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Copyright 1998 by Joseph H. Peterson. All rights reserved.
A: Arbatel of Magic
Ab: Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage
BP: Gollancz, Book of Protection (London, 1912)
Dz: Douze Anneaux
E: Book of Enoch (Charles tr.)
G: Grand Grimoire
GH: Le Grimoire du Pape Honorius
GV: Grimorium Verum
H: Heptameron, Peter de Abano
J: Liber Juratus (Sworn Book of Honorius)
K: Key of Solomon (ed. Mathers)
K3: Clavicules du Roi Salomon, Livre Troisieme, par Armadel
K4: Clavicules du Roi Salomon, Livre Quatrieme, par Armadel
L: Lemegeton
MTS: Magical Treatise of Solomon, Harley MS. 5596. See Richard Greenfield's Traditions of Belief in Late Byzantine Demonology (Amsterdam: Hakkert, 1988)
NS: Joseph Naveh and Shaul Shaked, Magic Spells and Formulae (Jerusalem, 1993)
OP: H. C. Agrippa: Of Occult Philosophy or Magic
P: Picatrix, ed. Pingree, 1986
T: Johannes Trithemius, De Septem Secundeis, 1508
TS: Testament of Solomon
W: Johann Weyer, Pseudomonarchia Daemonum
Z: Zoroastrianism
à Luciat (Name of God): GH
Aabidandes: Seems to be a mistake for Rabidanadas, introduced in Shah's edition of GV (and subsequently Banner's) (Secret Lore of Magic, p. 81).
aadon (angel of the 2nd month): J 1
aaen (angel of the day of Mercury): J 1
Aalacho (11th hour of the night): L 3
aall (angel of the day of Mercury): J 1
Aamon (demon): G; L1, Weyer (variant: Amon)
Aariel (aerial spirit): L2
Aarom (angel of the 2nd month): J 1
Aaron (angel of the day of Saturn): J 1
Ab, Ben, Ve-Ruach, Ha-Qadesch, i.e. the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit: K
Ab (Divine name associated with Saturn): OP2.22; K
Aba (Angel, minister of Sarabotes): H
Abab (Divine name associated with Jupiter): OP2.22
Ababaloy (One of the magic words recited over the magic pen): GV
Abac: K
Abaddon: K
Abadir: Ab
Abael (aerial spirit): L2; NS 201, 202
Abagiron: Ab
Abahin: Ab
Abai (11th hour of day): H
Abai: K
Abalam: L 1
abalay: J 5
Abalidoth (angel, minister of Sarabotes): H; K4
Aban (=Anahita, Aredui Sura Anahita): Angel presiding over Water: Z
Abanay: J 5
Abao, Abaot: NS 66
Abargurna: NS 168
Abariel: K; (aerial spirit): L2
Abasdarhon (angel of the 5th hour of the night): L 3
Abba: J 2
Abbadaia (name of God): J 1
Abbadia: J 5
Abbaton: K
Abbdya: J 5
Abdizu: P iv ix 40
Abdizuel: J 5
Abdon (name of God): J 1, 5; K
Abdou: J 5
Abdyel (angel of the 1st month): J 1
Abednego: K; L 1
Abedumabal: GV
Abelais: K
Abelech: K
Abelul ([Hebrew] name of 4th month): J 1
Abeor: H; L 1, 2
Abercaysdon (angel of 7th month): J 1
Aberer: L 1, 2
Abezithibod: TS
Abhadir: Ab
Abiel: G; (angel of the zodiac) L 3; NS 202
Abigar (demon): G
Abim: H
Abir: NS 217
Abiram: L 1
Abisi: Ab
Abla (One of the magic words to deflect weapons): GH
Ablati: GV
Ablayeyll (angel of the day of Venus): J 1
Ableymez: P iii ix 5
Abliemel: P iv ix 55
ABLTh (Heb. "the glorious name" of God): NS A17:23
Aboc (aerial spirit): L2
Aboezra: GV
Abrac: H; (angel of the 5th month): J 1; L 1, L 2
Abracadabra: K
Abrach: K
Abrachasyn (angel of the day of the Moon): J 1
Abracio (name of God): J 1, 5
Abragini (name of the Sun in Autumn): H; J 5
Abramacyn (angel of the day of the Moon): J 1
Abranoryn: J 1
Abrasaxia: NS 203
Abrasiel (Lesser angel of the 7th hour of the day): L 3
Abraxas: NS 76, 198, 211, 222
Abraye: H
Abraym (Name of the Sun in Spring): H; J 5
ABRHIMA: magical word used in 'Binding the fever': BP 17c
Abriel (Aerial spirit): L2; NS 236
Abrimael [A: Abrinael]: J 5
abrinael: J 5
Abrine: P iv ix 52
Abrulges (Aerial spirit): L2
Abruna Abarguna: NS 168
abrutim: P iv ii 4
abry (angel of the 7th month): J 1
abrys (angel of the 3rd month): J 1
abrysaf (angel of the 11th month): J 1
absamon (angel of the 2nd month): J 1
Absax: NS 221
abuifor (angel of the 3rd month): J 1
Abuiori (angel of the second heaven): H
Abumalith (angel, minister of Maymon): H
Abusis: Ab
Abutes: Ab
Abuzaha (angel, minister of Arcan): H
abytan: J 1
abytasy: J 1
Acarfa: P i iv 13
acatyery: P i v 27
Acderuz: P iii x 14
Achad: K
Achadan: H
Achael: L 3
achaiah [A: Akaiah] : J 5
Achalich: P iv ix 43
Acham: Demon: GH
Achaniel: Ab
Achaya: P iv ix 34
Acheliah: K
AChIAL (Ahi'el Heb. angel): NS A18:4
Achides: K
Achiel: L 3
Achier: K4
Achim: H
Achol (aerial spirit): L2
Acim (angel): H
Acimoy (angel): H
Acithael: J 5
ACLA (typo for AGLA? q.v.) Name on pentacle: GH
Acorib: GH
Acreba (aerial spirit): L2
Acriuz: P iii x 14
Actarie: P iv vi 13
Acteras (aerial spirit): L2
Acuar: Ab
acya: J 1
acyor: J 1
Aczabi: P iv vii 23
Adan (aerial spirit): L2
adar: J 1; see also Atar
Adares: TS
Adibaga: GH
Adiel (angel of the zodiac): L 3
Adirael: Ab
Adisak: Ab
adiutor: J 5
Admenita: P iii vii 30
admyel: J 1, 5
Admyhel: J 1, 4, 5
Adnachiel: Angel ruling over Sagittarius (OP2.14).
`Adnael: NS 186
Adnar'el: E
ADNI, Adonaï: K
Adon: Ab
Adonaêl: TS
Adônaêl: TS
Adonaêth: TS
Adonai: see Adonay
Adonay, Adonai: BP; G; GH; GV; H; J 1, 2, 3, 4; K; L 1, 2, 3, 4; NS 155, 173, 200; OP2.13
Adoniel: J 1; K; (angel of 12th hour of the night): L 3
Ador: GV; K3
Adramelech: K
Adrapan (angel of the 9th hour of the night): L 3
Adricanorom: GV
Adrieb: P iv ix 45
adriel: J 5
Adroziel (angel of the 4th hour of the night): L 3
adryyaac: J 1
aduachiel, advachiel: J 5
Adulex: P iv ix 61
adyanienyn: J 1
adyell: J 1
Adyeruz: P iii x 9
adyysar: J 1
adziryell: J 1
Ægalmiel: K
Aegyn, Egin, or Egyn: King of the South according to An Excellent Booke of the Arte of Magicke (Ad. 36674, fol. 47v) (Alternately called Ariton in Ab.)
ael: J 1
aesal: J 1
Æternus: One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
aezonyn: J 1
Afarkha'el (Heb. APRKAL angel): NS A18:4
Afarorp: Ab
affaryell: J 1
affaterim (name of the Moon in Winter): H; J 5
affetihe: P i v 27
Affihuz: P iii x 12
Affimuz: P iii x 14
Affludita: P iii vii 30
affrye: J 1
Afloton: Ab
Afolop: Ab
Afray: Ab
Afrayuz: P iii ix 12
Afriduz: P iii ix 12
Agab: Ab
Agafali: Ab
agal: J 2, 3
Agalierap: GV
Agalierept: GV
Agapiel (aerial spirit): L2
Agares (demon): G; L 1
Agari: K4
Agasaly: Ab
Agason: GV
Agateraptor: One of the chief demons under Belzebut in Clavicules du Roi Salomon, Livre Troisieme, par Armadel
Agchoniôn: TS
Agebol: Ab
Agei: Ab
Agenos: J 2
agessomagy [S: agessomay]: J 2
Agiathon: Angel in K4
Agibol: Ab
Agiel: Intelligence of Saturn (OP2.22); K; K4.
Agilas: Ab
Aginafez: P iii ix 14
Agion (typo for Aglon?): G
Agios: J 3; One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
Agiqat: NS 211
AGLA (acronym/name of God): Dz; G; GH; GV; H; J 1, 3, 5; K; L 1, 2, 3, 4
Aglaasis: GV
AGLACH: Name on pentacle: GH
Aglafos: Ab
Aglafys: Ab
Aglai [S2: Agla]: J 5; K
Aglanabrath: G
Aglanos: Magic word: GH
Aglas (aerial spirit): L2; magic word: GH
Agle: G
Aglo (10th hour of night): H
Aglon: G; K4
Agloros: J 2, 3
Agnus: One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
Agnvs: J 5 (see Agnus)
agnyel: J 1
Agor (aerial spirit): L2
Agra (aerial spirit): L2
Agragon: One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
agrasnydyn: J 1
Agrax: Ab
Agripus: NS 150
agrirazcor [S: agrnazcor]: J 2
agusita (Name of the Moon in Spring): H; J 5
agyos: J 5
Aha: Divine name associated with Venus (OP2.22)
Ahabhon: Ab
Ahadyz: P iii ix 14
Ahariz: P iii x 10
Aharyulez: P iii x 10
Ahatyz: P iii vii 21
Ahayuaraz: P iii x 10
Ahbiel: NS 231
Aherom: Ab
Ahiel: NS 58
AHIH, Eheieh: K
Ahudememora: P iv vi 13
Ahurani: Female angels (Yazads) presiding over water: Z
ahyell: J 1
Aia: H
Aiel (angel associated with sign of Aries): H; L 3
aiguap: J 1
Aim: L 1
Airyaman: Angel (Yazad) presiding over friendship and healing: Z, but Indo-Iranian in origin
AISThRA (angel or spirit): NS 22
Aja: Divine name: GH
Ajel (angel of zodiac): L 3
Akae: E
Akael ('Akaêl): Angel (or demon) of 20th hour of Wednesday: MTS
Akahim: Ab
Akanef: Ab
Akatriel: NS 168, 213
Akefeli: Ab
Akesoli: Ab
Akhliton ('Akhlitôn): Angel (or demon) of 16th hour of Tuesday: MTS
Akhshti: Angel (Yazad) personifying peace: Z
Akium: Ab
Akorok: Ab
Akoros: Ab
Akton: TS
AL, El: K
al: J 1
alacaorynyll: J 1
Alachuc (angel of 11th hour of night): L 3
Aladia: H
Aladiah: J 5
Alafy: Ab
Alagas: Ab
Alahue: P i iv 14; iv ix 41
Alan: Ab
Alaphar: L 3
Alath: TS
Albelda: P iv ix 49
Albhadur (aerial spirit): L2
Albimex: P iv ix 62
Albotain: P i iv 3
Albotayn: P iv ix 30
albune: P i v 27
albuth: J 5
albylyn: J 1
Alcab: P iv ix 46
Alcalb: P i iv 19
Alcanor: Ab
Alchamar: P iv vii 23
Alcilo: K4
Aldebaran: P i iv 5; ii xii 45; iv ix 32
Aldirah: P i iv 8
Aldire: P iv ix 35
Aldrusy (aerial spirit): L2
Aleasi (aerial spirit): L2
ALEPH and the TAU: K
ALEPH, BETH, BETH, NUN, VAU, RESH, VAU, CHETH, HE, QOPH, DALETH, SHIN, the sacred name of twelve letters of which each letter is the name of an angel: K
Aleph, Mem, Shin: K
Aleph: K
alesemony [S: alesemonoy]: J 2
alethon: J 5
Alfareon: J 5
Alfarg posterior: P iv ix 55
Alfarg primus: P iv ix 54
Alferiel (aerial spirit): L2
Alfrael: L 3
alfyton: J 1
alg: J 1
Alga: Divine name: GH (probably a typo for AGLA, q.v.)
Algadenas: Magic word: GH
Algafra: P i iv 16; iv ix 43
Algamidirus: P ii xii 45
Algarf almuehar: P i iv 28
Algebha: P i iv 11; iv xi 38
ALH, Eloah: K
ALHI IShRAL (The God of Israel, common in Hekhalot texts): NS, A1:23; A7:14
ALHIM ChIIM(Heb. "the living God"): NS A17:9
alheniel: J 5
Alhueriz: P iii x 10
alibin: J 5
Alichil: P i iv 18; iv ix 45
Aliel (aerial spirit): L2
Alimiel: L 4
alimos: J 5
Aliscot: G
Aliseon: GV
ALIVN, Elion: GH; K
alkin: J 5
Alla: G
Allatori (class of spirits): K
allay: J 5
Allazoôl: TS
Alleborith: TS
Alli: G
Alloces: L 1
Alluph: Ab
Alma: K4
Almadiel (aerial spirit): L2
Almahi: K4
Almariziel: L 3
Almas: L 3
Almasor (aerial spirit): L2
Almay: J 5
almeos: J 5
Almesiel (aerial spirit): L2
Almices: P i iv 6
Almiquedam: P i iv 27
ALMIRAS, Master of Invisibility: K
Almizen: P iv ix 33
Almodar (aerial spirit): L2; L3
Almoel (aerial spirit): L2
Almonoyz: L 3
Almouzin (name of God): G
almur: J 1
almyon: J 1
alnamya: J 1
Alnath: P i iv 2;iv ix 29
Alnaym: H; P iv ix 48
alneyryn: J 1
Alogil: Ab
Aloson: Ab
Alpas: Ab
Alpha et Omega: G; GH; H; J 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; K; L 2, TS
alphanay: J 5
Alphaneos: J 5
Alphariza: L 4
alphay: J 5
alpheyeyll: J 1
Alphrois: GV
alrasachysyn: J 1
alsemaya [S: alsemaia]: J 2
alseyryn: J 1
alson: J 1
Alstha (vel Elsta) [S: Alscha]: J 4
Altanor: Ab
Altarib (head of the sign of Winter): H; J 5
Althor (aerial spirit): L2
Altidon ('Altidôn): Angel (or demon) of 11th hour of Friday: MTS
altym: J 1
Aluiel: GV
alycas: J 1
alyel: J 1
alyeyll: J 1
alymdrictels: GV
alymyon: J 2
alysaf: J 1
alzamoy: J 2
alzeyeyll: J 1
am: J 1
amabael (an angel of Winter): H; J 5
amabiel: H; J 5
Amabyhel: J 5
Amacor: H; L 1
amaday, Amadai (The name of the earth in the Spring): H; J 5
amadyell: J 1
Amael: J 1
Amaimon, Amaymon: GH; L 1; Ab; King of the West.
Amalekites or Aggressors;: K
Amalin: Ab
Amalym: L 3
Amamil: Ab
aman: Ab; J 1
Amanamanus: NS 199
Amandiel (aerial spirit): L2
Amaniel: Ab
amarya: J 1
Amaryel: J 1
Amasiel (aerial spirit): L2
amasya: J 1
Amathei: K4
Amathia: L 2
Amatia: Ab
Amatiel (an angel of the Spring): H; J 5
Amay: G
amayl: J 1
Amaymon: see Amaimon
Amayn: J 5
Amazin: G
Ambael: NS 201
ambanyel: J 1
ambayeyryn: J 1
ambiel: J 5
Ambriel: Angel ruling over Gemini (OP2.14).
Amillis: Ab
Ambolin: Ab
Ambolon: Ab
Ambri (aerial spirit): L2
Ambriel: J 5; L 3
Amchison: Ab
amdalysyn: J 1
Amduscias: L 1
Ameclo: GV
Amediel (aerial spirit): L2
Ameleouth: TS
Amelson: L 3
Amenadiel: L 2
Ameniel: L 3
Amerany: L 3
Ameta (aerial spirit): L2
Amicram: L 2
Amides: H; K; L 1
`Ami'el (Heb. OMIAL, angel): NS A18:5
`Amiel: NS 162, 211
Amiel (aerial spirit): L2 (2)
Amikh ('Amikh): Angel (or demon) of 10th hour of Friday: MTS
Amioram: L 1, 3
Amiorem: L 1
Amiorent: L 1
Amir ('Amír): Angel (or demon) of 6th hour of Thursday: MTS
Amirez: P iii ix 6
Amisiel: L 3
Amisor: GV
amixiel: J 5
Ammiel: L 3
amnanyneylyn: J 1
amnediel: J 5
amnica: J 2
amnixiel: J 5
Amolom: Ab
Amon: L 1
Amonazy: L 3
Amorule: H
Amoyr (aerial spirit): L2
ampheneton: J 5
Amphinethon: J 1
Ampholion: Ab
amrael: J 1
Amriel (aerial spirit): L2; L3
Amul: Divine name: GH
amutiel: J 5
Amy: L 1
amya: J 1
amyel: J 1
an: H; J 1, 5
ana: J 5
Anaath: TS
anab: J 5
Anabotas: GV
Anabotos: GV
anabrochz: J 5
Anachiel: K
Anachiet: K4
Anader: Ab
Anadir: Ab
Anael: GV; L; L2(aerial spirit); J 1, 5; K4; L 3; P iv vii 23; T 'Anaél: Angel of Friday/Venus: MTS, H
`Anael: NS 213, 236
anaenym: J 1
Anaghra Raocha (see Anagran)
Anagnostos: Ab
Anagotos: Ab
Anagran (Av. Anaghra Raocha): Angel (Yazad) of 'Endless Light': Z
Anakim or Anarchists: K
Anamalon: Ab
Ananel: E
Anania: One of the magic words used in a spell to extinguish fire: GH
Anaphaxeton: K
Anapheneton: K
Anapheta: K4
Anaphexeton (name of God): H; L 1
Anapion: L 3
Anarachia: K4
Anasbona (typo for Anabonas? qv): Name on pentacle: GH
anasen: J 5
Anassia: One of the magic words used in a spell to extinguish fire: GH
Anathay: H
Anathi: G
Anatreth: TS
anay: J 5
anaya: J 1
Anayl (angel of first heaven): H
Anazachia: K
Anbetayl: P lv ii 23
ancilla: J 2
Ancor: H; K; L 1
Ancora: P iv vi 13
Andararuz: P iii x 11
Andas (minister of Varcan, angel of Sunday): H
andas: J 1
andebal: J 5
Andrachos: Ab
Andras: L 1
Andrealphus: L 1
andri: J 5
Androcos: Ab
Andromalius: L 1
Andros (aerial spirit): L2
Andruchiel (aerial spirit): L2
Andulez: P iii ix 14; x 9
Anehutyora: P iv vi 13
anenyel: J 1
Anepheneton: J 1, 5
Anephexeton (=Anaphexeton): H; L 2
Aneran: see Anagran
Anereton: GV
Anethi: J 1, 5
aneylyn: J 1
aneynyn: J 1
Angaras: P iv ix 62
angellus: J 5
angiseil: J 5
Angrecton: GV
Anic: H
`Aniel: NS 155, 160, 202
Aniel: H; J 5; K; L2 (aerial spirit); L3
animiter: J 1
Animurez: P iii x 9
Aniphinethon: J 5
Anitor: H; K; L 1
Annael: alternate spelling of archangel Anael found in Dee's Mysteriorum Libri
Annathra: P i iv 9; iv ix 36
Annauel: J 5
Annediex: P iv ix 36
Annucel: P iv ix 47
Annuncia: P iv ix 31
Anostêr: TS
Anoyr (aerial spirit): L2
Ansoel (aerial spirit): L2
Anston: GV
Ansuil: L 3
Antheros ('Anthêrós): Angel (or demon) of 14th hour of Friday: MTS
Anthiachar [S: anthiathar]: J 4
antidotum: J 2
antorayeyll: J 1
antquyel: J 1
anunalbeh: J 1
Anuxi: P iv ix 56
Anyhyt: P iii vii 30
Anzil: P iv ii 19
aol: J 1
Aosal: second spirit to be called according to An Excellent Booke of the Arte of Magicke (Ad. 36674, fol. 47v)
Apam Napat, angel (Yazad) of waters: Z, but Indo-Iranian in origin (aka Ahura BErezant, Burz Yazad)
Apelki: Ab
Aphiel: L 3
Apiel (aerial spirit): L2
Apiton: one of the names of the demon called the "strangling mother of boys": BP 6b, 25c
Aplex ('Aplêx): Angel (or demon) of 11th hour of Thursday: MTS
Apodokiel ('Apodokiél): Angel of Wednesday/Mercury: MTS
Apofael ('Apofaêl): Angel (or demon) of 17th hour of Monday: MTS
Apolhun: Ab
Apollo: A
Apollyon: Ab
Apologia-Sedes, Apologiae Sedes: H; L 1
Apomios ('Apómios): Angel (or demon) of 17th hour of Saturday: MTS
Apormanos: Ab
Apormenos: Ab
Apot: Ab
Appiniel: L 3
apripos: J 5
Aprix ('Apríx): Angel (or demon) of 16th hour of Friday: MTS
APRKAL (Afarkha'el, Heb. angel): NS A18:4
aprops: J 5
Aqua: G; Magic word: GH
Aquarius: J 1, 5; K; L 3; P i iv 6, 25-27; v 24, 25; ii x 81; xi 33-35; xii 32, 40, 45, 50; iii ii 12; iii 23; vii 16; iv ii 7, 15
Aquiel (angel of the fourth heaven): H; Demon: GH
Aquila: One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
araaht [S: haraaht]: J 2
arabyell: J 1
arac: J 1
Arach (aerial spirit): L2
Aracuson: Ab
aradon: J 1
'Araêl: TS
Araex: Ab
Arafos (aerial spirit): L2
Araklba: E
Aralim, Thrones, or the Strong: K
Aranchia: K4
Araniel: L 3
Araps ('Araps): Angel (or demon) of 20th hour of Sunday: MTS
Araqiel: E
Arara: TS
ararygugel: J 1
Arathon: Angel in K4
Aratiel (aerial spirit): L2
araton: J 1; K4
Arator: Ab
Aratosael': TS
Aratron (Olympic spirit of Saturn): A
Arauchiah: K
Arayl (aerial spirit): L2
Araz: P iii vii 27
Arban ('Arbán): Angel (or demon) of 4th hour of Monday: MTS
Arbatel (revealing angel): A
Arbiel (aerial spirit): L2
Arcan (angel of the air ruling on Monday, king): H
archangels: TS
Archiel: L 3
Archima: H; J 5
Archyna: J 1, 5
Arcisat (aerial spirit): L2
Arcon: Ab
Ard: see Ashi Vanghuhi
Ardahuz: P iii ix 13
ardarael (autumn): H; J 5
Ardauz: P iii vii 25; ix 3
Ardens: J 2
ardesiel: J 5
Ardu: TS
Arduel: GH
Arduisur: see see Aban
ardyel: J 1
Arean (aerial spirit): L2
Aredafir: P iv ix 38
Aredvi Sura Anahita: see Aban
Arehanah: K
Arel, Angel of Fire: K
Arepach (aerial spirit): L2
arfanyel: J 1
Arganatos: G
Argax: Ab
Argetan ('Argêtán): Angel (or demon) of 16th hour of Saturday: MTS
Argilon: Ab
Argilon: Ab
Arhuz: P iii ix 15
Ariael, 'Ariaêl ('Ariahl) (demon of Sunday/the Sun): MTS
aricasom: J 1
Aridiel (aerial spirit): L2
Ariel (angel): BP 3c; J 5; K; L 3; Ariel (name of God): G; (one of the four rulers of the Elements): K; �Ariêl, 'Lrihl, (angel of Sunday/the Sun): MTS
Aries: J 1, 5; K; P i iv 2, 3; v 18; ii ii 2; iii 8, 9; x 48; xi 2-5; xii 2, 3, 40, 55; iii ii 1, 2; iii 13; v 3; vi 1; vii 36; ix 12-14, 17; iv ii 2, 6, 8; vi 13; L 3, 4; One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
Arifiel (aerial spirit): L2
Aril: Ab
Arion: K4
Arios: G
Arioth: Ab
Arito: Ab
Ariton: Ab
Arkidod ('Arkidôd): Angel (or demon) of 24th hour of Monday: MTS
Armadiel: L 2
armael: J 5
Armany (aerial spirit): L2
Armapy: L 3
armaquieyeyll: J 1
Armaros: E
Armasia: Ab
armatas (name of the Moon in Summer): H; J 5
Armen: E
Armena (aerial spirit): L2
Armesiel (aerial spirit): L2
Armez: P iii ix 12
Armiel: J 5; L 3. Also occurs as a ms. variant (L1202) of SEFONIEL in K
Arminez: P iii x 8
Armmyel: L 3
Armon: J 5; L 4
Armoniel (aerial spirit): L2
Armosiel: L 3
Armosy: L 3
Armulez: P x 12
arnaeyll: J 1
Arnebiel: L 3
Arnen (aerial spirit): L2
arneth: J 5
Arnibiel (aerial spirit): L2
Aroan (aerial spirit): L2
arobylyn: J 1
Aroc (aerial spirit): L2
Arogor: Ab
Arois (aerial spirit): L2
Arolen: Ab
arothatamal [S: Arathotamal.]: J 2
Arotor: Ab
Aroziel (aerial spirit): L2
arphel: J 5
ARPHETON: K; Name on pentacle: GH
Arpiron: Ab
Arquil: P iv ii 24
Arquyl: P iii vii 32
Arrabim: Ab
Arrabin: Ab
Arragon (angel of the fifth heaven): H
Arrexe: P iv ix 56
Arrexhe: P i iv 29
arsabon: J 1
arsafael: J 1
Arshtat, female angel (Yazad) personifying rectitude or justice (aka Ashtad): Z
Artaqifa: E
Artino (aerial spirit): L2
Arôtosael: TS
aryeyl: J 1
aryeylyn: J 1
aryhyryel: J 1
arylyn: J 1
arzaf: J 1
Arzuz: P iii ix 5
as: J 1
As, Bas, Gas, ... Tas: NS 211
ASA (Heb. magic name): NS A17:26
Asach: GV
Asael: E
asaf: J 1
Asahel (aerial spirit): L2
Asaliah: J 5
Asamie: H
asaphyn: J 1
Asaraie: H
Asasiel (an angel of Thursday): H
Asassayel: J 5
Asath: GV
Asbeel: E
Asbibiel (aerial spirit): L2
Asboga: Divine name associated with Mercury (OP2.22)
Ascala: GV
Asel: L 3
Aseliel: L 2
Asens ('Asâns): Angel (or demon) of 18th hour of Sunday: MTS
Asfa'el: E
Asher: K
Ashi Vanghuhi, female angel (Yazad) personifying and presiding over blessings (aka Ard, Ashi, Ashishwangh, Arshishwang): Z
AShMAZH (Heb. magic name): NS A17:24
Ashmedai (cp Asmodai): NS 156, 217
Ashtad: see Arshtad
Ashtaroth (demon, =Astaroth, qv): K
Asianon: Ab
Asiel: GH
ASIMA: magical word used in 'Binding the fever': BP 17c
Asimel: L 2
Asimiel (aerial spirit): L2
Asimon: NS 150
Asimor: NS 150
aslaom: J 1
Asmadiel (aerial spirit): L2
Asmaiel (aerial spirit): L2
Asmalior: Magical word on third ring in Douze Anneaux
Asman: angel (Yazad) presiding over the sky: Z
Asmiel: Ab; (aerial spirit): L2; L 3
ASMKH (Heb. magic name): NS A17:26
Asmodai ('Asmodaí, 'Asmodai) First Spirit of the North: MTS; from Avestan Aeshma Daeva ("The demon of wrath"). Found in (Apocryphal) Book of Tobit
Asmoday (demon): L 1
Asmodee: Ab, compare Asmoday, Asmodai, Asmodeus
Asmodel: Angel ruling over Taurus (OP2.14). Also J 5; K4
Asmodeus (demon, cf Asmoday): K; TS
Asmodi: Ab
Asonja: E
Asophiel: GV; K
Asorega: Ab
Asoriel (aerial spirit): L2
Aspar (aerial spirit): L2 (2)
Asperim: Ab
Asphiel (aerial spirit): L2
Asphor (aerial spirit): L2
Aspiel (aerial spirit): L2 (2)
aspyn: J 1
Asriel: NS 161
Assaba (aerial spirit): L2
Assaibi (angel, minister of Maymon): H
Assaiel: L 3
Assarez: P iv ix 32
Assasell or Assasel: Ruler of the dead according to An Excellent Booke of the Arte of Magicke (Ad. 36674, fol. 47v)
assassaiel: J 5
Assaylemaht (vel Assailamath): J 2, 3
asser: J 5
Assuel (aerial spirit): L2
Astael (aerial spirit): L2
Astagna (angel of the fifth heaven): H
Astamatis: P iii x 3
Astarin: GH
Astarot (=Astaroth, demon, grand duke): Ab; G; GH; Magical word on second ring in Douze Anneaux
Astaroth (demon): A; Ab; GH; GV; L 1
Astarte: K
Asteraôth (=Astaroth, qv): TS
Astib (aerial spirit): L2
Astolit: Ab
Astor (aerial spirit): L2
Astrachios: GV
Astrega: Ab
Astrocon: L 3
Astrofiel: L 3
astronday: J 5
Astroniel: L 3
Astroschio: GV
Asturel: Ab
astyeylyn: J 1
asueyryn: J 1
Asuriel (aerial spirit): L2
asymolyn: J 1
asyramon: J 1
Asyriel: L 2
asyzat: J 1
aszrus: J 1
ataliel: J 5
atalsloym: GV
Atar: Angel (yazad) presiding over fire. He is referred to as 'the Son of Ahura Mazda' in the Avesta. (Var: Adar, Atash, Atesh, Adur): Z
Atarf: P i iv 10
Atarfa: P iv ix 37
Atarsiel: NS 236
Ateh: K
Atel (angel of the fourth heaven): H
Aterestin: Divine name: GH
ateriathos: J 4
athanathos [S: "Athanathos"]: J 3, 5
Athanatos: H; K; One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
Athaya: P i iv 7
athemay (name of the Sun in Summer): H; J 5
Athenatos: L 1
atheniel: J 5
Athesiel (aerial spirit): L2
atheton [S: arethon]: J 2
Athiel: L 3
Athionadabir: J 1, 5
Athir (4th hour of night): H
athithael: J 5
athlas: J 1
Athor: K
Atloton: Ab
Atmefex: P iv ix 61
Atniel (aerial spirit): L2
Atrax: TS
Atriel (aerial spirit): L2
Atrikh ('Atríkh): Angel (or demon) of 18th hour of Friday: MTS
ATTIH (Heb. name of Metatron): NS 49
Aty: H
Aub: K
Audurez: P iii x 9
aula: J 2
Auleyuz: P iii x 8
Aumauliz: P iii x 8
aumeal: J 1
Aunuhiz: P iii x 9
Auphanim, Wheels: K
aurach: J 5
Aurel: TS
Auriel: K
autarylyn: J 1
Autoduo (Aútoduó) Angel (or demon) of 1st hour of Sunday: MTS
Autothith: TS
`Avdiel: NS 173
Axaula: P iv ix 47
Axiôphêth: TS
Axosiel (aerial spirit): L2
Ay: H; J 5
ayhal: J 2
ayhos: J 2
Ayib: K
Ayin: K
aylatricyn: P i v 27
aymsylyn: J 1
ayn: P i v 27
Ayperos (demon): G
Aysaram: J 1
AZA (Heb. magic name): NS A17:24
azac [S: azat]: J 2
Azael: TS
azahat: J 2
azaithon: J 4
Azan ('Azán): Angel (or demon) of 5th hour of Monday: MTS
Azarel: K
Azarfa: P iv ix 40
azariel: J 5
Azazel: E
azday: J 1
Azebene: P iv ix 44
azelechias [S: azelethias]: J 3
Azemo (aerial spirit): L2
Azeruch: P iv ix 44
azeruel: J 5
Azerut: P iv ix 41
Azia: H
Aziel: J 5; L 3; P iv ix 53
Azimech: P i iv 15; iv ix 42
Azimel (aerial spirit): L2
azimor: J 5
Aziziel: angel: BP 3c
Azobra: P i iv 12; iv ix 39
Azoraya: P i iv 4
Azoraye: P iv ix 31
Azouboul ('Azouboúl): Angel (or demon) of 10th hour of Thursday: MTS
Azrael: One of 'the three holy angels' (along with Gabriel and Michael): BP 39, 42
azrayeylyn: J 1
`Azriel: NS 203
Azriel: angel: BP 3c, 25c
azryel: J 1
Azubene: P i iv 17
Azuhafez: P iii ix 4
azyel: J 1
azyger: J 1
Azzoni: K4
Baaba (aerial spirit): L2
Baajah: L 3
Baal (demon): A; K; TS
Baal, Belphegor, Moloch, Adramelech: K
Baalsori: Ab
Babel (angel of the second heaven): H
Babet (Babét): Demon of Friday/Venus: MTS
Babiel (angel of the third heaven): H
bacapel: J 1
Bacaron: Ab
baceda: J 5
Bachanael (angel of first heaven): H
Bachiel: L2 (aerial spirit); L3
bachramyn: J 1
Bachue [S: bachuc?]: J 4
Baciar (aerial spirit): L2
Baciel (angel of the fourth heaven): H
bacoraye: J 1
Badad: Ab
badeylyn: J 1
Bae: TS
Bael (demon. See also Baal): G; L 1
Baël: K
baell (angel): J 1
Bafamal: Ab
Bagalon: Ab
Bagiel: L 3
Bahal: Ab
Baharam: P iii vii 24; lv ix 60
Bahaze: P iii vii 24
Bahol: GH
bahoraelyn: J 1
Baix: P iv ix 63
Bakiel: L 3
Balabos: Ab
Balachem: Ab
balair: J 2
Balaken: Ab
Balalos: Ab
Balam: L 1
Balay (angel of first heaven): H
Balbuch: Magical word on ninth ring in Douze Anneaux
BALDACHIA (the Seat of): K; L1
Balfori: Ab
balganaychyn: J 1
Balidet (angel, minister of Maymon): H
Baliel: H; L 3
balma: J 2
balna: J 2
Balndier: Divine name: GH
balsamus: J 2
Balsamiach: Magical word on sixth ring in Douze Anneaux
Balsur (aerial spirit): L2
Baltasar (Balrasár): Demon of Friday/Venus: MTS
BALTAZARD, BALTHAZARD: Spirit invoked in construction of hand of glory: GH; GV
Balthial: TS
Balum bar Balum: NS 234
balyel: J 1
Bamulahe: Demon: GH
Bangiel: L 3
baniel: GV
banorsasty: J 1
Bantatis: Divine name: GH
banyelyn: J 1
Baoxas (aerial spirit): L2
baquylaguall: J 1
bar: G; J 1
Baraborat (angel of the second heaven): H
barachiel: G; J 5; Divine name: GH
barachyel: J 1
Barak: Ab
baranyell: J 1
Baraqel: E
Baraqijal: E
Barbatos (demon): G; L 1
Barbiel: Angel ruling over Scorpio (OP2.14); J 5
Barbil (aerial spirit): L2
Barbis (aerial spirit): L2
barbyts: J 1
barcaran: J 1
Barchia: P iv vii 23
Barchiel [A: Barbiel]: J 5; L2 (aerial spirit); L 4 Angel ruling over Pisces (OP2.14).
Barchesiel: K4
Barefchas: Magic word: GH (variant: Bareschas)
Baresches: GV
Barfas (aerial spirit): L2
barfiell: J 1
Barfos (aerial spirit): L2
bargar: J 1
Bargis: P iii vii 19, 21; iv ix 59
Barhaot: P iv vi 13
Barhurez: P iii ix 16
Barhuyex: P iv ix 63
barhyl: J 1
bariaccoca [S: bariactoca]: J 2
bariachacha: J 2
Bariel: K; L2 (aerial spirit); L 3
Bariol: Ab
Bariz: P iii vii 24
barkalyn: J 1
Barmos: L 3
barneyeyl: J 1
Barol (2nd hour of night): H; K
Baros (aerial spirit): L2
Barqiel: NS 237
Barquiel: L 3
Barsafael: TS
barsslylyn: J 1
Barsu (aerial spirit): L2
Bartzachiah: K
Baruch (aerial spirit): L2; J 1, 5
Baruchas: L 2
Baruchiachel: TS
Baruel: Ab
baryel: J 1
barylaguy: J 1
Barzabel: The spirit of Mars (OP2.22)
basiaccor [S: basiactor]: J 2
Basiel (aerial spirit): L2
basihas: J 2
Basilion: L 3
bastaylyn: J 1
Bat: K
Bata: One of the magic words to deflect weapons: GH
Batarel: E
Batarjal: E
Bath-Kol: The voice that called upon Cain, the murderer, 'Where is thy brother, Abel?': BP 18
BATHAT: H; L 1, 2
Bathim (demon): G
Bathin: L 1
Bathinadir: J 5
Batirmiss: Ab
Batternis.9: Ab
Baviel: L 3
bayealadyn: J 1
Bayemon (typo for Paymon, q.v.): King of demons, ruling in the West: GH
Bazat: K4
Bazazeth: TS
bazihos: J 2
Beal: L 1
Bebal: L 1
bec: J 1
becabalaf: J 1
becar: J 1
Bechar: One of the demons in K3 with dominion over foul weather
Bechard: Demon in K3
Bechaud: GV
Bechet: Demon: GH
Bectue: P iv ix 49
BEDALIEL (angel): K
Bedary (aerial spirit): L2
Bedizez: P iii ix 11
Bedrimubal: GV
Beefinez: P iii x 14
Beel: demon in Daniel (aka Bel): H; Beél: Angel of Saturday/Saturn: MTS
beell: J 1
Beelzeboul: TS; Beelzebouêl: Demon of Saturday/Saturn: MTS (manuscript P)
Beelzebub (demon): Ab; K; TS
Béelzébuth (Béelzébut): Domon GH; GV
beerel: J 1
Befranzy: L 3
Begud: Angel in K4
Behartyon: P iv vi 13
behea: J 4
behebos: J 2
Behel: L 3
behelthoi [S: behelthor]: J 2
behem [S: bohem]: J 2
behemiy [S: leheimoy]: J 2
Behemoth: E
behenmyhat [S: behetmiyhat]: J 2
behenos [S: lehenos]: J 2
Beheydraz: P iii x 8
Beheymerez: P iii x 8
Behibilyon: P iv vi 13
beht: J 2
Bel: H; L 1; Magic word: GH
Belbel: TS
beldor: GV
belehothol [S: belohothoi]: J 2
Belem: Demon: GH
Beleth: L 1 (var. of Bileth, Bilt) Demon, subject of Book of Bileth in Maphteah Shelomoh; See also Kieckhefer, Forbidden Rites
belhores: J 2
beliabii: J 5
Belial: Ab; L 1; (Bélial) GH
Belifares: Ab
Belligeron: J 5
Belphegor: K
Belsay (aerial spirit): L2
belymoht [S: helymoht]: J 2
Belzebud (demonl cf. Beelz..): Ab
Belzebut (demon; cf. beelz..): G; K3
Bemerot: Ab
Ben Nephalim: demon associated with asthma or melancholy (Bechoroth, 44b), BP xx
Benase: E
benenonyll: J 1
Benethnays: P iii vii 26
Benez: GV
Bengiel: L 3
BENI ELOHIM, Sons of the Elohim: K
Beni Seraphim: Intelligences of Venus (OP2.22)
Benodiel (aerial spirit): L2
Benoham (aerial spirit): L2
benyh: J 1
Berakhiel: NS 161
beraquiel: J 1
beraquyell or beraquyel: J 1
Beratiel: L 3
Berferiel: J 5
Berhunez: P iii x 12
Beriel: L 3
Berifay or Berisay: H
Berith: L 1
berithz: J 5
Berka'el: E
Beron (1st hour of night): H; K
beron: P iv vii 3
Berukhiel: NS 161
Beruniel: NS 221
beryel: J 1
Beryenuz: P iii x 9
beryon: J 1
Beryudez: P iii x 9
Besam'el (Heb. BSMAL, angel): NS A18:5
besapha: J 2
Beschat: magic word in K3
Beshael: L 3
Betasiel (aerial spirit): L2
Beth: K
Betha: J 1, 5
bethan: J 5
bethar: J 2
Bethel almoda: P iv vii 23
bethnael: J 5
Bethniehus: P iv ix 59
Bethor (Olympic spirit of Jupiter): A
bethtaez: J 1
Betiel: L 3
Betzahuech: P iii vi 1
Bevael: L 3
Beydehydiz: P iii vii 25
Beydeluz: P iii ix 4; iv ix 61
Beyduriz: P iii x 12
beyne: P i v 27
Beyteyl: P iii vii 30, 31
bezezay: J 2
BGDNA (Heb. name of angel or spirit): NS 22
Biael: L 3
Bialod: Ab
Bialot: Ab
Bianakith: TS
Bidiel: L 2
Bifrons (demon): L 1
Bilek: Ab
Bilet (angel, minister of Arcan): H
Bileth (demon, var. of Beleth): L 1
Bilico: Ab
Bilifares: Ab
Bilifor.12: Ab
Bilifot: Ab
Bime.: L 1
Biqa: E
Biriel: Ab
Biuz: P iii vii 21
Biz: One of the magic words to counter pleurisie: GH
Bizouk (Bizoúk): Angel (or demon) of 2nd hour of Friday: MTS
Blekun (Blekún): Angel (or demon) of 16th hour of Wednesday: MTS
Blemen (Blemên): Angel (or demon) of 17th hour of Wednesday: MTS
Bleu: One of the magic words to deflect weapons: GH
BLThI (Heb. name of angel or spirit): NS 22
Bobêl: TS
boel: J 1, 5
Böel: K
boell: J 1
Bofar (aerial spirit): L2
bofealyquyn: J 1
Bohel: J 5
boho: J 2
bohorim: P i v 27
Bolfry (demon): L 1
bolon: J 2
bon: J 2
Bonyel (aerial spirit): L2
Borachiel: L 4
Borasy (aerial spirit): L2
borayeyll: J 1
borayn: P i v 27
Bored: K
bornaylon: J 1
Borob: Ab
Borol: Ab
boros [S: horos]: J 2
borzac: J 1
bosephar: J 2
bostyhal [S: bostihal]: J 2
Bothothêl: TS
Botis (demon): G; L 1
Bramiel: L 3
Bramsiel (aerial spirit): L2
Brandiel: L 3
Brasiel: L 3
Brasim: G
Brazo: GV
briamathon [S: brihamathon]: J 2
Brieus: TS
brihamocon: J 2
brofylyn: J 1
Bruach: Ab
Brufiel (aerial spirit): L2
Brumiel: L 3
Brymiel (aerial spirit): L2
Bubana: Ab
Bubanabub: Ab
Bucafas (aerial spirit): L2
Budar (aerial spirit): L2
Budarim (aerial spirit): L2
Budiel (aerial spirit): L2
Buer (demon): G; L 1
Bufanotz: L 3
Bufiel (aerial spirit): L2
Buk: Ab
Buldumêch: TS
bulerator: GV
Bulis (aerial spirit): L2
Bultala: TS
Bultin, bultotum: Magic words for sword: GH
Bumahan: Ab
Bune: L 1
Buniel (aerial spirit): L2
Burasen: Ab
Burchat (angel of the fourth heaven): H
Burfa (aerial spirit): L2
Buriel: L 2
Buriol: Ab
Burisiel (aerial spirit): L2
Buriub: Ab
Buriul.3: Ab
Busasejal: E
Busiel (aerial spirit): L2
Butarab: Ab
Butharuth: Ab
byenyell: J 1
byny: J 1
byrnchata [S: barnothata]: J 2
bysserios: J 5
Caadaldeba: P i iv 23
Caadalhacbia: P i iv 26
Caadazod: P iv ix 52
Caaddebolach: P i iv 24
cabake loch: J 1
Cabariel: L 2
Cabarim (aerial spirit): L2
Cabiel (aerial spirit): L2; Cabiel [A: Gabiel]: J 5; L 3
Cabil: P iv ix 33
Cabost: G
Cabot: magic word in K3
Cabron (aerial spirit): L2
cabueyryn: J 1
cabyn: J 1
Cacay: K4
Cacodaemones (class of angels): A
cacyrylyn: J 1
cadanagyn: J 1
Cadomir: GV
Cados: GH; H; K4 (often: Cados Cados Cados)
Cadriel (aerial spirit): L2
Cael: L 3
Cäerra: K
caffrnbryn: J 1
cafiel: J 1
Cahadabula: P iii ix 13
Cahael: L 3
cahegilihos [S: cahegililos]: J 2
cahethel: J 5
Cahil: P iv ii 25
cahuene: P i v 27
Cahyluz: P iii ix 5
caiel: J 5
Caila: GV
Caim.: L 1
Cajael: L 3
Cajaiel: L 3
Cakiel: L 3
Calach: Ab
Calamichan: J 5
Calamosi: Ab
Calbat: H; K4
Calerna (11th hour of night): H
Calevodium: GV
Caliel: J 5
Calim (aerial spirit): L2
calion [S: calyon]: J 2
Calmiron: GV
Calniso: GV
Caluel (angel of the second heaven): H
Calvarnia (aerial spirit): L2
calyrxon: J 1
Calzas (angel of the fifth heaven): H
Camael: Angel ruling the angelic order of Powers in OP2.12; J 5
Camal: Ab
Camalon: Ab
Camar: P iii vii 33
Camarion: Ab
Camarom: L 3
Camary: L 3
Cambriel (aerial spirit): L2; L 3
Came: Ab
Cameron: GV
Cameso: GV
Camiel (aerial spirit): L2; L 3
Camonix: Ab
Camor (aerial spirit): L2
Camory (aerial spirit): L2
Camosiel: L 3
Camyel (aerial spirit): L2
cananyn: J 1
canast phasis [S: canastphasis]: J 2
canazay: J 2
canazpharis: J 2
Cancer: J 1, 5; K; L 3; P i iv 9, 11; v 5, 16, 34; ii iii 9; x 87; xi 12-14; xii 11, 42, 55; iii ii 5; iii 16; ix 15, 17; iv ii 5, 10, 12, 16; TS
candones: J 2
canel: J 1
Caniel (aerial spirit): L2
Canis: P ii ii 1
canofylyn: J 1
canona: J 5
Cantine: H
canueyl: J 1
Caolos: K4
Capabili (angel of the fourth heaven): H
capeyell: J 1
caphael: J 5
caphamal [S: caphanial]: J 2
caphanal [S has caphanal corrected to caphaval]: J 2
caphar: J 2
caphiziel: J 5
Caphriel (angel): H
Capricorn: J 1, 5; K; L 3; P i iv 23-25; ii iii 8; ix 6, 7; xi 30-32; xii 29, 43, 49; iii ii 11; iii 22; vii 16; ix 11, 16; xi 131; iv ii 12
Capriel (aerial spirit): L2
capsa: J 2
Captiel: L 4; P iv vii 23
Caput: P i ii 5; v 1, 8, 9, 30, 34; ii iii 6; iii i 10
Capziel: J 1
Caracasa: J 5
Carah: Ab
caram: J 1
Carasch: Ab
Carasiba (aerial spirit): L2
Caratasa (an angel of the Spring): H
caratheos: J 2
carathos [S: caratheos]: J 2
Carba (aerial spirit): L2
carbyel: J 1
carcyell: J 1
Cardiel (aerial spirit): L2; L 3
Carelena: Ab
Caremaz: L 3
carfzoneyll: J 1
Carga (aerial spirit): L2
cariactera: J 2
Cariel (aerial spirit): L2
caristomon [S: caristomnon]: J 2
Carman: L 3
Carmax (angel, minister of Samax): H
carmelos: J 2
carmelychos [S: carmelithos]: J 2
Carmiel (aerial spirit): L2
carmolehos: J 2
Carnaduyz: P iii vii 21
carnby: J 1
Carnel, Carnol (aerial spirit): L2
Carnesiel: L 2
Carniel (aerial spirit): L2
Carnodiel (aerial spirit): L2
Caro: Magic word: GH
Caroler: K4
Caromos: Ab
Caron: Ab; (aerial spirit): L2
Carpiel (aerial spirit): L2
Carsiel (aerial spirit): L2
Cartael (aerial spirit): L2
cartemat: J 1
cartyel: J 1
Carueyiz: P iii vii 21
caruphylyn: J 1
carybyfyn: J 1
Casael (aerial spirit): L2
Casbriel (aerial spirit): L2
Cashael: J 5
Cashiel: L 3
Casiel: L2 (aerial spirit); L3
casmaram: J 5
Casmaran (Summer): H
Casmiel: G; GV
Casmiroz: L 3
casmuch: J 1
Casoly: GV
caspa: J 1
Caspiel: L 2
Cassael: K
Cassiel: GH; H; K; L 3
cassylon: J 1
cassziel: J 5
Castiel (an angel of Thursday): H
Casuijah: L 3
Casziel: J 1, 5
cathalihel [S: cathaliel!]: J 2
cathanathel [S: chathanathel]: J 2
cathneylyn: J 1
Catrudiz: P iii x 9
catuhe: P i v 27
Cauda: P i ii 5; v 9, 20; ii iii 8; v 2; iii i 10
Cavayr (aerial spirit): L2
caybeinynyn: J 1
Cayfar: Ab
Cayimuz: P iii x 9
Caynaurez: P iii x 8
caypharim: P iv ii 3
Cayros (aerial spirit): L2
caysaac: J 1
cazaihel [S: tazaihel]: J 2
Cazul (aerial spirit): L2
CColomaithos [S: colomarthos vel colomarnthos].: J 4
Cechiel: L 3
Cediel: L 3
cefafin: J 5
cefanya: J 1
Cegnel: L 3
cehogethos [S: tehogethos]: J 2
cehognos [S: tehognos]: J 2
Cehuz: P iii ix 6
celabryll: J 1
Celan: P iii vii 33
Celez: P iii vii 33
Celiel: L 3
Celuz: P iii ix 17
celydael: J 1
Celyuberon: P iv vi 13
cemaguyll: J 1
Cemluz: P iii ix 15
cemon [S: megnoncemon]: J 2
cenhe: P i v 27
Centus: P iv ix 62
ceradadyn: J 1
Cerim: P iii vii 33
Cerreton: GV
Cesiel: L 3
Cesilcie: K4
cetabyel: J 1
cetenoylyn: J 1
cethal [S: cethalsam]: J 2
Cevorym: L 3
ceyabgos: J 1
Ceylez: P iii ix 12
ceytatynyn: J 1
cezozoy: J 2
ch [R: th]: J 1
Chabel: Magic word: GH
Chabiel: L 3
Chabri (aerial spirit): L2
Chabrion: L 3
Chabriz: L 3
Chades: J 4
Chadiel: L 3
Chadros: L 3
Chael: L 3
chagnoro [S: thagnoro]: J 2
chaharon [S: choharon]: J 2
Chahel: L 3
Chaiel: L 3
Chaigidel, Shells: K
CHAIOTH HA-QADESCH, Holy Living Creatures: K
Chaioth: K
chalchyphay: J 1
Chalib (Chalíb): Demon of Wednesday/Mercury: MTS
chalos: J 2
Chameray: L 3
Chameron: GV
Chamiel (Chamiol) [Sl2731:Chomiel] (aerial spirit): L 2; L3
Chamoriel (aerial spirit): L2
Chamos (aerial spirit): L2
chamyquiol [S: thamyqiol]: J 2
Chanaei (aerial spirit): L2
chanakiah [A: Kavakiah]: J 5
chanaym [S: thanaym]: J 2
Chansi (aerial spirit): L2
chanyham [S: thanyh_a_m]: J 2
Charaby: L 3
Charara: TS
Charas (aerial spirit): L2
Chardiel: L 3
Chariel (aerial spirit): L2; angel in K4; (Cariel) (angel of Monday/the Moon): MTS
Charitas: One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
Charmy: L 3
Charny: L 3
Charobiel (aerial spirit): L2
Charoel (aerial spirit): L2
Charpon: L 3
Charsiel (aerial spirit): H; L2
Charuch: L 3
charusihoa: GV
Chasan, Angel of Air: K
Chaschmalim, or the Brilliant (or Lucid Ones): K
Chasiel: L 3
Chasor (aerial spirit): L2
chauakiah: J 5
Chaunta: One of the demons in K3 with dominion over riches
Chaya: Ab
Chazael: L 3
Chaziel: L 3
Chechiel: L 3
Chedonia: K4
cheduryel: J 1
Chedusitaniel (angel of the third heaven): H
cheibib [S: guygucheibib]: J 4
chelahel: J 2
Chelath: magic word in K3
chemon: J 4
Chemosh (demon): A
chenathon: J 2
Chengiel: L 3
Chenibranbo: GV
Cherasiel: L 3
Chermel: L 3
Chermiel (angel of the third heaven): H
cherobalym: J 2
Cherub of the Ark: K
Cherub: J 5; K
Cherubim: E, GV; K; TS
cherubin [S: cherubyn]: H; J 1, 2
cheryon: J 1
Cheth: K
Chetiel: L 3
Chetivel: L 3
chetonay [S: theconay]: J 2
chetorab: J 2
Chiamoch: K4
chiathar [S: thiathar]: J 2
chiel [S: thiel]: J 2
chihamon [S: chihamõ] (vel chilamon): J 2
chirmuts: magic word in K3
chiros: J 5
chirotecas [S: chirothechas]: J 1
Chisti (or Chista): Female angel (yazad) personifying religious wisdom. Her name probably means 'Instruction'. Also known as Razishta Chista ('Most Upright Chista')Z
chnblaman [S: chublalaman or chn..?]: J 2
Chokmahiel: K
chomochomacanay [S: chomo chomothanay]: J 2
Chora: L 1
Choreb: L 3
choremal: J 2
Choriel: L 3
choro: J 2
choto [S: chotorim]: J 2
Chrasiel: L 3
Chremas: L 3
Chremoas (aerial spirit): L2
christ: J 1, 5
Chroel: L 3
Chrubas (aerial spirit): L2
Chrusiel: L 3
Chrymas: L 3
Chthouniel, Chthouniêl (Cqounihl) (demon of Sunday/the Sun): MTS
Chuba (aerial spirit): L2
Churibal (aerial spirit): L2
Chuschi: Ab
Chushel: L 3
Ciajah: L 3
ciarhuht [S: tiarihuht]: J 4
Cid, ms. variant of SID, the great demon (Cid, le grand Démon de votre Maitre) K1
Cimeies: L 1
cinamomum: J 2
cirael: J 5
Cirecas (aerial spirit): L2
cirhos: J 1, 5
Citgara (aerial spirit): L2
ciuitas: J 2
Clamor (aerial spirit): L2
Claniel (aerial spirit): L2
clarapalos: J 2
Clauneck: GV
clementissime: J 5
Clemialh: GV
Cleraca: Ab
Clisthert: GV
Clyssan (aerial spirit): L2
Cobel: Ab
Cobusiel (aerial spirit): L2
cocab: See Cochab
Cochab: Hebrew for the planet Mercury. See OP2.13, J 1.
Cociz: P iii ix 16
Codriel (aerial spirit): L2
Coelen: Ab
Coelis: G
Cohen: Ab
coicragon [S: coictagon]: J 2
Colear: K4
colehon: GV
Coliel (aerial spirit): L2
Collen: magic word in K3
colnaphan: J 2
columba: J 2
Colvam: Ab
Comadiel: L 3
Comial: L 3
Commissoros (an angel of the Spring): H; J 5
Commutaff, commvtaf (name of the Sun in Winter): H; J 5
Coniel (angel of the third heaven): H
consolatio: J 2
coouachoros [S: cumachoros]: J 2
Corabael (angel of first heaven): H
Corat (angel of the third heaven): H
Corcaron: Ab
Corcavion: Ab
Core (an angel of the Spring): H; J 5
Corez: P iii ix 1
Coreziel: L 3
Coridal: One of the magic words used in a spell to prevent eating: GH
Corilon: Ab
corithico: J 2
Corocon: Ab
Corodon: Ab
corosay: J 5
corphandonos: J 2
corquenal: J 2
Correncymon (vel Correrimon) [S, S2: Porcenthimon]: J 4
Corson: L 1
cossuro: J 1
costyryn: J 1
cozomerag: J 3
crastozios [S: custrosihos]: J 2
crathon [S: c_n_thon]: J 2
craton: J 2
Crea: K4
Creator: K; One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
crehamuos [S: "crehamnos"]: J 3
crememon: J 2
cremymyel [S: c_e_mymyhel]: J 2
Creon: GV
Cricacoeur (Cricacœur): GH
crihicos [S: c_i_hicos]: J 2
crimisaiber [S: crymyzaiber]: J 2
crisolsay: GV
cristapholis [S: christopholis]: J 2
cristolepha [S: Christolepha]: J 2
cristos: J 2
crogohen [S: cragohen]: J 2
cromemon: J 2
Cron Octa: K4
crosay: J 2
Crosiel: L 3
Crouay: GH
Cruchan (aerial spirit): L2
Cruhiel (aerial spirit): L2
ctarari (an angel of Winter): H; J 5
Cubi (aerial spirit): L2
Cubiel (aerial spirit): L2
Cuel: TS
Cugiel (aerial spirit): L2
Cukbiel: angel: BP 3c
cullya: J 1
Culmar (aerial spirit): L2
Cultin cultorum: Magic words for sword: GH
Cumariel (aerial spirit): L2
Cumeriel (aerial spirit): L2
cumyryel: J 1
Cuphal (aerial spirit): L2
Cupriel (aerial spirit): L2
Cuprisiel (aerial spirit): L2
Curaniel (angel of first heaven): H
Curasin (aerial spirit): L2
Cureviorbas: GV
Curiel (aerial spirit): L2
Curifas (aerial spirit): L2
Curmas (aerial spirit): L2
Cursas (aerial spirit): L2
Cursiel: L 3
Cuschi: Ab
Cusiel (aerial spirit): L2
Cusriel (aerial spirit): L2
Cusyne (aerial spirit): L2
Cynabal (minister of Varcan, angel of Sunday): H
Cynosbaton: TS
cyophagros [S: cytophagros]: J 2
cyzamanyn: J 1
Dabiel: L 2
Dablat: Ab
Dabraylez: P iii x 8
Dabriel (angel of first heaven): H
Dabrinos (aerial spirit): L2
Dachael: L 3
Dachiel: L 3
dadyel: J 1
dadyell: J 1
Daena: Female angel (yazad) presiding over the religion, also, Inner Self or Conscience. (aka Den): Z
daffrypeyl: J 1
dafngel: J 1
Dagiel: H; L3; (aerial spirit): L2
Daglas: Ab
Daglus: Ab
Dagnel: L 3
Dagon (demon): A
Daguler: Ab
Dagulez: Ab
Dahanuz: P iii ix 7
Dahaydanuz: P iii ix 13
Dahiel: L 3
Dahm: Angel (yazad) honored on the fourth day after death: Z
Dahma Afriti (or Dahman Afrin): Angel personifying the power of benediction: Z
Damoish Upamana: Angel (yazad) personifying anathema: Z
Dahyeliz: P iii x 8
daihyr [S: dalihir]: J 2
Dajiel: L 3
Dalé: K
Dalep: Ab
Dalet: Magical word on first ring in Douze Anneaux
Daleth: K
Dalmay: GV
dalqiel: J 5
dalya: J 1
dalyell: J 1
Damael (angel of the fifth heaven): H
damahiah [A: Damabiah]: J 5
Damar: L 3
Damarsiel (aerial spirit): L2
Damasiel: L 3
Dameriel: L 3
Damery: L 3
Damiel: K; L 3
Damyel: L 3
Dan: E
Danael: J1; L2 (aerial spirit)
Danahish: NS 127
Danel: E
daner: J 5
Daniel: J5; K; (aerial spirit): L2
Danjal: E
Danochar: GV
danpy: J 1
danroc: J 1
Dansor: L 3
Dant: GH
Dantalion: L 1
danyel: J 1
danyturla: J 1
dapsyon: J 1
Darascon: Ab
Darbori (aerial spirit): L2
Dardariel: L 3
Dardiel (angel of Sunday): H
dardihel: J 5
dardyhel: J 5
Darek: Ab
dargoyeyll: J 1
Darmexim: P iv ix 59
Darochim: Ab
Darokin: Ab
Darosiel: L 3
Darquiel (angel of first heaven): H
Darquiz: P iii vii 21
Daruz: P iii ix 1
daryel: J 1
daryenyn: J 1
Dashiel: L 3
Dasmedias: Divine name: GH
Dathan: L 1
Dathiel: L 3
datquiel: J 5
Datziel: L 3
Dayadebuz: P iii vii 25
Daziel: L 3
Deal Ton: K4
Deamiel (angel of first heaven): H
Debam: Ab
debroz: J 5
decapochen: J 2
decaponde: J 2
Decarabia: L 1
Decariel (aerial spirit): L2
decarpe: J 2
Decaytus: P iii x 13
Deccal: Ab
December: P iv vii 24
defensor: J 5
Degaliel: K
Degayus: P iv ix 64
Degon: One of the magic words used in a spell to prevent eating: GH
degyon: J 1
Deharayuz: P iii ix 3
Dehataryz: P iii ix 5
Dehedeyz: P iii vii 21
Dehedyz: P iii ix 6
dehel: J 2
Deheniz: P iii ix 17
Deherix: P iv ix 36
Deheriz: P iii ix 16
Dehetarix: P iv ix 62
Deheydemiz: P iii vii 25
Deheydex: P iv ix 59
Deheyfez: P iii ix 4
Dehycayz: P iii ix 14
Dehydemes: P iv ix 60
Dehydemez: P iii ix 3, 13
Dehydez: P iii ix 2
Dehymez: P iii ix 4
deihel: J 2
Deilas (aerial spirit): L2
Deinatz: L 3
Deliel: L 4
delmusan: GV
Deloth: J 4
delqua: J 1
delthis: J 2
Demanoz: L 3
Demaor: L 3
Demarae: L 3
Demarot: L 3
Demasor: L 3
Deme: P iii vii 21
Demediel (aerial spirit): L2
Demehuz: P iii ix 2
Demerix: P iv ix 62
Demeuz: P iii ix 12
Demeymes: P iv ix 61
Demoriel: L 2
Den: see Daena
Denaryz: L 3
Denôê: TS
Denediz: P iii ix 17
Deneriz: P iii ix 15
denos: J 3
depymo: J 2
depymon: J 2
Deriuz: P iii ix 1
Derix: P iv ix 59
Deriyenuz: P iii x 12
Deriz: P iii ix 2,6, 16
Dermez: P iii ix 2
Dermiz: P iii vii 19
Derniz: P iii ix 11
dersam: J 1
Deryes: P iii vii 21
Deryx: P iv ix 63
detryeyll: J 1
Deus: J 1, 2, 5; P i pr. 1, 2, 4; i 1; ii 5; iv 33; v 5, 39; vi 1; vii 1, 4; ii v 5; x 20; xii 53, 58, 59; iii vii, 1, 16-21, 23-26, 28-33; viii 4; xii 1, 2; iv i 1, 4, 9; iv 61, 63; vi 13; vii 62; ix 27; One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
Devachiah (or Devachia): K; K4
devil: L 1; J 1
dewhel [S: dem hel]: J 2
Deydex: P iv ix 62
Deydez: P iii ix 5
Deyluz: P iii x 9
Deytuz: P iii x 8
Deytyz: P iii ix 1
Dia: One of the magic words to counter pleurisie: GH
Dihymez: P iii ix 14
Dimirag: Ab
Dimurgos: Ab
Din: Divine name associated with Mercury (OP2.22)
Diniel: angel: BP 3c
Diopos: Ab
dirachiel: J 5
Diralisen: Ab
Diralisin: Ab
Dirba: one of the names of the demon called the "strangling mother of boys": BP 6b, 25c
dirigalii: J 5
Diruez: P iii ix 5
disdros: J 5
Dishi ben Dishibin Dashubi: NS 234
Disolel: Ab
Dison: Ab
Dius: P iv ix 58
DIVA (Heb. name of angel or spirit): NS 22
Diviel (aerial spirit): L 2; L3
Divorcon: G
DNChISh (Heb. name of angel or spirit): NS 22
Dobiel (aerial spirit): L2
Dodiel (aerial spirit): L2
Dolefach: Magical word on eighth ring in Douze Anneaux
domathamos: J 2
domengos: J 2
domina: J 2
Dominus: P i pr. i, 2; vii 4; ii x 39; iii vii 29
domogetha [S: domogentha]: J 2
Domol: GV
Domoras: L 3
Domos: GV; one of the names of the demon called the "strangling mother of boys": BP 6b
domus: J 2
DONACHIEL (angel): K
Donecepheron: K
Doni: Divine name associated with Mercury (OP2.22)
donmedo: GV
doppeyl: J 1
Dorak: Ab
Doremiel (angel of the third heaven): H
Doriel (aerial spirit): L2
Dormason: L 3
Dorochiel: L 2
dorsamot: GV
Dosom: Ab
Douniel (Dounihl) (angel of Sunday/the Sun): MTS
Drabiel: L 3
Drabros (aerial spirit): L2
drabundin: J 5
Draco: P i ii 5; v 1, 8, 9, 20, 30, 34; ii iii 8; v 2; iii i 10
Dracon: L 3
dragin: GV
Dragon (aerial spirit): L2
Dramas: Ab
Dramaz: L 3
Dramiel (aerial spirit): L2
Dramozyn: L 3
Drapios (aerial spirit): L2
Drasiel (aerial spirit): L2
Drelmech: L 3
Dresop: Ab
dridmoyl: J 5
Drion: K4
Dromiel: L 3
Drubiel (aerial spirit): L2
Druchas: L 3
drudromoy: J 5
Drufiel: L 3
Drusiel (aerial spirit): L2
Drvaspa: Female angel (yazad) personifying cattle: Z
Dryades (class of spirits): A
Dubarus (aerial spirit): L2
Dubiel (aerial spirit): L2
Dubilon (aerial spirit): L2
Dubraz: L 3
DUCHIEL (angel): K
Dudael: E
duhomelathus: J 2
Duidain: E
dulcissime: J 5
Dulid: Ab
Dumaso: GV
Dumogon: G
Dumosson: GV
dunedryneylyn: J 1
Dusiriel (aerial spirit): L2
duymas [S: dvynas]: J 1
dyaforim: P iv ii 3
dyhamelathos [S: dihamelathos]: J 2
Earaoe: Ab
Earos (aerial spirit): L2
Earviel (aerial spirit): L2
ebalohe: J 2
Ebaron: Ab
Ebla: E
Ebra (aerial spirit): L2
ecchothas: J 5
Eckdulon: Ab
Edilta: one of the names of the demon called the "strangling mother of boys": BP 6b
Edoniel: J 1; K
Edriel (aerial spirit): L2; L3
Eduz: P iii ix 11
Effrigis: Ab
Efios ('Efiós): Angel (or demon) of 8th hour of Saturday: MTS
Eforit ('Eforít): Angel (or demon) of 12th hour of Friday: MTS
Efrigis: Ab
effygmato: J 1
Efiel (aerial spirit): L2 (2)
Efipas ('Efipás): Angel (or demon) of 19th hour of Wednesday: MTS
Egachir: Ab
Egakireh: Ab
egge: J 1
egibiel: J 5
Egin, Egyn, or Aegyn: King of the South according to An Excellent Booke of the Arte of Magicke (Ad. 36674, fol. 47v) (Alternately called named as Ariton in Ab.)
egiviel: J 5
Eglatus, Egla: Two of the magic words to counter fever: GH
Egribel: P iv ix 46
egyhel [S: egihel]: J 2
Egym: GH; see Egin
Egyn: Ab
egyrion: J 5
egyryon: J 1, 5
ehehii: J 5
Eheie: Name of God associated with Kether in OP2.12
ehenyton: J 1
Eheye: L 1
Ehon: K4
Eiael: J 5
Eie: H
Eima: K4
Eistierix: Angel (or demon) of 3rd hour of Wednesday: MTS
Ekalak: Ab
Ekalike: Ab
Ekdulon: Ab
Ekorok: Ab
El: Name of God; G; GH; H; J 1; K; L 1, 2; NS 161, 240; OP2.13
El Ab: Divine name associated with Jupiter (OP2.22)
El Gebil: K
El Qaana: NS 240-241
El Shaddaï: K: NS 126, 156, 211, see also Shaddai, Saday
Elafon: Ab
Elamyr: Ab
Elamyz: L 3
Elanel: L 3
Elantiel: One of the demons in K3 with dominion over riches
Elaton: Ab
elbedagrin: J 1
Elbelda: P i iv 22
Elburion: TS
Elcar (aerial spirit): L2
Elechym: L 3
Eleéth: TS
Elelogap: GV
Elemental spirits: K
elemiah: J 5
Eleminator: J 2
Elerion: Ab
Elestor: One of the three princes of the demons (along with Lucifer and Belzebut) in Clavicules du Roi Salomon, Livre Troisieme, par Armadel
Eleyson: J 5; One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
Elh: G
Eli: K
Elia: K
Elias: G
Elibanoth: magic word in K3
Elibra: H
Eliditor (Êliditór): Angel (or demon) of 1st hour of Saturday: MTS
Eliel (aerial spirit): L2
Eligor: L 1
Eligos: L 1
ELIM: Divine name associated with the Moon (OP2.22) K
Eliogaphatel: Demon in K3
Elion: GH; H; K; L 1, 2
Eliphamasai: L 4
Elisem ('Elisém): Angel (or demon) of 9th hour of Friday: MTS
Elitel (aerial spirit): L2
Elivisa: GV
Elmis: Ab
Elmoym: L 3
eloe: J 1
Eloh: Divine name associated with the Sun (OP2.22)
ELOHA: K; Name of God associated with Tiphereth in OP2.13
Elohe: GH; H; L 1, 2
Elohim (name of God): GV; H; K; L 1, 2; NS 200, 225, 240
ELOHIM GIBOR: Name of God in K; OP2.12, OP2.13
Elohim qeber, Elohim: K
Elohim Tzabaoth: K
Elohym: K4
Eloim (=Elohim, name of God): G
'Elome'el: E
elomich: J 5
Elomnia: L 4
elon: J 5
Elonim: Ab
Eloy: GH; H; J 1, 2
Eloya: K4
Eloym: GH; GV (var of Elohim, name of God)
Eloyn: K4
Elpinon: Ab
Elponen: Ab
elscha: J 1, 5
Ely: J 1, 5; One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
Elyminator [S: Eleminator]: J 3
elynzy: J 1
elyon: J 1
elyorem: J 1, 5
elysafan: J 1
elysu: J 1
Elzegan: Ab
Elzegar: Ab
elzephares: J 1, 5
Emalon: L 3
Emanuel, Emanvel: G; J 1, 4, 5; K; L 1
Emarfiel: L 3
Emarion: L 3
Emarziel: L 3
Ematyel: L 3
emaunel: J 5
Emeriel: L 3
Emfatison: Ab
Emfiloel, Emfiloêl (Emfilohl) (angel of Monday/the Moon): MTS
Emirex: P iv ix 63
Emirez: P iii ix 16
Emisael: One of the magic words used in a spell to extinguish fire: GH
Emmanuel: H, TS ; One of the 72 holy names of God: GH; NS 200
Emodias ('Emodiás): Angel (or demon) of 13th hour of Thursday: MTS
Emoniel: L 2
Emphastison: Ab
Emuel (aerial spirit): L2
Enaia: Ab
Enariel: L 3
Enatiel: G
Enatriel: L 3
endiran: J 5
enediel: J 5
Enedil: P iv ix 30
Enei: Ab
Enenuth: TS
Enépsigos: TS
Enêpsigos: TS
Enga: Divine name: GH
Englabis: Divine name: GH
Eniuri: Ab
Enmanuel: GV
entissime: J 5
Eon Met: K4
Eparinesont: GV
Epios ('Epios): Angel (or demon) of 19th hour of Thursday: MTS
Epithouanon ('Epiqouanon) (demon of Sunday/the Sun): MTS
Erae: E
Eralicarison: Ab
eralyn: J 1
Eralyz: Ab
Eramael: One of five demons under Satanachi in K3
Erato: K4
ercell: J 5
erchothas: J 1
Erdaz: P iii ix 12
Erdegel: P iv ix 42
Erekia: Ab
Erenutes: Ab
Ereth: Female angel (yazad) personifying truth: Z
Ergamen: Ab
Ergatige ('Êgatigá): Angel (or demon) of 23rd hour of Tuesday: MTS
ergediel: J 5
Ergonion: Ab
Ergosil: Ab
Ergotas ('Ergotás): Angel (or demon) of 9th hour of Thursday: MTS
erhagel [S: exagal]: J 2
Erigion: Name on pentacle (GH)
erihel [S: exihel]: J 2
erihona: J 1, 5
Erimites: Ab
Erional: K4
Eritherem: magic word in K3
Erkaya: Ab
ERLY: Spirit invoked in construction of hand of glory: GH; GV
Erman ('Ermán): Angel (or demon) of 5th hour of Friday: MTS
Ermaziel: L 3
Ermiel: L 3
Ermihala: Ab
Ermoniel (aerial spirit): L2
Eros: TS
erpyon: J 1
eryon: J 1, 5
eryona: G; J 5
Esarchie: Name of God: GH
Escavor: GV
Escha: H; J 5
Eschiel: K
escor: J 5
Eserchie (=Escerchie): H
esfylyn: J 1
Eshiniel: angel: BP 3c
esmaadyn: J 1
Esmony: GV
Espoel (aerial spirit): L2
essaf: J 1
Estio: G
Estiot: GV
Esytio: G
Esytion: G
Etaliz: Ab
Ethan: Ab
Ethanim: Ab
Ethanim: Ab
Ethiel (aerial spirit): L2
ethion: J 5
Etimiel (aerial spirit): L2
Etitnamus, Etituamus: G
Etouros ('Êtourós): Angel (or demon) of 19th hour of Monday: MTS
Euchey: GV
Euknitiel (Eúknitiêl): Angel (or demon) of 23rd hour of Monday: MTS
Evadar: L 3
Evandiel: L 3
Evanuel: L 3
Evarym: L 3
evebychay: J 5
exaccodan [S: exactodan]: J 2
Exagiel: J 5
Exaula: P i iv 20
excelse: J 5
excludo [S: exluso]: J 2
exdromal: J 5
Exe: H
Exenteron: Ab
exhator: J 2
exhedon [S: exheton]: J 2
exhehal: J 4
exheruz [S: exhernz]: J 2
exiophiam: J 2
Existion (var. of Exstion): G
Existioneriona: G
exmegan: J 2
exmogon: J 2
exnotheyn: J 4
Exstion: G
Exteron: Ab
Ey: H
Eydulez: P iii ix 4
eye: H; J 5; K4
ezeleaz: J 2
Ezeqeel: E
ezethomos: J 4
ezey: J 5
eznyah: J 1
ezomathon: J 4
Ezparez, Ezphares: G
Fabelleronthou: GV
Fabiel: G; L2 (aerial spirit)
faceyeyll: J 1
facifon: J 5
Fadrulez: P iii x 9
fagamesy: J 2
fagamesym: J 2
Fagani: Ab
Faguni: Ab
fais [S: fals]: J 2
falason: J 1
falsari: P iv ii 12
Famaras: L 3
Famiel (angel of the third heaven): H
Famoriel: L 3
fanyel: J 1
farabyn: J 1
Farai: Angel (or demon) of 22nd hour of Wednesday: MTS
faranyeal: J 1
Fardaruz: P iii x 9
fariel: J 5
farlae: J 5
Farlas (winter): H
Farmos: L 3
fartis: J 1
faryelyn: J 1
Faseua (aerial spirit): L2
Fasma: Ab
father, the: J 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Faturab: Ab
Faurix: P iv ix 63
Faytamurez: P iii x 8
Faytoliz: P iii x 11
Fealech: L 3
fedraza: P i v 27
fegem: P i v 27
Fegot: One of the demons in K3
Felut: GV
Femol (aerial spirit): L2
Femurez: P iii x 8
Fenadros: L 3
Fendeyuz: P iii x 14
fenestra: J 2
Feniz: P iii x 9
Fenosiel: L 3
fenyturla: J 1
Ferala: magic word in K3
ferlucifin: J 5
Fernebus: Ab
Fersebus: Ab
Ferunt: magic word in K3
Feruz: P iii ix 12
ferymay [S: ferimay]: J 2
festatui, Festativi (name of the earth in Summer): H; J 5
feya: J 1
Feyeduz: P iii x 14
Feyleuz: P iii x 14
Feymeluz: P iii x 12
Feymeriz: P iii x 12
feynon: J 1
Fide arrach: P iv vii 23
Filaxon: Ab
filiach: J 5
Filius: One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
Fimarson: L 3
fimtilis: J 5
Finaxos: Ab
Finis: Divine name: GH
fintingon: J 2
Firiel: GV
Fisti: GH
Flabison: Ab
Flaef (angel, minister of Sarabotes): H
Flauros: L 1
Flaxon: Ab
Fleruty: GV
Fleurety (demon, leut. gen.): G
Flos: One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
flum: J 2
flumen: J 2
Focalor: L 1
fons: J 2
Foras (demon): L 1
Forau (demon): G
Forfaron: Ab
Forneus (demon): L 1
Forteson: Ab
fortis: J 5
Fortitudo: J 5
Foruz: P iii ix 2
foylyon: J 1
Fraciel (angel of the fifth heaven): H
Framion: L 3
Framoth: L 3
Franedac: L 3
frangam: GV
Frasis: Ab
Frasmiel (aerial spirit): L2
Fremiel: L 3
frenil: J 5
Friagne (angel of the fifth heaven): H
Frimost: Demon: GH (1760 edition); GV
Frimoth: One of the demons in K3 with dominion over passion and lust
Frinafe (Frinafé): Angel (or demon) of 21st hour of Monday: MTS
Frodinos (Frodinós): Angel (or demon) of 24th hour of Sunday: MTS
Fromezyn: L 3
Fronyzon: L 3
froseithz: J 5
Frucissière: GV
Frulhel (or Frastiel): One of the demons in K3 with dominion over reanimation
Frutimière: GV
Fubentroty: GV
fuheylyn: J 1
fullarite: J 5
Fulouel (Fulouel) (angel of Sunday/the Sun): MTS
fundamentum: J 2
Furamiel: L 3
Furcas: L 1
Furfur: L 1
Furiel: L 3
Fursiel (aerial spirit): L2
Furtur: L 1
Fustiel: L 3
Futiel (aerial spirit): L2 (2)
Futiniel: L 3
fysfyn: J 1
Gaap (demon): L 1
gabal: J 1
gabalyel: J 1
gabanael: J 1
Gabarnish: GV
Gabiel: L 3, 4
Gabio (aerial spirit): L2
Gabots: G
Gabrael (angel of first heaven): H
Gabriach: Magical word on seventh ring in Douze Anneaux
Gabriel, gabryel (archangel): A; BP xxix, 3c; E; GH; H; J 1, 2, 5; K; L 3, 4; NS 155, 163, 170, 173, 177, 202, 213, 236, 240; OP2.12; P iv vii 23; T; TS
Gabrinoz: L 3
Gabriot: Magical word on fifth ring in Douze Anneaux
gabrynyn: J 1
gabyon: J 1
gadabany [S: Gadalany]: J 2
Gadara: TS
gadeff: J 1
Gadgadiel: NS 160
Gadiel: K; L 3
Gadix: P iv ix 61
Gadreel: E
Gagalin: Ab
Gagalos: Ab
Gagison: Ab
Gagolchon: Ab
Gagonix: Ab
Gahel: K4
gahit: J 2
gal: J 1
Galagos: Ab
Galak: Ab
Galant: One of the demons in K3 with dominion over diseases
galatihel [S: galetihel]: J 4
galbyel: J 1
Galdel (angel of the fifth heaven): H
galgal: J 1
Gali: Divine name: GH
Galiel (Galiél): Angel (or demon) of 23rd hour of Thursday: MTS
galiht: J 2
Gallina: P ii ii 1
galmus: J 1
galnel: J 1
galuf: J 1
Galym: L 2
Gamael: L 3
Gamaliel or obscene: K
gamasgay: J 2
Gamchicoth or the Disturbers of Souls: K
Gamiel: L 2
Gamigin: L 1
Gamsiel: L 3
gamviel [A: Cambiel]: J 5
Gamyel: L 2, 3
gamyhal: J 2
gandryel: J 1
ganeytania: P iv ii 8
Gannus: 'man of fire' invoked (along with Sloonus) in BP § 13 (p. xxxii)
garacap: J 1
Garadiel: L 2
garamanas: J 2
garasyn: J 1
garbona [S: gartona]: J 2
gargatel (an angel of the Summer): H; J 5
Garnaze: One of the magic words to counter fever: GH
Gariel (aerial spirit): L2
gariliam: J 5
Garinirag: Ab
Garnasu (aerial spirit): L2
Garnesiel: L 2
Garsas: Ab
garytan: J 1
Gasarons: Ab
Gashiel: L 3
gasoryn: J 1
GASPARD: Spirit invoked in construction of hand of glory: GH; GV
gastaset: J 1
gastiel: J 5
gaszyel: J 1
Gathouel (Gathouél): Angel of Friday/Venus: MTS
Gauriel, Gauriêl (Gaurihl) (angel of Monday/the Moon): MTS
gaviel (an angel of the Summer): H; J 5
Gaviol: GH
Gaw: Angel (yazad) personifying cattle: Z
gaym: J 5
Gazaron: Ab
gazay: J 4
gebarbaya: J 1
Gebiel: L 3
gebrutim: P iv ii 4
Geburim or Violent Ones: K
gebyn: J 1
gecabal: J 2
geccaholzer [S: gettahol]: J 2
gecebamia: J 5
gechora [S: "gethora"]: J 3
gechoramy [S: "gethoramy"]: J 3
gechors [S: "gethos"]: J 3
Geciel: L 3
gecramathiol [S: gec_u_mathihol]: J 2
gedanabasy [S: Gedalanasy]: J 2
gedebandi: J 2
gederanay: J 2
Gediel: L 2, 3, 4
Gedobonal: L 4
gedonomay: J 2
gedulyn: J 1
gefrel: J 5
Gefusieon: J 5
gegemahelay: J 2
gegenol [S: gegegnol]: J 2
gegnognal: J 2
gegohomos: J 2
Geguhay: J 4
gehamas [S: gelamas]: J 2
gehangno [S: geliãgno]: J 2
Gehel [S: gahel, gegel]: J 2, 3
gehemizay [S: gehemyzai]: J 2
gehen: J 2
gehenignor [S: gehemgnor]: J 2
geherahel: J 2
gehiszefyhor [S: gehszesihol]: J 2
Gehor: J 4
gehoraia: J 2
geht: J 2
geiama [S: gesama]: J 2
geiemamagnosam: J 2
gelamagos: J 3
gelbaray: J 2
Gelemoht: J 1, 5
geles: J 2
gelgemona [S: gelgemana]: J 2
geliel: J 5
geliesmoy: J 2
gelior: J 2
gelisedon: J 5
Geloma: Ab
Gelomiros: L 4
gelomitro: J 5
gelomyhel: J 3
Gelon: J 1, 5
gemahol: J 2
gemaht: J 2
gemail: J 2
gemal: J 2
gemama: J 2
Gemary: L 3
Gematzod: L 3
gemehegate [S: gemehagate]: J 2
Gemehehon: J 4
gemehihel: J 2
gemehol: J 2
gemelam [S: Geromelam]: J 2
Gemen: GV
gemesnay: J 5
gemessyon [S: gemession]: J 2
Gemethor: J 4
Gemezin: L 3
gemiazay [S: gemiazai]: J 2
Gemini: J 1, 5; K; L 3, 4; P i iv 6-8; v 28; ii x 71, 86; xi 9-11; xii 8, 42, 55; iii ii 4; iii 15; iv ii 4
gemizacol: J 2
gemoht: J 2
gemol: J 2
Gemory: L 1
gemõthar: J 2
gemotheon: J 3
gemyha: J 2
gemyhacal: J 2
gemyochar [S: gemy~hothar]: J 2
genair [S: genayr]: J 2
Genamchor [S: genamohor (?)]: J 4
Genapherim: L 3
Genarytz: L 3
genathely: J 2
Genathores: J 2
genay: J 2
Genealogon: J 2
genenogal [S: gentvogal]: J 2
Geneon: GV
generamoseht: J 2
genges: J 2
Geniel: J 5
Genii: K
geno: J 2
genocomel: J 2
genomos: J 2
genomythoo [S: genomythos]: J 2
Genon: L 4
Genonem: J 1, 5
genorabal: J 2
Genos: J 2, 4
genotheram: J 2
genozabal: J 2
genyda: J 1
genynatol: J 2
genython [S: genithon]: J 2
genzi: J 2
Geofriel: J 5
geogremay: J 2
Geolym: J 2
geon: J 5
Geos: one of the names of the demon called the "strangling mother of boys": BP 6b
Gepheel: L 3
Gera Topar Gadiel: NS 168
geraguaht: J 2
geramathiel [S: geramathihel, geramacihel]: J 2
gerathar: J 2
gerehoinuhaziol [S: gerehona hazihal]: J 2
Gereinin: L 4
Geremiah (name of the Earth in Winter): H
geremon: J 5
gerenia: J 5
gereon: J 5
Gerevil: Ab
Gerfan (Gerfán): Angel (or demon) of 8th hour of Monday: MTS
gergeon: J 2
gergion: J 2
gergohen: J 2
Geriel (aerial spirit): L2; L 3
geristel: J 2
geriston: J 2
Geriz: P iv ix 29
gerizo: J 2
gernb [S: gerub?]: J 2
gerohanathon [S: Ierohanathon]: J 2
geromagol: J 2
geromay: J 2
geromaziel [S: geromazihel]: J 2
geromol: J 2
geronehos: J 2
Geror: L 4
gerot: J 3
gerozay: J 2
Gerthiel: L 3
gesatham [S: gethasam]: J 2
Gesegas: Ab
gesemon: J 2
Gesiel: L 3
gesõmay [S has a bar over the om]: J 2
gesrus: J 5
gessemon: J 2
gessenazi [S: gessevazi]: J 2
gessydomy [S: gessidomy]: J 2
geth: J 2
gethage: J 2
Gethidnhal: J 4
Gethiel: L 3
gethor: J 2
gethorem: J 2
Getiel: L 3
getymay [S: ietimay]: J 2
geuaguolos [S: genagnolos]: J 2
geumyturla: J 1
geuolyam [S: genuliam]: J 2
geuomoly [S: genomoloy]: J 2
geuoz [S: genoz]: J 2
geuozempha [S: genozem pha]: J 2
geuozepha [S: genozepha]: J 2
Geush Urvan: lit. 'the soul of the cow (or settlement)'. Personification of animal life: Z (aka Goshorun)
Gevael: L 3
Gevar di Pelekh: NS 168
gey: J 1
geys: J 2
geysethon [S: gezsethon]: J 2
Gezael: L 3
gezagam: J 4
gezamahel: J 2
gezamanay [S: gezamanuai]: J 2
gezamay [S: gezamai]: J 2
gezamel: J 2
Gezamyhor: J 4
gezconos: J 2
gezegatha: J 2
gezelihos: J 3
Gezemachal [S: gezemathal]: J 4
gezeno: J 3
gezero: J 2
gezetiz: J 2
gezezihor [S: gesezihor]: J 2
Geziel: L 3
gezihel: J 4
Gezomel: J 4
gezomelyhon: J 4
gezomothon: J 4
Gezor: J 4
Gezozay: J 4
Ghedoriah: K
Gheuriel: K4
ghu [S2: glm; S: glm vel ghu]: J 3
Gida'ljal: E
Giel: L 3
gielotheon [S: grel..]: J 2
giethy: J 2
gigithios: J 4
gigoro: J 2
gihelerathon [S has gilzelerethon corrected to gihelerethon]: J 2
Gilarion: Ab
Gillamon: Ab
Gimel: K
gimon: J 1
Ginar: Ab
Giram (Girám): Angel (or demon) of 9th hour of Monday: MTS
Giriar: Ab
Girmil: Ab
Gisaor (Gisaór): Angel (or demon) of 24th hour of Tuesday: MTS
giseleccor [S: giselector]: J 2
Gitzar (Gitzár): Angel (or demon) of 10th hour of Wednesday: MTS
Glanos: TS
Glasyabolas (demon): G
Glasya-Labolas (demon): L 1
glereleon: J 2
Glesi: Ab
Glitia: One of the demons in K3 with dominion over banquets
gloria: J 2, 5
gloriose: J 5
Gluth: magic word in K3
Glysy: Ab
Gnachiel: L 3
Gnadiel: L 3
Gnaheel: L 3
Gnakiel: L 3
Gnaliel: L 3
Gnamiel: L 3
gnanatores: J 2
Gnaphiel: L 3
Gnashiel: L 3
Gnasiel: L 3
Gnathiel: L 3
Gneliel: L 3
Gnethiel: L 3
Gnetiel: L 3
gnohemgnor: J 2
Gnome (class of spirit): G; K
Gnomus: G
Gnotas (Gnôtás): Angel (or demon) of 18th hour of Saturday: MTS
gnoyoemel [S: gnoyemal]: J 2
gnynzy: J 1
Goap (demon, var. of Gaap): L 1
God: J 1, 3; L 1
Godens: G
Godiel (aerial spirit): L2 (2)
Gofgamel (vel Gasgamyel) [S: Gasgamel]: J 4, 5
Gofgamep, GofGamep: J 1, 5
GofGar: J 5
Gohathay: J 4
Golab or incendiaries: K
Goleg: Ab
Golen: Ab
Golog: Ab
golum: J 1
GOMERT: Magic word: GH; GV
Gomogin: Ab
gomraoryn: J 1
gonay: J 2
Gonogin: Ab
Gorgopios (Gorgopiós): Angel (or demon) of 10th hour of Saturday: MTS
Gorilon: Ab
gortaray: J 2
gorthz: J 5
gosamyn: J 2
Gosegas: Ab
Goshorun: See Geush Urvan: Z
Gossum: Magic word: GH
Got: One of the magic words to deflect weapons: GH
Goth: G
Gotifan: Ab
Goukoumon (Goukoumón): Angel (or demon) of 2nd hour of Wednesday: MTS
Gouriel (Gouriêl): Angel (or demon) of 1st hour of Friday: MTS
Gowad: See Vayu: Z
gozimal: J 2
gozogam: J 2
GRABATTO: Magic word on amulet: GH
gracomessihos [S: gcomessihos]: J 2
gracosihos [S: gucosihos]: J 2
graguomoyuhos [S: gragnomoysihos]: J 2
Gram [R: Grani]: J 1
gramaht [S: g_u_maht]: J 2
Gramon: Ab
gramyhel [S: g_u_myhel]: J 2
granal: J 2
granatum femina: J 2
Granon: Ab
Granozyn: L 3
Granyel: L 3
Graphiel: The intelligence of Mars (OP2.22)
Grasemin: Ab
Gremiel (aerial spirit): L2
grenatail: J 3
grephemyon: J 2
grisolis: J 5
Gromenis: Ab
gromyazay [S: gromyhazay]: J 2
gronyeyll: J 1
Gtadafid: Angel (or demon) of 5th hour of Wednesday: MTS
Guabarel (an angel of autumn): H
guabryel: J 1
guabryza: J 1
Guael (angel of the fifth heaven): H
Guagamon: Ab
guahiros: J 4
gualaly: J 1
gualbarel: J 5
guamazihel: J 2
guanrynasnihe: J 1
guara: J 2
guardians: E
guathamal [S: gnathamal]: J 2
guatyell: J 1
Gudiel (aerial spirit): L2
Guebdemis: P iv ix 60
Guernus: P iv ix 64
guesupales: J 1
guetazamanay [S: genetazamanay]: J 2
Gueydenuz iv ix 60
Gueylus: P iv ix 62
Gugonix: Ab
gulahentihel: J 4
Guland: GV
gulyon: J 1
gumyel: J 1
guomagnos [S: gnomãgnos]: J 2
Guomon: J 4
guryel: J 1
Gusion (demon): L 1
Gusoin [Sl.3825] (demon): G; L 1
Gutrix (angel, minister of Suth): H
guygu: J 4
gybryll: J 1
gynbar: J 3
Gyram: J 1
HA (Heb. magic name): NS A17:26
Ha: H
Haa: H
Haagenti: L 1
haaiah: J 5
Haajah: L 3
haamiab [A: Chaamiah]: J 5
haayn: J 1
Habaiel (angel of first heaven): H
Habalon: L 3
habatal [S: halatal]: J 2
Habdanum: Divine name: GH
habena: J 2
Habet: Magic word: GH
Habhi: Ab
Habiel: L 3
habifumaht [S: habisumaht]: J 2
habobel: J 2
habuiah [A: Chabuiah]: J 5
habysanhat [S: habysanahat]: J 2
hacacoharona [S: hacatoharona]: J 2
hacaha [S: hataha]: J 4
hacama: J 2
Hacamuli: Ab
hacaphagan: J 2
hacaros [S: hacacaros]: J 2
hacarraz [S: hacaraz]: J 2
hacaz [S: hataz]: J 2
hacazmazy [S: "hacazamazay"]: J 3
hacca: J 2
haccho [S: hoccho]: J 2
haccisamel [S: hamhaniel]: J 2
Hacel: Demons in K3
Hachael: L 3
hachagnon: J 3
Hachamel: Ab
hachamol: J 2
hachay: J 2
hachemathan [S: hachamathan]: J 4
hacnlam: J 2
hacoronathos: J 2
Hacoronoz: P iii vii 17
hacoylyn: J 1
HacrisentHeon [sic] [S: hacrisientheon].: J 4
hacronaaz: J 2
hadalomob: J 2
Hadiel: L 3
hadozamyr: J 2
hadyon [S: Adyon. Sl.3885 has an "h" in the far left margin, and an "S" just to the left of "Adyon".]: J 3
Hadyz: P iii ix 4
haebal: J 2
Hael [S: halel]: J 2; L3; GV
haemor: J 2
hafar: J 2
Hafkiel: NS 232
Hafriel: NS 232
hagamal [S: haganal]: J 2
haganal: J 2
hagasa: J 2
hagen [S: hage~]: J 2
hagenalis: J 2
hagenerõ [S: hagenoron]: J 2
hagenorem: J 2
hagenorozom: J 2
hagenoy: J 2
Hageyr: Ab
hagiathar: J 4
hagibar [S: hagihar]: J 4
Hagiel: The intelligence of Venus (OP2.22)
hagigel: J 2
Hagion: Ab
HAGIOS: H; L 2, 3
Hagith (Olympic spirit of Venus): A
hagmal: J 2
hagnaht: J 2
hagnathos: J 2
hagnolam [S: hognolam]: J 2
hagnyhosio: J 2
Hagoch: Ab
Hagog: Ab
hagramos: J 2
Hagrion: Ab
haguliaz [S: hagnliaz?]: J 2
hagyhal [S: hagihal]: J 2
hagyhamal [S: lagyhamal]: J 2
hagynol: J 2
Hagziel: NS 232
hahahel: J 5
Hahaiah: J 5
hahasiah [A: Hachasiah]: J 5
Hahaydiz: P iii ix 13
hahel: J 2
Hahuez: P iii vii 24
hahuiah [A: Chahuiah]: J 5
Hahyax: Ab
hahyeylyn: J 1
Haiaiel: J 5
haihaca [S: haihatha]: J 4
haihala [S: hayhala]: J 2
haihatha [S: haihacha]: J 4
haihos: J 2
haila: J 2
hailos: J 2
Hain: Divine name: GH
haiozoroy: J 3
Hakamiah: J 5
hal: J 2
hala: J 2
halabee: J 2
halabeht: J 2
halabethen: J 2
halabre: J 2
halaco: J 2
halaguha [S: hasagitha]: J 2
halaiz: J 2
halathon: J 4
haley [S: halay]: J 2
halg [S: lialg]: J 1
Haligax: Ab
halimot [S: halmiot]: J 2
halion: J 1
Halla: J 2, 4
hallehuma [S: hallehmua?]: J 2
hallemassay: J 2
hallenomay: J 2
halmay: J 2
halmon: GV
halmoth [S: halmoht]: J 2
halmye: J 2
halna [S: halua]: J 2
halnal [S: hainal corrected to haiual]: J 2
halomora: J 3
halos: J 2
halpha: J 2
Halphas: L 1
Haluiel (angel of the fourth heaven): H
halyasal [S: heliasal]: J 2
halylyn: J 1
halymyz [S: halunyz or halnuyz?]: J 2
halzamyhol: J 2
hama~samel [S: hamansamel hamazamoly]: J 2
hamabihat: J 2
hamacal: J 2
hamacon: J 2
Hamadiel: K4
hamae: J 2
hamagra [S: crosaihamagra]: J 2
hamagrata [S: hamag_a_ta]: J 2
hamagron: J 2
hamalamyn: J 2
hamaliel: Angel ruling over Virgo (OP2.14); J 5
hamamabyhon [S: hamamalyhon]: J 2
Hamamyl: J 4
Hamamyn: J 4
hamanal: J 2
hamanatar [S: hamanacar]: J 2
hamanzathon: J 4
Hamar benabis: P iv vii 23
hamaraziohs: J 2
hamaristigos: J 2
Hamarym: L 3
Hamarytzod: L 3
Hamas (aerial spirit): L2
Hamat: J 2; demon associated with leprosy (Sanhedrin, 101 a), BP xx
hamatha: J 2, 3
hamathalis: J 2
hamathamal: J 2
hamay: J 2
Hamayz: L 3
hamegnar: J 2
hamel: J 2
Hameriel: L 3
Hamerix: P iv ix 63
hamezeaza: J 2
Hamicchiahel (uel Hamathahol) [S: Lamyntnahel vel lamycthiahel]: J 2; J3
Hamiel: J 5
hamiht: J 2
hamina: J 1
haminos [S: hamynos]: J 2
hamissirion: J 2
hamissiton: J 2
hammlstiahel: J 3
Hamnas [S: hãnas]: J 4
Hamnos: J 4
hamognal: J 2
hamol: J 2
hamon: J 2
Hamorphiel (aerial spirit): L2
hamos: J 2
hamphimethon [S: Amphymethon]: J 3
hamsahel: J 2
hamtauery: P i v 27
Hamurez: P iii x 9
hamy: J 3
hamye: J 2
hamyhel [S: hamihel]: J 2
hamyhon: J 3
hamylos [S: hanylos]: J 2
hamyly: J 2
hamynal: J 2
hamynos: J 2
hamynosia: J 2
hamynyr: J 2
hamyphyn: J 2
hamyr: J 2
hamyristos: J 2
hamyrrios [S: hamirrios]: J 2
hamysschon [S: hamisschon]: J 2
hamyssithon [S: hamyssython]: J 2
hamyssitoy [S: hami..]: J 2
hamython: J 2
hamyuos [S: "haminos"]: J 3
hanacor: J 2
hanacristos: J 3
Hanael: Angel ruling over Capricorn (OP2.14); J 5
hanagai: J 2
hanagnil [S: hanagiul]: J 2
Hanahel: J 5
hanaipos: J 3
Hanamel: NS 186
hanamyhos: J 2
hananehos: J 3
Hananel: E; NS 241
hananyhos: J 2
hanaramay: J 2
Hanasichonea [S: hanasichovea]: J 4
hanataiphar: J 2
hanathar: J 2
hanathesion [S: hanthesion]: J 2
hanathie [S: hiehanathihe]: J 2
hanathoios: J 2
hanathos: J 2
hanazay (vel Halacazay): J 3
hanazihatel [S: hanaziachachel]: J 2
hancor (=Ancor, qv): J 2
Handabuz: P iii vii 25
Handemotuz: P iii x 4
handos: J 2
hanethi (vel hamethy): J 4
Haniel: K; NS 161, 237; Angel ruling the angelic order of Principalities in OP2.12
Hanimidiz: P iii x 8
hanomos: J 2
hanosae [S: hanosal]: J 2
hanothos: J 2
hanrathaphael: J 5
hantaraceret: P iv ii 16
hanthomos [S: amhomos]: J 2
hanthonomos [S: hanchonomos]: J 2
Hanun (angel of first heaven): H
hanyell: J 1
hanythel: J 2
haoalos [S: "hagalos"]: J 3
Haokub: Ab
Hapaltiel: NS 168
hapasyri [S: hapasiry]: J 2
haphasy: J 2
haphiles: J 2
haphin [S: haphyn]: J 2
haphot: P iv ii 7
haptamygel: J 2
Ha-Qadosch: K
hara: J 4
harab [S: horalo]: J 2
Harab-Serapel, or the Ravens of Death: K
haracrihuz.: J 4
haragaia: J 2
Haragil: Ab
harahel [A: Harachel]: J 5
harakel: J 5
haramalon: J 3
haramanay: J 2
haramcha: J 2
haramen [S: haram~]: J 2
haramua [S: haramna]: J 2
haranamar: J 2
Haraoth: Ab
harapheiocom [S: harapheiocon]: J 4
harasynuhon: J 2
harathaciel [S: harathacihel]: J 2
harathamam [S: harathynam]: J 2
harathar: J 2
harayn: J 2
harcon [S: hacton]: J 2
Hardiel: L 3
hareryn: J 1
harethena: J 2
hariagal: J 2
hariagil: J 2
Hariaz: L 3
Hariel: J 5
Haril: Ab
hariobal [S: hariabal]: J 2
hariomagalathar: J 3
harion: J 2
harionathar [S: harionathor]: J 3
hariothos: J 2
harissim: J 2
haristeiz: J 2
harmarlemaht: J 2
Harmary: L 3
Harmiel: L 3
Harmiz: P iii vii 21
harmum: P iv ii 10
harnany [S: harana hamany]: J 2
Harngo: J 4
Harnuz: P iii ix 7
Harog: Ab
Harombrub: Ab
Harosul: Ab
Harpax: TS
Harpinon: Ab
Harshael: Angel invoked in protection from sorcerers: BP 42
Harshiel: angel: BP 3c
Haruz: P iii vii 32
haryham [S: hariham]: J 2
haryhat [S: harihat]: J 2
hasa: J 2
hasacapria [S: hasacapha]: J 2
hasagiri: J 2
hasagnanamar: J 2
hasaguar [S: hasagnar]: J 2
hasamypa: J 2
hasaram [S: hazaram]: J 2
hasasylgason: J 1
hasaymam [S: hasayman]: J 2
Hasdiel: NS 213, 236, 237
Ha-Shamain: K
hasihezamay: J 2
hasilihatel [S: hasilihacel]: J 2
Hasin Yah: NS 237
Hasmodai: Spirit of the Moon (OP2.22)
hasomgeri: J 2
Hasperim: Ab
hassahamynel: J 2
hassailamaht, hassailemaht: J 3
hassenethon [S: hassenothy~]: J 2
hassinilop [S: hassimilop]: J 2
hasuayeyl: J 1
hasyn: J 1
hatagamagon: J 3
hatamar [S: hacãman]: J 2
hatamas: J 2
hatamyhel [S: hatamy hel]: J 2
hatanathos [S: hacanathos]: J 2
hatanazar: J 2
hataz: J 2
hatazaihos: J 2
Hathaman [S: hathamam]: J 4
hathamanos: J 2
hathamathay: J 2
hathamaym [S: hathanaym]: J 2
hathamir [S: hathamyt]: J 2
hathamyr: J 2
hathanathay [S: hata..]: J 2
hathanathon [S: hathanaton]: J 2
hathanathos: J 2
Hathanathyos [S: hathanathios]: J 4
Hathanayos: J 4
hathezihatos [S: hathezihacos]: J 4
hathomas: J 2
hatiagra [S: hanhaga]: J 2
Hatiel: L 3
Hatim: H
hatimairos [S: latimairos]: J 2
hator [S: hacor]: J 2
Hau: H; K4
Hauges: Ab
haurane: P iv 27
haya: J 1
Hayamen: Ab
Haydayuz: P iii ix 13
Hayes: G
Haylon: L 3
haymal: J 2
haymasa: J 2
haynosiel: J 2
hayr [S: hair]: J 2
Hayranuz: P iii x 8
Hayras: GV
Haytiz: P iii ix 16
Hayz: P iii ix 11
Hayzoym: L 3
hazaa: J 2
hazab: J 2
hazabamoht: J 2
hazabanas: J 2
hazabanos: J 2
hazabat: J 2
hazachon [S: nazachon]: J 2
Hazacol: J 4
hazagatha: J 2
hazagny [S: hazanuy?]: J 2
hazaheimn: J 2
Hazaiacol: J 4
hazaias: J 2
hazaihemaht: J 3
Hazailzemaht (uel Hasaylemath) [S: Hazailemaht]: J 2
hazaimegnos [S: hazai megnos]: J 2
hazalathon [S: hazabathon]: J 4
Hazamathar: J 4
hazamathon: J 2
hazamegos: J 2
hazamgeri: J 2
hazamguhem [S: hazamagnhem]: J 2
hazamyha: J 2
hazana: J 2
hazanathay: J 2
hazanather [S: hazanathar]: J 2
hazanebal: J 2
hazanechar [S: hazanethar]: J 2
Hazaniel: L 3
hazarach: J 2
Hazaram (vel hazacam) [S: Hazacam]: J 2; J3
hazaramagos: J 3
hazareme: J 2
hazarob: J 2
hazaron: J 2
hazat: J 2
hazata [S: hazaca]: J 2
hazataniel [S: hazacamel]: J 2
hazatha: J 2, 4
hazatham [S: hazathan]: J 2
Hazathar: J 2, 4
Hazathay: J 4
Hazeme: J 4
hazenethon: J 2
hazeoyon: J 2
haziactor [S: hariactar]: J 2
haziamahar [S: hazaamahat]: J 2
haziber [S: haziler]: J 2
Haziel [S: hazihel]: J 2, 5
hazihem [S: hazihe~]: J 2
hazilihatel [S: haziliacel]: J 2
hazimelos: J 3
hazocha: J 2
Hazomathon: J 4
hazoroz: J 2
Hazothynathon [S: hazethynathon]: J 4
He: GV, H; K
Head_of_Days: E
headless demon: TS
hearel: J 1
hebalthe: J 2
Hebdegabdis: P iv ix 60
hebel: J 2
hebiot [S: hebehoth]: J 2
hebrel: J 2
hebros [S: hebos]: J 2
hecamazihel [S: "hechamazihel"]: J 3
Heckiel: L 3
hecobay [S: hecohay]: J 2
hecohy: J 3
hecoy: J 2
Hedefiuz: P iii x 8
Hediel: L 3
Hedilez: P iii x 11
Hediz: P iii ix 7
Hedurez: P iii x 8
Hedus: P iv ix 64
Hedyuz: P iii ix 17
He'el: E
heel: J 2
heelmelazar [S: helmelazar]: J 2
Hefemyhel [S: hesemyhel]: J 4
heg: GV
Hegemothon: J 4
hegernar: J 2
hegeto [S: hegetti]: J 2
Hegnel: L 3
Hegneydiz: P iv ix 60
hegonele: J 2
hegrogebal: J 2
hehelilem: J 2
hehemornhos [S: hehem ruhos]: J 2
Heheydiz: P iii ix 3
hehomail: J 2
hehortahonas [S: heortahonos]: J 2
Heia: K4
Heihasai [S: heihazay]: J 4
Heihazar: J 4
Hekiel: L 3
Helahenay: J 4
helamon: J 2
helaph: J 2
Helatay: J 4
helda: J 2
Heldemiz: P iii x 9
helee: J 2
Helel: Ab
helemasay: J 2
Helemetiz: P iii x 2
Hel'emmelek: E
Hel: G; J 1, 2, 5; L 4
hela: J 2
helestymeym [S: heleshimeym]: J 2
heleys [S: heleis]: J 2
helgezamay: J 2
helgezorabal [S: hel gerozabal]: J 2
helgyon: J 2
Heli: G; L 4
helial [S: helyal]: J 2
heliam [S: heliã]: J 2
helichos [S: helycos]: J 2
Helihel: J 4
helihotas [S: helyhotas]: J 2
Helim: Divine name: GH
helimoht: J 2
Heliot: GH
heliothon: J 2
heliothos [S: helihothos, helyothos, heliotheos]: J 2
heliozo: J 2
helipos [S: helypos]: J 2
heliscemaht, helischemaht, helisemaht: J 2, 3
Helisoe: L 1
helissan: J 5
helitihay: J 2
Hellemay: J 4
Hellestymon [S: helesschymon]: J 4
Hellison: L 4
hellyel [S: helliel]: J 2
helma: J 2, 3
helmam [S: helmay]: J 2
helmamy: J 2
Helmas: L 3
helmelazar: J 2
Helmis: Ab
helomany: J 2
Helon: GV; J 5
helos [S: helas]: J 2
helotey [S: heloty]: J 2
Heloy: GV; J 1, 2, 3, 5
helralathos [S: helralacos]: J 2
helsa: J 2
helseron: J 2
helsethor: J 2
helsezope: J 2
heltamay [S: helcamay]: J 2
heluhama [S: helnhama]: J 2
Hely: J 1, 3, 5
helyccheym [S: helytychcym]: J 2
helyemath [S: heliemath]: J 2
helyhem: J 2
helyhemon [S: "helihemon"]: J 3
helyhene: J 2
helyhor [S: hely_h_oth]: J 2
helymaht: J 2
helymal: J 2
helymam: J 2
helymar [S: helimat]: J 2
helymoht: J 2
helymothos: J 2
helymyhot: J 2
helyna: J 2
helyne: J 2
helynon: J 2
helyot [S: helyhot]: J 2
helyphamassay [S: helipha Massay]: J 2
Helysemath: J 2
Helyuz: P iii ix 15
helzoleam: J 2
hemal: J 2
hemay: J 2
hemdamyhos: J 2
hemeb: J 2
hemegnol: J 2
hemehegon: J 2
hemel: J 2
hemelamp: J 2
hemesna [S has hemesua corrected to hemesva]: J 2
hemiclopos [S: hemyclopos]: J 2
Hemiruliz: P iii x 12
Hemis: Ab
hemol: J 2
hemones: J 2
hemthemos: J 2
hemuoleha [S: hemnoleha]: J 2
hemya: J 2
Hemyluz: P iii ix 15
hemyna: J 2
henahihel: J 2
henaly [S has henaly corrected to hevaly]: J 2
henbezepha: J 2
hendeb: P iv ii 6
Hendeliz: P iii x 9
hendon: J 2
henecyman: J 2
henehenbem [S: hen henbem]: J 2
henemos: J 2
henethemos [S: henethonos]: J 2
Heniz: P iii ix 16
henloramyht [S: helomyht henboramyht]: J 2
henlothant: J 2
henomos [S: henozios]: J 2
henoranaht: J 3
hensazatha: J 2
henthon: J 2
hentynethel: J 4
henzan: J 2
Heon: GV
hepatir: J 2
Hephesimireth: TS
Hephiel: L 3
Hepogon: Ab
Hepoth: One of the demons in K3
Her: G
heracruhit: J 4
heractodam: J 2
Heramael: GV
heramathon: J 2
Herdehus: P iv ix 60
heremogos: J 2
heremynar: J 2
Heresiel (aerial spirit): L2
herezemyhel: J 2
Herg: Ab
Hergotis: Ab
herihegil: J 2
herina [S: henina]: J 2
heriona (vel haryona): J 4
herlo: J 2
hermelazar [S: herinelazar]: J 2
Hermeniz: P iii x 9
Hermiala: Ab
Hermiel: L 3
Hermon (aerial spirit): L2
Herne (aerial spirit): L2
heroniodios [S: heremodios]: J 2
Herphatz: L 3
Herus: P iv ix 58
herymyhothon: J 2
hesaca: J 2
hesacro: J 2
hesacrohen [S: hesacohen]: J 2
hesamem [S: hesame~]: J 2
hesaphopanos: J 2
hesapope [S: hesapopa]: J 2
hesehengnon: J 2
hesely: J 2
hesemelaht [S: hesomelaht]: J 2
Heshael: L 3
hesihel: J 2
hesiothil: J 2
hespnhos: J 2
hessicomalon [S: hessicomal on]: J 2
hessymatel [S: helsimathal]: J 2
hestimpandos [S: hestnnpandos]: J 2
hesuogem [S: hesuoge~]: J 2
Hetaytoz: P iii x 8
hetha: J 2
hethaeneho: J 2
hethelilem: J 2
hethemel: J 2
hetidyham [S: hetidihum]: J 2
Hetiel: L 3
hetihel [S: vel hehhel vel helier]: J 4
hety: J 2
heuagnolothegos [S: hagenolo thegos]: J 2
Hevael: L 3
Hey: H
Heya: H
Heyaydez: P iii vii 25
Heydaheydez: P iii ix 13
Heydeyuz: P iii ix 3
Heydinez: P iii x 12
Heydurehiz: P iii x 9
Heyediz: P iii x 9
Heyemiz: P iii x 10
heyerim: P iv ii 12
Heylil: P iii vii 17
heyll: J 1
Heyluz: P iii ix 5
heymemy [heymeiny?]: J 2
Heyudez: P iii x 9
Hezael: L 3
hezaladuha: J 2
hezdmyel [S: hezemyhel]: J 2
hezegon: J 2
hezehengon: J 2
hezelam [S: hezeladam]: J 2
hezelym: J 2
Hezemegnor [S: heze..]: J 4
hezemtinethel [S: hezemtynethel]: J 4
hezetogamyal [S: hezetogamyhal]: J 2
hezidiham [S: hezidih_u_m]: J 2
heziephiat: J 2
hezole: J 2
hiacon: J 2
hialamun [S: "hialamum"]: J 3
hiatregilos: J 2
Hicpacth: GV
hie: J 2
hiebros: J 2
Hielma (uel hyhelyma) [S: Helma]: J 2
hiemaraym [S: hiemarayn]: J 4
hiesacco [S: hiefacto]: J 2
Hifarion: Ab
hihel: J 2, 3
hihelma: J 3
Hilay: Divine name: GH
hillebata: J 2
Hilujaseph: E
Himacth: One of the chief demons under Belzebut in Clavicules du Roi Salomon, Livre Troisieme, par Armadel
Hiniel: angel: BP 3c
Hipeton: K
Hipogon: Ab
Hipolepos: Ab
Hipolos: Ab
hiramay: J 3
hirbaionay: J 3
Hirih: Ab
hisihel: J 2
hisistos: J 2
hiskyros: J 5
Hismael: The spirit of Jupiter (OP2.22)
hisomomelyhon [S: hisonomelihon]: J 2
Hissam (aerial spirit): L2
hisychon [S: hysithon]: J 2
hizemazihe: J 2
hizgeocir [S: hizguor]: J 2
Hobraiym: L 3
hocho [S: hotho]: J 2
hocleiste (uel Athanathos): J 3
hocroel, hocroell (angel): J 1
hoctomegos [S: hoccomegos]: J 2
HOD: Divine name associated with Saturn and the Moon (OP2.22); K; L 4.
hoesemolas [S: hesemolas]: J 2
hofely (vel zozely) [S: Hosely]: J 4
Hofob: J 1, 5
hohalym: J 2
hoheihos: J 2
Hoi: GV
Holastri: Ab
Holba: Ab
Holbeke: J 1
holithos: J 2
Holom Jesodoth: Hebrew for the Sphere of the Elements. See OP2.13.
Holop: Ab
holopherno: J 2
Holy Ghost, the: J 1, 2, 5
Homadiel: K
homal: J 2
Homausion: Divine name: GH
homen: J 2
hometibymal [S: hometibimal]: J 2
Hominis: One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
Homonoreum: GV
homos: J 2
homuogenthon [S: honmou~ genthon]: J 2
homy: J 2
homyhal: J 2
Hon (vel Lynozathemos): J2; J 4
Hondehoyuz: P iii ix 3
hone: GV
honethe: J 2
honzimorib (vel horysmorb) [S: "Homzmorp" corrected from "Honzmab"]: J 4
honzmorib: J 5
Honzmorp: J 1, 5
hoparathos: J 2
Hoqeqiel: NS 178
horaciotos: J 2
horalathos [S: horalatos horetha horalothos]: J 2
Horamar: Ab
horamylichos [S: horamylithos]: J 2
Horanar: Ab
horay: J 2
horecha [S: horetha]: J 2
horel: J 2
Hores: J 5
Horha: J 1 ; J5
horiel: GV
horihos: J 2
Horiston (vel Horystyon) [S: Horistion]: J 4
Horlon (vel Cadion): J 1, 3, 5
Horminos: Ab
horpovaboceo [S: hornobahoceo]: J 2
horryon: J 1
Horta: G
Hosb: J 1, 5
hosbeke: J 5
Hosbor [S: Hostor]: J 4
hosbr: J 5
Hosel [S2: vosel]: J 4
Hosen: Ab
Hosga: J 1, 5
hosiel [S: hosyel]: J 2
hospitium: J 2
Hospsk: J 5
hosschyhon [S: hosschihon]: J 2
hostosion: J 2
hotanas [S: hetonas]: J 2
Hotarid: P iv vii 23
hotarins [S: hetarius]: J 2
Hotarit: P iii vii 32
hotheihos [S: hoteihos]: J 2
hothemegalon [S: hothomegalon]: J 2
hothos [S: hothes]: J 2
hoton: J 2
Hoviel: L 3
hozoperbiar: J 2
HSA (Heb. magic name): NS A17:28
Hshahshiel: angel: BP 3c
HShM (Heb. magic name): NS A17:28
HTTIH (Hebrew, name of Metatron in Enoch III, ch. 48D): NS 49
HTVOO (Heb., the "angel who was sent before Israel"): NS A16:22
huanathois [S: hitanathois]: J 2
Huaruyz: P iii ix 11
Huazfat: P iii vii 19
hubisenaar: J 3
Hueheyulyez: P iii x 9
Huenadul: P iii ix 11
Huenehenilez: P iii x 9
Hueryreliz: P iii x 14
Huetudiz: P iii x 10
Hueydez: P iii ix 15
Hueyfeduez: P iii x 14
Hueyquitaroz: P iii x 11
Hueytayroz: P iii x 9
Hueyz: P iii ix 7
Hugras: G
Huictiigaras: GV
Hujael: L 3
Humastrau (angel of first heaven): H
Humaziel: L 3
Humet: One of the demons in K3
Humots: GV
Huphaltiel (angel of the third heaven): H
Huratapal, hurathaphel (an angel of Sunday): J 5
huriel: J 2; NS 161
Hurlupapin: GH
Hursiel (aerial spirit): L2
husale: J 2
husurnhnut [S: husurnhu~t]: J 2
hutanathas [S: hycanathas]: J 2
HVA IZVTh IH IH IH (Heb. names written on the front plate of Aaron): NS 52
Hy: H
hy~bos [S: hymbos]: J 2
Hydriel: L 2
hyeyll: J 1
hyhanenyr [S: hilovenyr]: J 4
Hyla: Ab
hymacton: J 2
hymaliassenon: J 2
hymeylyn: J 1
hymon: J 2
hymycros [S: hymicros]: J 2
Hyn: H
hynaliha: J 2
Hyniel (angel of the fifth heaven): H
Hyrys: Ab
Hytyz: P iii ix 6
hyzy: J 1
iabamiah [A: Iibamiah]: J 5
Iabamiah: J 5
iaboha: J 3
Iacô: TS
Iachadiel: K
iachar [S: Iathar]: J 2
Iacuhosia [S: ramhosia]: J 2
Iae: TS
IAH: Divine name associated with Saturn (OP2.22); K.
Iah Iah Iah: K
Iaha: K
Iahhel: J 5
Ialon: J 2
Iamai: Ab
Iamam [S: iamã]: J 2
iamaramos: J 2
Iambres: TS
Iameth: TS
Iammeze [S: iam~eze]: J 2
Iamozia: J 2
Iamye: J 2
Iamyhara (uel Hamyhamyharam) [S: Amyhara]: J 3
Ianemyer (vel Zanamyher): J1; J3; J5
Iannes: TS
ianua: J 2
Iaphat: K
iarachon: J 2
Iaran ('Iarán): Angel (or demon) of 21st hour of Tuesday: MTS
iaratham: J 2
Iaresin: Ab
iasamaht: J 2
iasol: J 2
Iassuarim: L 3
Iathama [S: iochama]: J 4
Iathôth: TS
Iax: TS
Iazabal: J 2
Iazamathan: J 4
Iazeriel: J 5
Ibajah: L 3
ibasil: GV
Ibulon: Ab
Ichdison: Ab
Ichthion: TS
Icosiel: L 2
Idael: J 1
Iealô: TS
iebasaly: J 3
Ibel: Magic words on sword, and in other operations: GH
ieblaray: J 2
iebozihel: J 3
iecely [S: ieceley]: J 4
iechampanidos [S: iethampanydos ietham panydos]: J 2
Iechar [S: "iethar"]: J 2, 3
iechoiaphor [S: iethosaphor]: J 2
iechomancha [S: iecomantha]: J 4
Iechonay [S: iethonay]: J 4
iechonomos [S: iethonomos]: J 2
Iechor [S: iethor]: J 2
iechori [S: iethori]: J 2
iechro [S: iethro]: J 2
iecnaphaton [S: ietna..]: J 2
Iecoharnampde [S: iecohornampda]: J 4
Iecologos [S: yetologos]: J 2
iecomagol: J 3
Ieconail [S: ietonail]: J 2
ieconomarum [S: "ieconomaril]: J 3
iecor: J 2
iecoragnos: J 2
iecormay: J 2
Iecornamas [S: iecornanas]: J 4
iecornazay: J 3
Iecornenay: J 4
Iecoruame [S: iecorname]: J 2
iecremai: J 2
Iecrohaly [S: iecrahaly]: J 4
Iecromagnos: J 2
Iecromal: J 4
iecromaym [S: ietromaym]: J 2
iecronamayhala: J 2
iecrosahal: J 2
iecrosamay [S: Ietosamay]: J 2
iegal: J 2
Iegemagnolon: J 2
Iegomaday: J 4
Iegonomay: J 4
Iegromos: J 2
ieguoram [S: "iegnorã"]: J 3
iehalragen [S: zehalrage~]: J 2
iehenas: J 2
iehenua [S: iehemia]: J 2
iehetmagay [S: iehennagay]: J 2
iehir: J 2
iehorna: J 2
Iehuiah [A: Iechuiah]: J 5
Ieiael: J 5
Ieiah: Name on pentacle: GH
Ieialel: J 5
Ieiazel [A:Ihiazel]: J 5
ieizobol: J 2
Ielahiah: J 5
Ielama: J 2
Ielamacrom: J 2
Ielamagar: J 2
ielesamen: J 2
Iôelet: TS
Ieliel: J 5
ielomiuctos [S: Ielomynctos]: J 2
iemalis: J 2
iemamoht [S: gemamoht]: J 2
iemay: J 2
iemazai: J 2
iemeamor : J 2
iemenay: J 2
Iemozihel [S: iemazihel]: J 2
Iemuri: Ab
iemymehel: J 2
Iemyrohal: J 2
ienazar: J 2
ienemeros: J 2
ienenegal: J 2
ienomos [S: genomos]: J 2
Ieô: TS
ieranyhel: J 2
ieraphay: J 4
ierasiai [S: ierafiai]: J 2
ierathayazai [S: ietachamazai]: J 2
Ierathel: J 5
Ieremabal: J 2
Ieremon (vel ysemon) [S: Seremon]: J1; J4; J5
Ieremyhel: J 2
Ierezonay [S: ietoronay]: J 4
iergohen: J 2
ieristo: J 2
Ierobalym: J 2
ierolen [S: serolen]: J 2
Ierolognos: J 2
ieromegnos: J 2
Ieropaêl: TS
ierothyhon: J 2
ierozabal: J 2
ierthon: J 2
iesagal [S: iosagat]: J 2
iesamahel [S: iesamshel]: J 2
iesamana [S adds iesamanay]: J 2
iesan [S: hazalzetã]: J 2
iesar: J 2
Iesel [R: lesel]: J 4
iesenenay [S: iesenemay]: J 2
iesmar: J 2
iesomabel: J 2
Iesomathon: J 4
iesse: J 2
Iessemon: Name on pentacle: GH
iessonay: J 2
ietemothon [S: iezemothon]: J 3
iethemathon: J 4
iethemuahos [S: iethenmahos]: J 2
iethohal: J 3
iethomagihal: J 2
iethonay [S: iethonas]: J 2
ietrafagon [S: iecrafagon]: J 2
Ietrinaiccho [S: ietrmantho]: J 2
Iezabal: J 2
Iezahel: J 2
Iezalel [A: Ieiazel]: J 5
Iezamathel [S: iezamamel]: J 2
iezamycrathon [S: iezanycathon]: J 2
Iezecromay: J 4
Iezeduhos: J 2
iezehator: J 4
iezel: J 4
iezelem: J 2
iezema: J 2
iezemalo: J 2
Iezemeloht: J 4
iezemo: J 2
Iezemon [S: lezemon]: J 2
iezemonos: J 4
iezemy: J 4
iezeragal [S: rezeregal]: J 2
iezerom [S: iezekom]: J 2
iezetihel: J 4
iezey: J 2
Iezibathel: J 2
Iezochor: J 4
iezolen: J 2
Iezolnohit: J 2
iezomay [S: zezomay]: J 2
iezorahel: J 2
Iezoramp [S: iezoray]: J 4
iezoro: J 2
Igarag: Ab
Igarak: Ab
Igarim: Ab
Igigi: Ab
Igilon: Ab
Igilon: Ab
Igis: Ab
Igurim: Ab
IH, Yah (Heb name of God): K; NS A17:11-16
Ihelur: J 1, 5
IHShVH, Yeheshuah (the mystic Hebrew Name for Joshua or Jesus): K
IHVH (Heb.Jehovah, name of God): A, Ab; NS A16:2, passim
IHVH, Tetragrammaton: K
IIAI, Yiai: K
Ijasusa'el: E
Ikon: Ab
Ikonok: Ab
Ilagas: Ab
Ilarak: Ab
Ilarax: Ab
Ilekel: Ab
Ilemlis: Ab
Ileson: Ab
Ilfiey: J 5
Ilioram: G
Illirikim: Ab
Illusabio: Magical word on twelfth ring in Douze Anneaux
Ilma: Name on circle: GH
ilnostreon: GV
Iloson: Ab
Ima (angel): H
Imagnon: Divine name: GH
Imago: One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
Imamiah: J 5
Imink: Ab
Immortalis: One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
imperatrix: J 2
Imperiequertis: Magic word: GH
Impermutabilis: J 5
in substantia: J 5
Ina (angel): H
Inachiel (aerial spirit): L2
incõmensurabilis: J 5
incorruptibilis: J 5
ineffabilis: J 5
inestimabilis: J 5
Ingodum: Divine name: GH
inmense: J 5
Inokos: Ab
inuisibilis: J 5
Iobohe: J 2
Iochomeros [S: iethomeros]: J 2
Iod Jehovah: Name of God associated with Hochmah in OP2.13
Iogion: Ab
Iohabos: J 2
iohel: J 2
Ioht: J 1, 4, 5
Iole: J 2, 4
iolehelney [S: iolehemey]: J 2
iomorihel: J 2
Iomoyhot: J 2
IONIEL, one of the two Princes of the Universe: K
iosacchin [S: iosaithyn]: J 2
iosany: J 2
iosathin [S: iosathyn]: J 2
iose: J 2
Iosel: J 4
ioselimen: J 2
iosey: J 2
iosoihel: J 2
iotha: J 2
iothe: J 2
iothesezatha: J 2
iothileta: J 2
iotho: J 2
Iothosym: J 4
iothun [S: iothim]: J 2
Iotifar: Ab
Ioviel: A
Iozihon: J 2
Ipakol: Ab
Iparkas: Ab
Ipokys: Ab
Ipos: L 1
Ipreto: Divine name: GH
Iracundus: Divine name: GH
Irasomin: Ab
irasym [S: Irasim]: J 2
Irataton Divine name: GH
Irel (angel of the fifth heaven): H
Irion: G
IRLY: Spirit invoked in construction of hand of glory: GH; GV
Irmanotzod: L 3
Irmasial: One of five demons under Satanachi in K3
Irmenos: Ab
Irminon: Ab
Iromas: Ab
Iromenis: Ab
IRPA (Heb. name of God): NS A17:8
Irroron: Ab
Isagas: Ab
Ischigas: Ab
Ischires: One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
Ischiron: Ab
Ischiros, Ischyros: G; GH; H
Isekel: Ab
Ishim: K
Isiael (angel of the fifth heaven): H
Isiel: K4
Isis: A
Irix: Ab
Isiamon: Ab
Isigi: Ab
iskyros [S: "yskyros"]: J 3
Ismael: Name on circle: GH
Ismoli (angel, minister of Samax): H
Istos ('Istós): Angel (or demon) of 13th hour of Sunday: MTS
Itael: L 3
Ithoth: TS
Ithuriel: K
Itmon: NS 162, 171
Itrasbiel (aerial spirit): L2
Itules (aerial spirit): L2
Iuar: Ab
iubiter (Jupiter): J 1
Iudal: TS
Iudarizê: TS
Iuestre (vel Celieste) [S: Yrestre]: J 4
Iuestre: J 1, 5
Iupiter (cf. Jupiter): P i iii 2; iv 33; v 1, 8, 13, 22, 27, 34; ii iii 6, 14, 15; vi 6, 7; x 3, 9, 15-18, 43-47, 58, 82; xii 4, 13, 15, 24, 35, 40, 42-46, 48, 50, 51, 55, 57; iii i 4; iii 2, 5, 11, 33; vii 2, 3,10, 18-22; ix 2, 12; xi 71; iv ii 20, 24; iv 5, 23, 40, 42, 44, 55, 57-59; v 11; vi 3; vii 1, 23; ix 59
Iupyter: J 5
iuste: J 5
Izamiel: L 3
Izashiel: L 3
Izozon: Ab
izthanacihe [S: izthamhihe]: J 2
Jaajah: L 3
Jaajeh: L 3
Jac: Divine name: GH
Jachiel: Ab; L 3
Jachoroz: L 3
JACOB: K; Divine name: GH
Jacum: Magic word: GH
Jadiel: L 3
Jael: L 3
Jafanym: L 3
Jagiel: L 3
Jah: GH; H; L 1, 2, 4
Jamedroz: L 3
Jameriel: L 3
Jampeluch: Magical word on tenth ring in Douze Anneaux
Jamua: G
Janael (angel of first heaven): H
Janastardy: Divine name: GH
Janediel: L 3
Janic: H
Janiel: H; L2 (aerial spirit); L3
Janna: G
Janofiel: L 3
Janor (second hour of day): H
Janothyel: L 3
Janua (Ianua): One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
Japhael: L 3
Japhet: K
Japuriel: L 3
Jariahel (angel of the second heaven): H
Jashiel: L 3
Jasphiel: L 3
Jastrion: L 3
Jasziel (aerial spirit): L2
Jatael: L 3
Jatroziel: L 3
Javael: L 3
Javiel: L 3
Jaym: H
Jayon (10th hour of day): H
Jazel (angel of the fifth heaven): H
Je: GV; H
Jebiel: L 3
Jechiel: L 3
Jefischa: L 3
Jehoshua: K
Jehova, Jehovah: GH; GV; L 1, 2, 3; OP2.12
Jehovah Elohim: Name of God associated with Binah in OP2.13
Jehovah Sabaoth: Name of God associated with Hod in OP2.13
Jehovam (=Jehova, name of God): G
Jeia: H
Jen: H
Jenaziel: L 3
Jeniel: L 3
Jenotriel: L 3
Jeqon: E
Jeresous (angel of the second heaven): H
Jermiel: L 3
Jesu: J 3; One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
Jesubilin: GV
Jesus-Christus: One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
Jet: GH
Jethim: J 2
Jetrel: E
Jezel: L 3
Jezisiel: L 3
Jmonyel: L 3
JOD HE VAU HE (=YHVH, Jehovah, qv): GV
Jod: GV; K4; L4
Johphiel: Intelligence of Jupiter (OP2.22)
Jomel: ms. variant of IONIEL: K
Jomjael: E
Jonadriel: L 3
Jophiel: OP2.13
Josata: GV
Joshua: K
Josta: GV
Joth He vau Deleth: J 1
JOTh: G; H; L 1
Jovial spirits: K
Joviel: A
Jumyel: J 1
Junyel: J 1
Kabada: Ab
Kabersa: Ab
Kabriel: L 3
Kabshiel: NS 150, 173, 234, 236
Kachiel: L 3
Kadie (angel of the third heaven): H; K4
Kadolon: Ab
Kafles: Ab
Kafshiel: NS 237
KAILOETH: Magic word: GH; GV
Kaitar: Ab
Kaite (Kaîté): Angel (or demon) of 17th hour of Thursday: MTS
Kalgosa: Ab
Kalotes: Ab
Kameron: G
Kamiel: NS 232
Kamusel: Ab
Kamusil: Ab
Kaniston (Kanistôn): Angel (or demon) of 2nd hour of Tuesday: MTS
Kanops (Kanóps): Angel (or demon) of 22nd hour of Monday: MTS
Kanorsiel: L 3
Kaph: K
Kapnithen (Kapnithén): Angel (or demon) of 21st hour of Friday: MTS
Karatan (Karatán): Angel (or demon) of 8th hour of Wednesday: MTS
Karel: NS 66
Karelesa: Ab
Karer: J 5
Karex: J 1, 5
kariel [S: karihel]: J 2
Karron: L 3
Kasbeel: E
Kasdeja: E
Kasieref (Kasieréf): Angel (or demon) of 15th hour of Monday: MTS
Katanikotaêl: TS
Kataron: Ab
Kathos: L 3
Katini: Ab
Katolin: Ab
Katriel: NS 173
Katsin: Ab
Ke'el: E
Kedemel: The spirit of Venus (OP2.22)
Kefuya'el (Heb. KPVIAL, angel): NS A18:5
keineryon: J 1
Kele: Ab
Kelef: Ab
Kelen: Ab
Kemal: Ab
Keninya: NS 162
Keriam (Kêriám): Angel (or demon) of 4th hour of Saturday: MTS
Keriel (aerial spirit): L2
Kerub (angel): K
Kerub, (one of the four rulers of the Elements): K
Kerubiel: NS 237
Kerubim: K
kery: J 1
kesphiomoma: J 5
keyalyn: J 1
Keyhven: P iii vii 17
Khaniael: K
Kheel: L 3
Khil: GV
Khirot (Khirôt): Angel (or demon) of 18th hour of Wednesday: MTS
Kigios: Ab
Kiligil: Ab
Kilik: Ab
Kilikimil: Ab
Kingael: L 3
Kipokis: Ab
Kirabar: G
Kirie (Kirié): Angel (or demon) of 6th hour of Saturday: MTS
kiriel [A: Kyriel]: J 5
kirihel: J 2
Kirik: Ab
KIS: magic word that appears on pentacles in K4 and other sources
Klarimum: Divine name: GH
Klepoth: GV; K3 (alternate spelling: Kepoth)
Klic (or Kleim): One of the demons in K3 with dominion over earthquakes
Klippoth: GV
Klorecha: Ab
Klothod: TS
Klothon: TS
Kludun: TS
Kmiel: L 3
Kobada: Ab
Kobhan: Ab
Kogiel: Ab
Kokabel: E
Kokaviel: K
Kokolon: Ab
Kokphnêdismos: TS
Kolam: Ab
Kolan: Ab
kolfayelyn: J 1
Kolofe: Ab
Kopinos (Kopinós): Angel (or demon) of 16th hour of Thursday: MTS
Kore: Ab
Koronez: P iii vii 17
Kosem: Ab
Kphiel: L 3
KPVIAL (Kefuya'el Heb., angel): NS A18:5
Kradalos (Kradálos): Angel (or demon) of 6th hour of Friday: MTS
Kralym: L 3
Kranos: L 3
Kranoti: L 3
Kriel: L 3
Kronos: TS
Kshiel: L 3
Kumeatêl: TS
Kumentaêl: TS
Kuno[s]paston: TS
kurgos: TS
Kursoel (Kursoél): Angel of Friday/Venus: MTS
Kurtaêl: TS
Kusiepotos (Kusiepotós): Angel (or demon) of 16th hour of Monday: MTS
Kutos (Kutós): Angel (or demon) of 12th hour of Saturday: MTS
KVKB, Kokav, Mercury: K
kyrion: J 2
kyris: J 2
Kyryos: J 1, 5
la: J 1
Laaval: Demon: GH
labana: J 1
labdaio: J 2
labelas: J 1
Laber: Magic word: GH
labimegas [S: labnnegas]: J 2
Labisi: Ab
Laboneton: Ab
Laboux: Ab
labyel: J 1
labynegual [S: labynegnal]: J 2
lacham [S: latham]: J 2
Lachatyl: Ab
Lachiel: L 3
lacramagnal [S: lacamagal]: J 2
lacyel or lantyel: J 1
ladaiedon: J 2
Ladiel (aerial spirit): L2
Ladrotzod: L 3
laell: J 1
laeradonyn: J 1
lafayel: J 1
lafyel: J 1
Lagasaf: Ab
Lagasuf: Ab
lagay: J 2
Laginx: Ab
Lagiros: Ab
Lahaqiel: NS 178, 211, 236
Lama (angel of the fifth heaven): H
Lamael (aerial spirit): L2
lamagil: J 2
lamah [A: Lauiah]: J 5
lamahyhel: J 2
Lamajah: L 3
lamal: J 2
Lamalon: Ab
lamam: J 2
lamamathios [S: lamathios]: J 2
lamanazamir [S: lamanazamyr]: J 2
Lamandy [S: lamandi]: J 4
lamar: J 2
Lamargos: Ab
Lamarhon: L 3
Lamarion: Ab
Lamas (aerial spirit): L2
Lambros (Lâmbros): one of the names of the demon called the "strangling mother of boys": BP 6b
Lamdomathon: J 4
Lamechalal: TS
Lamed: K
Lamediel: L 3
Lameht (vel Lameth) [S: Lameth]: J2; J3
lameley: J 2
lamely: J 2
lamen: J 2, 3
Lameniel (aerial spirit): L2
Lameros: L 3
Lamerotzod: L 3
Lamersy: L 3
Lameson: L 3
Lameth [S: Lameht]: J 2, 3
lamezai: J 2
Lamiara: J 5
Lamiel: L 3
lammaramos: J 2
Lamo: K4
lamochyamon [S: lamochiamon]: J 2
Lamolon: Ab
lamtara: J 1
lamua [S: lamna?]: J 2
Lamuanaht [S: lamnavaht]: J 4
lamuay [S: lamnay]: J 2
lamyara: J 5
lamyhar: J 2
lamyhel: J 2
lãmyhel: J 2
lanamyhel [S: iãnamyhel]: J 2
lanamyr [S has a bar over the an.]: J 2
lanar: J 2
lanaymos: J 2
Landa: Magic word: GH
landamelyhon: J 2
landamos: J 2
landelyn: J 1
landethe pharon [S: bandethepharon]: J 2
landothes: J 2
lanerecabal [S: laverecabal]: J 2
lang: J 1
Langael: L 3
Lanifiel: L 3
lanos: J 2
Lanoziel: L 3
lanpda [S has lanpda corrected to laupda]: J 2
lanpdan: J 2
lanpta: J 2
lanthamos: J 2
Lantrhots: L 3
lapdaas [S: lapdas]: J 2
lapdaihadon: J 2
lapdamozyhon [S: lapda mozihon]: J 2
lapdamylon: J 2
Lapheriel: L 3
Laphor (aerial spirit): L2
Laquel (angel of the second heaven): H
Larael (aerial spirit): L2
Laralos: Ab
Larfos (aerial spirit): L2
Larfuty: L 3
largitor: J 5
Lariel (aerial spirit): L2; L3
larmanail: J 2
Larmich: L 3
Larmol (aerial spirit): L2
Larphiel (aerial spirit): L2
laryagathyn: J 1
Las (aerial spirit): L2
Lashiel: L 3
Lastor (Lastór): Angel (or demon) of 18th hour of Thursday: MTS
latebayfanysyn: J 1
latham: J 2
Latiel: L 3
Latisten: H
latrityn: P i v 27
latumine: P i v 27
Lauday: GV
laymateram [S: laymatham]: J 2
laymos: J 2
layna: J 2
layralosyn: J 1
Lazaba (aerial spirit): L2
lazahemor: J 2
Lazamar [S: lazamair]: J 4
LBNH, Levanah, the Moon: K
lc: J 1
lebathon [S: lebachon]: J 2
Lebes: L 4
lebrachiel: J 1
Lecabel: J 5
leccos [S: lectos]: J 2
lechanagihel [S: lethanagihel]: J 2
Lechisihel: J 4
lechom [S: lethom]: J 2
lecton: J 2
Ledieha: Divine name: GH
Ledrion: GV
legelime, legelyme: J 2
legenale: J 2
legmes: J 2
Legomezon: J 4
Legomothay: J 4
Legornezon: J 4
legos: J 2
legyn: J 2
lehahiah [A: Lehachiah]: J 5
lehemuyos: J 2
Lehuz: P iii vii 27
Leiste (vel Trayeste) [S: Leyste]: J1; J4; J5
lelahel: J 5
lelalyon: J 1
lemahat: J 2
lemaht (uel Lenthath) [S: semaht]: J 2
lemaiho: J 2
Lemalon: Ab
lemar: J 2
Lemaron: L 3
lematalmay: J 2
lemay: J 2
lemdihon: J 2
Lemdomethon: J 4
lemdra: J 5
lemechiel [S: lemethiel]: J 2
lemegos: J 2
lemehyel [S: lemyhel]: J 2
Lemel: Ab
lemeliham [S: lemelih_u_m]: J 2
lemenron: J 3
lemesey: J 2
Lemodac (aerial spirit): L2
lemogethon: J 4
lemohot [S: lemehot]: J 2
Lemozar: L 3
lemozay [S: lemazai]: J 2
Lemur: L 3
lemyar: J 2
lenat [S: lenat corrected to levat]: J 2
lenayon: J 1
lenezothos [S: lenozothos]: J 3
Lengael: L 3
Leniel: Ab
Leo: J 1, 5; K; L 3; P i iv 11-13; v 16, 18, 24, 25, 32; ii ix 2; x 52, 54, 84; xi 15-17; xii 14, 39, 43-45; iii ii 6; iii 17; vii 40; ix 14; iv ii 6; vi 13; One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
leonbon: J 2
leosamaht: J 2
leosamaty: J 2
leosemaht: J 2
Lepaca: Ab
Lepacha: Ab
lephez: J 2
lephons [S: lephorijs]: J 2
lephoris: J 2
leprehoc [S: leprohot]: J 2
leprodoz: J 2
lepyron: J 1
Leraje: L 1
Leraye: L 1
lesebator [S: lesehator]: J 4
Letahaymeriz: P iii ix 4
letahemor [S: lota..]: J 2
Lethasiel: J 4
lethellete, lethellethe: J 1, 5
lethomai [S: lethomay]: J 2
lethonas: J 2
lethos: J 2
letiel: J 2
letytyeylyn: J 1
leuiah, leuuiah, Leviah: J 5
Levanah: Hebrew for the Moon. See OP2.13, L 1.
Leviathan: Ab; E
Leviel: L 3
Leyelgane: P iv ix 65
Leyequerich: P iv ix 65
Leyequin: P iv ix 65
Leyequir: P iv ix 65
Leyeric: P iv ix 65
Leyerus: P iv ix 65
Leyexeris: P iv ix 65
leynaht: J 3
leyndra: J 1, 5
leyrayell: J 1
Leyste: H
lezahel: J 2
lezaydi: J 1
lezen: J 2
lezorial [S: lezorihal]: J 2
lhavala: GV
Liachidi: H; L 1
lialon: J 2
liamintho: GV
libares: J 1
libarre: J 1
liber: J 2
liberatrix: J 2
libes: J 5
Libiel (aerial spirit): L2
Libra: J 1, 5; K; L 3; P i iv 6, 16-18, 33; v 30; ii iii 9; x 56; xi 21-23; xii 20, 46, 55; iii ii 8; iii 19; v 3; vii 16; iv ii 8
Licanen: Ab
Ligilos: Ab
lihares [S: lyhares]: J 2
lihelma: J 3
Lilita: one of the names of the demon called the "strangling mother of boys": BP 6b, 25c
Lilith, the Demon Queen of debaucheries: BP 4b, 1c, 2c; K
LILIThA (Heb. name of angel or spirit): NS 22
lilium: J 2
Limer (Limér): Angel (or demon) of 19th hour of Friday: MTS
Lion-bearer: TS
Lior (Liór): Angel (or demon) of 24th hour of Thursday: MTS
liricom: J 5
Liriel: Ab
Lirik (Lirík): Angel (or demon) of 2nd hour of Saturday: MTS
Liriol: Ab
Lirion: Ab
Lirochi: Ab
Liroki: Ab
Lithidos (Lithidós): Angel (or demon) of 1st hour of Tuesday: MTS
lithon: J 3
liulay: J 5
Lobel: Ab
Lobquin (angel of the fifth heaven): H
Locater: Ab
loccosi [S: loctosy]: J 2
Loch [S: hazemeloth]: J 4
Lochos: J 4
lodeho: J 2
Lodiel (aerial spirit): L2
Lodir: GV
loeloon: J 1
loemgemar [S: lornigemar]: J 2
Loginar (Loginár): Angel (or demon) of 21st hour of Wednesday: MTS
Logos: J 4
Lomiol: Ab
Lomor (aerial spirit): L2
lomtecy [S: Iometety]: J 2
lomyht: J 2
Lon: J 2; Divine name: GH
lopheo: J 2
Loray (demon): G
Lord_of_glory: E
Lord_of_kings: E
Lord_of_Spirits: E
Lord_of_the_mighty: E
Lord_of_the_rich: E
Lord_of_wisdom: E
Loriol: Ab
Losimon: Ab
Losimon: Ab
Lotaym: Ab
lothanan: J 2
lothios: J 2
lothos: J 2
Loutzifer (Loutzifér, Loutzifer) Demon associated with the first hour of Wednesday, First Spirit of the East: MTS; see also Lucifer
loynar: J 2
LTBA (Heb. name of angel or spirit): NS 22
lubiras: J 5
lucharanochyn: J 4
Luciel (aerial spirit): L2
Lucifer (demon): Ab; G; GH; GV; K4; L 1; see also Loutzifer
Lucifuge, Lucifuge Rofocale (lit. the light-shunner) (demon, prime minister): G; K (Levi's "excerpt")
Luesaf: Ab
luetundium: J 5
Luhiel: NS 160
lulyaraf: J 1
lumen: J 2
Luna: J 2; L 1, 3; P i ii 4; iii 2; iv 1, 2, 6, 18, 31, 33; v 1, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11-14, 16-19, 23-25, 29, 31, 33, 34; vii 1; ii i 2; iii tit., 1-12, 14-16; v 3; vi 6, 7; x 8, 9, 35-38, 46, 52, 54, 74-79, 87; xii 11, 25, 36, 39-41, 43-45, 47, 49-51, 55-57, 59; iii i 9; iii 2, 10, 11, 33; vi 1; vii 8, 15, 32, 33; viii 1; ix 7, 11-15, 17; xi 1, 71, 96; iv ii tit., 1-10, 12, 14-17, 22, 25; iii 2; iv 4, 21, 34, 38, 41, 52, 55, 59, 64; v 11; vi 8, 13; vii 9, 20, 23, 31, 39, 41, 47; ix 29-49, 51-56, 64
Lunar spirits: K
Lundo: Ab
Lustifion: L 3
Lutais: GH
Lux: J 5; One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
Luziel (aerial spirit): L2
lx [R: lh]: J 1
ly: J 1
Lycurgos: TS
lyncodoneyl: J 1
maalyel: J 1
maarym: J 1
maasyell: J 1
Mabakiel: Ab
mabareylyn: J 1
Mabiel: L 3
Mabron: Divine name: GH
mabynt: J 1
Macader: P iv ix 58
macalon: J 2
Macariel: L 2
maccasor: J 1
machanon [S: mathanon]: J 2
machar: J 2
Machariel: L2 (aerial spirit)
Machasiel: H (angel of the fourth heaven)
Machatan: H
Machatori or Machator (angel): H
machelaglilos: J 2
Machen: H
Machidael: Magic word: GH
machitilon: J 2
Machmag: L 3
Machon: H
Maciem: P iv ix 59
macnayelyn: J 1
macratyf: J 1
macrya: J 1
madaaios [S: madiaaios]: J 2
Madadoel (Madadoél): Angel of Wednesday/Mercury: MTS
Madael: demon: GH
Madail: Ab
maday: J 1
Madiel: H; L 3
Madilon: GV
Madim: Hebrew for Mars. See K and OP2.13.
Madimiel: K
Madiniel: K4
madin: J 1
madoin: GV
Mador (aerial spirit): L2
madrat: J 1
Madriel (aerial spirit): L2
maduch: J 1
Madurez: P iii x 14
Mael: H; L 3
Mafalac: Ab
mafatyn: J 1
Mafayr (aerial spirit): L2
Mafri'el (Heb. MPRIAL, angel): NS A18:4
Mafriel: L 3; NS 58
Mafrus (aerial spirit): L2
maga: J 2
magaal: J 2
Magael (aerial spirit): L2
magal: J 2
Magalast: Ab
magalhamethor [S: Megal..]: J 2
magamagol: J 2
magdyell: J 1
magelhel [S: magel hel]: J 2
mageyoméne: TS
Maggid: Ab
magiel [S: hatamagiel]: J 4; L3
Magiros: Ab
Magnael: L 3
magnarht: J 2
Magni (aerial spirit): L 2
magnl [S: magul?]: J 2
magnol: J 2
Magnus (uel magnys): J 2
Magnus Homo: One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
magnyuya: J 1
Mago: K4
Magog: Ab
magol: J 2
magos: J 1
Magot: Ab
Magoth: Ab
Magots: G
Magras: P iv ix 60
Magreuse: G
Magriel: Angel in K4
Maguth (angel, minister of Suth): H
Magyros: Ab
Mahabeyuz: P iii ix 4
Mahagnuz: P iii ix 14
Mahalalel: E
Maharahetym: P iii x 11
Maharaz: P iii vii 25; ix 3
mahasiah: J 5
mahatioten [S: mahatihoten]: J 2
Mahaty: P iii vii 21
Mahaz: P iii ix 12
mahaziel [S: mahazihel]: J 2
Maher: P iii vii 27
Maherimeyz: P iii x 9
Mahiel: L 3
Mahue (aerial spirit): L2
mãhy: J 1
Mahydebyz: P iii vii 25
Maiel: L 3
maihol: J 2
mairathal: J 2
Maisadul: Ab
Maithoth (Maithôth): Angel (or demon) of 3rd hour of Tuesday: MTS
Maius: P i v 27
Makael: L 3
Makalos: Ab
Makiel: angel: BP 3c
Malabed: Ab
Malach: Ab
Malachim, or the Kings: K
malamay [S: malamai]: J 2
Malaparos: J 4
Malapatas: J 4
malaquiram: J 1
Malcha: GH; GV
Malcha betharsism hed beruah schehalim: The Intelligency of the Intelligence of the Moon (OP2.22)
malchidael: J 5
Malchidiel: Angel ruling over Aries (OP2.14).
Malcho: L 3
Malgaras: L 2
Malgron (aerial spirit): L2
Malguel (aerial spirit): L2
Malhame: Divine name: GH
malichidael: J 5
malihagnathos [S: malihãgnathos]: J 2
Malkhiel: K
Maloht: J 1, 4, 5
Malphas: L 1
malquia: J 1
malquyel: J 1
malquyell: J 1
Maltiel (angel of the third heaven): H
Malutens: Ab
Malvita: one of the names of the demon called the "strangling mother of boys": BP 6b, 1c, 2c, 25c
malysan: J 1
mamail: J 2
Mames: Ab
mamiah [A: Mumiah]: J 5
mamica: J 1
Mamliel: NS 160
Mamounas (Mamounás): Angel (or demon) of 1st hour of Monday: MTS
mamyel: J 1
Man: J 1; Magic word: GH
manacham [S: manathã]: J 2
manadel [A: Monadel]: J 5
manay: J 2
mancyel: J 1
Mandesumini: G
Mandousin: GV
mandragores.: GV
mandyel: J 1
Maneloym: L 3
Maner (Manê) Angel (or demon) of 7th hour of Sunday: MTS
Maneyloz: L 3
Maniel (angel): BP 3c; (aerial spirit): L2
manos: J 2
Mansi (aerial spirit): L2
manstitan: J 5
Mantan: Ab
mantanius: J 1
Mantayriz: P iii x 12
Mantiens: Ab
Manties: Ab
manua: J 2
manuat: J 1
Manuel: L 3
manyhas [S: manyahas]: J 2
manyny: J 1
manyt: J 1
Maphueluz: P iii x 9
Mara smyt: P iii vii 36
maraama: J 2
marab: J 2
Maraca: K4
marachihel [S: marathihel nat]: J 2
Marachy: L 3
Marae (aerial spirit): L2
Marag: Ab
Marah: Ab
Maranton: Ab
Maranus: P iv ix 64
Maraos: Ab
Maras (aerial spirit): L2
marathal: J 2
marathos: J 2
maray: J 3
marayhathol: J 2
Marayuz: P iii ix 7
Marbas (demon): G; L 1
Marchiel: L 3
Marchosias: L 1
Marcius: P iv vii 43
marcurie (Mercury): J 1
Marderô: TS
Mardiel: L 3
Mareaiza[Sl2731:Morcaza] (aerial spirit): L2
Marech: P iii vii 24
marenell: J 1
Mareso: GV
Marfiel: L 3
Marguns (aerial spirit): L2
marham: J 1
marhyll: J 1
maria genitrix: J 2
Marianu (aerial spirit): L2
Mariel: (angel): BP 3c; L2 (aerial spirit); L3
Marifiel: L 3
marimoe: J 1
Marinata: H
Marku: Ab
marmamor [S: marmamo]: J 2
Marmaraô: TS
Marmaraôth: TS
Marmarath: TS
marmaryn: J 1
Maroch: L 3
Maroth (aerial spirit): L2
marothon: J 2
marquesnam: J 1
Marrech: P iv vii 23
Mars: J 1, 5; L 3; P i iii 2; iv 2, 6, 31, 33; v 14, 18, 30; ii iii 8, 11,14, 15; vi 7; x 4, 9, 19-21, 28, 48-50, 83; xi 2, 3; xii 2, 12, 16, 23, 27, 37, 39-41, 43-45, 48, 50, 51, 55, 56; iii i 5, 6; iii 2, 6, 11; v 3; vii 4, 6, 11, 16, 23-25, 29, 36, 37; ix 3, 13; iv ii 21, 25; iv 7, 24, 32, 37, 41-43, 53, 55, 56, 59; v ii; vi 4, 13; vii 44; ix 60; T
Martial spirits: K
Martino: GV
Martlos: one of the names of the demon called the "strangling mother of boys": BP 6b, 25c
mary: J 1, 4, 5
marybyn: J 1
maryel: J 1
maryhel [S: marihel]: J 4
marylyn: J 1
Masadul: Ab
Masaub: Ab
Maseriel: L 2
Masgabriel (angel of the fourth heaven): H
Mashel (aerial spirit): L2
Masiel: L 3
Masloth: Hebrew for Zodiac. See OP2.13.
Massayel: GH
Massias: Divine name: GH (apparently a typo for Messias)
Mastuel (aerial spirit): L2
masulaef: J 1
masym [S: themaremasym]: J 2
matasignais (name of the Moon in Autumn): H; J 5
Matatam: Ab
mater: J 2
mathacon [S: mathathon]: J 2
mathar [S: Acathar]: J 2
matharihon: J 2
Mathiel (angel of the fifth heaven): H
Mathlai (angel of the second heaven): H
mathois: J 3
Mathon: G; H (5th hour of night); J2; J4; K
mathyall: J 1
Matiel: L 3
Matiz: P iii ix 2
matraton: J 5
Matuyel (angel of the fourth heaven): H
Maxar: P iv ix 59
May: J 2; Divine name: GH
mayeylyn: J 1
Maylez: P iii ix 6
maymogos [S: naymogos]: J 2
Maymon (king, angel of the air ruling on Saturday): H
Maz: P iii ix 2
mazay: J 4
mazica: J 1
Maziel [S: gnaramaziel]: J 2; L2 (aerial spirit); L3
Mazpaz (Heb. MZPZ õôöî -- see below): K (Sl. 1307 and Sl. 2383).
MBKLThA (Heb. name of angel or spirit): NS 22
meahil: J 2
Mebahel: J 5
Mebahiah: J 5
Mebaschel: Ab
Mebbesser: Ab
Mebduliz: P iii x 9
Mebguedex: P iv ix 59
Mebhaer: Ab
Mebhasser: Ab
mechay [S: methay]: J 4
Mechebber: Ab
Mechiel: L 3
Meda: P iii vii 32
Medar (aerial spirit): L2
Medariuz: P iii x 14
Mediat (angel of the air ruling on Wednesday): H
Mediator: One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
Medicus: One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
Medikit (Mêdikit): Angel (or demon) of 4th hour of Wednesday: MTS
Medusiel: L 3
medyhos: J 2
Meegius: P iii vi 1
mefenyel: J 1
Megal: J 2, 3, 4
Megalak: Ab
megale: J 2, 3
megall [S: megalis]: J 4
Megalleh: Ab
Megalogim: Ab
megalon: J 4
megalos: J 2
Megalosin: Ab
megnon: J 2
megon: J 2
megonhamos: J 2
megos: J 2
megual [S: "megnal"]: J 3
meguon [S: "megnon"]: J 3
megus: J 2
Mehahiah: J 5
Mehalalel: angel: BP 3c
Mehe: P iii vii 33
mehekiel [A: Mecheiel]: J 5
Mehendiz: P iii ix 6
Mehenediz: P iii ix 13
Meheyediz: P xii ix 3
mehisrampna: J 4
meholim [S: mehohin]: J 2
Mehyelus: P iv ix 64
Mehyras: P iv ix 60
Meichidael.: GV
Meklboc: Ab
Mekhmeth (Mekhméth): Angel (or demon) of 22nd hour of Sunday: MTS
Mektimanas (Mektimanás): Angel (or demon) of 10th hour of Monday: MTS
melahel: J 5
Melamod: Ab
Melamud: Ab
Melanas: L 3
melany: GV
Melas: J2; L2 (aerial spirit)
Melcha (aerial spirit): L2
Melchal: TS
melche: J 1, 5
Melchidael: Angel: GH; GV
MELCHIOR: Spirit invoked in construction of hand of glory: GH; GV
Melchon (aerial spirit): L2
Mel'ejal: E
Meletaz: P iii ix 7
Melhaer: Ab
Meliel (aerial spirit): L2
meliha: J 3
Melkejal: E
Melna: Ab
melos: J 2
Melpifron (Melpifrón): Angel (or demon) of 1st hour of Thursday: MTS
Melrotz: L 3
Mêltô: TS
melyon [S: melion]: J 2
melyson: J 1
Mem: K
Memakhth (Memákhth): Angel (or demon) of 6th hour of Monday: MTS
Membrot: G
memmamiccos [S: menmamitos]: J 2
Memnolik: Ab
memomiccos [S: memomittos]: J 2
memothemath: J 2
memyel, memyell: J 1
mena [S: menya]: J 2
Menador (aerial spirit): L2
Menail: One of the demons in K3
Menarchos: L 3
Menariel (aerial spirit): L2
Menarym: L 3
Menas: L 3
Menasiel: L 3
Mendrion: L 3
menehon: J 4
Menemeyduz: P iii x 8
Menesiel: L 3
Menhueriz: P iii x 11
Meniel [A: Menkiel]: J 5; L3
Menolik: Ab
Menoriel: L 3
menya: J 2
Menydez: P iii x 9
meon: GV
mepathon: J 2
Merach (aerial spirit): L2
Meras (aerial spirit): L2
Merasiel (aerial spirit): L2
merassamaty [S: merasamacy]: J 2
meray: J 4
Meraye: Divine name: GH
Mercoph: L 3
Mercurial spirits: K
Mercurius: P i iii 2; v 23, 28, 33; ii iii 6, 14, 15; v 3; vi 7; x 7, 9, 31-34, 68-73, 86; xi 2; xii 6, 8, 17, 22, 31, 33, 40, 44, 49, 55; iii i 6, 8; iii 2, 9, 11, 33; vii 7, 14, 32; ix 6, 16; iv ii 8, 10, 17, 21, 24; iv 26, 34-36, 44, 55, 56, 59; v 11; vi 7, 10; vii 48, 61; ix 63
Mercury: J 1, 5; L 1, 3; T
Meresyn: L 3
Merhuyez: P iii ix 6
merhyll: J 1
Meriel: L 3
merkernon: J 1
merkerpon: J 5
merloy: GV
Mermo: Ab
Merniz: P iii ix 17
Merosiel (aerial spirit): L2
Meroth (aerial spirit): L2
Mersilde: GV
Mertiel (or Inertiel): One of the demons in K3 with dominion over transportation
meryel: J 1
merygall: J 1
Mesaf: Ab
Mesial: L 3
Mesriel: L 3
Messah (typo for Messiah?) Name on pentacle: GH
Messamarathon (vel Azeffamadathon): J 4
Messiach: K
Messias: One of the 72 holy names of God: GH; G; J 1, 5
Messies: Divine name: GH (evidently a typo for Messias, q.v.)
messihel: J 2
messyas: see Messias
Metafel: Ab
Metathiax: TS
METATRON (great angel, who is the Prince of the Angels): GV, K; NS 49, 162, 213 OP2.12 (also spelled Metattron)
Metayruz: P iii x 9
methalamathon: J 2
methonomos: J 2
methos: J 2
Methraton: K
Methridan (Methridán): Angel (or demon) of 23rd hour of Sunday: MTS
Metiel: L 3
Metlurez : P iii x 8
Metnegayn: P iv ix 61
metorylyn: J 1
Metoseph: Ab
Metosite: GV
Metziel: L 3
Meviel: L 3
Mexifron (Mexifrôn): Angel (or demon) of 11th hour of Monday: MTS
Meyefurez: P iii x 11
Meyer: P iv ix 63
Meylus: P iv ix 62
Meyneluz: P iii ix 7
Meytaryz: P iii ix 15
Meyurneyz: P iii x 9
MH (Heb. magic name): NS A17:25
MHDR (Heb. "splendid", an epithet of God): NS A17:29
MHVDR (Heb. "splendid", an epithet of God): NS A17:29
Miag (Miág): Angel (or demon) of 9th hour of Wednesday: MTS
micemya [S: mtemya]: J 2
Michael [Heb. MIKAL; A: Mihael, Mikael, Michaêl] (archangel): A; BP xxix, 3c; E; H; J 1, 2, 5; K; L 1, 3; NS (passim); OP2.12; P iv vii 23; T; TS; Angel of Sunday/the Sun, (Micahl) MTS
michathon: J 5
Michiael: GV
micho [S: mycho]: J 2
michoyn [S: mycholhyn]: J 2
micron [S: mitron]: J 2
MIDAEL Chief and Captain of the Celestial Army: K
Midot: NS 95
Miduch: name of demon called the "strangling mother of boys": BP 4b, 6b
Miel: H; J 5; L 3
Migaroth: magic word in K3
Mihel: J 5; L 3
Mihyraz: P iii ix 13
MIKAL (Michael, Heb., angel): NS A18:5
Miliom: Ab
Milki'el: E
Millant: One of the magic words to counter headache: GH
Milliel (angel of the second heaven): H
Milon: Ab
Miltas: P iv ix 64
Miltaz: P iii ix 17
Mimosa: Ab
minathil [S: mynathil]: J 2
Minosel: H
Miqon: NS 162
Mirach: K4
MIRAEL Chief and Captain of the Celestial Army: K
Mischiros: One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
miserecordia: J 5
misericordiæ: J 5
misericordiam: J 2
misertrix: J 2
Mishael: NS 161, 234
Misiel (aerial spirit): L2
Missabu (angel, minister of Arcan): H
Misteri: P iii vii 19, 21
Mitey: G
Mitrathon: G
Mitraton: GV; H (angel of the second heaven)
Mizrael: J 5
MPVAR (An epithet of God): NS 18.
MLK (Heb. King, an epithet of God): NS A1:24; A3:1,3, passim
MLVIThA (Heb. name of angel or spirit): NS 22
mochora [S: mothora]: J 2
moderiel: J 5
Modiat (angel of the air ruling on Wednesday, var. of Mediat): H
mogal: J 2
Mokaschef: Ab
Molael (aerial spirit): L2
Molin: Ab
Moloch: K; TS
Momel (aerial spirit): L2
momoht [S: memoht]: J 2
Monachiel: K
Monael (aerial spirit): L2
Monasiel: L 3
mone [= Moon]: J 1, 5
monhon: J 1, 3, 5
Monikonet (Monikonét): Angel (or demon) of 15th hour of Thursday: MTS
monocogristes: J 3
monorail: J 2
Monosriel: J 5
monoym: J 5
montazyn: J 1
montyelyn: J 1
monychyon: J 1
monyham: J 2
monyteon: J 1
Moon, moone: E; J 1, 5; L 1, 3; T; TS
Moracha (aerial spirit): L2
Morael (aerial spirit): L2
Morail: GV
Morax: L 1
morayeyll: J 1
Moreh: Ab
Morel: Ab
Morias (aerial spirit): L2
Moriel (aerial spirit): L2
Morilen: Ab
Morilon: Ab
morothochiel [S: morothothiel]: J 2
Mortoliel (aerial spirit): L2
Moschel: Ab
most_secret_ones: E
mothana [S: mochana]: J 2
motheham: J 2
Mouelta: one of the names of the demon called the "strangling mother of boys": BP 6b
Moym, Moyn: G
moys: J 4
Moziel (aerial spirit): L2
Mozm (var. of Moym): G
MPRIAL (Mafri'el Heb. angel): NS A18:4
MRKBIATh (Heb. name of God): NS A17:9
MSA (Heb. magic name): NS A17:27
Mubrynayz: P iii ix 17
Mudirel (aerial spirit): L2
Mugiens (les Mugiens): GH
Mulach: Ab
mulier: J 2
Mulin (Múlin): Angel (or demon) of 20th hour of Friday: MTS
Munefiel (aerial spirit): L2
Murahe (aerial spirit): L2
Muriel: Angel ruling over the Zodiacal sign of Cancer (OP2.14). Also J5; K.
Murmur: L 1
Mursiel: L2 (aerial spirit); L3
muryon: J 1
Musiniel (aerial spirit): L2
Musiriel (aerial spirit): L2
Musisin: GV
Musor (aerial spirit): L2
Mustery: P iv vii 23
Musuziel (aerial spirit): L2
muthon: J 2
Muviel: L 3
myacha: J 1
mybacaiab [S: mybancaiab]: J 2
mybhahal [S: nybahal]: J 2
mychael: J 5
mychathomos: J 2
mychaze: J 1
mychyn: J 2
mycracosmos [S: myc_a_cosmos]: J 2
mycraton: J 1
myeraton: J 1
mygerozoma [S: nygerozoma]: J 2
myhabal: J 2
myhamy: J 3
myhayhos [S: myhaylos]: J 2
myhel: J 5
myheon: J 2
myheragyn: J 2
myheromos [S: myleromos]: J 2
mymyhel: J 2
mynab: J 2
mynael: J 1
mynamchanamaycha [S: mynãtanamaytha]: J 2
mynaron: J 2
Mynymarup: Ab
myphos [S: nyphos]: J 2
myrahel: J 2
myrecagil: J 2
myremoht: J 2
Myrezyn (aerial spirit): L2
Myrmo: Ab
myryel: J 1
myschyel: J 1
myssyn: J 1
mytinab [S: mythynab]: J 2
MZH (Heb. magic name): NS A17:24
MZPZ (Name of God, Heb. õôöî): BP and see Gollancz' introduction, p. xii discussing the Ring of King Solomon. This mystical name "occurs in other works of a similar nature as a transposition of letters for the Tetragrammaton (JHVH) äåäé according to the principle ù''á ú''à, i. e. the interchange of the first and last letter, the second and last but one letter, and so on of the Hebrew alphabet. Thus: M (î) would stand for J, Z (ö) for H, P (ô) for V and Z (õ) for H — hence JHVH (äåäé)."
naamab: J 1
naaseyn: J 1
Nabam: Demob: GH
Naberius: L 1
Nabhi: Ab
nabnell: J 1
naboon: J 1
nabramala [S: nahamala]: J 2
nabsuf: J 1
nabyafsyn: J 1
nabyalyn: J 1
naccameryf: J 1
nacery: J 1
nachairo [S: nachano]: J 2
nachall: J 1
nachama [S: nathama]: J 4
Nacheran: Ab
Nachiel: The intelligence of the Sun (OP2.22)
naclya: J 1
nacpas: J 1
nactif: J 1
Naderabar [S: vaderabar]: J 4
Nadrel (aerial spirit): L2
Nadriel: L 3
Nadroc (aerial spirit): L2
Nadrusiel (aerial spirit): L2
nadys: J 1
nafac: J 1
Naffayz: P iii x 8
naffreynyn: J 1
nafya: J 1
Nagael: L 3
Nagan: Ab
Nagani: Ab
Nagar: Ab
Nagedarom [S: vagedarom]: J 4
nagem: J 2
nagenay: J 2
Nagid: Ab
Nagoa: King of the East: GH
nagron: J 1
Nahalon: L 3
Nahaym: P i iv 21
Nahema, the Demon of Impurity: K
Nahiel (aerial spirit): L2
nahuzihis: J 2
Najin: Ab
Nalael (aerial spirit): L2
namacar: J 2
Namael: L 3
Namalon: Ab
namathar: J 4
Nambroth: Demon: GH
Nameal: L 3
Namedor: L 3
Nameron: L 3
Nameroyz: L 3
Nameton: L 3
Namiros: Ab
namor [S: namar]: J 2
namylyn: J 1
Nanael: J 5
nanagen [S: navagen]: J 2
Nangariel: K
Nanitaynuz: P iii x 8
nanyseyorar: J 1
Naphael: L 3
napybael: J 1
Naquirus: P iv ix 61
nar: J 5
naragal: J 2
Naras (aerial spirit): L2
narath: J 1
naratheos: J 2
narbeyll: J 1
Narcoriel: L 3
Nardac: One of the magic words used in a spell to prevent eating: GH
Narel: E
nargeron: J 1
nariel (or vriel): J 5
Narmiel (aerial spirit): L2
Naromiel (angel of the fourth heaven): H
narraabylyn: J 1
Narsial (aerial spirit): L2
Narzael (aerial spirit): L2
Nasael: L 3
Nascelon: Ab
Nasi: Ab
nascyasori: J 1
Nasiniel (aerial spirit): L2
Nasnia (3rd hour of day): H
Nasnia: K
naspaya: J 1
naspyell: J 1
nassa: J 1
nassam: J 1
Nassar (aerial spirit): L2
Nastegeon: J 5
Nastoriel: L 3
Nastros (aerial spirit): L2
Nastrus: L 3
Nastul: L 3
nastyfa: J 1
nasyby: J 1
nasyel: J 1
Natalon (12th hour of day): H
Natalis: Ab
Nataniel: NS 236
Naôth: TS
Nathalon: K
natham: J 2
nathanathoy: J 5
nathaniel: J 5
nathanothasy: J 1
nathanothay: J 5
natharathon: J 2
Nathath: TS
Natheel: L 3
nathi: J 1, 5
Nathmiel: L 3
nathoes [S: nathes]: J 2
Nathriel (aerial spirit): L2
Natolico: Ab
natryel: J 1
Naveriel: L 3
Naveron: L 3
Naveroz: L 3
Naviel: L 3
Naycahua: P iii ix 11
Naydrus: GV
naylyn: J 1
naym [S: ietharnaym]: J 2
nazaihemaht: J 3
naziathos [S: nazihathos]: J 2
nazihacol: J 2
nazihatel: J 2
NDBAL (Nedav'el, Heb., angel): NS A18:5
neapry: J 1
Nearach: Ab
Nebiel: NS 217
Nebiros (demon, maréch. de camp.): G
Nebirots: GV
necad: J 1
necamya: J 1
nechamyha: J 4
nechir: J 5
Nechorym: L 3
neciel: J 5
Necol: P iv ix 39
necpys: J 1
Nedabor: L 3
Nedarym: L 3
Nedav'el (Heb. NDBAL, angel): NS A18:5
Nedeyrahe: P iv ix 34
Nedriel (aerial spirit): L2
Nedroz: L 3
Nedruan: L 3
nedylar: J 1
nedyr: J 1
Nefarym: L 3
Neforuz: P iii x 12
Nefrias: L 3
Nefthada: TS
negal: J 2
negemar: J 2
negemezihol: J 2
Negen: Ab; J 2
negero: J 2
neginather: J 2
negiogge [S: negioggen]: J 2
Nehariel: Angel in K4
Nenisem: Ab
negon: J 2
negora: J 2
neguabel [S: negnabel]: J 2
nehehom [S has nehehom corrected to vehehom]: J 2
nehel: J 2
nehihahon: J 2
nehubaell: J 1
nekyff: J 1
Nelapa (angel of the second heaven): H
nelchael [A: Nelkael]: J 5
Neliel: L 3
nelomannathar [S: velomanathar]: J 3
neloreos mohan [S: velozeosmohu; the "u" has an "n" written above it.]: J 3
nelos: J 2
Nemamiah: J 5
Nemariel (aerial spirit): L2
nemenomas [S: nemenomos]: J 2
nemenomos: J 2
nenanryn: J 1
neodamy: J 2
neomahil: J 2
neomail: J 2
neothatir: J 2
nepenyelyn: J 1
Nephalez: P iii x 14
Nephilim or Voluptuous Ones;: K
Nephthada: TS
neptaliam: J 5
Neqael: E
Nerastiel: L 3
Nercamay: Ab
Neriel (aerial spirit): L2; NS 160
Nermas: L 3
Nerohin: magic word in K3
Neron (9th hour of day): H; K
nerothinay: J 2
Nesbiros: GV
Neschamah: Ab
nesfis: P iv 27
nesgnyraf: J 1
Nesisen: Ab
Nestabor: K4
Nestoriel: L 3
Nestorii: L 3
Nestoroz: L 3
Neszomy: L 3
nethi: J 2
Netoniel: K; K4
Netos (7th hour of night): H; K
neyeyll: J 1
neynehos [S: phateneyneos]: J 2
Neyrgat: P iv ix 62
niangaroryn: J 1
nidar: GV
Nierier (Nieriér): Angel (or demon) of 21st hour of Thursday: MTS
Nifon (Nifôn): Angel (or demon) of 17th hour of Friday: MTS
Nikem (Nikém): Angel (or demon) of 5th hour of Saturday: MTS
Nikon (Nikôn): Angel (or demon) of 15th hour of Sunday: MTS
Nilen: Ab
nili: J 5
Nilima.17: Ab
Nilion: Ab
Nimalon: Ab
Nimerix: Ab
nimieri: P iv 27
Nimirix: Ab
Nimorup: Ab
Nintiaf (Nintiáf): Angel (or demon) of 16th hour of Sunday: MTS
Niokhel (Niokhél): Angel (or demon) of 18th hour of Monday: MTS
Nisa: GV
nisan: J 1
nisquem: J 1
Nistik: Angel (or demon) of 11th hour of Sunday: MTS
Nithael: J 5
nitthaiah: J 5
nm [S: vm]: J 1
Noaphiel: K
Noard: GV
Nodar (aerial spirit): L2
noelma: GV
Noga: Hebrew for Venus. See OP2.13 and J 1
Nogah: Ab
Nogahiel: K
Nogar: Ab
Nogen: Ab
Noguiel (aerial spirit): L2
nohorim: P iv 27
Nolicheil: J 5
Nolom: Ab
nomemal: J 2
nomeros: J 2
Nominon: Ab
nomios: J 5
nomygon: J 1, 5
norizane: J 2
noryel: J 1
nosmyel: J 1
nosulaceps: J 1, 5
nothi: J 5
Notiser: Ab
Novissimus: One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
noymos: J 1, 5
noynemal: J 2
Nuberus (demon): G
nubes: J 2
Nudeton: Ab
Nuditon: Ab
Nufeneguediz: P iii vi 1
Nun: K
nupuryn: J 1
Nuriel: angel: BP 3c; NS 173, 202, 234
nuthaiah [A: Nithhaiah]: J 5
Nuthon: Ab
nutrix: J 2
nuyym: P iv 27
NVGH, Nogah, Venus: K
nyazpatael: J 1
nybyryn: J 1
nycheos: J 2
nycromyhos.: J 2
nydeht: J 2
nydoccicib [S: nydocricib]: J 2
nyenyolyn: J 1
nyguedam: J 1
Nymphes (class of spirits): A
nyrylyn: J 1
nysan: J 1
nytheromathum: J 2
nyzozoronba [S: nyzozoroba]: J 2
Oarios: G
Oaspeniel (aerial spirit): L2
Obagiron: Ab
Obdadia (vel Abladya) [S: Abbadya]: J 4
Obedama: Ab
Obedamah: Ab
Obizuth;: TS
Obu: Divine name: GH
Occinomos: K
Occymomos (name of God): J 1, 5
Occymomyon: J 1, 5
occynonenon: J 5
Och (Olympic spirit of the Sun): A
Ochothas: J 5
Ocleiste, ocleyste: J 1, 5
OCTINOMOS (name of the conjurer): H; L 1, L 2
October: P iv vii 24
Octynnomos: J 5
Odax: Ab
Odiel (aerial spirit): L2
Oemiel (aerial spirit): L2
Ofafiel, Ofafi'el (Heb. VPPIAL, angel): NS A18:4, p. 58
Ofetes ('Ofétês): Angel (or demon) of 14th hour of Wednesday: MTS
Ofisiel (aerial spirit): L2
Ogia: Divine name: GH
Ogilen: Ab
Ogologon: Ab
ohoc: J 1
Ohodos: K4
Oholem: Ab
Okhlor ('Okhlór): Angel (or demon) of 2nd hour of Thursday: MTS
Okirgi: Ab
Okiri: Ab
Ol: L 3
Ola�ky: Ab
Olemdemis: Divine name: GH
Olisermon: Ab
OLIZ (Heb. name of God): NS A17:10
Olosirmon: Ab
olyab: J 1
Olyaram: G
olydeus: J 1, 5
olyeyll: J 1
Olympic Spirits (class of angels): A
Omael: J 5
Omages: Ab
Omagos: Ab
Omalharien: L 3
Oman: Ab
Omary: L 3
omaza (vel Phet): J 4
Ombalafa: Ab
Ombalat: Ab
Ombonar: J 1, 5
Omedriel: L 3
Omeliel: K
Omeliet: K4
Omerach: L 3
Omet: Ab
Omiel (aerial spirit): L2
omis [S: onus]: J 2
Omnipotens: One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
omor: GV
Omyel (aerial spirit): L2
omyell: J 1
OMIAL (`Ami'el, Heb., angel): NS A18:5
On: Name of God: Dz; GH; GV; H; J 1, 5; K; L 1, 2, 3; One of the magic words to counter pleurisie: GH
onath: J 5
onay: J 5
Onayepheton: K
Onei: Ab
Onera: G
Oneypheon: K
onfilmetoii: J 5
onlepot: J 5
Onoitheon, Onoytheon: J 5
Onoskelis: TS
onoxyon (angel of the day of Saturn): J 1
Onoytheon (name of God): J 1
OOH (Heb. name of Metatron in Enoch III, ch. 48D): NS 49
Ooukh ('Ooúkh): Angel (or demon) of 14th hour of Thursday: MTS
Ophaniel: OP2.12
Ophannin: E
ophicen: J 5
Ophiel: A (Olympic spirit of Mercury); K
Opilm: Ab
Opilon: Ab
Opios ('Opiós): Angel (or demon) of 14th hour of Sunday: MTS
Opnax ('Opnáx): Angel (or demon) of 24th hour of Wednesday: MTS
opron: J 5
Opun: Ab
Opyron: J 1, 5
oragon: J 2
Orariel (aerial spirit): L2
Orasim (var. of Brasim): G
Orax ('Oráx): Angel (or demon) of 17th hour of Sunday: MTS
orchyne: J 1
orfyell: J 1
Orgosil: Ab
OrHa: J 5
Orian ('Orián): Angel (or demon) of 17th hour of Tuesday: MTS
Orias: L 1
Oriel: A; G (demon?); L2 (aerial spirit); L3
Oriens: Ab; King of the East, and third spirit to be called according to An Excellent Booke of the Arte of Magicke (Ad. 36674, fol. 48r)
Oriet: GV
Orifiel: K3; T. On Orifiel, see also Johannes Trithemius, De Septem Secundeis, 1508 and Steganographia, Book 3.
Origatiumgu: Divine name: GH
Origo: One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
Orinel: Ab
Orinos ('Orinós): Angel (or demon) of 3rd hour of Thursday: MTS
Orion: J 1, 5
oriphiel: J 5
oristion, Oristyon: J 1, 5
ORISTON: H; L 1, 2; Name of God: GH
Orjares: E
orleunyon: J 1
Ormael: L 3
Ormas: L 3
Ormenu (aerial spirit): L2
Ormezyn: L 3
Ormion: Ab
Ormonas: Ab
Ormyel: L 3
Ornai ('Ornaî) Angel (or demon) of 2ndt hour of Sunday: MTS
ornath: J 5
Ornias: TS
Ornich (aerial spirit): L2
Orniel ('Orniél): Demon of Thursday/Jupiter: MTS
Orobas: L 1
Oroia: Ab
Oroya: Ab
Orpaniel: NS 150
Orpemiel (aerial spirit): L2
Orphaniel: H
orpheniel: J 5
Orphiel: L 3
Orphitue: Name of God: GH
ortophagon: J 2
ortus: J 2
oryel, oryell: J 1, 5
Oryhel: J 1, 5
Oryn (aerial spirit): L2
orynyn: J 1
oryon: J 5
Oryoram: G
os: J 5
Osael (angel of the fifth heaven): H
Osanna: J 5
Ose: L 1
Osmadiel: L 3
Osmie ('Osmié) Angel (or demon) of 8th hour of Sunday: MTS
osmyn: J 1
Osogyon: Ab
Ossidiel (aerial spirit): L2
Osurmy: GV
Ot: NS 201
Otheos: J 2, 4, 5; L 1; One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
Othie: G
Othiel (aerial spirit): L2
Otim (aerial spirit): L2
OTTO: Magic word on amulet: GH
Oualielo (Oúalielô): Angel (or demon) of 22nd hour of Thursday: MTS
Ougariel (Ougariel) (angel of Monday/the Moon): MTS
Ouia: G
Ouistos (Oúistós): Angel (or demon) of 14th hour of Monday: MTS
Ouniferitousz (Oúniferitoúsz): Angel (or demon) of 24th hour of Friday: MTS
Ouril (Oúríl) (angel of Tuesday/Mars): MTS
Ourer (7th hour of day): H; K
ourylyn: J 1
Outael (Oútaêl): Angel (or demon) of 8th hour of Thursday: MTS
Ouyar: GV
Ovis: J 5; One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
Paajah: L 3
paamyel: J 1
Pabel (angel of the fourth heaven): H
Pachahy: Ab
Pachei: Ab
Pachid: Ab
paciencia: J 5
pacifica: J 2
pacrel: J 1
pacrifon: J 1
pactryell: J 1
pacyta: J 1
Padiel: L 2
Pafesla: Ab
Paffran (angel, minister of Samax): H
Pafiel (aerial spirit): L2
Pagalust: Ab
Pagat: NS 211
pagnlan: J 1
pahaliah: J 5
Pahamcocyhel: J 5
pahanitoriel: J 5
Paimon (AKA Paymon): King of the North, Ab; King of the Northwest: L 1, W
Paimoniah: K
Pakid: Ab
palathoros [S: pallathoros]: J 2
Pallantre: GH
palliticatos [S: pallititatos]: J 2
paltamus: J 1
paltifur: J 1
paltnya: J 1
palyel: J 1
palylet: J 1
palytam: J 1
Pamachiel: Angel in K4
pamhynyel: J 1
pamilihel [S: pamylihel]: J 2
Pammon: L 3
Pamory: L 3
pamphilos: J 2
Pamyel: L 3
Pan: GV
Panael: L 3
panconuegos [S: pancomnegos]: J 2
Pandiel (aerial spirit): L2
Pandoli: Ab
Pandor (aerial spirit): L2
Pandroz: L 3
panetheneos: J 2
Panezur: L 3
Pangael: L 3
Paniel: L2 (aerial spirit); L3; NS 240
Panis: J 5; One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
panten: J 1
panteron: J 1
pantheon: J 1, 5
Pantheriel: Angel in K4
panyon: J 1
paphalios: J 2
Paqmiel: NS 203
Parabiel (aerial spirit): L2
parachbeyll: J 1
Parachmon: Ab
Paracle: Magic word: GH
Paracletos: H
PARACLETUS: L 1; One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
Paraclitus: J 1, 5
Paramor: Ab
paramyhot [S: paramyhoc]: J 2
paranyemol: J 5
Paras (aerial spirit): L2
Parasch: Ab
Paraschon: Ab
Paraseh: Ab
Parasiel: K; K4
Pareht: Ab
Parek: Ab
Parelit: Ab
parhaya: J 1
Pariel (aerial spirit): L2
Parinoscon: G
parithomegos: J 2
Parius (aerial spirit): L2
Parmatus: Ab
Parniel: L2 (aerial spirit); L3
paron: GV
Parsifiel (aerial spirit): L2
Partus: Divine name: GH
Parusur: Ab
paryel: J 1
paryneos [S: parineos]: J 2
Parziel: L 3
Pasiel: L 3
Paskarbuel: NS 150
Pasniq: NS 171
pasntes: J 5
Pasriel: L 3
passamaht: J 2
pastama: J 1
Pastor: One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
pataceron: J 1
pataron: J 1
Pater: One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
Pathiel: NS 160, 178
Pathier (aerial spirit): L2
Patid: Ab
Patiel: L2 (aerial spirit); L3
Patir: J 2, 3, 4
patnelyn: J 1
Patrozyn: L 3
patyel: J 1
Paul (Saint): K
Paymon (AKA Paimon, King of demons, ruling in the West): Ab; GH; OP2; OP3; Weyer
Pax: J 5
paxon: J 1
paxonyon: J 1
paxylon: J 1
paysthar: J 5
pazehemy: J 1
pazomyhol [S: pazamyhol]: J 2
pbab: J 5
Pe: K
Peatham: GV
peb: J 1, 5
Pechach: Ab
pegal: J 1
Pegiel: L 3
pegner: J 1
Pegoga (or Pegogha): one of the names of the demon called the "strangling mother of boys": BP 6b, 25c
Pelakouel (Pêlakouél): Angel of Friday/Venus: MTS
Pelariel (aerial spirit): L2
Pellipis: Ab
peloym: GV
Pelusar (aerial spirit): L2
Pemael (angel of the third heaven): H
Pemfodram: Ab
Pemiel: L 3
Pemoniel: L 3
Penador (aerial spirit): L2
Penaton: Divine name: GH
Pentagrammaton: GH
Penaly: L 3
Penargos: L 3
Penat (angel of the third heaven): H
Penatiel: L 3
Penel: J 5
Penemue:: E
Peniel (aerial spirit): H; K4; L2
Penoles: L 3
Pentagna: One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
pep: J 5
Perathoui (Pêrathoui) Angel (or demon) of 3rd hour of Sunday: MTS
Perchiram: Divine name: GH
Perdikoim (Perdikoim) (angel of Monday/the Moon): MTS
Peresch: Ab
Pereuch: Ab
pergamidam: J 5
Periel: L 3
Perigaron: Divine name: GH
peripaton [S: pipaton]: J 2
Perman: L 3
Permases: Ab
Permaz: L 3
Permiel: L 3
Permon: L 3
perpheta: J 5
Perpi (or Perpi Klarimum): Divine name: GH
Persiel: L 3
Pertikeel (Pertikeél): Angel of Wednesday/Mercury: MTS
Peruel: NS 58
Petan: G
Petanop: Ab
Peter (Saint): K
pethio: J 2
petonahal [S: peconahal]: J 2
Petra: One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
Petunof: Ab
peunt: GV
Phaa: H
phabal: J 2
phabogheton [S: phaboghecon]: J 4
phabos: J 2
phagnora: J 2
phagor: J 2
phagora [S: phagora]: J 2
Phaleg (Olympic spirit of Mars): A
phalezethon: J 4
phalomagos: J 2
phalomgros: J 2
phalymyt: J 2
phamal: J 2
Phaniel (aerial spirit): L2
Phanuel: E; L2 (aerial spirit)
pharamepht [S: pharameht]: J 2
pharamnee [S: pharampnee]: J 2
pharanhe [S: pharanehe]: J 2
pharen: J 2
pharene: J 2
Pharol (aerial spirit): L2
Pharon (aerial spirit): L2
Pharos: K4
phasamar: J 2
phate: J 2
Phaton: Divine name: GH
pheamycros [S: pheamicros]: J 2
pheleneos: J 2
phelior: J 2
pheta: J 5
phetalon [S: phethalon]: J 2
phetalonamie [S: phethalonamie]: J 2
phetaloym [S: phethaloym]: J 2
Phêth: TS
phicrose: J 2
philei: J 2
philosen: J 5
phin: J 5
phitach: J 5
phnerezo [S: phnerezo corrected to phverezo]: J 2
Phnunoboêol: TS
phobos: J 2
phodel: J 3
Phoenix: L 1
pholior [S: pholihor]: J 2
phomos [S: hephomos]: J 2
Phorlakh, Angel of Earth: K
Phorsiel: L 3
Phorsy: GV
Phosphora: Ab
Phthenoth: TS
Phul (Olympic spirit of the Moon): A
pie: J 2
Piez (Piéz) Angel (or demon) of 9th hour of Sunday: MTS
Pigmies (class of spirits): A
piissime: J 5
Piliour (Pilioúr): Angel (or demon) of 12th hour of Sunday: MTS
pinmybron: J 1
pirirm: J 5
Pisces: J 5; K; L 3; P ii x 85; xi 36-38; xii 35, 41, 55; iii iii 24; ix 12,15; iv ii 17
Pischiel (aerial spirit): L2
Piscis: P i iv 27-29; v 22, 23, 34; ii x 46; xii 51, 55; iii ii 13
Pisqon: NS 162, 171
PIThIH (Heb. magic name): NS A17:27
Pithona: G
Pixitor (Pixitór): Angel (or demon) of 15th hour of Friday: MTS
Plamiel: L 3
Platiel: L 3
Platien: Ab
Plegaton: Divine name: GH
Plegit: Ab
Pleiades: TS
Pliades: P iv ix 31
Plirok: Ab
Pliroky: Ab
Plison: Ab
Plorim: GV
pmla: J 1
Pnidor (Pnidôr): Angel (or demon) of 11th hour of Wednesday: MTS
Podekoulator (Podêkoulátor): Demon of Thursday/Jupiter: MTS
Poemi: G
Poiel: J 5
polimas: J 1
polypon: J 1
Pomiel: A
Pommeriel: Angel in K4
pons: J 2
porho: J 1, 5
Porna (angel of the third heaven): H; K4
porta: J 2
portenthymon: J 1, 5
portus: J 2
postadar: J 1
postremus: J 1
Potencies: K
potentissime: J 5
Poter: Ab
Pother: Ab
potian: J 5
Potiel (aerial spirit): L2
power, angels of: E
Praredun: GV
Prasiel (aerial spirit): L2
Prasiniel: L 3
Praxeel (aerial spirit): L2
Praxiel: L 3
Preches: Ab
predolmassay: J 2
Premoton: Divine name: GH
Premy: GV
Prenostix: L 3
Presfees: Ab
prihici [S: prihiti]: J 2
primellus: J 5
primogenitus: J 5; One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
Primus: One of the 72 holy names of God: GH (Latin: "First")
princeps: J 2, 5
principalities: E
principium: J 1, 5
Principium et finis: One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
pristorides: J 5
probihos: J 3
Procel: L 1
PROCULO: spirit who causes one to sleep for twenty-four hours, and gives knowledge of the spheres of sleep: GV
Profi: Angel (or demon) of 15th hour of Tuesday: MTS
Promachos: Ab
Promakos: Ab
Propheta: One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
protector: J 5
prothabeon: J 5
prothophares: J 5
Protizekatour (Protizêkátour): Demon of Friday/Venus: MTS
Proxonos: Ab
Proxosos: Ab
Prukiel: angel: BP 3c
Prumosy: GV
Pruslas (demon): G
PThKRA (Heb. name of angel or spirit): NS 22
PTzP''TzIH (Heb. äéö''ôöô): BP: "the 'great Angel' appointed as the champion of Israel on the day on which the 'Cornet' is blown."
puella: J 2
Pursan (demon): G
Purson (demon): L 1
puteus: J 2
Putisiel: L 3
pynsylon: J 1
pyon: J 1
pyrteplyn: J 1
pysses (Pisces): J 1
Qadosch (Heb. QDVSh, "holy," an epithet of God): K; NS A17:22f
Qafsiel: NS 155
Qamsaniel: NS 160
Qanqaniel: NS 160
Qantiur: NS 241
Qaspiel: NS 236
QDDK (Heb. magic name): NS A17:26
Qedushiel: NS 237
Qoph: K
Quabriel: L 3
Quabrion: L 3
Quartas: Ab
Quehinen: P iv ix 58
Quel: Magic word: GH
quelamya: J 5
Quemis: P iv ix 58
quemon: J 1
quenanel: J 1
Quenol: L 3
Queriel: L 3
Quermiex: P iv ix 58
Quesdor: L 3
queue: P i v 27
Queyhuc: P iv ix 48
quibari: P i v 27
Quibda (aerial spirit): L2
Quirix: L 3
Quision: Ab
quislep: J 1
quisyell: J 1
Quitta (aerial spirit): L2
Quosiel: L 3
quybon: J 1
quyhym: J 1
quyron: J 1
raacpel: J 1
Raajah: L 3
raam: P i v 27
Ra`amiel: NS 240
raamyell: J 1
rabaly [S: rabali]: J 2
rabannie: P i v 27
Rabarmas: J 1, 5
Rabas (aerial spirit): L2
rabasadail: J 2
Rabdos: TS
Rabel: Magic word: GH
Rabianara, rabianira (name of the earth in Autumn): H; J 5
Rabiathos [S: rabihathos]: J 4
Rabidandes (or Rabidanadas): (name of spirit): GV
Rabiel (aerial spirit): L2
Rablion (aerial spirit): L2
Raboc (aerial spirit): L2
rabsylyn: J 1
Rabuch: J 5
Rabur: H; J 1, 5
rabyhel [S: rabihel]: J 2
Rabyz: P iii ix 17
Rachiar: Ab
Rachiel (an angel of Friday): H
rachyn: J 1
raconcall: J 1
racyelyn: J 1
racyno: J 1
Radarap: Ab
Raderaf: Ab
Radiaha: Divine name: GH
radix: J 2
radyel: J 1
Rael (angel of the second heaven): H
Rafael: TS; see also Raphael
raffylyn: J 1
ragael: J 1
ragahal: J 2
ragahel: J 2
Ragalim: Ab
Ragaras: Ab
ragen: J 2
rageyel: J 1
ragia: J 2
ragiomab: J 2
ragion: J 2
Ragna: J 2, 3
ragnaht: J 2
ragnali [S: ragnali ranal corrected to raguali ranal]: J 2
ragnathi: J 2
ragua: J 3
raguam: J 2
Raguel: E
Rahatiel: NS 173
Rahmiel: NS 186, 234, 237
Rahumel (angel of the fifth heaven): H
raictotagti [S: rai_?_totagn]: J 2
Rakhaniel: K
Rakidon ('Rakidôn): Angel (or demon) of 22nd hour of Tuesday: MTS
ramagay: J 2
ramaht: J 2
Ramaratz: Ab
ramasdon: J 1
Ramat: GH
Ramay: J 2, 4
Ramaziel: L 3
Rameel: E
ramel: J 2
Rameriel: L 3
Ramersy: L 3
Ramesiel: L 3
Ramica (aerial spirit): L2
Ramison: Ab
Ramiuson: Ab
Ramlel: E
Ramna: J 4
Ramoras: Ab
ramuel: J 1
Rana (6th hour of night): H
Rana: K
ranahel [S: tanahel]: J 2
ranaihel [S: ramaihel]: J 2
ranal: J 2
Ranar: Ab
Ranciel (aerial spirit): L2
Raner: Ab
raneyl: J 1
Raniel (angel of the third heaven): H
Ranix: P iv ix 64
ransyel: J 1
Rantam: GH
Rapha: TS
Raphael (Heb. RPAL: A; E; angel of Wednesday/Mercury: H; J 1, 2, 5; K; L 3; NS (passim); OP2.12; P iv vii 23; T; TS; 'Rafaêl: Angel of Thursday/Jupiter: MTS
Raphaim, or Cowards: K
Raphan: TS
Raphiel: L 3
Rapsiel (aerial spirit): L2
rapynes: J 1
rapyon: J 1
raqiel: J 5
Raquie: H
Raquyel: J 5
rarafeyll: J 1
Rariof ('Rariôf): Angel (or demon) of 4th hour of Friday: MTS
rarorhyll: J 1
rasahanay: J 2
Rasamarathon: J 1, 5
rasamen: J 2
rasay: J 2
rasaym [S: iasym]: J 2
Raschear: Ab
rasegar: J 1
rasersh: J 1
rashyel: J 1
rasiohs [S: rasihos]: J 2
rassy: J 1
Rath: TS
rathan: J 5
Rathanael: TS
Rathiel: L 3
rathion: J 2
Ratziel: L 3
Raubeil: P iii vii 21
Raubel: P iv ix 37
Raubeyl: P iii vii 25
Raucahehil: P iii vii 24
Raucayehil: P iii vii 19
Raum: L 1
Raus: P iii vii 19
Rax: Ab
Rayel (angel of the fifth heaven): H
Rayetanz: P iii x 1
raym: J 5
raymara: J 2
rayoryn: J 1
Raysiel: L 2
Rayziel: L 3
razyarsady: J 1
razyell: J 1
RBIBAVTh (Heb. magic name): NS A17:27
re: J 1
Rebiel: L 3
rechihamos: J 2
Reciel (aerial spirit): L2
recreatrix: J 2
Redemptor: One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
redemtrix: J 2
Redimez: P iii ix 1
reealologon: J 2
refaebylyon: J 1
reffylyn: J 1
Regadamer: magic word in K3
Regael: L 3
Regerion: Ab
regina aurora: J 2
Reginon: Ab
regnya: J 1
regon: J 2
Rehael: J 5
Reiiah [A: Reiiel]: J 5
reiial: J 5
reil: J 5
Rekhodiah: K
relamye: J 2
relmalaguoram [S: relmalagnoram]: J 2
reloymal [S: regoymal]: J 2
relyon: J 1
remafydda: J 1
remanthar [S: remanathar]: J 3
remasym: J 2
Remasyn: L 3
remay [S adds renay]: J 2
remelthot [S: remelthet]: J 2
remelyhot [S: remelihot]: J 3
remiare: J 5
Remiel: E
Remis: K4
Remischat: magic word in K3
remolithos [S: remohthos]: J 2
Remoron: Ab
Rengliel: L 3
reniayeyll: J 1
Reniolithos (vel Remolohos [S, S2: "Remolithos"]: J 3
requiel: J 5
res: J 1
resamarathon: J 5
resaram: J 2
resaym: J 2
Reschith ha-gallalim: Hebrew for Primum Mobile (see OP2.13)
Resh: K
Resochin: One of the demons in K3 with dominion over affairs of state (alternate spelling: Roschim)
resphaga: J 2
Ressurectio (sic *Resurrectio): One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
Rethel: J 1, 5
Retragrammaton (typo for Tetragrammaton?): G
reuilsemar [S: renylsemar]: J 2
reycat: J 1
riahaccon [S: riahacton]: J 2
Riajah: L 3
ribbarim: P iv ii 3
Richel (aerial spirit): L2
Rigios: Ab
Rigolen: Ab
Rikorgos: NS 201
Rimezyn: L 3
Rimog: Ab
Rion: G
Rissasoris: Name of God: GH
robrinez: J 5
robyca: J 1
Rocobem: G
Roehel [A: Raehel]: J 5
roel: J 5
Roêlêd: TS
Roelhaiphar: K
Roffles: Ab
Rofocale (see Lucifuge): G
rofynyel: J 1
rogay: J 3
Roggiol: Ab
rognohon [S: rognhon]: J 2
rogonbon: J 2
rogor: J 2
Roler: Ab
Romages: Ab
romasim: J 2
romayl: J 1
Romeroc: Ab
Romiel (aerial spirit): L2; L 3
Romoron: Ab
Romyel (aerial spirit): L2
romyel: J 1
ronala: J 2
ronayeyll: J 1
Ronove: L 1
Roquiel: P iv ii 20
Rorêx: TS
Roriel (aerial spirit): L2
ros: J 2
rosa: J 2
Rosaran: Ab
Rotho: magic word in K3
Rothon: J 1, 5
rothos [S: rochos]: J 2
Rotor: Ab
Roustat ('Roustát): Angel (or demon) of 23rd hour of Wednesday: MTS
Rouvayet: GH
RPAL (Raphael Heb. angel, q.v.): NS A18:4
Ruach: Ab; K
Ruax: TS
rubbelyn: J 1
Rubiel (angel): G
Rubiphaton: Divine name: GH
rubyeyel: J 1
Rudefor: L 3
ruffar: J 1
rufibian: J 5
Ruhiel: NS 236
ruhos: J 2
Rukum: Ab
Rumael: E
Rumjal: E
Rymaliel: L 3
sabaarna [S: sabarna]: J 2
sabaday: J 1
sabahel: J 2
sabahot [S: sadahot]: J 3; One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
sabal: J 2
sabam [S: satam]: J 2
Sabaot (=Sabaoth): G
Sabaoth (name of God): GV; J1, 5; NS (passim) OP2.12; TS
sabar [S: sabat]: J 2
Sabas (aerial spirit): L2
sabat: J 1
Sabbac: H
Sabbathi: Hebrew for Saturn. See OP2.13.
Sabbatum: P iv ii 19, 23
Sabeel (Sabeél): Angel of Tuesday/Mars: MTS
Sabiel: L 3
sablachom [S: sablathom]: J 2
Sabnach: L 1
Sabrael: TS
Sabrathan: L 3
sabsacom: J 2
Sabunê: TS
sabybyall: J 1
sacadyel: J 1
Sacamap: J 4
Sacas: P iii vii 17
saccail: J 2
saccamaht [S: lattamaht]: J 2
saccynyel: J 1
sacdon: J 1
Sacerdos: One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
Sachael: L 3
Sacharios: J 4
Sachiel: Ab; K; L 3; angel of Friday/Venus: H
sachir: J 5
Saclay: H
sacqiel: J 5
sacra: GV
sacramagay [S: secumagay]: J 2
sacramalaip: J 2
sacramathon [S: sacramathan]: J 4
sacramay: J 2
sacramazaym: J 4
sacramyzan: J 4
sacrarium: J 2
sacrehos [S: satrehos]: J 2
Sacriel (angel of the fifth heaven): H; angel in K4
Sacromaahe [S om.]: J 4
sacromehas [S: secomehal]: J 2
Sacromohem: J 4
sacronalon [S: setronalon]: J 2
sacronomay [S: saconomay]: J 2
sacstoyeyn: J 1
Sadai: see Saday
sadail: J 2
Sadain: magic word in K3
sadam: J 2
sadamiel: J 2
Sadar (aerial spirit): L2
Saday, Sadai: H; J 1, 2, 4, 5; K4; L 1, 2; OP2.13; One of the 72 holy names of God: GH (Shaddai)
sadayne [S: ordayne]: J 2
Saddiel (aerial spirit): L2
Sadedali (5th hour of day): H; K
Sadiel: L 2 (aerial spirit); L 3
Sa`diel: NS 161
Sadiniel: L 3
Sadqiel: NS 203
saduch: J 2
saduhe [S: saduht]: J 2
Sadyon (vel Herlon): J 3; J5
Saefarn (aerial spirit): L2
Saefer (aerial spirit): L2
Saemiel (aerial spirit): L2
saffyell: J 1
saforac: J 1
Safuelor: J 1
safyda: J 1
Safsafiel: NS 160
Safyel: NS 203
sagaht: J 3
Sagani (class of spirits): A
Sagares: Ab
Sagatana: GV
Sagel: L 3
Sagiel: L 3
Sagittarius: J 1, 5; K; L 1, 3; P i iv 6, 20-22; v 34; ii x 45, 82; xi 27-29; xii 26, 48, 55; iii ii 10; iii 21; ix 11, 12; iv ii 10
sagnaht: J 2
sagnanar: J 2
Sagnel: L 3
sagomossyn [S: fagomossyn]: J 2
sagriel [A: Tagriel]: J 5
saguaht [S: sagnaht]: J 3
Sagun: H
Sahael: L 3
sahalat [S: sahaletromar]: J 2
sahaman: J 1
sahamuhã [S: sahamuhum!]: J 2
Sahariel: angel: BP 3c
Sahel: L 3
sahgragynyn: J 1
Sahiel: L 3
sahinyel: J 1
sahuhaf: J 1
saibaiol: J 2
Saima: J 4
salaht: J 2
salaihel: J 2
salail: J 2
salaior: J 2
salaiz: J 2
Salam (12th hour of night): H; K
salamaht: J 2
Salamandrae: G
salamatha: J 2
Salamia (angel): H
salamothono [S: salomothono]: J 2
salamyel: J 1
salamyhym: J 3
salatabel [S: salatambel]: J 2
salatehen: J 2
salatelli: J 2
salatelly [S: salatelli]: J 2
salathaam [S: lalathaam]: J 2
salatiae: J 2
Salatiel [S: sabatihel]: J 4
salatoham: J 2
salatyal [S: salatial]: J 2
Salay: H
salchmeon: J 5
saleht [S: laleht]: J 2
salem: J 2
salemanasay [S: salemanasai]: J 2
Saleos: L 1
salepatir: J 2
saletha: J 2
Salguyel: J 5
salha: J 1
salhy: J 1
Salla (4th hour of day): H; K
Sallaht: J 1
Sallales (angel, minister of Mediat): H
salmana: J 2
salmatha: J 2
salmatihal: J 2
Salmay: GV
salmazaiz: J 2
salmeht: J 2
Salmel: J 5
Salmios: one of the names of the demon called the "strangling mother of boys": BP 25c (called Samyos in 6b)
Salnaquil: P iv iii 2
saloht: J 2
saloseey [S: salasay corrected to salaseey]: J 2
Salouel, Salouêl (Salouhl) (angel of Monday/the Moon): MTS
salpha: J 2
salquihel: J 2
Salus: J 2, 5; One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
Saluxio: Magic word: GH
Salvator: One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
Salvor (aerial spirit): L2
salyhelethon [S: "salihelethon"]: J 3
salym [S: salephusalym]: J 2
salyon: J 1
samachily [S: samachili]: J 2
Samael: H; J1; J5; K (or jugglers); L3; NS 155, 201, 217, 236; P iv vii 23
samagoy: J 2
Samahel: J 5
samahot: J 3
samaht: J 2, 4
samal: J 2, 3
Samalabactany: Divine name: GH
samalanga: J 2
samalerihon: J 2
Samalo: Ab
samalyhon: J 2
samamar: J 2
samanachor: J 2
samanathos: J 2
samanay [S: samãnay]: J 2
samanazay: J 2
samanlay: J 2
samar: J 2
samaril [S: samara]: J 2
samatihel [S: lamatihel]: J 2
Samax (king, angel of the air ruling on Tuesday): H
samay: J 2, 4
samaychel [S: sanayhel]: J 2
samayelyn: J 1
samayhel [S: samyhel]: J 2
samaym: J 5
samayrlyazer [S: lamairhazer]: J 2
Samazaraht [S: samazataht]: J 4
Samazarel: J 4
samaziel [S: famazihel]: J 2
samaziho: J 2
sameht: J 2
Samekh: K
samel: J 2
Samelon: L 3
samennay: J 2
Sameon: L 3
Sameriel: L 2
Sameron: L 3
Samerym: L 3
samhel: J 2
samhyell: J 1
Samiel: (angel): BP 3c; L 2 (aerial spirit); L 3
samiht: J 2
samina [S: sam~a]: J 2
saminaga: J 2
Samjaza: E
Samlazaz: E
samma [S: sam~a]: J 2
sammazihel: J 2
samna: J 2
samochia [S: samothia]: J 2
samohaya [S: samohaia]: J 2
samoht: J 2
Samores maymon: P iv vii 23
Samoy: GV
Samsapeel: E
samua [S: samna, senma]: J 2
Samuel: L 3; T
Samy: J 4
samyb: J 2
samychy [S: samychi]: J 2
Samyel: J 1; L 2 (aerial spirit)
samyey: J 2
samyha: J 2
Samyhahel [S: samyhehel]: J 4
samyhan: J 2
samyhas [S: samayhas]: J 2
Samyhel: J 2, 5
samyl: J 2
Samyos (Sâmyos): one of the names of the demon called the "strangling mother of boys": BP 6b
samysarach: J 1
Samyyhel [S: samyhel]: J 4
sanaday: J 2
Sanael: L 3
sanaioho [S: senaibi]: J 2
sanamam [S: sanam&atlde;]: J 2
sanamathocos [S: sanamathotos]: J 2
sananazihel [S: sanazihel]: J 2
sanatihel [S: sanacihel]: J 2
Sanayfar: L 3
sanaziel [S: sanazihel]: J 2
sancti: J 2
sanctissima: J 2
Sanctus: One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
Sanctus Pater: One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
Sandalphon: K
sandalson: J 1
sandamruch: J 5
Sandaruz: P iii x 9
saneinas: J 1
sanfael: J 1
SANGARIEL (angel): K
Sangiel: L 3
sangos: J 1
Saniel: L 3
Sanigron: NS 171
sanihay: J 1
sansany: J 1
Sant: GH
Santanael (angel of the third heaven): H
santon: J 1
sanytyell: J 1
Sapason: Ab
saphar [S: saphur]: J 2
saphara: J 2
Saphathoraél: TS
saphay: J 2
saphiamon: J 2
saphomoron: J 2
saphor: J 2
saphorenam: J 2
saphoro: J 2
saphrez [S: saphiez]: J 2
saphya [S: saphia]: J 2
Sapiel (angel of the fourth heaven): H
Sapientia: J 5; One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
sapinon [S: sapynon]: J 2
Sapipas: Ab
Sar: H
Sarabotes (king, angel of the air reigning on Friday): H
sarabyhel [S: sarabihel]: J 2
Sarach (aerial spirit): L2
saracu: J 1
Saradon: GH
Saraehelyhel [S: samehelihel]: J 4
Sarael (aerial spirit): L2
Sarafiel: NS 232
sarahihel: J 3
Saraht [S: sarahe]: J 4
saraht: J 2
saramany: J 2
saramel: J 2
Saranana: L 4
sarananuf: J 1
Sarandiel: L 3
Sarao: K4
Saraph: Ab
Saraphiel: L 3
sarapiel: J 5
Saraqael: E
sarara: E
Sarasim: Ab
Sarason: Ab
saratihai: J 2
saraumay [S has saraumay corrected to ?sarammay]: J 2
Saraye: H
Sarbanael: NS 186
Sarbiel: NS 155
Sarca: P iii vii 30
sarcihate: J 2
Sardiel: L 3
Sarfiel: L 3
Sargon: NS 202
sarib: J 3
Sariel: E; L2 (aerial spirit)
Sarietur: GH
sarimalip: J 2
saripel: J 5
Saris: Ab
Sarisel: Ab
sarmalaip: J 2
sarman: J 1
Sarmon: L 3
Sarmozyn: L 3
sarnelohatehus [S: sarvelo hatehus]: J 3
saromegall [S: filiomegal]: J 2
saron: J 1
Saroy: GV
Sarphiel: angel: BP 3c, 10c, 25c
Sarra: Ab
sarramazili: J 2
sarranay: J 2
sarsac: J 1
sarsall: J 1
Sartabakim: Ab
sarthamy: J 3
sartharay: J 3
Sartiel: NS 202
Sarviel (aerial spirit): L2
sarycam: J 1
saryel, saryell: J 1
sarynõ: J 1
Saryyel: J 5
Sasael: L 3
Sasajah: L 3
Sasangen bar Faranges: NS 76
sascunyel: J 1
sascy: J 1
sase: J 1
sasnyeil: J 1
saspy: J 1
Sasquiel: L 3
Sassur (9th hour of night): H; K
sastyracnas: J 1
sasuyell: J 1
satabis [S: satabis]: J 2
Satael (an angel of Tuesday): H
satalmagu: J 2
Satan (devil): A; Ab; K; NS 187, 217; TS
Satanaschi: One of the chief demons under Lucifer in Clavicules du Roi Salomon, Livre Troisieme, par Armadel
Satanachia (demon, grand gen.): G; GV
Satanackia: GV
Sataniciae: GV
Sataniel: NS 232
Satans: E
Satarel: E
Satariel or concealers: K
Satarin: A spirit: GH
satel: J 5
Satgaron: NS 162
sathabmal [S: sathabinal]: J 2
sathabynhel: J 2
sathamac [S: lathamat]: J 2
sathamenay: J 2
sathamyanos: J 2
sathamyham: J 2
Sathan (Satan): J 1; L 1
sathanael: J 2
Satanas: Demon: GH
sathanos [S: lathanos]: J 2
satharios: J 2
sathonomay [S: sathomanay]: J 2
Satiel: GH; L 3
Satifirl (aerial spirit): L2
satihel: J 5
satpach: J 1
Satquiel, satquyel: J 1, 5; P iv vii 23
satuel: J 1
Saturn: J 1, 5; L 1, 3, T
Saturnites: K
Saturnus: P i ii 4; iii 2; iv 2, 6, 31, 33; V 8, 15, 24, 31; ii iii 8, 14, 15; v 2; vi 6, 7, ix 6, 7; x 2, 9, 11-14, 41, 42, 81; xii 7, 10, 18, 21, 29, 32, 39-41, 43-45, 47-50, 55, 56; iii i 3, 6; iii 2, 4, ii 2, 4. 11, 33;vii 2, 9, 10, 16-19, 23, 38; viii tit., 2, 3; ix 1, 11; iv ii 3, 19; iv 5, 22, 39, 55, 59; vi 2, 3, 8, 11; vii 8, 9, 31, 44; ix 58
Satyhel: J 5
satymn: J 1
Satziel: L 3
Sauriel, Sauriêl (Saurihl) (angel of Sunday/the Sun): MTS
Savael: L 3
Savaniah (or Savania): K; K4
Saviel: L 3
sayher: J 2
Saylemaht: J 3
saymanda: J 4
Sazamay: J 4
Sazamaym: J 4
sazanachoray: J 2
sazanyhel [S: cazanyhel]: J 2
sazaratha: J 2
sazatham [S: samzatham]: J 3
Saziel: J 4; L 3
Sbarionat: Ab
Sbirouel (Sbirouél): Demon of Tuesday/Mars: MTS
scamburion: J 5
scetaburous: J 5
Schabuach: Ab
Schaluach: Ab
Schaluah: Ab
Scharak: Ab
Sched: Ab
Schedbarschemoth Scharthathan: Spirit of the spirits of the Moon (OP2.22)
Schelagon: Ab
Schelegon: Ab
scheliel: J 5
SCHEMES: Hebrew for the Sun. See OP2.13 and L 2.
schemhamphoras, [S2: semenphoras; S: shemhamphorash], sememphoras: J 1, 5
Scheva: G
Schii: K
Schioel: K
Schyphaon: J 5
Scies: K4
Scingin: GV
Scircigreur: GH
Scirlin: GV
Sclavak: Ab
Scorpio: J 1, 5; K; L 3; P i iv 18-20, 33; v 14, 25; ii i 2; ix 4; x 50, 83; xi 24-26; xii 23, 41, 47; iii ii 9; iii 20; vii 29,36, 37; iv ii 9
Scrilis: Ab
scyystalgaona: J 5
Sealiah: J 5
Sebach (aerial spirit): L2
sebanay: J 2
sebanthe: J 2
sebar [S: sehar]: J 2
sebarnay: J 2
sebemuay [S: selamnay]: J 2
sebranay: J 2
Secabim: Ab
secalmana: J 2
secasehagihon [S: secasehogyhon]: J 2
secastologyhon [S: secastologihon genagnolos]: J 2
sechamy [S: "sethamy"]: J 3
Sechce (vel Sethye) [S: Sethce]: J 4; J5
Sechiel: Divine name: GH
sechoiro [S: sethoiro]: J 2
Sechothamay [S: sethothamay]: J 4
sechyel: J 1
secomathal: J 2
Secozam [S: lecoram]: J 4
Secozomay: J 4
secranal: J 4
secray: J 2
secrmagnol [S: secromagnol]: J 2
Sedames: G
Sedomazay [S: sedomasay]: J 4
Sedo An: K4
Seehiah: J 5
Seere: L 1
SEFONIEL, one of the two Princes of the Universe: K
Segaht: J 3
Segal: GV
seghehalt: J 2
segher: J 2
Segrael: GV
segyhon: J 4
sehan: J 2
sehã [S: sehant?]: J 2
seheliel: J 5
Sehix: P iv ix 63
sehon: J 2
sehor: J 2
Sehumeny: J 4
Sehva: K4
seiha: J 2
seihel: J 2
Sekabin: Ab
Sekiel: L 3
selapati: J 2
selchora: J 3
Selehe: P iv ix 35
sellaht: J 5
sellal: J 5
selmahat: J 2
selmar: J 2
selops: J 5
Selytarel: One of the demons in K3 with dominion over light
selyypon: J 1
sema thiotheos [S: semathyotheos]: J 2
semacheher [S: sematheher]: J 2
semagar: J 2
semagel: J 2
semaharon: J 2
semahel: J 2
semaht: J 2
semail: J 2
semal: J 2
semale: J 2
semalet: J 2
semalgay: J 2
semalsay: J 2
semaly: J 2
semam: J 2
semamarym [S: semamarim]: J 2
semana: J 2
semanay: J 2
semar: J 2
semarnail: J 2
semasgyy: J 2
semassaer: J 2
Semathy (uel Senrathy): J 2
semay: J 2
semazihar: J 2
semear: J 2
semegey: J 2
semeham: J 2
semehel: J 2
Semeht (uel semeth): J 2, 3
semelay: J 2
semeliha [S: semeltha]: J 2
sememamos [S: sememanos]: J 2
sememay: J 2
semenos: J 2
Semenoyn [S: semonoyn]: J 4
semeol: J 1
Semeot: Ab
semession: J 2
semethay: J 2
semezai [S: semazai]: J 2
semezi hel [S: semezihel]: J 2
semhazylyn: J 1
semhel: J 2
semichros [S: semicros]: J 2
semiha: J 2
Semiphoras: G
semiramoht [S: lemiramoht]: J 2
semita: J 2
Semitis: K
Semjaza: E
Semlin: Ab
semnay: J 2
semohit [S: zemohit]: J 2
Semoht (vel Gymath, vel Lemoth) [S: Lemoth]: J 2, 3
semoiz: J 2
Semorgizethon [S: sezorgizechon]: J 4
semozhat [S: semobzhat]: J 2
semozihot: J 2
semua [S: samna]: J 2
semuazliel [S: semnazliel]: J 2
semyday: J 2
semyha: J 2
semyhahes: J 2
semyhamaym [S: lemyhamaym]: J 2
semyharicht [S: semyhariht]: J 2
semyhel: J 2
semyhor: J 2
semyhot: J 2
semyhylym: J 1
semylihel: J 2
semymarithaton [S: semymartchaton]: J 2
semyna themas [S: Seminathemas]: J 2
semynar: J 2
semyr [S: sennyr]: J 2
semysenue [S: semysenne?]: J 2
senac: J 2
senachar: J 2
senadar [S: senadae]: J 2
Senael: L 3
senahel [S: senasel]: J 2
Senales: J 2, 4
senam: J 2
senar: J 2
senather: J 2
senayhel: J 2
senegalon: J 4
Sengael: L 3
seniquiel: J 1
senon [S: lenon]: J 2
senos: J 2
senosecari: J 2
senoz: J 2
senuales [S: sennales]: J 2
senyha: J 2
Sepasqiel: NS 161
sepha: J 2
sephamanay: J 2
sepharaym: J 2
sepharma [S: sephalzna]: J 2
sephastaneos: J 2
sephatihel: J 2
sephatya: J 1
sephay: J 2
sephet: J 2
sephey [S: sephei]: J 2
sephezium [S: sephezimu]: J 2
sephormay: J 2
sephoros: J 2
Sephosiel: K
sephyron: J 5
sepizihon: J 2
seplatihel: J 2
Sequiel (aerial spirit): L2
Serabilem: GV
serail: J 2
Seranna: magic word in K3
Seraph: GV; K; K (one of the four rulers of the Elements)
seraphie: P iv ii 9
Seraphiel: H; L 3
Seraphim, Fiery Ones: GV, K; TS
Seraphin: E; J 1
Seraphyn: J 1, 2
Seraquiel (angel): H
seray: J 2
seremanay [S: setemanay seremany]: J 2
seremyhal: J 4
sereryel: J 1
Sergen: GV
Sergomazar: J 4
Sergulas: demons in K3
Sergulath: GV
Sergutthy: GV
serihon [S: seryhon]: J 2
Sermeot: Ab
Sernchiel: magic word in K3
Serognegnos (uel seregneguos): J 2
seroguomay [S: serognomay]: J 2
Seronea: J 4
Serpefeel (Serpefe&eacirc;l): Angel of Thursday/Jupiter: MTS
serpens: J 5
Serquanich: L 3
Sersael: L 3
Serugeath: GV
seruph (or nathaniel): J 5
Serupulon: Ab
Serviel: L 3
seryel: J 1
seryhon: J 2
sesalihel: J 2
sessle: GV
Setchiel (angel of the third heaven): H
Sethô: J 1
sethar: J 2
Sethee: J 5
sethei: J 2
sethemaesal: J 2
Sethiel: L 3
sethoham: J 2
sethor: J 2
Setiel: L 3
sexagip: J 5
seymaly: J 2
sezamagua [S: "sezamagna"]: J 3
sezehacon: J 4
sezimel: J 2
seziol: J 2
sezior: J 2
sezyhel [S: sezihel]: J 2
SGBAVThThIIK (Heb. magic name): NS A17:24
shabtai/Saturn?: TS
Shaddai, Shaddaï: Name of God; K (often written Saday, see also El Shaddai); NS 155, 156, 177, 225
Shakhmuel: NS 241
Sha`mael: NS 186
Shamain: H
Shamiel: angel: BP 3c
Shamshiel: angel: BP 3c
Shax: L 1
ShBThAI, Shabbathai, Saturn: K
Shemeshiel: K
Shemhazai: NS 232
Shibbeta: demon associated with 'throat affections' among children (Taanith, 20 b), BP xx
Shin: K
ShMARIH (Heb. name of God): NS A17:10
ShMA (Heb. magic name): NS A17:24
ShMSh, Shemesh, the Sun: K
shocodothos [S: sehocodothos zehocodos]: J 2
ShRM (Heb. magic name): NS A17:28
Shufiel: angel: BP 3c
ShVMRAK (Heb. name of God): NS A17:8
Si: magic word in K3
Siar (Si´r): Angel (or demon) of 13th hour of Saturday: MTS
Sibolas: Ab
sichiron: J 2
sicragalmon [S: sicagalmon]: J 2
sicromagal: J 2
sicromemior [S: sicrogamõ]: J 2
sicrozegamal [S: sicrozeganial?]: J 2
SID, the Great Demon: K (var Cid, le grand Démon)
Sidqiel: NS 155, 213
Siely: P iv ix 35
Sifon: Ab
Sigis: Ab
Sigos (Sigós): Angel (or demon) of 12th hour of Thursday: MTS
sihotil [S: honl]: J 2
Sikastin: Ab
Sikastir: Ab
Silat: GV
Silido (Silidô) Angel (or demon) of 4th hour of Sunday: MTS
sillezaleht: J 2
Silma: magic word in K3
Silouanel (Silouanêl): Demon of Wednesday/Mercury: MTS
silymal [S: silimal]: J 2
silymythu [S: silimythu]: J 2
Simapesiel: E
simazihel [S: simaziel]: J 2
Simulaton: Divine name: GH
Sinachi: Alternate spelling for Sirachi in K3
Sinchateriel: J 5
Singambuth: GV
siothos: J 2
Siphon: Ab
Sipillipis: Ab
Sirachi: One of the chief demons under Lucifer in Clavicules du Roi Salomon, Livre Troisieme, par Armadel
Sirath: magic word in K3
Sirchade: GV
Sirechael: One of the demons in K3 with ability to animate
Sirgilis: Ab
Siriton (Siritón): Angel (or demon) of 20th hour of Monday: MTS
Sirmon: divine name: GH
Sirumel (or Selytarel): One of the demons in K3 with dominion over light
Sitael: J 5
Sitgara: L 2
Sitri: L 1
Skamidinos: Angel (or demon) of 7th hour of Monday: MTS
Skitogiri: Angel (or demon) of 6th hour of Wednesday: MTS
Skolion (Skolión): Angel (or demon) of 2nd hour of Monday: MTS
Skonin: Angel (or demon) of 14th hour of Tuesday: MTS
Slahta: spirit of pain in the head: BP 1c. Cf. Talmud, T. Sabbath, 90 a; Gittin, 68 b, &c.
slevor: GV
Sloonus: 'man of fire' invoked (along with Gannus) in BP § 13 (p. xxxii)
snazihel [S: senazihel]: J 2
Sobe: Ab
Sobel: Ab
Sobhe: Ab
socagamal: J 2
socalma: J 2
socalmata: J 2
Sochas (aerial spirit): L2
Sochen: Ab
Socodiah: K
Socohiah: K
socromagnol [S: socromgnol]: J 2
soctaht [S: sotthaht]: J 2
soday: J 2
Sodiel (aerial spirit): L2
Sodierno: G
Sodirno: GV
Sodxer: G
sodyel: J 1
sohomythepoten [S: Sohomythepoten]: J 2
Sol: J 5; L 1, 4; P i iii 2; iv 2, 6, 31, 33; v 8, 16, 18, 24, 31, 32, 36, 44; ii iii tit., 1-7, 11, 12, 15, 16; v 3; vi 6; x 5, 9, 22-25, 39, 51-54, 82, 84; xi 1, 2, 39; xii 3, 14, 28, 39-51, 53, 55, 57-59; iii i 1, 6; iii 2, 7, 11, 33; v 3; vi 4, 5; vii 5, 12, 27-29, 36-38, 40; viii tit., 1, 2; ix 4, 11-17; x 11; xi 1, 71, 74, 88, 92, 96, 106, 131; iv i 12; ii 7, 12, 17, 22; iii 1, 2; iv 3, 20, 29, 37, 39, 52, 55; v 11; vi 5, 13; vii 8, 11, l3, 20, 38, 39, 41, 49; ix 19, 61; Name of God: GH
Solar spirits: K
Soler (typo for Soter>): G
Soleviel: L 2
solin: J 5
Solymo: GV
Somis: Ab
Son: K
Son_of_Man: E
Soncas (angel of the fifth heaven): H
sonne (= the Sun): J 5
sonne, the (= the Son): J 1, 2, 5
Sophiel: K
sophornay: J 2
Sorath: The spirit of the Sun (OP2.22)
sorathim [S: lorathim]: J 2
Soriel (aerial spirit): L2 (2)
sornadaf: J 1
soromono: J 2
Sorosma: Ab
sorosomay [S: sorosamay]: J 2
sorozomay [S: sorozamay]: J 2
Sorriolenen: Ab
Soter (var. of Sother): G
Soterion: Ab
sothal: J 2
Sotheano (aerial spirit): L2
Sother: J 1, 2, 5; One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
sothiron: J 2
sothoneya: J 2
sozena: J 2
sozienziha [S: sozihenziha]: J 2
sozor (vel soror): J 2
Spandarmad, Spendarmad (MP), Spenta-Armaiti (Av) Archangel (Amesha-Spenta) associated with Devotion, presiding over the Earth: Z
Spendonim (Spendonim) (angel of Monday/the Moon): MTS
Speraton: Divine name: GH
Spes: J 2; One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
Sphandôr: TS
Sphendonaêl: TS
Sphênêr: TS
sphray: J 5
Spirits of the woods (class of spirits): A
spiritus: J 2
splendor: J 2, 5
Spondor (Spondôr): Angel (or demon) of 3rd hour of Saturday: MTS
Sponsa: One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
sponsa filia: J 2
sponsus: J 5
Sporgon Go, sporgongo: J 1, 5
spugliguel (The head of the sign of the Spring): H; J 5
stanazihel: J 2
stancchel [S: stanithel]: J 2
Stelfa (Stelfá): Angel (or demon) of 11th hour of Saturday: MTS
Stephanata: One of the chief demons under Belzebut in K3
stella aurea: J 2
steluyel: J 1
sterlunilon: J 5
stilmon [S: scilmon]: J 2
stimulamathon: J 5
Stimulamaton: G
Stimulator: GV
stoexhor: J 5
stola: J 2
Stolas: L 1
stomicopten [S: scomicopoten]: J 2
stomycros [S: scomycros]: J 2
Stratiget (Stratigét): Angel (or demon) of 13th hour of Friday: MTS
strinabelion: J 5
Strubiel: L 3
strymay [S: sirymay]: J 2
Stymulamathon: J 1, 5
Suceratos (angel of the fourth heaven): H
sucyel: J 1
Sudoron: Ab
Suffugiel: One of five demons under Satanachi in K3
sugni: J 1
Sugunth: One of five demons under Satanachi in K3
Suiajasel: L 3
Summum bonum infinitas: One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
Sumuran: Ab
Sun: E; L 1, 3, 4; T
Suni (named alonmg with Susunaos): NS 203, 209
Sunigerom (Sunigêrôm): Angel (or demon) of 7th hour of Saturday: MTS
Sunopigos (Sunopigós): Angel (or demon) of 19th hour of Sunday: MTS
suphniohet [S: suphn Iohel]: J 2
Suphonaym [S: sophonaym]: J 4
suphu: J 2
Supipas: Ab
Suquinos (angel, minister of Mediat): H
surail: J 1
Surana: G
Surdaniel: NS 236
Surgat: GV
Surgatha: One of the demons in K3
surgell or suryel: J 1
Suriel (aerial spirit): L2 ; NS 200, 202
suryel: J 1
Susniel: angel: BP 3c
Suspensus: GH
Sustugriel: GV
susuagos: J 1
Susunaos (named along with Suni): NS 203, 209
Suth (king, angel of the air governing Thurday): H
Svesy: G
syamathon [S: syliemathon]: J 2
sycromal [S: hicromal]: J 2
Syhel [S: sihel]: J 4
syimnoy: J 5
Sylereht [S: silereht]: J 4
Syloht [S: siloth]: J 2, 4
Sylphae: G
symalyel [S: simaliel]: J 2
Symiel: L 2
symychos [S: ieristosymythos]: J 2
syney: J 2
synoy: J 2
syon: G; J 2
Syrach: GV
systos [S: sistos]: J 2
sython [S: lython]: J 2
syumelyel: J 1
szarzyr: J 1
szeyeyll: J 1
szncaryell: J 1
Taba'et: E
Tabbat: Ab
tabernaculum: J 2
Tablas (Tablás): Angel (or demon) of 12th hour of Wednesday: MTS
tablic: J 1
Taborix: Ab
Tabots: G
Tabrasol: GV
tabryell: J 1
Tabtalios (Tabtálios): Angel (or demon) of 7th hour of Friday: MTS
tabynya: J 1
Tacaros: Ab
tacayhel: J 2
Tachael: L 3
Tachan: Ab
Tachiel: L 3
tafanyelyn: J 1
Tafrac (8th hour of night): H; K
tagahel: J 3
Tagam: magic word in K3
Tagaririm, or Disputers: K
Tagat: NS 211
Tagiel: L 3
Tagla (name of God): G
Tagnon: Ab
Tagora: Ab
Tagriel: J5; P ix 54
Tahaytuc: P iii ix 1
Tahiel: L 3
Tahix: P iv ix 59
Tahytos: P iv ix 58
Tainor: Angel in K4
Tajael: L 3
Takhmnan (Takhmnán): Angel (or demon) of 22nd hour of Friday: MTS
Takifiel: angel: BP 3c
Talbit: P iii ix 11
talguaf: J 1
talgylueyl: J 1
Taliahad, Angel of Water: K
Taliel: L 3
talraylanrayn: J 1
talui: J 5
Talvi (Spring): H
talyel: J 1
Talyz: P iii ix 1
Tamael: H; K3; L 3
Tam'aini: E
Tamaniel NS 66
Tameriel: L 3
Tameruz: P iii x 8
Tamiel: L 3; NS 241
Tamines: P iv ix 58
Tamiz: P iii ix 2
Tamlel: E
tamtyel: J 1
tamygell [S: tamygel]: J 2
tamyl: J 2
Tamyz: P iii ix 12
Taneha: H
Tangiel: L 3
tanyn: P i v 27
taphamal: J 2
Taphat: K
Taphthartharath: Spirit of Mercury (OP2.22)
Tarados: Ab
Tarahim: Ab
Tarajah: L 3
Taralim: Ab
Tarat (Tarát) Angel (or demon) of 10th hour of Sunday: MTS
Tarchimache: GV
Taret: Ab
Tareto: Ab
Tarfo: K4
targuarra: J 5
Tariel: angel: BP 3c
Tarihimal: GV
tarmanydyn: J 1
Tarmiel (angel of the second heaven): H
Tarmytz: L 3
Taros (aerial spirit): L2
tarquam (an angel of autumn): H; J 5
Tarquaret (head of the sign of Autumn): H
tartalyn: J 1
tartalyon: J 1
Tartaroel (Tartaroêl): Angel (or demon) of 21st hour of Sunday: MTS
Tartarouel ('Tartarouel) (demon of Monday/the Moon): MTS
Tartys: L 3
taryel, Tariel (an angel of the Summer): H; J 5
Tashiel: L 3
Tasma: Ab
tatgryel: J 1
Tau: GV; K
Taueduz: P iii x 10
Taul: GV
Taurus: J 1, 5; K; L 3, 4; P i iv 4-6; v 5, 6, 24, 25, 30, 31, 34; ii ix 3, 5; x 85; xi 2, 6-8; xii 5, 40, 41, 43, 55; iii ii 3; iii 14; vii 38; iv ii 3, 8
taututa: P iv 27
Tavael: L 3
Tavar: K4
Taxpon (Taxpón): Angel (or demon) of 13th hour of Wednesday: MTS
Taydurez: P iii x 9
Tayhaciedez: P iii ix 12
Taymex: P iv ix 64
Tayros: P iv ix 59
Tayuz: P iii ix 11
Tebdeluz: P iii ix 14
tebethe: J 1
Tebondriel: J 5
Tedeam: Ab
Tediel: L2 (aerial spirit); L3
Tefrael (Tefraêl): Angel (or demon) of 20th hour of Tuesday: MTS
tegon.: J 2
teguamathal [S: tegnamathal]: J 2
Tehiel: L 3
Tel: Magic word: GH
telemoht: J 5
Teliel: L 3
Tely: GV
Temael: L 3
Temas: L 3
Temeyz: P iii ix 15
templum: J 2
Temterans: magic word in K3
temualamos [S: te~nalamos]: J 2
Temuniel: NS 66, 173
Tenaciel (angel of the third heaven): H
tenealogo: J 2
tenebyel: J 1
teneloyhos [S: teneloihos]: J 2
tenonem: J 5
tentercenta: J 5
Tephras: TS
Terath (aerial spirit): L2
TERLY: Spirit invoked in construction of hand of glory: GH; GV
Terrae: G
Tesael: L 3
Tetagram (typo for Tetragram?): G
Teth: K
tethapiel: J 5
Tethel: J 5
Tetra: H
Tetragram: G
Tetragramathon, tetragramaton, Tetragrammaton: Ab; G; GH; GV; H; J 1, 3, 5; K; L1, 2, 3, 4
tetragramos [S: tetragrammos]: J 2
Tetrarchin: J 5
Texai: Ab
Teyluz: P iii ix 5
Tezael: L 3
tezamahal [S: cezamahal]: J 2
Thaazaron: L 3
thabal: J 2
thael [S: thahel]: J 2
Thafot (Thafôt): Angel (or demon) of 4th hour of Thursday: MTS
thagail: J 2
thagromothon [S: thagromathon]: J 2
thahamathon: J 2
thahonos [S: thahanos]: J 2
Thainé: K
thalamus: J 2
Thalbus (aerial spirit): L2
Thallal: TS
thamal [S: thamahel]: J 2
thaman [S: thamam]: J 2
thamar: J 2
thamasal: J 3
thamazihel: J 2
Thamic (8th hour of day): H
Thamiel [S: tacayhelthamyel]: J 2; K (or Double-Headed Ones)
Thamur (6th hour of day): H; K
thanacon [S: thanathon]: J 2
Thanatiel (aerial spirit): L2
thanccha [S: tharialtha]: J 2
thanoctomas: J 2
thansethay: J 2
Thanu (3rd hour of night): H; K
Thapnix: Angel (or demon) of 8th hour of Friday: MTS
Tharas (aerial spirit): L2
tharathos [S adds tronios _nomay_ nebay tharato_h_s]: J 2
tharhal [S: tharahal]: J 2
Thariel (aerial spirit): L2
tharietha [S: tharihetha]: J 2
Tharotheos [S: tarotheos]: J 4
Tharshis: K
Tharsis (one of the four rulers of the Elements): J5; K
Tharson (aerial spirit): L2
theageta: J 2
theal: J 2
thedony [S: theodony]: J 2
thefelyn: J 1
thega: J 2
thegos: J 2
thehe [S: ehehe]: J 2
thelamoht: J 2
thelihem: J 2
theloy: J 5
thelthir [S: thelthis]: J 2
themaay [S: themay]: J 2
themamohi [S: themamoth]: J 2
themamoht: J 2
themare: J 2
themay: J 2
Themaz: L 3
themegoman: J 2
themelyhen [S: themelihen]: J 4
Themiz: P iii vii 21
themohan [S: themohn with a u above the n perhaps indicating that the transcriber couldn't determine which was intended in his Ms.]: J 2
thenaly: J 2
thenuathol [S: themiathol]: J 2
theodonos [S: theodonas]: J 2
theodropham: J 5
theogethos [S: thehogethos]: J 2
theohon: J 2
theomegen [S: theomogen]: J 2
theomeguos [S: theomegnos]: J 2
theomiros [S: themyros]: J 2
theomithos [S: theomythos]: J 2
theomogenos: J 2
theomythos: J 3
Theon: J 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; NS 76
theonehos [S: theonthos]: J 2
Theoriel: L 3
Theos (uel Itheos): H; J 1, 2, 3, 5
theoton: J 2
theou: J 2
thephagayn [S: thephagagayn]: J 2
theromagen [S: theromogen]: J 2
thesirara: J 2
thetendyn: J 2
thethagranys [S: thethaganys]: J 2
Thetodof (Thetodóf): Angel (or demon) of 3rd hour of Monday: MTS
Thetragrammathon: K4 (variation of Tetragrammaton)
Thetron: K4
Theu: GV
Thiel (angel of the second heaven): H
thihel: J 2
thimas: J 2
thiothot: J 2
Thirama: Ab
thnitingren [S: thyntyngren]: J 2
Thoac (aerial spirit): L2
Tholomanos: J 4
tholumgay [S: tholinngay]: J 2
tholynthay [S: cho lymchay]: J 2
thomegen: J 2
thon [S: theon]: J 2
thoneihos [S: thoneos]: J 2
Thonios (Thónios): Angel (or demon) of 9th hour of Saturday: MTS
thophares: J 5
thothios: J 2
threhodios [S: trehodios]: J 2
Thribiel: L 3
thromahos (vel thromahnos): J 3
thrones: E
THSIMA: magical word used in 'Binding the fever': BP 17c
Thurcal (aerial spirit): L2
Thuriel (aerial spirit): L2
thurigium: J 2
Thurmytz: L 3
Thuros: L 3
thus: J 1
Tibiel: L 3
tichiz: J 5
tifrat: P iv ii 12
Tigara (aerial spirit): L2
Tigrafon: Ab
Tigraphon: Ab
Tiiel: L 3
Timez: P iii ix 7
Timira: Ab
Timo: GV
Tinakos: Ab
Tinira: Ab
tintingethe [S: turtingethe]: J 2
Tioron: Ab
Tiragisneil: J 5
Tiraim: Ab
Tirana: Ab
Tiriel: Divine name associated with Mercury (OP2.22); GH
tirigel: J 4
tirimar: J 2
Tiron: Divine name: GH
Titeip: H
tobell: J 1
tobenor: J 1
tobyell: J 1
tocius: J 5
Todidedos (Todidedós): Angel (or demon) of 19th hour of Tuesday: MTS
Tolet: Ab
Tolima: G
tolomay: J 2
tolquaret: J 5
Tomas, a name of the Sun: E
Ton: K4
tonelyn: J 1
Tonucho: Magical word on fourth ring in Douze Anneaux
Topinoch: Magical word on eleventh ring in Douze Anneaux
Torfora: Ab
tors: J 5
Tos: P iv ix 58
tosgac: J 1
tosgar: J 5
Toun: Ab
toupyel: J 1
Toxai: Ab
Toz: P iii ix 1, 11
Traci: Ab
Trajael: L 3
tralyeylyn: J 1
tranfyel: J 1
Trasiel: L 3
Tremendum: Divine name: GH
Trimasael: GV
Trinitas: One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
Trapis: Ab
Trisacha: Ab
Trisaga: Ab
Tromes: Ab
Trubas: L 3
TTNDIAL (Heb. name of Metatron): NS 49
Tual: L 3
tuam deprecor: J 2
Tuberiel: L 3
tubeylyn: J 1
Tubiel (head of the sign of Summer): H; J 5
Tugaros (aerial spirit): L2
Tuigaros: L 2
Tulmas: L 3; Angel invoked in protection from sorcerers: BP 42
Tulot: Ab
tulyell: J 1
Tumael: E
Turael: E
Turel: E
Turi'el (Heb. TVRIAL, angel): NS A18:5
Turiel (angel of the third heaven): H
Turitel: Ab
Turmiel: L 3
turris: J 2
Turtiel: L 3
turtur: J 2
Tus (minister of Varcan, angel of Sunday): H
Tutelar spirits (class of angels): A
tutheon: J 1, 5
Tuymeryz: P iii ix 14
TVRIAL (Turi'el, Heb., angel): NS A18:5
tyaf: J 1
tyagra: J 1
tycmar [S: hafartitmar]: J 2
tyfonyon: J 1
tylzdyell: J 1
Tymez: P iii ix 17
tyngehen [S: cyngehen]: J 2
tyngeny: J 2
tynognale: J 2
Tyr: P iii vii 32
tysyryn: J 1
Tzabaoth: K
Tzaddi: K
Tzadiqel: K
Tzakiel: L 3
Tzangiel: L 3
Tzapheal: L 3
Tzaphqiel: K
TzDQ, Tzedeq, Jupiter: K
Tzedeqiah: K
Tzethiel: L 3
Tzippat (Tzippát): Angel (or demon) of 5th hour of Thursday: MTS
Tzisiel: L 3
Ubarin: Ab
ucham [R: veham]: J 1
Ucirnuel (angel of the second heaven): H
Udaman: Ab
Udiel (aerial spirit): L2
ue [R: Ve]: J 1
Ugales: Ab
Ugalis: Ab
Ugesor: Ab
Ugirpen: Ab
Ugirpon: Ab
Ugobog: Ab
Ugola: Ab
Uli: G
Umariel: L 3
Umeyruz: P iii x 9
Umiel: angel: BP 3c
Unitas: One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
unryon: J 1
Uraniel: L 3
Urbaniel (aerial spirit): L2
Urenia: K4
Urgido: Ab
Uriel [S: "uryhel"] (archangel): E; GV; H; J 3; K4; TS; (aerial angel): L 2, 3; NS 173, 202, 213
Urigo: Ab
Ursa: P ii ii 1; iii vii 26
Ursiel (aerial spirit): L2
Uruel: TS
Uruêl: TS
Usiel: L 2
Usiniel (aerial spirit): L2
usion [S: usyon]: J 2, 3
usiryon: J 1
Ustael (angel of the fourth heaven): H
usyon [S: usion]: J 2, 3
Utifa: Ab
Utiridan: J 5
Va: H
Vaa: H
Vabiel: L 3
Vacdez: P iii vi 1
vaceyll: J 1
Vachat (var. of Bathat): H
Vadriel (aerial spirit): L2
Vadros (aerial spirit): L2
Vagael: L 3
Vagel: L 3
Vah: One of the magic words to counter headache: GH
Vahajah: L 3
Vahejah: L 3
Vajael: L 3
Valac: L 1
Valax: GH
Valefar (demon): G; L 1
validiol [S: valiaiol]: J 2
Valiot: GH
vallis: J 2
Valnum (angel of first heaven): H
Valoi: Magic word: GH
Valuerituf: GV
Vameroz: L 3
Vamiel: L 3
Vanescor: L 3
Vanesiel: L 3
Vaniel: L 3
Vanosyr: L 3
Vaol: K
Vapula: L 1
Varcan (angel of the air runing on Sunday): H
Varf: GV
Variel: L 3
Varios: G
Varmay: L 3
Varpiel (aerial spirit): L2
varthalyn: J 1
vas: J 2
Vasariah: J 5
Vasenel (aerial spirit): L2
Vashiel: L 3
Vaslos (aerial spirit): L2
Vassago: L 1
Vathmiel: L 3
Vatiel: L 3
Vau: K
Vay: H
Vaycheon: G
Vaziel: L 3
veal: J 1
Ve-Ha-Aretz: K
vehemuos [S: behemmos]: J 2
Vehiel: K
Vehuel: J 5
vehuiah: J 5
vehych: J 1
Veil: L 3
Vel (angel of the second heaven): H
Velel (angel of the second heaven): H
velum cella: J 2
Vemael: L 3
Vemasiel: L 3
Vemedeyz: P iii x 9
Venahel (angel of the second heaven): H
Venaydor: L 3
Venehulez: P iii x 12
Venerean spirits: K
Venesiel: L 3
Venochnabrat: G
Venomiel: L 3
Ventariel: L 3
Venus: J 1, 5; L 1, 3; P i ii 4; iii 2; iv 33; v 1, 5, 6, 8, 13, 16, 22, 33, 34; ii iii 6, 12, 14, 15; vi 6, 7; ix 5; x 6, 9, 20, 26-30, 46, 55-67, 85; xi 2; xii 5, 9, 19, 20, 30, 34, 40, 46, 48-50, 55, 57; iii i 7; iii 2, 8, 11, 33; v 3; vii 4, 6, 13, 30, 31; ix 5, 15; xi 96; iv ii 8, 20, 23; iv 8, 25, 32, 38, 40, 43, 55, 56, 59; v 11; vi 6; vii 23, 43, 60, 61; ix 62; T
Vepar: L 1
Vequaniel: L 3
vera peccatorum medicina: J 2
verbum: J 5
verchiel: Angel ruling over Leo (OP2.14); J 5
verday: J 1
veremedyn: J 1
Veritas: One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
vermias: GV
vermis: J 5
versiel: J 5
vertus: J 5
Vessur (aerial spirit): L2
Vestas Assa: K4
Vesturiel: GV
Vetuel (angel of first heaven): H
veualiah: J 5
Vevaphel: K
veyn: J 1
Via: J 2; One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
Vianuel (angel of the fifth heaven): H
Viculus: One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
Videgoram: G
Vine: L 1
Vionairaba (angel of the fourth heaven): H
Viordy: GV
virga: J 2
Virgo: J 1, 5; K; L 1, 3; P i iv 6, 13-15; v 13, 28; ii xi 18-20; xii 17, 40, 45, 55; iii ii 7; iii 18; iv ii 7, 17
Virtues: K
Virtus: One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
Visio: One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
Vision: Ab
Vita: J 2, 5; One of the 72 holy names of God: GH
Vitalot: One of the magic words to counter headache: GH
vitrea: J 2
vitulus: J 5
vlysacyaia: J 1
vmahel [A: Umabel]: J 5
vna malum: J 2
vnaraxidyn: J 1
vnlylyn: J 1
Vonton: G
vos [S: Avs(?)]: J 1
VPPIAL (Ofafi'el, Heb., angel): NS A18:4
Vraniel (aerial spirit): L2
vridithian: J 5
Vriel (aerial spirit): L2 (2); J 5
vsararyeyll: J 1
vsiologihon [S: ustio..?]: J 2
vsion [S: usyon]: J 2
vsiryon: J 5
vsiston: J 5
vsyon [S: usion]: J 2
vsyryon: J 5
Vuael (angel of first heaven): H
Vual: L 1
vueryn: P i iv 27
Vulcaniel: L 3
Vulnavij: GV
Watchers: E
Xanoriz: L 3
Xanthir: L 3
Xanthyozod: L 3
Xantiel: L 3
Xantropy: L 3
Xantros: L 3
Xemyzin: L 3
Xemz: P iv vii 23
Xermiel: L 3
Xernifiel: L 3
Xerphiel: L 3
Xirmys: Ab
Xymalim: L 3
ya: H; J 1, 5; Name of God: GH (variant of Yah, Jah, Iah)
yabassa: J 1
yabtasyper: J 1
yadna: J 1
YAH: K; NS 161, 241
Yahbiel: NS 186
Yahel: K
yahnt: J 1
yalgal: J 1
yalsenac: J 1
yamla: J 1
Yamnos (Yâmnos): one of the names of the demon called the "strangling mother of boys": BP 6b
Yanor: K
yar: J 1
yaran: J 5
yareth: J 5
yaryel: J 1
Yashiel: K
yasmyel: J 1
yasrozyn: J 1
yassar: J 1
yatayell: J 1
yayat: J 1
yayell: J 1
yayin: J 1
Yayn (first hour of day): H; K
Yayon: K
Yazed Mahdat: NS 132
Yazemiz: P iii vii 27
Ybarion: Ab
Ychigas: Ab
ycolmazay [S: ycolmazai]: J 2
ydolmassay: J 2
ydroel: J 5
ye: J 1
yebel: J 1
Yebil: P iv ii 22
yebyryn: J 1
yedemkyeyl: J 1
Yefefiya: NS 213
yehuyha: P i v 27
Yekahel: K
yel: J 1
yelbrayeyell: J 1
yelur: J 5
yemay [S: iemay]: J 2
yeremon: J 5
yesmachia: J 1
Yetaydez: P iii x 10
Yetayroz: P iii x 11
yetulmassaye [S: yenilmassay]: J 2
yfaramel [S: "ylaramel"]: J 3
yfaryamy: J 1
Ygata: K4
ylurahyhel: J 5
Ym: J 5
ymalihor: J 2
ymas: G; J 2, 5
ymathon: J 2
ymei: J 5
Ymeynlethon: J 1, 5
ymiamos: J 2
ymos: J 2
ymraell: J 1
ymuathon: J 2
ynel: J 1
yoas: J 1
yocaleme: J 1
Yod: K
Yomiel: angel: BP 3c
Yopiel: NS 224
ypalis [S: ypolis]: J 2
Yparchos: Ab
ypile: J 2
ypomehiles: J 3
Yragamon: Ab
Yritron: Ab
ysa: J 2
ysael: J 1
ysail: J 2
ysameht: J 2
ysamya [S: ysamyha]: J 2
ysaramana: J 5
ysaray: J 2
ysathay: J 2
ysiscos [S: ysistos]: J 2
Yskyros: J 1, 5
ysmarelion: J 5
ysmas: J 1, 5
Ysmiriek: Ab
Ysquiron: Ab
ysrael: J 1
ystana: J 1
ysyston: J 1, 5
ythanay: J 5
ytrnt: J 1
yturahihel: J 5
yvestre: J 5
ZA (or ZA ZA) (Heb. magic name): NS A17:28
Zaadalahbia: P iv ix 53
Zaadebola: P iv ix 51
Zaajah: L 3
zaan: J 5
zaare: P i v 27
zaarmethihail [S: zaarmatihail]: J 2
Zaazenach: L 3
zabahal: J 2
zabahat: P i v 27
zabaihon [S: labayhon]: J 2
zabay: J 2
zabayel [S: zabahel]: J 2
zabday: J 2
zabele: J 5
zabin: J 5
Zabriel (aerial spirit): L2
zabuather: J 1, 5
zacahel [S: zatahel]: J 2
zacdon: J 1
Zachamay: J 4
Zachamos: J 4
Zachana: J 4
Zachariel: J 5; L 2, 3; T
zachhar [S: zathhar]: J 2
Zachiel: L 3
Zachriel: L 3
Zaciel: L 3
Zackiel: L 3
zadaanchyos [S: zadanthios]: J 2
zadan: J 5
zadanay: J 5
Zadiel: L 3
Zadifor (Zadifór) Angel (or demon) of 6th hour of Sunday: MTS
Zadikiel: angel: BP 3c
Zadkiel: Angel ruling the angelic order of Dominations in OP2.12; J5
zagahel [S: zaguhel]: J 2
Zagal: Ab
Zagalo: Ab
Zagan: L 1
Zagiel: L 3
zagnam: J 2
Zagnazael: NS 213
zagnel [S: zagnhel or ?zaguhel]: J 2
zahamany: J 2
zahamir [S: zahamyr]: J 2
zahayr: J 5
Zahudaz: P iii ix 16
Zajel: L 3
Zakiel: angel: BP 3c
zalamatha: J 2
Zalanes: Ab
Zalay: GV
zalcycyll: J 1
Zaliel (angel of the fifth heaven): H
zallaehatos [S: zallachatos]: J 2
zalymebor [S: zalimebor]: J 2
zalymylos: J 2
zama: J 2, 3
zamaanel: J 1
zamachamar [S: zamathamar]: J 2
zamachoray: J 2
Zamael: J5; K
Zamahyl: P iii vii 33
Zamanyl: J 4
zamaram: J 2
zamarzathon: J 4
zamath [S: zaniath?]: J 2
zamatihel: J 2
zamay: J 4
Zamazchel [S: zamazthel]: J 4
zamazihal: J 2
zamazynyn: J 1
Zamiel: K4; L 3
zamiht: J 2
zammazazay [S: zamma zazay]: J 4
Zamoni: K4
Zamor (aerial spirit): L2
zamoyma: J 3
zamyel: J 1
Zamyn: J 4
zamynel: J 2
zamyrel: J 2
zanaile [S, S2: zanailt]: J 3
zanay: J 2
Zaniel (angel of first heaven): H
zanogromos: J 2
zanothoros: J 2
Zaphkiel: Angel ruling the angelic order of Thrones in OP2.12, OP2.13
zapkiel: J 5
Zaqiel: E
zarafyll: J 1
Zaragil: Ab
zarahoren [S, S2: "zarahoron"]: J 3
zaralamay: J 2
Zaramahe [S: zaramahem]: J 4
Zaramohem [S: zaramahem]: J 4
zaramyhel: J 2
zaraney: J 5
zaraphamy: J 4
Zarathiel [S: zarachiel]: J 4
zarayll: J 1
Zardiel: L 3
Zarduch: name of demon called the "strangling mother of boys": BP 4b, 6b, 1c, 2c, 25c
Zarel: GV
Zargigin: demon (?) sea-monster (?): BP 23c
Zargin: demon (?) sea-monster (?): BP 23c
Zariatnatmik (name of God): G
zarmioch: J 5
zarsayeyll: J 1
zarthaiual [S: zarchamal]: J 2
zaryalyn: J 1
zasamar: J 2
Zasnor: L 3
Zasviel: L 3
zaszyell: J 1
zathon [S: zamayzathon]: J 4
Zatriel: angel: BP 3c
Zauceb: P iv vi 13
Zavael: L 3
zay [S: zai]: J 2, 4
Zayin: K
zaynos: J 2
zazacco [S: zazaico]: J 2
zazaiham: J 2
Zazamanp [S: zazomanp]: J 4
zazamar [S: zamamar]: J 2
Zazar: Magic word: GH
zazarahel: J 2
zazarharon [S: zazar haron]: J 2
Zazel: The spirit of Saturn (OP2.22); K; K4; GH
Zaziel: J 1
Zazyor: L 3
Ze Shem Rav: NS 211
Zeanon: K4
Zebahot: GH
ZEBAOTH (=Sabaoth, Tzabaoth, a name of God): H; L 1, 2, 3
Zebechia: K4
zebial: J 2
Zeboul (Zeboúl): Demon of Saturday/Saturn (complement of its angel, Beel): MTS
zebracal: J 2
Zebul: H
zechar: J 2
ZECHIEL (angel): K
zechor [S: zethor]: J 2
zecromanda: J 4
zedabanay [S: Zedalanay]: J 2
zedach: J 2
zedaich [S: zedaizh]: J 2
zede: J 2
Zedeck: Hebrew for Jupiter. See OP2.13.
Zedeesia: K
Zedeezia: K
Zedet: J 1
Zedezias: K
zedrociel: J 5
zefaell: J 1
zegahaton [S: zegahathon]: J 2
Zegiel: L 3
Zegomothay: J 4
zehanphaton [S: zahan..]: J 2
zehemphagon: J 2
zeherem: J 2
zehetyn: J 2
zehez: J 2
zeheziehelmos [S: zehe ziehelmos]: J 2
zelamye: J 2
Zelebs'el: E
Zelezyon [S: zelezion]
zelfayeyll: J 1
zelidron: J 5
zelimal: J 2
zelmora: J 3
zely: J 2
zelybron: J 1
zelyhon [S: zelihon]: J 2
zelym: J 2
zemabar: J 3
zemahal [S: hemahel]: J 2
zemaher: J 2
zemayl: J 1
zemazadair [S: zemadazan]: J 2
zemazphar [S: zemasphar]: J 2
zemegamary: J 2
zemehet: J 2
zemeihacon [S: zemeihaton]: J 2
zemelaza: J 2
zemeney: J 2
zemey [S: zemei]: J 2
Zemeyel: P iv ii 21
zemeziham [S: zemoziham]: J 2
Zemoel: L 3
zemohay: J 2
zemolym: J 2
zemonoma: J 2
zemothor: J 2
zemyhot: J 2
zenam: J 1
Zenard: K (corruption for Zevaoth = Sabaoth); K4 (pentacle)
zenaziel: J 2
zenel: J 2
zenelyhos: J 2
zenolozihon: J 2
zenon: J 2; K4
Zenoroz: L 3
zenos: J 2
zenozmyhel: J 2
zeomaphar: J 2
zeomasphar [S: zeomaspar]: J 2
zeomonriel [S: zomonrihel]: J 2
Zepar: L 1
zepharonay: J 2
zephastonomos: J 2
zephyrs, spirits of all: E
Zequebin: P iv ix 51
zeregal: J 2
Zeriel (aerial spirit): L2
zeromay [S: seromay]: J 2
zeron: J 2
zerothay: J 2
Zeschar: L 3
zetchora [S, S2 om.]: J 3
zethemalo: J 2
zetheneran [S: zethenaram]: J 2
zethesaphir: J 2
Zethiel: L 3
zetogamyaal [S: zetegomyhal]: J 2
zezael [S: zehahel]: J 2
zezamanay: J 2
zezecca [S: zezetta]: J 2
zezegta: J 2
zezehas: J 2
Zeziel: L 3
Zerizin: demon (?) sea-monster (?): BP 23c
zezihel [S: sezihel]: J 2
zezocha [S: zezoca]: J 2
zezochthiam: J 2
zezor [S: rezor]: J 2
zezoray [S: zezocay]: J 2
zezorias [S: zehorias]: J 2
zicaran: J 1
Zidkenu: Name of God in OP2.12
zihanati: J 2
zihoton: J 2
Ziminiar: L 1
zimphoros [S: zymphoros]: J 2
Zobaa marrach: P iv vii 23
Zodiel: L 3
Zoeniel (aerial spirit): L2
Zoesiel: L 3
Zohal: P iii vii 17; iv vii 23
zohanphaton: J 2
Zohara: P iii vii 30; iv vii 23
zolmazathol: J 2
zoma: J 2, 3
zomize [S: zomye]: J 2
zomyhel: J 2
zopascanelyhos: J 2
zorol: J 2
Zorzorath (Zorzoráth): Angel (or demon) of 3rd hour of Friday: MTS
Zosiel (aerial spirit): L2
zosomeraht: J 3
Zotiel: E
Zoymiel: L 3
zozagam: J 2
zozena: J 2
Zôrôêl: TS
Zugola: Ab
Zuriel: Angel ruling over Libra (OP2.14); J 5
ZUSIMA: magical word used in 'Binding the fever': BP 17c
zyhazanagar [S: zihazanagar]: J 2
Zymeloz: L 3
ZZZZ (Heb. name of God): NS A17:9
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