and the reward if the unrighteous.� And because [p. 78.] thou hast thrust thy self into the Judgements of the Lord: and hast heard the secrets of the Almighty: Therefore I seal thee tanquam truncus in Infernum.

E.K.���� He striketh him with an yern, like a pair of tongs; in form of a Mould to cast Pellets in: griping his brain and underchaps, and so he fell down and disappeared: and in his place came Nalvage.

E.K.���� Nalvage maketh cursie toward the four quarters of the world.

Nal�.� My Us is as good as thy Um.

E.K. in his heart thought that it might be, that now one Devil mastered another, and thereupon said Um.

E.K.���� He is now accounting again on his Table as he did before.

Nal�.� Unto this Doctrine belongeth the perfect knowledge, and remembrance of the mysticall Creatures.[6]� How therefore shall I inform you, which know them not?

D.�������� Mean you as Babyon [*Babilon] Boboyel [*Bobogel], &c.

Nal....�� The Characters, or Letters of the Tables.

D.�������� You mean the mystical Letters, wherein the holy book[7] is promised to be written: and if the book be so written and laid open before us, and then you will from Letter to Letter point, and we to record your instructions: Then I trust we shall sufficiently understand, and learn your instructions.[8]

Nal....�� Also in receiving of the calls, this is to be �noted: that they are to be uttered of me, backward: and of you, in practise, forward.

D.�������� I understand it, for the efficacity of them; else, all things called would appear: and so hinder our proceedin in learning.

Nal....�� D P C E T E I R S M S S S

E S A I I M M N S E S.[9]

E.K.���� All this was in one line, in the lowermost portion: and lowermost line thereof.

Nal....�� I E E E E T N O E D M E T M M M

M M D M A E T S E A M.[10]

E.K.���� Now he standeth still.

Nal....�� A E R T I S A N S S E A S D M M S E A O A


S D A I N.[11]

E.K.���� These seemed to be taken out of divers lines, in the three lower portions, but none out of the uppermost, or fourth.

Nal....�� R S H D D S R R E S O L S N R E R E E




D. R. F E ��������������������������D E T S E E E R S E

)( ������E E R

S I S E H E N O E S M E F S F E E D I [I/E] O E[12]





D T R N D D H D N.


The rest of this Lesson, the next morning.

D.�������� After the correcting of certain places before in the Letters he said. �I feel no more.

D.�������� Thanks and honour be to the highest for ever. �Amen.



Fryday morning, Hora 8 �. Aprilis 13. Cracovi�.

����������� Not long after my Invitation, Nalvage appeared, Nutu Dei.

Nal....�� Our peace, which is Triumphing patience, and glory be amongst you.

D.�������� Amen.

[p. 79]

Nal....�� It may be said, can there be patience in the Angels, which are exalted above the aire?� For, such as were of errour have their reward: Yea, forsooth my dear brethren.� For there is a continual fight between us and Satan, wherein we vanquish by patience.� This is not spoken without a cause: for as the Devil is the father of Carping, so doth he suttlely infect the Seers imagination, mingling unperfect forms with my utterance: Water is not received without aire, neither the word of God without blasphemous insinuation.� The son of God never did convert all, neither did all that did hear him, believe him.� Therefore, where the power of God is, is also Satan: Lo, Ispeak not this without a cause, for I have answered thy infection.

D.�������� E.K had thought that Angels had not occasion of any patience, and so was his thought answered.

Nal....�� I finde the Soul of man hath no portion in this first Table.� It is the Image of the son of God, in the bosome of his father, before all the worlds.� It comprehendeth his incarnation, passion, and return to judgement: which he himself, in flesh, knoweth not; all the rest are of understanding.� The exact Center excepted.

86.������ A (Two thousand and fourteen, in the sixth Table, is) D

����������� 7003. In the thirteenth Table, is I.

����������� A� In the 21st Table. 11406 downward.

����������� I� In the last Table, one lesse then Number.� A word, Jaida you shall understand, what that word is before the Sun go down. Jaida is the last word of the call.


85.������ H 49. ascending T� 49. descending, A 909. directly, O simply.

����������� H 2029. directly, call it Hoath.


84.������ 225. From the low angle on the right side.� Continuing in the same and next square.D 225. [The same number repeated.

����������� A� In the thirteenth Table, 740. ascending in his square.

����������� M� The 30th Table, 13025. from the low angle in the left-side.

����������� ....... In the square ascending.

����������� Call it Mad.


83.������ O� The 7th Table, 99. ascending.

����������� C� The 19th descending 409.

����������� O� The ... 1. from the upper right angle, crossing to the nether left, and so descending 1003.

����������� N� the 31st from the Center to the upper right angle, and so descending 5009.

����������� Call it Noco.


����������� Be patient, for I told you it would be tedious.


82.������ O� The 39th. from the Center descending, or the left hand, 9073.

����������� D� The 41st. from the Center ascending, and so to the right upper Angle, 27004.

����������� R� The 43rd. from the upper left Angle to the right, and so still in the Circumference, 34006.

����������� I� The 4th. ascending, 72000.

����������� [Z] In the same Table descending the last.

����������� Call it Zirdo.


81.������ P� The 6th. ascending 109.

����������� A� The 9th. ascending 405.

����������� L� The 11th descending 603. ......

����������� Call it Lap.

����������������������� D. Here, he stroke the Table on Saturday action following at my reading over it backward.


80.������ E� The 6th. from the right Angle uppermost to the left, 700.

����������� G� The 13th descending, 2000.

����������� R� The 17th. from the Center downward, 11004.

����������� O The 32th. descending from the right Angle to the Center, 32000.

����������� Z 47th. 194000 descending.� Call it Zorge.� [Of one syllable.]


79.������ A 19th. from the left corner descending, 17200.

����������� A� 24th. from the Center ascending to the left Angle, 25000.

����������� Q� The same Table ascending, 33000.

����������� Call it QAA.� [three syllables with accent on the last A.]


78/77�� E� The second Table, 112 ascending.

����������� L� The descending 504.

����������� C� The 19th. Table descending 1013.� [That C. is called C Minor.]

����������� I� The 13th. descending, 2005.

����������� C� the 14th. descending, 2907.� Call it Cicle.


E.K.���� Now is he kneeling, and praying with his Rod up.


76.������ O The 4th. ascending to the left Angle, 309.

����������� D� The 5th. descending 812.� D. Here he striketh again on Saturday.

����������� O� In the same descending, 902.� Call it ODO.


[p. 80]

75.������ N� The 9th descending 804.

����������� A� The 11th descending 2005.� ......� This A may be an A or an O.

����������� R The 14th descending 5006.

����������� [M] N� The 16th descending 12004: he corrected it M.

����������� A� The 20th descending 17006.

����������� Z� the 32nd descending 40006.� Call it Zanran [Zamran.]


����������� I give it faster untoyou, than I received it.� E.K. thought it.


74.������ T� The 4th descending 212 ......� This may be T or D.

O� The 6th ascending from the center to the left corner 1907.

Call it OD ...... or OT.


73.������ A� The 9th ascending 500

����������� C� The 10th descending 602� Call it CA, [D. two syllables.]


72.������ R� The 16th ascending 22006.� E must come after R: but without number, and so, Zacare.

A� The 19th descending 23012.

C� The 30th ascending 30006.

A� The 39th from the left angel descending 42012.

Z� The 46th ascending 312004.� Call it Zacar.


Use your time of refreshing, and return.� Deo gratias reddamus immortales.



The same Friday after Noon, circa 3. horam.

After a short request made by me to Christ for wisdom, and verity to be ministered by Nalvage; he appeared and spake much to E.K. which he expressed not to me: but a length confessed that he him brotherly counsel to leave dealing as an Idolater or Fornicator against God, by asking counsel of such as he did.

E.K. confessed that he had been that day, and some dayes before, dealing by himself after his manner, to understand of my Lord Laskie, and of other matters of Lasko, and left his questions in his window written.� Nalvage told him the devil had now taken away his questions.� E.K. went down to see if it were true, and he found it true.

Nal....�� Pray ......� D.� We prayed.

There is an error in the last, not in the Number, but in the Letter.� I will first go through the Letters, and after come to the Numbers.� How many words have you received this day?

D.�������� Thirteen, whereof Iaida was said to be the last of the call.

Nal....�� They be more worth than the Kingdom of Poland.� Be patient, for these things wonderful.


71.������ N (The number must needs go to) the sixth, descending 309.

A� The 7th ascending 360.

O� The 9th ascending 1000.

O� The 13th ascending 1050.

V� The 17th ascending 2004.� It is Vooan.� It may be sounded Vaoan.


Adde those last Numbers

D. -----

����������������������� 309

����������������������� 360

����������������������� 1000

����������������������� 1050

����������������������� 2004

����������������������� ----

����������������������� 4723


Vooan is spoken with them that fall, but Vaoan with them that are, and are glorified.� The devils have lost the dignity of their sounds.


D.�������� They make 4723.

Nal....�� It is called the Mystical roote in the highest ascendent of transmutation.

D.�������� These phrases are dark; when it shall please God they may be made plain.

Nal....�� It is the square of the Philosophers work.

D.�������� you said it was a roote.

Nal....�� So it is a roote square.

D.�������� The square thereof is 22306729 ....

����������� The word is, by interpretation, Ignis vera mater.� The vain Philosophers do think it doth beget bodies: but in truth, it conceiveth, and bringeth forth.[13]


70.������ D� the fifth, ascending, 4.

����������� O� the 39, ascending, 7806. call it OD.� [D. drawing the O long.]


[p. 81]

69.������ E�� L 17 (not 17th the first, but 17 and the thirdth: for it is of the thirdth: and17may be of them both) ascending, 419.

����������� L�� et

����������� O� O� the 18 ascending 2017 .... this I must be sounded as A

����������� T� M� M� the 24 from the center to the left angle, ascending,

����������������������� 5069 .... T must be instead of M.

����������� L� A� A� 30 descending, 9012.

����������� A� I� I� the 35 ascending, 15079.

����������� B� P� P� the 43, from the center to the left angle, descending 159068.���� Aversed.

����������������������� Call it Piamo el.� It is Piatel Baltale to be sounded.


����������� As the ear is the chief sense; so, being infected, it is the greatest hindrance.[14]� Many there be that thrust themselves between you and me: and they are increased.� Power is given again to the Shew Stone; and thou shalt not be hindred.

D.�������� Shall I presently bring it forth?[15]

Nal....�� As thou wilt.

D.�������� I brought forth the Stone, and it seemed marvellously brighter than before it was wont to appear.

E.K.���� He seemeth to pray.

E.K.���� There appeareth to me in the Stone Michael as he was wont to appear, with his sword in his hand, and in a long white garment, &c.

Mich... I am the strength of the Highest, and the mighty arme of him that is Almighty: your fellow servant, and the messager of the Highest: The powers of the earth have risen up against you: But you shall prevail, and this Doctrine shall be delivered as is promised, and according unto time.[16]� But pray earnestly; for lo, the whole hoste of Angels, such as are blessed, have cryed unto the Lord, saying; Not so Lord: Thy bread is torn in pieces, or reproachfully eaten.

����������� Thus therefore saith the Lord, Be patient, for the place is holy, and the power of the Highest is amongst you.� Receive willingly: for he that is offended is smitten.� Be comforted, and beware of deceivers: for the power of the wicked is increased, and is become mightly: But into this vessel shall enter no unclean thing, not for this time onely, but for ever.[17]

����������� Unto thee Nalvage thus saith the Lord, gather up thy wings and enter: Do as thou art commanded, and be multiplied.� Be comforted; for Gabriel shall ascend and stand before the Lord, and shall have power and descend: and he shall be yoked unto thy loynes, and thou shalt become mighty; that thou mayst open the wonders of the Lord with power.

E.K.���� Now is Nalvage come into the Stone.

Mic....� Be comforted, be comforted, be comforted my brethren in the God of Hosts: for your comfort is and shall be of the Holy Ghost.� Therefore let peace be amongst you, and ve no more babes; for wisdom dwelleth not amongst children.� the peace of God be amongst you: And thus much I have comforted you.

E.K.���� He is gone.

E.K.���� Now here is another.

D.�������� It is Gabriel that came to Daniel.

Gabr....����������� I did so, and I am that Gabriel, and the World beareth witnesse of my coming.� You rebellious windes, you deceivers of the righteous, you naked substances and things lighter than the windes, know not you that the God of your creation hath rewarded you, know you not your ownweaknesse, know you not your state of no return?� I say headlong you all (without resistance) fall down to your places: Be gone, sink, for I am of power, and do prevail.

����������� Behold he hath placed darknesse behind him, and hath made the lights of heaven as the Lamps of his beauty.� Go you that are confounded without return; for the name of our God in his determination is invincible,

����������� This night is a Sabbath, and a scourge to the wicked.

Nal....�� I promised to expound you a word, the first you had to day, but the last.� It signifieth, of the Highest.

E.K.���� His Table now appeareth very evidently to me, as that I could paint it all.

����������� Cease for this time, for it is a time of silence, for the wicked are confounded: in the morning early you shall be taught plentifully: for my power is become a hundred and fifty; and I will finish my charge, long before the time appointed.

Gabr.�� We are alwayes present unto the promise be ended.� Rest in peace.

E.K.���� Gabriel seemeth to be all in compleat harnesse, like skales of a Fish from [p. 82] the arm-pits downward; with a Spear in his hand, all of fire, about a two yards long.[18]

D.�������� The peace of God, and his mercy, be on us now and ever.� Amen.

D.�������� If it should not offend you, I woul dgladly ask your knowledge of the Lord Albert Laskie our great worldly friend, and that for the service of God, if he be past the chief danger of his present infirmity, &c.

....������� When we enter into him, we know him; but from him, he is scarce known unto us: as of him of whom it is said, he hath consented with an Harlot: we know not the end of God his justice which is upon him.

����������� His prayers are come to the second heaven, neither hath any received remembrance of him: But we will pray unto God to be merciful unto him, and that for thy sake; Because thou shalt not be made a laughing-stock to the wicked.� Pray thou for him, that tho mayst work in him that which he worketh not for himself.� Hold up thy hands for him; for it is a lawful and a charitable thing: For God hath granted thee a force in prayer: But be patient and humble,� We with thee, give thanks and laud unto the Lord.

����������������������� Cease.

����������� D.�������� Laudes Deo nostro uncessanter reddantur.� Amen.



Saturday, Aprilis 14. Mane.� Cracovi�, 1584.

D.�������� Oratione Dominica finita, & brevi illa oratione Psalmi 33. inspecto Chrystallo apparuere utrique Gabriel & Nalvage.

E.K.���� They kneel, as though they were in confession one to another, and .... about half a quarter of an hour.

Gabr....����������� ) after me.

����������� O beginning and fountain of all wisdom, gird up thy loines in mercy, and shadow our weaknesse; be merciful unto us, and forgive us our trespasses: for those that rise up saying there is no God, have risen up against us saying, saying, Let us confound them: Our strength is not, neither are our bones full of marrow.� Help therefore I eternal God of mercy: help therefore O eternal God of salvation: help therefore O eternal God of peace and comfort.� Who is like unto thee in altars of incense? before whom the Quire of Heaven sing, O Mappa la man hallelujah: Visit us O God with a comprehending fire, brighter than the Stars in the fourth heaven.� Be merciful unto us, and continue with us; for thou art Almighty: To whom all things of thy breasts in Heaven and Earth, sing glory praise and honour, Saying, Come, Come, Lord for thy mercy sake.� Say so unto God kneeling.

D.�������� I repeated it, kneeling, and E.K. likewise kneeling.

E.K.���� They both kneel down again and put their foreheads together: Gabriel seemeth to sit in a chair on the side of Nalvage about 30 yards off, on Nalvage his left hand.� Nalvage standeth.

....������� Thus saith the Lord, Who is he, that dare resist invincible strength: Seale up the East, seale up the South, Seale up the West: and unto the North put three Seales.[19]

E.K.���� Now sitteth Nalvage in a Chair aside frim his round Table, the Table being somewhat before him.

Nal....�� Name that I point to.� [To E.K. he said so, as concerning the Letters.

E.K.���� He flung like a thin brightnesse out of the Stone upon E.K. he hath his rod, which he took out of his own mouth.

...ev...�� He holdeth up his rod, and saith, I am all joy, and rejoyce in my self.

E.K.���� He smit the round Table with his rod, and it whirled about with a great swiftnesse.� Now that which before seemed to be a circular and plain form, appeareth to be a Globe and round Ball, corporal, when it turneth.

Nal....�� Say the last.

D.�������� Piamo el.

[p. 83]

E.K.���� He striketh the Table now, and though the body seem to turn, yet the Letter seem to stand still in their places.

E.K.���� Now he plucketh out five Books, as if from under his Chair, and setteth them down by him; the books be green, bright, and they be three corned, > a clasp.

Nal....�� Read backward... [to E.K.] every thing with us teacheth.� Read backward.� Letter without number.

Nal....�� Read backward, letter without number, the letters thou hasdt yesterday.

D.�������� After all read, he proceeded thus:


68.������ P� The fourth ascending, 97.

����������� A� The sixth ascending, 112.

����������� I� The eighth ascending, 207.

����������� P� The ninth ascending, 307.����������������������� PIAP.


E.K. Now he striketh it again, and it turneth


67.������ A

����������� T��������������������������� TA.

����������� The numbers after.


66.������ I

����������� A

����������� A������������������������ AAI.� the first A may be an A an O or an E.

����������� Those are two words.


E.K.���� Now he striketh again, and turneth: his Rod seemeth to be hollow like a Reed.


65.������ A P G O B.�������������� Call it Bogpa.


E.K.���� Gabriel falleth down on his face, and lieth prostrare, and Nalvage holdeth up his Rod all the while.

Also���� DOS.� He pointed beyond him in the upper Circle, it seemeth like a Roman C.



64.������ L A M A O P.��������� Poamal Od.� put out the S.

����������� Make it two words.....� It may be all one word with S. or T. but it would be hard for your understanding.

����������� Make a point between Poamal and Od.

E.K.���� Gabriel lieth prostrate all this while.


63.������ X V D M O Z.��������� Call it Zome.

����������� ..... With great difficulty this Letter was discerned: Nalvage himself said, he knew it not yet; but it seemed to E.K. to be an X.� Nalvage denied it to be an X. and said he knew not yet the mystery: say the Lord�s prayer, for I cannot open it.� Although my power be multiplied, yet I know not this Letter.� At length he said it was V.


E.K.���� I can remember that word well.

Nal....�� Thou shalt not remember it.


62.������ P E V.���� It is called Vep.

����������� Make a point there.� D. A full point?� Nal.... No, no, a stroke.


61.������ O H O H O L.���� Call it Loholo,

����������� Long, the first syllable accented.


E.K.���� Now he striketh the Table.


60.������ S D.���� It is the uppermose of���� Call it DS.

59.������ S I M A P I.� Pronownce it IPAMIS.� Make a point at S.� the A pronounced short.

58.������ L U.� Call it UL.� D. With such sound to U as we pronounce yew, whereof bows are made.

[p. 84]

57.������ M A P I.���� E.K. It seemeth to be an e.


����������� Labiis clausis, [Span] [um um] ...� He hummed twice, signifying two words more, which were not to be pronounced till they were read in practice.


����������� D O.���� OD. As you had before.


E.K.���� Now Gabriel riseth from his lying prostrate.


56.������ H O T L A B.���� Call it BALTOH.� There is a point.

����������� P A I P.���� Call it Piap.


E.K.���� Gabriel steppeth up, and seemeth to storm angerly against somewhat.

D.�������� Belike some wicked powers would intrude their illusions, or hindrances in these actions.

E.K.���� He hath thrown his Dart from him: and it cometh to him again.

Gabr....����������� Count the number of the words you have received to day.

D.�������� Sixteen, if Poamals; Od be made two words.

Gab....� Be packing, and so many plagues be amongst you more then your plague was before.

E.K.���� He seemeth to storm still.

Gab....� Come in.

E.K.���� Now there come four more.

Gab....� Art thou Adraman?� Which hast fallen, and hast burst thy neck four times?� and wilt thou now rise again, and take part anew?� Go thy way therefore, thou Seducer, enter into the fifth torment.� Let thy power be lesse then it is, by as much as thou seest number here.

E.K.���� Now they all four fall down into a pit, or Hiatum of the foundation of the place where they stood.

E.K.���� Nalvage lieth all this while upon his face.

Gab....� Count now again.

D.�������� Sixteen.

Gab....� It is not so.� There is an errour.

Nal....�� I am deceived from Ipam.

����������� OD the next is false, and so are the rest:� and so is that that followeth.

����������� A B O S.���� SOBA.

D.�������� I had Baltoh.

Nal....�� And Piap.

Nal....�� What is this? [to E.K.]� E.K.... G.

Nal....�� No, it is an H.


55.������ H O T.������������ TOH.

����������� There is a point, shewing a stroke, called Virgula.


54.������ M O H.����������� HOM.

53.������ S D.���� ����������� DS.

52.������ L I P D A I.����� Call it IADPIL accent ad.

51.������ O N O G.������� Call it Gono.


Gab....� Move not, for the place waxeth more holy.

Nal....�� Pointeth S.D.��� DS,� This was corrected on Monday following to be too much.


50.������ A N D A.�������� Call it ADNA.


E.K.���� Gabriel did throw a brightness upon E.K. after he has stroked his own face first, E.K. started at it.

[p. 85]


49.������ A Z R N Z������ Call it Zurza.� D. As ... Znurza.


E.K.���� Nalvage kneeleth down before the Table, and useth many inclinations, and gestures of reverence, as Priests use to do at the Alter [altar].


48.������ M Z R A F������������������������������ FARZM.

47.������ H A L I P�������� moreover��������� P ILAH.� Three syllables. P Is distinctly pronounced by it self.

46.������ H A N D A I��� the Ark of knowledge�� IADNAH.� [yadnah.


E.K.���� Nalvage cometh and kisseth the Table and kneeleth down, and seemeth to pray.

45.������ M R E������������� with����������������� ERM

44.������ B A C������������� a Rod�������������� CAB


E.K.���� He kneeleth down again, and useth such gestures as before.

����������� G S N������������� a rod

E.K.���� Nalvage said, Adjuva me, O mi Deus.� He holdeth up his hand and kisseth the Table, and useth wonderfull reverence.� He saith again.� Fer opem, O mi Deus.


43.������ E R N O Z������ delivered you��� ZONRENSG

42.������ S D����������������� and D which���� DS

41.������ R I P��������������� the holy ones��� Pir, there is a point

40.������ A B A C��������� govern������������� Call it Caba.

39.������ ALEROHO����� I made a Law�� Call it Ohorela, |

Nal....�� There is a stop, shewing a stroke made straight down thus |


38.������ M R A S A C�� to whom���������� Casarm |� a stop.

E.K.���� Now he kisseth the Table again.


37.������ M A S R G����� with admiration GRSAM�� | a stop at M.� D. as Gursam.

36.������ H E L O B O�� your Garments������������� OBOLEH

35.������ S B R U ��������� beautified��������������������� URBS

34.������ S D����������������� and D which���������������� DS

E.K.���� Now he useth the former reverent gestures again.


33.������ I D L A����������� of gathering������������������ ALDI

32.������ E G R P���������� with the fire������������������ PRGE������������� as purge.

31.������ P N O N G����� I garnished������������������� GNONP

Nal....�� Adjuva me, O mi Deus.


30.������ L I H T seats���������������������������� THIL��������������� a point here.

29.������ A B O S���������� whose������������������������� SOBA

28.������ N E I Z����������� of my hands����������������� ZIEN�������������� here a point

[p. 86]

27.������ H O L B O N�� the palms��������������������� Nobloh.

26.������ A T����������������� as�������������������������������� TA.

25.������ H A M M O C trussed you together���� COMMAH������ A point.

24.������ D O���������������� And����������������������������� As before OD.

23.������ Z M I Z����������� of my vestures������������� Zimz.� A point.

22.������ A O H T O N� in the midst������������������ Nothoa.� Here is a point before the world.� A point.

21.������ A A Q������������� your garments�������������� QAA.� Three syllables.

E.K.���� Now he useth reverence to the Table again.


20.������ Q L O H��������� measureth�������������������� HOLQ.� D. as Holquu.

19.������ S D����������������� which�������������������������� DS

Nal.����� Adjuva me mi Deus.


18.������ G R P L A M�� a through thrusting fire�� Malprg, as Malpurg.

17.������ A T����������������� as�������������������� ����������� TA.

����������� Now he prayeth as before, his arms extended.


16.������ A A R G��������� and the Moon�������������� GRAA.� A point.

15.������ D A S P Z A N� a Sword�������������������� NAZPSAD.

E.K.���� Now he prayeth.


14.������ A T����������������� as�������������������������������� TA.

13.������ I���������������������� is��������������������������������� a word by it self.

12.������ R O R������������� The Sun����������������������� Ror.� Here a point.

11.������ L O Z�������������� hands�������������������������� Zol... zod D. as ol: A point.

10.������ A R B O S������ in whose���������������������� Sobra.

9.�������� O H P N O V� of wrath����������������������� Vonpho.

8.�������� Z L A C���������� above the firmaments��� Calz.

7.�������� H S N A L������ in power exalted���������� LANSH� as Lonsh.

6.�������� T L A B���������� of Justice��������������������� Balt.� Here is a point.

5.�������� D A I�������������� the God����������������������� Iad, as Yad.

4.�������� O H O G��������� faith����������������������������� GOTTO.

3.�������� G S R O V������ over you���������������������� Vorsg.� Here a point.

2.�������� F N O S���������� Raign.�������������������������� Sonf.

1.�������� L O����������������� I���������������������������������� Ol.


[p. 87.]

E.K.���� Now he sitteth down in his Chair.� This is the end of the mighty and first Call.

.....������ Pray that you may understand what it is.

D.�������� Mean you presently?

Nal....�� I, presently.

D.�������� I pray to that intent.

E.K.���� All the Stone sheweth fire, and all is on fire, nothing else appearing: not like common fire, but clear, thin, &c.

����������� Now it waxeth clear.

E.K.���� And now Nalvage is on the top of the Globe, and his seat remaineth in the former manner of fire.� Now Nalvage holdeth up his right hand, and the same seemeth to be many hands.� There is on one of his fingers an I.� It vanisheth away; and so on divers fingers are words as follow.



the��� 60
holy ones,

flame� 60


[p. 88.]




Highest.� 49




E.K.���� Now all the fingers be gone.


Nal....�� It is the sense in your tongue of the holy and mystical Call before delivered: which followeth in practice for the moving of the second Table, the Kings and Ministers of government: The uttrance of which, is of force, and moveth them to visible apparition: moved and appeared, they are forced (by the Covenant of God delivered by his spirit) to render obedience and faithful society.� Wherein, they will open the mysteries of their creation, as far as shall be necessary: and give you understanding of many thousand secrets, wherein you are yet but children; for every Table hath his key: every key openeth his gate, and every gate being opened, giveth knowledge of himself of entrance, and of the mysteries of those things whereof he is an inclosure.� Within these Palaces you shall find things that are of power, as well to speak, as to do for every [(1) Palace] is above his [(2) City] and every City above his [(3) entrance.][20]

����������� Be you therefore diligent that you may enter in, not as spoilers, but as such as deserve intertainment in the name, and through the power of the Highest.� for great are the mercies of God unto such as have faith.� This is therefore the key of the first seven, according to the proportion of the first Creation.� No more for this time.

����������� A sign alwayes to make an end.

E.K.���� He drew a Curtain before the Stone, of white colour.



The same Saturday, after Noon, hora 3 � 4.

����������� The white Curtain remained about half an hour after my prayer to God, and some invitation to Gabriel and Nalvage, at length the Curtain quaked as though wind blew it.

E.K.���� Me thinketh that I hear a stir within the Stone.� At length they appeared.

E.K.���� They have very eyes which twinkle as other mens eyes do, and *[21] therefore I see them with my external eye, not within my imagination, as ....

.....[22]���� There are two kind of visions, the one by infusion of will and descending, the other by infusion by permission and ascending.� The first is the image of the Will of God descending into the body, and adjoyning to the soul of man, whose nature is to distinguish things of his own likenesse, but shut up in prison in the body, wanteth that power; and therefore being illuminated by spiritual presence, inwardly, seeth now in part, as he shall hereafter do in the whole.

����������� But note, that every vision is according to the soul of man in power: and so is received of him that seeth.� The boy [body] of man feeleth nothing spiritual until he be of incorruption: Therefore useth no sense in and illumination.� The other is to be found out by his contrary.

E.K.���� Here is a Devil that derideth these instructions, and saith, you may know his vertue by his wisdom: he never went to School.

[p. 89.]





[p. 162]

Monday, + Cracovi� + 4. Junii, Mane, hora 8.

Orationem dominicam genibus flexis recitavi, variasque juxta propositam materiam ejaculationes habui, variasque inter nos collationes, considerationesque ultimorum verborum ipsius Gabrielis, etc.

After almost an hour after our sitting to the Action, he appeared.

E.K.���� Gabriel is here again in his Chair, and his dart upright in his hand, his dart is like a flame or staff of fire.

D.�������� Blessed be God.

D.�������� After his appearing, he stayed almost a quarter of an hour before he began.

Gab. ..�.�������� As God in his essential being, is a Spirit, without demonstration, so are his profound providences, works, and determinations, unable to be measured.

[E.K.��� He maketh cursie: but nothing appeareth in the Stone.]

Gabr. ..�.������ Hereby may you find, that the love of God towards you (O wretches and sinners) is more than a love: and more than can be measured, which was the cause, that with his own finger, (delighting in the sons of Jacob,) he sealed this saying; yea with his own finger, this shew and sign of his excellent, and more than, love toward his People.

I am a jealous God;[23] which is as much to say, Lo, I am your friend: nay, rather your father, and more than that, your God: which delighteth in you, rejoiceth in you, and loveth you with that affection [Jealousie] which is more than love: which is as much to say, as my love is such toward you, as I am to my self. But, O ye stiff-necked Jews, O ye Strumpets, you despised the love of God, you committed adultery, and ran into the Temples of Idols:[24] which was the cause, that the same mouth, that praised you before,

[E.K.���� He makes cursie often.]

[p. 163]

.....Said also of you; It repenteth me that I made this people. Let me raze them out, and make a people of *[25] thee. This Idolatry was the cause, from time to time, that you became Captives, and of Inheritours, Runnagates, and without a Master. Unto you also, thus saith the Lord (unto you my Brethren, I say that are here) More than the love of a father is, is the love of God toward you:[26] For, unto which of the Gentiles, hath the Lord shewed himself? Where dwell they, or where have they dwelled, into whose houses have the Angels of the Lord descended, saying, thus and thus, doth the God of Heaven and earth mean to deale with the World.

Think you not, that this is more than love? Look therefore narrowly into your selves: Uncover the doings of your life, and secret Chambers: Enter into judgement with your selves. Unto thee I speak [To E.K.] Hast thou not run astray from the Lord, and committed Idolatry?

D.�������� He told E.K. of his faults, which E.K. would not expresse to me, and I desired him to listen to them, and to do as it appertaineth to a Christian, &c.

Gab. ..�.�������� But thus saith the Lord, I am a pure Spirit that participateth not with the defiled: neither can I enter in mercy into that house which is defiled. A great saying, my Brethren: For hereby you are monished to make your consciences clean, to open your selves in pureness, to the Lord, that he may enter into you with comfort. For, so long as thou dealest with wicked spirits, will the Lord keep back his hands: and thou keepest back the Lord. For shall it not be said hereafter? Lo, is not this man known to have dealing with the wicked? And (as the foolish voices of the people are) Is not this he that can constrain the wicked? with further arguments, by repetition of thy doings. Well, if thou wilt be the Minister of God; If thou wilt go forward in his works; If thou wilt see the happy times that are to come, thou must abstain from evil, and thou must sweep thy house clean: Thou must put on thy best garments, and must become humble and meek. Let not thy life be a scandal to the will of the Lord, and to the greatnesse of his works: For the power that is within thy soul (in respect of his essential quid,) is of great force and ability to perform those things that proceed with power: which is the cause that the wicked ones obey thee; for they fear themselves, when they see the seal of thy Creation.

This is therefore the Cause, that God finding thee (as he passeth by, by his Angel) fit in matter, but, my brother (God knoweth) far unfit in life. Oh Consider the dignity of thy Creation; Consider that the affection of God toward thee, is more than love. See how he beareth with thy infirmity, from time to time. Oh, I say, (yet) Enter into judgement with thy self: And consider, that thou art now at a Turning where there lieth two wayes: One shall be to thy comfort, the other to thy perpetual wo. Let not good ground bring forth weeds, lest it choke her self.

D.�������� We will call unto God for his mercies, graces, and help, &c.

[p. 232]

D.�������� As I was putting up all, Uriel appeared again, with his black Scarf, as he did before: but paused a while before he spake any thing.

D.�������� In thy name (O Jesu) we attend thy words by thy messager to be uttered.

Uriel..... Give ear unto my voice.

E.K.���� Now he is become like a great wheele of fire, like a waggon wheel: He thrust out his hands on the sudden, and so became like a wheel full of mens eyes: it turneth round, it is full in all places of those eyes, like living and seeing eyes.

Now cometh fire out of it in 4 places.

Now there is a great Eagle, which is come, and standeth upon it: It is a white Eagle: The wheel turneth still, notwithstanding that she standeth on it.

E.K.���� She hath in her beake, like a scrol of parchment. She hath two monstrous eyes: one like fire red; her right eye as big as my fist, and the left eye, is Chrystal-like. She standeth hovering with her wings spread, and her stern or taile spread.

Under the wheel is a great valley, and in it a great City, and a Hill on the East part of it. And all toward the South are Hills.

The City is as big as six Cracovia: and many ruins of houses in it there appear.

There is one place in it covered, square like a little Chapel: It hath a little round pinacle in the end of it; and over it in the air, hanging a little fire bright.

There be many like unto fowles, like Raven, and their heads like [p. 233] unto bright fire: They flie into a Country a great way off from this City.

Now Uriel standeth beside the wheel, and the wheel is as it was before: and he as before with the Scarf.

The Eagle cryeth and skriketh as a Gull, or the Sea fowles do.

Uriel seemeth to descend from the air above, and to come to the side of the Shew-stone.

Uriel. ......�������� The Lord hath chosen you to be Witnesses, through his mercy and sufferance, not in the office of Apostles, but in the offices and dignities of the Prophets: which is alwayes beautified with the wings of the Cherubims, with the voices that cry a thousand thousand times in a moment before the Lord, and before the Majesty of his eternal Seat:


[1] Antichristus.

[2] 48 Keyes, or calls, and their use.

[3] Note. Take time while time is, for time will away.

[4] An illuding wicked spirit.

[5] A voyce on the side.

[6] D. Fort� Characters.

[7] I.e. Loagaeth, -Ed.

[8] Note, the Holy Book is to be written in the mystical characters. �Ed.

[9] 24 [letters]

[10] 27.

[11] 43. E V I I I I. �D.� [45? �Ed.]

[12] 81. I or F. [i/E] Wheresoever O followeth, it may be E or I.

[13] Lapis pho**rum magn� projectionis.

[14] Note Intruders.

[15] Note, they were not using the shew stone at the time. �Ed.

[16] God his promise shall be performed.

[17] The dignification of the Stone.

[18] Not this form of Gabriel at this occasion.

[19] Gabr. standing said.

[20] Note these three degrees.

[21] I had discoursed somewhat with E.K. of the manner of skrimges.

[22] Gabr.... as I think.

[23] God his jealousie.

[24] Exod. 20. 2.� Deut. 5. 2.

[25] To Moses Exod. 52. B Deut. 9. C The Jews.

[26] The unmeasurable love of God toward us, A.L., D. E.K.

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