6 - Your Lucky Numbers And How To Use Them

"This is the third time; I hope good luck lies in odd numbers; There is divinity in odd number, Either in nativity, chance, or death ..."

(William Shakespeare)

When you are dealing with numbers, there is a comfortable and organized system that exists around you. There are numerical values to everything, every form of life. Every piece of energy, every chemical reaction has a mathematical equation to represent it. Even the atomic structure of things is organized in a way that can be represented by numbers. Every element known to man has a numerical value based on its atomic weight or the number of protons and electrons in its individual atoms. Numbers are basic to life; they are inherent in all things. So if we want to establish control over things, as witches do, it is natural that we explore the relation between us and the numbers that mean something to our lives.

We are not ruled by numbers, although sometimes it might seem so. The force of the moon, the astronomical arithmetic by which we count off our months, affects the tides. All our days are numbered by a calendar that is attuned to the motion of the planets and the forces of the universe. A woman in her menstrual cycle counts the days. The blood that flows in our veins resembles the structure of the salt water that flows in oceans, oceans governed by the moon, oceans from which, evolution says, we ourselves originated.

Each colour we see has its own vibratory number-value. The number of vibrations determines what colour registers in the brain.

Sound also reaches us in terms of so many vibrations, so that everything we hear is a reaction to so many pulsations per second. And I'm sure that each person emits a vibratory level that makes other people respond in various ways. There is our heart beat, our pulse, our blood-pressure level, our brain waves, and the basic metabolic rate that determines the pace of our individual consumption of energy - all expressed in numerical values that differ slightly for every person on earth.

Numbers belong to us. Numbers are what we are, to a certain extent. People who have seen themselves helplessly reduced to social security numbers, bank account numbers, military service numbers, car licence numbers, and many more, often feel that there is a pressure to wipe out the individual and replace him with a numerical value.

Photographs of the moon and Mars were transmitted back to earth in the form of computer numbers, which does not mean that there are a lot of numbers floating around in outer space; but it does mean that anything in life can be assigned a numerical value, such as the computers that were fed information translating photographic levels of light and darkness by the number.

Numbers in themselves are not potent. We give them a potency. This must be understood, and controlled.

Some people live by numbers. They apply the numbers that are significant to their own lives to each day, to everything they do. Gamblers do it. Horse racing enthusiasts come up with whole betting systems geared to mathematical logic.

Several years ago a man came to me from Argentina. He was connected with horse racing and was bringing a string of horses up to Hollywood Park. He wanted to know what would happen. I agreed to help him. I asked for the exact birthdates of the horses, jockeys, and everyone else involved. Using the birthdate as a jumping off point for a look into the future, one must consider the fact that there is no date in our lives to which we react more than our birthdates. But did it apply to horses? How did I know? I'd never tried it before.

It was difficult to get the birthdates of the horses, because all horses are registered as born on January 1 of whatever the year may be, but they wrote to South America and managed to get them. I made astrological charts for every horse as well as all the people involved, and when my computations were complete I told them which horses were best for which days, which races, and which jockeys.

By racing certain horses on certain days with special jockeys, and betting them heavily, they made a real killing. Of course, these men were very strongly motivated for money and winning. I myself only made a small amount of money. It wasn't that I lacked confidence in my forecasts. I'm just not interested in horse racing. I'm hardly conservative, I'm just not the type who goes to the races.

If they hadn't come to me I never would have considered the races a source of fortune, but the reluctance is not because of fear that commercialism might abuse my powers. Many psychics don't believe they should be paid for being telepathic; they feel that it lessens the force. Well, does buying a Rembrandt for two million dollars make it a less valuable painting? I don't believe that a witch can dissipate her powers. I think that the more you do something the better you get. There's a gain of energy, not a loss. So I remain powerful, controlled, brave and unafraid, but perhaps disinterested in betting.

Another time I did charts combining astrology and numerology for two brothers who wanted to make a fortune at the Caliente race track in Mexico. They have a five-ten bet, like the daily double only ten times as big. If you can pick the winners in five or six consecutive races, you can win thousands and thousands of dollars. I worked out a system for them, basing it almost entirely on numbers, including their own personal numbers, the time they would be going to Mexico for this venture and other factors.

I picked everything by hours of the day. What I actually was giving them were my calculations of which numbers would be best for which hours of the races. The names of the horses were never a factor; I didn't even know them. It was a matter of choosing, perhaps, the fourth horse in the fifth race for the fifteenth hour of 'the day. So, they took all this information and set off.

Something happened to them on the way down there. A small accident delayed them so that they arrived a day late, and they were panicky because they felt that all the information applied to the day before. Well, they took a deep breath and went ahead and bet the numbers anyway. Fate is fate, they figured. The upshot was, they did not win the grand five-ten prize, but they did win - on the basis of their day-old information - the prize that goes to anyone who picks all but one of the winners. Now that's not bad: It was thousands of dollars, and it meant they bet on the winners in five out of six consecutive races!

I know how to go about picking such things, by feeling my way into it. Door prizes for instance: I can usually tell somebody the time at which they should buy their ticket in order to win the prize. You can fool around with these things, and I do it for fun, but I'd rather aim for something bigger, more meaningful.

Lucky numbers are discovered by old, standard systems that vary little from country to country all over the world, even where they have different alphabets; they count them the same way to translate names into numbers. There is also the system that uses your birthdate. Add the number of the birth year. At each point the number is broken down into the smallest possible figure, so that it never equals more than nine. I will explain that in more detail later.

Translating your name into your lucky number is done with an international formula. Witches go another step and cast a spell in connection with the result:

Following this system you can see that the values of A, J and S are the same as the number one; B, K and T are number two; C, L and U are number three; D, M and V are number four; E, N and W are number five; F, O, and X are number six; G, P and Y are number seven; H, Q, and Z are number eight and I and R are number nine. Let's take the name Bob Smith as an example of counting a lucky number from a name.

Bob is represented by the number one.

As Bob is a number one name and Smith is a number six name,

Bob Smith, one plus six, adds up to a number seven name.

If Bob Smith wants to figure out his pattern for a particular day, there are a few other computations to make. His number seven name refers to his environmental background, his heritage. We look at his birthdate for his destiny number. Say it was January 1, 1930. That is the first month and the first day, which adds up to two, and then 1930 would be computed this way: one and nine are ten and three are thirteen; one and three are four so 1930 is a number four year.

Adding the one and one from the birth date and month, we arrive at the figure six representing Bob Smith's birthday. As seven is his name value and six is his birthdate, the total makes him a number thirteen, which reduces to four (one plus three).

Now that he has established that, he can look at any day, say June 4, 1971, and tell his fortune by numbers. June 4, which is the sixth month, a six, plus the date, four, equals ten; the one and zero equal one, plus the year, which adds up to a nine, digit by digit, so with the original one we are back to ten or one again: it's a number one day. For Bob Smith, whose name and birthdate add up to four, it is a number five day, however. This can be done with every day of your life, and if you know the symbols that relate to the numbers you have a guiding key for every fraction of the future.

According to the ancients, number one is symbolized by the sun, number two by the moon, number three by Jupiter, number four by Saturn, number five by Mercury, number six by Venus, number seven by Uranus, number eight by Mars and number nine by Neptune. One old interpretation equates Pluto to the number zero, but others place a value of twenty-two on Pluto, which is an exception to the rule of reductions. If your birthdate adds up to 'twenty-two, this number is not converted to a four as the sum of two and two, because twenty-two has a special meaning from antiquity. What are the characteristics related to the various numbers and planetary influences?

Number one, the sun number, stands for responsibility, aggressiveness, pioneer spirit, moving out in front. If it's a day you are referring to, the type of activities you'll be involved in have to do with authority, logic, confidence, power, beginnings of new things, optimism, youth, magnetic forces and strength.

Number two, the moon number, may appear feminine by society's standards, but we are only referring to temper, so a woman could be ruled by number one and still be very much female, and a man could be ruled by number two and be very male. If you were a number one female, for example, you'd be a little more energetic and aggressive than the average female, but that doesn't mean you're not feminine. Number two, however, is the counterpart of that. It's the other side, the sensitive, sympathetic, vulnerable, absorbing self. So while the number one individual is going out towards what he wants, the number two person or situation accepts and absorbs, but it doesn't mean any less strength. Absorbing rather than overpowering can be just another way of getting there. Two is more emotional, while one is more logical.

Number three, the Jupiter number, is neither logical nor emotional. It's spiritual. This is the individual who has a belief, an intuitive grasp of a situation rather than a logical or emotional approach. A number three day would be one in which there's more fun than number one or two. It might be a day to go to a party. A number three person tends to be creative, a diversified personality. There might be a touch of good luck to the day in a way; there's a hand of destiny involved. A number three individual is someone who walks away unhurt from an automobile accident; he's the guy who wins at the races. If you come up with a number three day, by adding up what your environment made you and your destiny number, that's a good day to go to the races and bet all your lucky numbers.

Number four, the Saturn number, has to do with tradition, being conservative, avoiding reckless behaviour, employing natural resources and power. It has to do with solid foundations, so if you are a number four type then you tend to be cautious, steady, looking for security, but, of course, your luck can be something else again. In the same way that one spells going out like a rocket, number two leans to absorbing and number three to exuberance, number four is symbolized by caution.

Number five, the Mercury number, and its vibrations, are linked with mental and manual aptitude. It's fast, quick - anything associated with speed. A number five individual could be a comic, but that doesn't mean that everything about number five is funny, because another interpretation could be a series of tragic events. But whatever happens, happens quickly. A number five is a reactor, rising quickly to the occasion, and a number five day might be one in which many things are happening that require your immediate response. It could mean travel, too; a lot of movement.

Number six is the Venus number, which vibrates to emotion. Love, partnership, luxuries, riches and beautiful things are involved. It is the kind of day when you'd get a present from a loved one. If you're a number six type you are probably very extravagant. This type spends a lot of money on clothes, cosmetics and food; it's a sensual number.

Number seven, the Uranus number, has to do with progressive thoughts, inspiration, cycles and patterns. A number seven type would be the kind of person who is orderly to the extent of putting things in categories, labelling them, and compartmentalizing various segments of his life. You might be a career man who lets his wife know nothing about his business, for example, or a married man whose wife hasn't the slightest inkling about his love affairs because you are very careful in the way you operate.

A number seven day is probably one in which a person would clean up and organize his life, straighten out past difficulties. Inspirational forces and intuition are also involved with this number.

Number eight, the Mars number, is a primitive number that deals with the physical self. A number eight person is one who inclines towards working more with the body than the mind. It could be a very strong or oversexed woman. Interest in sports, combat, anything associated with physical activity are included in the number eight sphere.

Number nine, the Neptune number, is a detective type, someone who digs in deep, sensitive to things below the surface. A number nine person might be psychic, and a number nine day might be romantic, not in the way of a number six day (connected with love) nor in the number eight way of physical love, but rather more in a communion-of-spirits way. Number nine days also are those in which you reap the accumulated benefits of a long time - a harvest day. A number nine person might be the end product of centuries of evolution and have insights far beyond those of his fellow man.

Number twenty-two, the Pluto number, as indicated earlier, is a special case. If your first name counts out to twenty-two for example, don't change it: you would have to add it to four to get the count of your whole name, of course, but you'd have to remember that part of you always vibrates to that twenty-two force.

If your whole destiny number comes out to twenty-two, leave it that way, and if your pattern for the day adds up to twenty-two, don't convert it either. A number twenty-two person is marked, destined to do something and would sacrifice himself for a goal, an ideal. You feel that the ideal is the thing, and this applies to your love affairs, your work, everything. If a twenty-two day is coming up, it is an important day; something will happen that day that you'll remember for a long time.

How do you look at all the numbers that apply to you? You have four numbers in all, three of them stationary and one that changes every day. Your name represents your environment, because your parents gave you that name and raised you to be what they considered that name to represent; and you react to the name all your life.

So by adding up all the letters in your name, you have the number representing your environmental gift, your inheritance. The month, day and year you were born total your destiny number. If you didn't have a name you'd still have a life with that destiny. For your third number, add your inheritance and your destiny numbers, and you've got yourself, facing the world, the total of your luck and your background. Add that to the present day, and that's how your whole aspect adds up for the twenty-four hours at hand.

That's the kind of approach that is taken when you go to the races, for example. The whole point is to add your personal numbers and all the numbers involved, so that you've got your name going, your birthdate, the present day - all to be added up to the first race, the second race, and so on, so that you can come up with the horse number and race number most compatible to you and your numbers.

Take, for instance, the fourth horse in the fifth race; you have a nine, which, as was indicated, marks the payoff of the accumulation of previous days. Now, if you add that nine to yourself and come up with a three, it might be a windfall type of bet because that indicates an up-type situation. But, and this one point is very important, the interpretation would still be up to you to know if it's a good force for you or not, and you'd have to decide whether to bet, and how much - which is another number, too.

You can examine the numbers for any move, like going on a trip or vacation, signing a contract, launching a love affair, whatever the occasion. And, you can combine your number with your loved one's to take a look at what kind of relationship you're going to have. This takes a little know-how, but it seems to follow very truthfully, when you let your mind control. For example, any married woman undergoes a change when she marries, and furthermore, she has changed her name.

Elizabeth Taylor

For an example of how a married woman changes when her numerical representation is altered by marriage, let's examine a well known case, a woman with lots of experience in the field - in marriage, not numerology, that is: Elizabeth Taylor.

Elizabeth is a number seven and Taylor is a number one, so Elizabeth Taylor, girl star, is a number eight, ruled by Mars, an influence that has to do with conquests, victory, determination and strength. This is on top of her first-name proclivity for the Uranus seven, a very exciting, adventuresome, intuitive, high-strung personality, which does describe Elizabeth Taylor.

Then she finds herself married, in succession, to Conrad Hilton, which turns her into a number five as Elizabeth Taylor Hilton, because she isn't an ordinary woman who marries and drops her maiden name. Elizabeth Taylor Wilding also becomes a number five, but when she married Mike Todd she became a number six. When she became Elizabeth Taylor Fisher she turned into a number one, and as Elizabeth Taylor Burton she emerges as a number eight.

Let's take a closer look at the subtle changes in the person, as an actress and as a married woman, as these life situations, and the numbers connected with them, changed through the years.

We break down the first name to a seven. We explain that this is a jazzy personality, and this jazzy personality has to express itself through Taylor, which is a number one name, making her a number eight. We've explained what that is. When she married Hilton, and when she married Wilding, oddly enough, both those names did the same thing to her. Elizabeth Taylor as a Elizabeth Hilton OR Elizabeth Wilding vibrates to number four.

That is a restrictive influence. It may be good for finances and it may be good for building, and you must take into consideration that she had two sons with Wilding; so she benefited from the marriage in one area. However, the Saturn constrictions and controls were not compatible with her nature as a number eight dynamic personality.

However, both Wilding and Hilton caused her to be a number five in her profession. Elizabeth Taylor Hilton and Elizabeth Taylor Wilding are both five. Five is ruled by Mercury, which makes her adaptable, always in the limelight, having a variety of interests. It provides an aura of seeking, constantly groping, trying to find your place.

They did turn her on to exploring herself, which may not have occurred with someone else to begin with. They were quite different, the two men. But we are interested in what their personalities did to her, not what they were. Her reactions are important, and to them she reacted with a Saturn influence. Not two people are alike and we are not really concerned with how people are: it's how you think they are, and how you feel about what you think they are!

Whatever their personalities may have been and how opposed their personalities were to each other, her reaction was identical. People look at a marriage and they say, "Oh, you have so much fun; you do this together, and you do that together." In truth someone may be dying inside and miserable in the relationship, who knows it but the person who is suffering? So we don't score each personality, just her reaction to that personality.

She divorced both of them, which is the same reaction. So with these two men she was number four, and professionally she was number five. Professionally perhaps it was a period of value to her. She sought in her work what she didn't find in her home, and it pushed her into exploring her own potential and her talents and possibly created many opportunities that would open up later and bear fruit because of the friction at home.

Then she married Todd. She is Elizabeth, number seven, and the name Todd vibrates to a number seven. She is comfortable with that. Together Elizabeth Todd comes to number fourteen, which is five, so as Mrs Todd she has achieved the personal image that she was playing with when she was Elizabeth Taylor Hilton and Elizabeth Taylor Wilding, the professional actress.

She achieved in her marriage with Todd the essence of what up until that time only her career gave her, and this was a satisfaction because now she could get this by just being Elizabeth Todd. She didn't have to be the actress. When she was Elizabeth Taylor Todd she vibrated to a number six. This is a Venus vibration and it has to do with luxuries, attraction, love, warmth and emotionalism, a vibrant situation; so she was able, as Mrs Todd, to add a dimension to her personality as an actress.

We must, before going on to the next step, look at Todd. Todd is number seven, Mike is number two. The number two vibration with the number seven makes a number nine. His personality was a number nine type. People who believe in reincarnation believe that number nine types are the end of a cycle. They are the end of many lives, having been reborn many times. According to numerology, he has an insight that can only be gained through multiple lives. Number nines instinctively react to things as though they'd been around for millions of years. He was a number nine type who would have given support to any personality, would have made any personality feel themselves. He brought her out of herself.

Then came Fisher. Elizabeth's a number seven, Fisher's a number eleven. We put them together to get nine. As Elizabeth Fisher she was able to imitate emotionally what she felt with Mike Todd. As Mrs Fisher she could keep the essence of Mike Todd around her. Her name is a number nine, which is what Mike Todd was. Fisher was compatible only so long as she needed Mike Todd near her. But by marrying Eddie Fisher she changed herself to Elizabeth Taylor Fisher, and that had a catalytic effect upon her, much the same as Mike Todd was a catalyst who affected everything he touched.

She married Fisher, the number nine name, changing herself into Elizabeth Taylor Fisher, number one. And whether she liked it or not, she was thrown into a new cycle, the beginning of a new personality, an independent, aggressive, responsible individual with more authority in life. Whether she liked it or not, she was the leader in her marriage. She didn't marry him with that intention.

She married him to have the sentimental essence of Todd and was thrown into a new role, completely against her inclinations, to a new cycle. So it couldn't last because she changed. Number nine is a Neptunian number. It's mysterious, and it's spiritual, and it has to do with all the hauntings and ghost-like situations of the world. While she was wallowing in this number nine vibration she was thrown into the number one cycle. It was the beginning of her destiny, a rebirth.

So she was reborn as a number one individual and met Richard Burton. As Elizabeth Burton (Burton vibrates to number nine), she becomes a number seven, which Elizabeth is anyway. It's the Uranus number, so with Burton she is Elizabeth, period. She is not Elizabeth Taylor and she is not even Elizabeth Burton. She is herself for the first time in this particular situation. It feeds her. It allows for growth because she is free.

For the first time in her life she is what she is. As a star Elizabeth Taylor Burton vibrates to the number eight. We know to begin with that Elizabeth Taylor vibrated to the number eight, so being Mrs Burton has allowed her to be Elizabeth Taylor, and if there's anything to numerology at all, she has become herself with this last marriage.

The planetary patterns coincide with particular events. Not necessarily because the planets themselves influence us, but possibly due to mathematical cycles evolving into particular events. For instance, Uranus takes about eighty-four years to go around the sun, which means we are dealing with a mathematical influence rather than a planetary one - perhaps. There may be an influence that as yet has not been recognized, but the fact that an event takes place in the skies, coinciding with an event on earth, may be part of a mathematical pattern.

Your cycle is not the same as anyone else's, and if you can take the moment of your birth and break it down, say, into hundred day cycles or thousand day cycles, eventually you would see a pattern developing. You could chart your life by digging back into your past and seeing what occurred every hundred days, every thousand days, or every four thousand days, and once you have a picture of what did take place, you can then project into the future and come up with some interesting material. You can't find the meaning of your life printed in a book, but you can learn how to figure it yourself, and from your experience interpret what's about to happen. First, you figure out how many days you have been alive.

Take somebody who's twenty-five years old: In twenty-five years you have lived about 9,000 days. In your twenty-fifth year you have experienced a short cycle. When you are born you are the centre, the sun. Everyone reacts to you for approximately the first two years. The next two years, ages two to four, you are reacting to everybody else, which is the moon cycle. Between four and six years of age is the Jupiter cycle where you start to seek out what is around you. From six to eight, you develop the potential to be moulded. Continuing, by the time you hit twenty-five, you are in a Mars cycle, and you have ended a whole role of life and are about to move forward; you're ready to explode into a new level.

You can break this down and enlarge your cycles so that you have roughly 1,000 days for each one. But you could doubt it and allow 2,000 days for each cycle. The point is that there is no established concept of the number of days per cycle. You could use ten years per cycle if you were going to live ninety years. You could say ten years were your sun years, the next ten to twenty were your moon years, twenty to thirty were the Jupiter years and thirty to forty would be Saturn years of hard work, control and discipline. From forty to fifty would appear a restless seeking of something once again, your Mercury cycle. Mathematically you should be able to calculate cycles within cycles, and break it down to your daily, weekly or monthly cycle.

Look at cycles of ten year cycles. During the first ten, attention is focused on you. In the next ten, you are reacting to everyone else and from twenty to thirty you are involved in the Jupiter cycle; this is creative and may be why this is suddenly the potent time for sex; it's the creative urge. Jupiter has to do with creativity, a joyous response to situations around you. From thirty to forty is the Saturn cycle, denoting restrictions; forty to fifty, Mercury, making abstract things real. Communication is important at that point; the average individual wants to be very certain that everybody understands him verbally.

From fifty to sixty are the Venus years. This is the time when you have accumulations of luxuries and comforts, developed over the past. The sixty to seventy Uranus cycle is the time of being full of information, the time when there are things outside your intimate circle, when you become very important and useful to the community. That's the time when your life takes on meaning other than your own private world. You're universal in your actions. And seventy to eighty, the Mars years, have to do with determination, fortitude and power.

The Neptunian cycle, from eighty to ninety, is more of the dreamy state and also can be a source of inspiration to the people around one; it's a shame so many people of that age are senile, because rather than being inspirational, they usually end up in a home. That's the large cycle during which they could inspire other people.

You could chart yourself by the week, and you could find out what part of the week or month you were vibrating to Mars or Jupiter.

You see, inasmuch as the planets aren't really doing anything to us, they're useful in mapping out life patterns. If you go to a dance where there's continuous music, it doesn't matter at which point you arrive. Your time at that dance begins when you put your foot on the floor and take up the beat. Everybody's got the beat, and you're all dancing.

You can pick up the numerical beat by establishing the day you want to begin charting a cycle. There might be a little bit of confusion until you catch on to your rhythm, but it's smooth sailing after that. Decide your number one day, your sun rule day, and from that point on you can chart your next month of activity. In so doing, you will eventually establish an insight into what your particular rhythm is. You will learn that on a sun day such and such a reaction occurs, and on a moon day you have another reaction. This way you'll have complete control over which days are best for you to begin new projects or to enter a romantic situation. You alone will understand your own cycle. You won't need a fortune teller.

New-life Spell

Suppose you decide to be reborn on a particular date. Establish it when you wish. You will have to find out when the sun will rise in your particular location by calling the local planetarium or newspaper office. At the moment of sunrise, you must have prepared nine gold coloured candles and have a photograph of yourself in order to make yourself more real. Ring the nine golden candles around the photograph. Chant over and over to yourself for about five minutes, "I am in control. I own myself. I will choose what I want to have happen to me." Let the candles flame for about ten minutes at sunrise, and you will have the number one cycle from that point.

There shouldn't be any one day that you consider in advance a bad day, because every day has its own essence and its own nature. The only thing wrong with anything in life is to use it in a way that is not compatible. There isn't any bad luck day, full of hard luck or mistakes. Don't look at a day and say, "Today is a Saturn day so I'm not going to get out of bed." Instead go out and do everything that should be done on a Saturn day.

If it's your sun-day cycle, the number one day, take the initiative in everything. That doesn't mean that you must be afraid to be passive. It means that if you take the initiative on that day you will have great success. Being passive doesn't mean that you'll have a disaster, it just means that you aren't utilizing the day to its fullest potential.

On your number two day, which is the moon day, you will do well by being receptive to other people's ideas. That doesn't mean that you can't go out and assert yourself that day. It means that if you were more receptive you would possibly have accomplished more. The influences just show where you will have your best accomplishment.

Number three, the Jupiter day, indicates you would do well to spend your time with creative activity. This could include giving a party, having a romance, exploring the many sides of every situation. It's a good day to take an examination, but that doesn't mean you're going to fail if you do it on another day or that it's disastrous not to have your party on the number three day. It's just that if you do have a party on the number three day, it's going to be a better party.

The number four day, a Saturn day, doesn't mean doom and gloom and friction and all horrible things, but if, on a number four day, you decide to establish permanent foundations in a particular direction, you'll succeed. If you decide to build a house on a number four day, it will be a better house. If you decide to break a habit on a number four day, you'll have more luck in breaking the habit. You could quit smoking on a number three day, but you'd have a better chance on a number four day.

The whole object is to use the cycle for what it's worth and not to be afraid when you haven't used it. If you have a beautiful crystal glass in your cupboard and don't use it, it doesn't lessen its value or make it useless. But how nice it is to use at the right time, when you have company or just want to be in a good mood.

A number five day, a Mercury day, is a good time to send letters to people that you haven't contacted in quite a while. It's a good day to pay your bills. It's a day when it will be easier for you to sit down and get your chequebook out and pay off the people who should be paid. It doesn't mean you can't pay them on a number four day, and it doesn't mean that you must pay them on a number five day, but you'll be more in the mood on a number five day.

On your number six day, Venus day, circumstances are very good for emotional matters. You'll feel warm and loving and the people around you will feel the same way. That doesn't mean you can't make love on a number four day. It means if you make love on a number six day, you'll get more out of it. That's the day that you probably will be a little extravagant. You'll probably want to buy cosmetics or clothing. It's a luxurious day. But you can have that any other time, too, except that on the number six day its easier to be that way. You will love it!

On your number seven day, Uranus day, you'll feel drawn towards the higher philosophical approach, towards exploring the deeper meaning of yourself. It's a day when you might want to start on an extended trip. You may have unexpected situations happening, so on a number seven day you should be ready to meet any opportunity that presents itself. That doesn't mean you can't stay home and spend the day in bed or be all alone, but it's a shame to waste a number seven day. By being in front of a particular door at a certain time you might meet a very exciting individual, and it can develop into a beautiful relationship. It's a very jazzy, adventuresome day. You don't have to do anything with it, but it's there if you want it.

On your number eight day, which is a Mars day, you don't necessarily have to be in an angry mood or have arguments with everyone around you. Things are very dynamic and forceful. Forceful people tend to run into a little bit of aggravation occasionally. It's a very dynamic day, when you can assert yourself, unite your physical, emotional and intellectual capacities, almost to the point of being dynamite in your environment. This doesn't mean it's an explosively bad day, but if you take your potential and put it to good use it can make a tremendous dent in your destiny in any direction you want. So number eight is a good day when you want to be very strong. It's also a good day for sexual contacts.

Number nine is a day of inspiration. It's a mysterious day. Mysterious things could happen, and if you are afraid to experience unusual events, you might stay home and make no move that day. Still, the day should be used to find yourself, the meaning of what you are, and to establish possible relationships that will have a hold on your life in a haunting, mysterious, melancholy way. Sometimes you may be tired on a Neptunian day.

That doesn't mean you can't do any of the things that you can do on any other day. It's just that it will be easier to explore your spirit world on your ninth day. You see, through witchcraft and its control and understanding, you are programming yourself to experience the full range of numerical life adventure. Knowing what the days offer in potential for you, you are in position to take advantage of all experiences. Every day can be your lucky day once you have mastered the formula.


