Based on lists originally compiled by doctormojo,
Not to worry folks, no need to buy or read them
all. In fact only a couple of these editions are even
available anymore. This is just to give an idea of some of
the editions the book has gone through over the
Abt. 6 in "Bibliotek der Zauber-Geheimniss und Offenbarungs-Bucher", edited by J. Scheible (Stuttgart, 1849)
Personal Author: Scheible, Johann. Title: Das sechste und siebente Buch Mosis : das ist, Mosis magische Geisterkunst : das Geheimniss aller Geheimnisse : sammt den verdeutschten Offenbarungen und Vorschriften wunderbarster Art der alten weisen Hebr�er, aus den Mosaischen B�chern, der Kabbala und dem Talmud zum leiblichen Wohl der Menschen / [hrsg. von Johann Scheible] ; Wort- und Bildgetreu nach alten Handschriften, mit 42 Tafeln. Edition: Vierte, sehr vermehrte Auflage. Publication info: New-York : In Commission bei Wm. Radde, 1857. Physical descrip: 408 p. : ill. ; 17 cm. Subject: Magic, Semitic. Subject: Cabala. Added title: Mosis magische Geisterkunst. UP-SPECCOL CALL NUMBER COPY MATERIAL LOCATION 1)BF1613.S4 1857 1 BOOK STAPLETON
3. Scheible, 1865. (German), contributed by JHP.
TITLE: Das sechste und siebente Buch Mosis, das ist: Mosis magische Geisterkunst, das Geheimniss aller Geheimnisse. Sammt den verdeutschten Offenbarungen und Vorschriften wunderbarster Art der alten weisen Hebrer, aus den Mosaischen Bchern, der Kabbala und den Talmud zum leiblichen Wohl der Menschen. Wort- und bildgetreu nach alten Handschriften mit 42 Tafeln. Alternate Title: Cole� Cabala. Selections. German. Edition: 8., sehr verm. Aufl. Imprint: New York, Wm. Radde, 1865. Description: 408 p. illus. 16 cm. Subjects: Magic, Jewish. Other Titles: American imprints. 1865. Talmud. Selections. German. Bible. O.T. Heptateuch. Selections. German. Call Number: 296.59 G32 1865 LOCATION: St. John's University (Alcuin)
4. First English Edition:
that is: Moses' magical spirit-art, together with the wonderful arts of the old wise Hebrews, taken from the Mosaic books of the Cabala and the Talmud, for the good of mankind. Translated from the German, word for word, according to old writings, with numerous engravings. (Elizabethville, Pennsylvania: Victor Printing Company, 1880)
More information as follows from Penn State University archives, cited by [email protected]:
Personal Author: Scheible, Johann. Uniform title: [Sechste und siebente buch Mosis. English] Title: The sixth and seventh books of Moses, or, Moses' magical spirit-art : known as the wonderful arts of the old wise Hebrews, taken from the Mosaic books of the Cabala and the Talmud, for the good of mankind / translated from the German, word for word, according to old writings ; with numerous engravings. Publication info: [New York : s.n., 1880]. Physical descrip: 64, 128 p. : illus. (facsims.) ; 19 cm. General Note: Originally published at Stuttgart in 1849 under title "Das sechste und siebente buch Mosis" as "theil" 6 in his "Bibliothek der zauber-, geheimniss- und offenbarungs-b�cher...herausgegeben von J. Scheible". Subject: Magic, Semitic. Subject: Cabala. Added author: Moses (Biblical leader) Added title: Moses' magical spirit-art. UP-SPECCOL CALL NUMBER COPY MATERIAL LOCATION 1)BF1613.S413 1880 1 BOOK ALLISON-SH
THE SIXTH AND SEVENTH BOOKS OF MOSES: The Mystery of All Mysteries. (Chicago: L.W. deLaurence & Co., 1910. Reprinted many times.)
This edition is my personal favorite. Nicely bound hardcover with decent illustrations of the seals. Sadly, it seems to have finally gone out of print within the last decade.
or, Moses' Magical Spirit-Art Chicago: Egyptian Publishing Company, 1900. Reprinted 1972 by Health Research Press, Mokelumne Hill, CA and 1997 by Kessinger Publishing, LLC, Kila, MT)
This edition featured a 15-page appendix on "Astrological Influence upon Man and Magical Cures of the Old Hebrews" excerpted from a 19th century German work on the subject, and not found in any of the other English editions to my knowledge. Original Egyptian Publishing Co. edition now long out of print and quite scarce. The Health Research reprint is a poor quality spiral-bound photocopy, but worth acquiring for the appendix, although it too appears to have since gone out of print. I have not personally seen the Kessinger reprint, but it is currently available from both the publisher ( and [NOTE: This appendix is included in the German 1865 edition, pp. 371 ff. -JHP]
THE SIXTH AND SEVENTH BOOKS OF MOSES, Complete Edition by Lady Dale (Philadelphia: Lady Dale's Curio Shop. No date given, probably 1980s?)
Inexpensive ($3.00), slightly enlarged (and therefore more easily read), offset reproduction of deLaurence edition. Probably out of print by now.
THE NEW REVISED SIXTH AND SEVENTH BOOKS OF MOSES AND THE MAGICAL USES OF THE PSALMS, edited by Migene Gonzalez-Wippler (Bronx, New York: Original Publications, 1982)
A disappointment in most respects. The editor added no information beyond a brief 2-page preface and a few "editor's notes" of limited value, and abridged the section on "The Magic of The Israelites". On the positive side, she did repaginate so the seals appear on the same page as they are described. Images of the seals reproduced extremely poorly in the 1982 edition, somewhat better in more recent reprints. Widely available, but not recommended except as an adjunct to more complete editions.
THE 6TH AND 7TH BOOKS OF MOSES, with an Introduction by Paul Tice. (Escondido, CA: Book Tree, 1999)
I just found out about this one from today. Probably the most recent edition to date, but I have not seen it and cannot vouch for its completeness ot the quality of reproduction of the seals. Available direct from the publisher (,, and Barnes & Noble online. If anyone in the club should acquire this one, please post and tell us about it!
El Sexto y S�ptimo Libro de Mois�s
El Arte Espiritual M�gico de Mois�s
The editor is,
Editora y Distribuidora Mexicana
Apartado Postal 1975 (This is the zip code)
Mexico 1, D.F.
Printed on June 7 1976 in the Talleres Cooperativa Modelo, S.C.L. Comofort 44-Mexico 2, D.F. This edition count with 5,000 copies.
It seems to be a translation of the New York 1800 version, the chapters follows that order and it has the same horrendous images.
Even worse, since it seems that the Mexican editors also misplaced some images and translate some words in an inadequate form, for example the call of Leviathan is translated as the call of the dawn this is Levantino for Leviathan.
1. "Aima" (Elinor Mary Person), PERFUME OILS, CANDLES, SEALS, AND INCENSE. (Foibles Publications, no date, probably 1970s?)
The best book about how to work with the seals. Includes suggestions for type and color candle and anointing oil to use with each seal for particular purposes. If you only acquire one book on the subject apart from the text itself, make it this one! Possibly still available from occult shops and mail order houses. Try The Cloverhorn Company in Washington DC, Indio Products in Los Angeles, or the Lucky Mojo Curio Company.
Not as good as 1 above. Identifies each seal and its traditional name and use.
Not as good as either 1 or 2 above, but useful as additional reference in conjunction with 1.
Many of the spells make use of the seals, but not indexed to the seals.
The chapter on Conjure Bags lists examples of which seals can be used in which kinds of bags for which purpose.
Definitely well worth acquiring and reading, but needs to be understood as a personal magical perspective by another magician working with the book and its seals and the magical legend and lore surrounding it. Not a substitute for developing one's own personal magical perspective on the book in the course of working with it. What I like about this one: (1) draws connection between the Tarot and the Book of Thoth in the Moses legends, (2)creative use of the Seal of Orion as the base upon which the other seals are anointed. What I don't like about it: (1) a bit too sanctimonious and dogmatic for my personal taste, and (2) only deals with a small portion of the seals.
Actually, this is a short (45 pages) compendium of rubrics and instructions drawn without attribution from the Key of Solomon and other grimoires. My guess is that it may represent materials the author used in his own personal magical experiments to supplement the often fragmentary technical instructions given in the 6th & 7th Books of Moses itself. Out of print, may be acquired as a curio if you run across a copy available inexpensively. Of some interest are the two curious seals given as figures 40 and 41, which I have not seen in any other grimoire to date. TRIVIA NOTE: Cassiel's ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BLACK MAGIC confuses this book with the actual 6th & 7th Books of Moses in it's rather derogatory section "Lost Books of Moses".
1. Henri Gamache, MYSTERY OF THE LONG LOST 8TH, 9TH, AND 10TH BOOKS OF MOSES, Together With The Legend That Was of Moses and 44 Secret Keys to Universal Power. (Bronx, New York: Original Publications, 1983. Reprint of orig. pub. c.1940)
Fascinating historical and legendary speculation on Moses as Magician or, as Gamach puts it, "The Great Voodoo Man of The Bible". Establishes links between Moses and the Hermetic Tradition via the Graeco-Egyptian Magical Papyri. Highly recommended!
Historical novel of the life of Moses by a famous American black writer known for her studies of Afro-American and Carribean magic and folklore (see other Hurston books in BIBLIOGRAPHY #4). Cited by Gamache in 1 above. Incorporates many Middle Eastern and African magical egends about Moses not found in canonical sources.
1. Zora Neale Hurston, MULES AND MEN (New York: Harper, 1990. Orig. pub. J.B. Lippincott, 1935)
Hurston's study of Afro-American folklore, including extensive discussion of Hoodoo, root work and conjuration.
Hurston's study of Voodoo in Haiti and Obeah in Jamaica.
Misleadingly titled, this book is actually about Hoodoo rather than Voodoo, and contains much interesting anecdotal information, including a few descriptions of the uses of the seals in old New Orleans folk magic.
1. Butler, Elizabeth M. RITUAL MAGIC.
(Pennsylvania State University Press, 1998. Orig. pub. 1949)
Second volume of Prof. Butler's trilogy of works on the history of the Faust legend, this one deals extensively with the "Faustian School" of ceremonial magic in Reformation Germany, out of which emerged some of the magical texts eventually compiled into the 6th & 7th Books of Moses in its present form. Of particular interest is her commentary on the planetary attributions of the Seven Great Prices of the Tabella Rabellinae.
If you ever get the motivation to try to take apart and decipher the individual seals for yourself, this book is a good introduction to how this can be done.