Regardless of your relaxation choice du jour, you're occasionally going to encounter the following stumbling block. You get into bed. Ready to relax. Here it comes. Waiting, waiting. Nope, no good. You're just too jumpy. So get up. Why frustrate yourself? You could always...exercise (AAAaaahhh!). Sorry folks, I had to use that dirty word. So don't call it exercise. Throw that word out with the others I've been deleting. We'll call it "doing that thing that tuckers out the good ol' physical." Get up, move around, hop on one foot, dance the mambo, lift weights, do aerobics or twiddle your thumbs. Do whatever relaxes your body in an all natural way. I suggest that you ignore any thoughts about alcohol or pills, etcetera, as calmer-downers. They do not allow for an alert and controlled you.
Once your body is pooped, get back into bed (Whew, take a shower first.) and focus on your relaxation method. Keep in mind that all methods of relaxation do not work all the time. You should learn to be flexible with your methods of choice and adapt as necessary to fit the occasion.