Where was I? Oh yes. You voted a'ways back as to whether I should occasionally include some of your email in my bi-weekly articles.
After many hours of tabulation, my little elves (they work cheap) have concluded that you do want to read more of the folks-like-you-email that has been sent my way. My elves also tell me that this would be the perfect time for reading that email, as it is almost Mardi Gras and they have more exciting things to do than add up my silly surveys. Hmm, it appears that my elves are way too mouthy. Nonetheless, I will follow their lead and post some email in this article, while the elves (and I) go off to party.
As this will be my fourth attempt to survive the season of Mardi Gras (the festivites span almost two weeks), I should soon have my fill of purple, green and yellow.
Of course my friends, I will still be checking in on your email, during my vacation, so please continue to write regarding your questions, attempts and successes. I'll see you after Fat Tuesday.
"The problem is that I am stuck in my physical body although I sense vigorous electrical type shocks all over. Must the vibration be there all the time when I reach that stage or can it smooth away?" If you are experiencing the "shocking" nature of vibe (vibrational-frequency), you may indeed find yourself stuck. But if you are feeling vibration, then you are ALMOST ready to travel. So you would not want it to smooth "away". Additionally, as you progress in your traveling, the vibe may often go unnoticed, as you move from your physical to nonphysical, although it is always there as part of the process.
Think of yourself as having two bodies, one within the other. One body is physical and the other is nonphysical. When your nonphysical is "synced" with the physical, it vibrates at a slower frequency that closely matches that of the physical frequency.
When you attempt to travel from your physical, the frequency is (should be) increased to allow the separation.
Since, in your case, it appears that the nonphysical-vibration is too slow, and it is keeping you synced to your slower vibrating physical, you must speed it up.
To explain further, when I was first starting out with my bizarre obsession (age 9, for this reference:), I experienced exactly the same type of signal you describe in your letter. And as I'd lie there, with the vibration running its course, I'd think to myself, "Okay, now what? I can feel the vibe. And...and...and what?"
The "now what" of the situation WAS the vibration. If I just let it run its course, it did. And eventually, it would fade out. The vibe would run out of steam. So I began to think about "goosing" it. And I suggest the same for you my friend.
Put your every thought into the sensation and "pull" the vibe right into yourself. Force it full-body, by focusing your desire on its every sensation. Feel it coursing through your body. Focus on the vibe completely.
Now, GOOSE IT! Punch up its speed! With your thoughts fully focused on that roaring, "electrical" event, start to "push" it down your body and then back up at an increased speed.
It's as if you are a car, stuck in the snow. You push back and forth, a little faster each time, building up your nonphysical "traction" and eventually, you rock yourself right out of body!!!
In short (too late:), this is just one method of increasing your vibe-rate, which I believe may be the difficulty.
"I have been trying for a few weeks, and I've had only minor success. Am I doing something wrong?"
It may take time to get yourself traveling as you wish. I know some folks who succeed after lonnnnggg amounts of trying and some who succeed quickly. And then there is you, in between. But it does not matter how quickly you manage an impressive travel from your physical. All of your efforts and minor successes are part of your traveling puzzle. If you continue to assemble your pieces, you will succeed!
For example:
Relaxation is a piece of your puzzle. If you can master your relaxation, your puzzle is coming together.
Getting closer to the awake/asleep line is a piece in your puzzle. If you can maintain your control, a little more with each try as you reach the aw/as line, you are adding to your puzzle.
A patient, positive attitude is a big piece in your puzzle. If you stay focused to your goal of traveling, and recognize that you are progressing with each attempt, you will travel. This piece is the very center of your puzzle. If you place this piece, your puzzle is well on its way.
How do you travel from a lucid dream?"
Well basically, you wake up. (grin) How's that for helpful? Seriously though, it is a matter of "pinching yourself awake" while out.
Think of a lucid dream (whether in or out of body) as a step below full-blown consciousness. A lucid dream may be altered to fit the mood of the individual and that's nice BUT... a travel is right there, in your face, ultra-reality (my new word, I just made it up:).
And the trick in moving from one state to the next, is to WAKE UP!!!!!
One way to "wake up", of many you'll find in my articles, is to utilize prior sub-conscious suggestions. This works especially well if the lucid dream has occurred often, for you may then note an exact time to wake-up.
For example:
"I will become fully aware and in control, when I reach the mountain top I have seen in my dreams."
"I will wake up when I float to the ceiling again. I will become very alert and aware."
Simple instructions, repeated a number of times prior to your attempts at traveling, can trigger the switch from a lucid-dream to WOW.
"Can my attempts at R.V. (remote viewing) be fine tuned? Any advice?" -This email is from an individual who has had some success with identifying general items, left by friend, a short distance away.-
I think that you are fine-tuning your skill with your every attempt. My advice would be to now branch out from your method.
For example, have your friend visit a nearby location and take a photo. You should not be told where the photo was taken. Also, the photo should include details that you could not know, even if you have been to that location yourself in the past. This is accomplished by framing an event in the photo (i.e....there is a garbage can and the lid is lying on the ground...or there is a flagpole with a red bird on it, etc.). Then, as you know, have your friend place this photo in a location where you may view it remotely to verify your findings.
"Are lucid dream-travels the same as travels to the astral plane?"
Dang my friend, ya got me. Maybe or not. Who is to say?
Traveling is a visit to different environments. Each environment vibrates at its own frequency. Each frequency supports a form of nonphysical existence.
So, is there an environment that supports lucid dreams? Yes. Is there an environment that supports a so-named "astral-plane"? Yes. Are these two environments the same thing? How the heck should I know? (I amuse me:)
I think that type of interpretation is really up to the traveler. If a person feels that the experience they have had is identical, then that is the answer for them.
For myself, it seems that with an infinite number of vibrational possibilities, you would have lots of room for varying degrees of existence and experience. Some would no doubt be similar.
"I wonder how much is truth and how much is the mind's deception?"
That is an excellent question. As you may recall from my words at the section named Flip, I have pondered this very thought. Can we ever really be sure that we are not imagining the experience? Let's flip, shall we?
As the person doing the traveling, yes, you can be sure of your own experiences. You can verify the events to the best of your ability.
For instance, you might retrace your steps to check up on something you have "witnessed". Or you might try to get your friend's attention. Or you may experience something subtle and personal, that tells you the event is beyond the constraints of your physical.
Whatever it is that proves or disproves the event to the individual, is correct for that individual. That is the bottom line. Verify and believe, or verify and ignore. We all come to our own conclusions. As for convincing others that traveling beyond the body is possible, :P to that. What's the point? If the traveler is satisfied that the event has occurred, that's enough.
Having said all that (as I am an opinionated so and so:), there is an exception.
In cases where stringent verification is required for a project (i.e, surveillance, or perhaps helping police find clues to a murder, etc.), you can toss all that "I know it happened because I felt it happen" stuff. When it comes down to actual real-life applications, an opinion means nothing. Either you can produce facts that lead to the cause, or you can't. An opinion would have no value in this type of verification.
As always, please write regarding your questions, attempts and successes.
Alan Guiden