Software Registration

You can fill out the registration form in the file "readme.txt" included in the download. Or, fill out the following registration form and press "Print Button" in your web browser to print it out. Mail registration form to us with the check of your payment. For fast service, you can send your registration information by E-Mail to [email protected], while you are sending your registration fee through regular mail. When we receive your registration form and payment, we will send you registration number by E-Mail right away, if your E-Mail address available. California residents please add 8.25% sales tax.

Number of Copies:
Data Pick ($39.95 each, +$3.30 sales tax if in California)
Number of Copies: Text Picker ($19.95 each, +$1.65 sales tax if in California)
Number of Copies: Text Finder ($15.00 each, +$1.24 sales tax if in California)
Number of Copies: Email Address Pro ($49.95.00 each, +$4.12 sales tax if in California)
Number of Copies: Email Address Extract ($15.00 each, +$1.24 sales tax if in California)
First Name:  
Last Name:  
Email Address: information will be emailed to this address
Company Name:  
Address 1: PO Boxes are OK
Address 2:  
Zip/Postal Code:  
Payment (USD):  
Sales Tax (USD): (California residents only)
Total Payment (USD):  

Please make your check payable to A1 Soft.

Mail to: A1 Soft, P.O. Box 700132, San Jose, CA 95170, USA