We have made these materials available to the public at no charge, but please realize that the content of this web site is the result of tremendous effort and expense.
You can help by reporting anyone who is distributing our web content, or documents from our CD.
There is no mirror site authorized to carry my web content.
If someone has copies of my documents on their website or
CD, they are ripping me off. Please contact .
Thanks to everyone who has brought my attention to those unscrupulous individuals who have chosen to steal from me, my publisher (Red Wheel/Weiser), or my distributor (Magus Books).
There is nothing more discouraging to me than having to engage in legal battles to preserve my rights, rather than making more materials available, but I will do that when necessary.
Intellectual property attorneys are expensive. If any of you out there want to help, please let me know!
I greatly appreciate the positive feedback and suggestions I receive. I am also very appreciative of the many people who have bought my books and CD.
Thank you for supporting Esoteric Archives.
Joseph H. Peterson