Myths and Truths About
Genetically Modified Foods
by Jeffrey
M. Smith
following testimony was given on October 2, 2003 before
the Vermont State Agriculture Committee by Jeffrey M.
Smith, author of the exposé, Seeds of Deception:
Exposing Industry and Government Lies about the Safety
of the Genetically Engineered Foods You're Eating.
My name is Jeffrey
Smith, I have been involved with the issue of genetically-engineered
foods since the mid 1990s, working for nonprofit and political
groups, and lecturing on the health and environmental dangers.
I worked as vice-president of marketing for a GMO-detection
laboratory, which also certifies foods and crops as non-GMO
(short for genetically modified organisms). I recently wrote
a book entitled, Seeds of Deception: Exposing Industry
and Government Lies About the Safety of the Genetically Engineered
Foods You're Eating. It documents many potential and
actual health dangers of genetically modified foods, and the
attempts by proponents of biotechnology to cover them up.
The book includes information never before in the public domain.
I encourage you to look it over before finalizing any policy
on genetically modified (GM) foods. Many people have been
shocked at what has been going on behind the scenes. I will
be conducting a tour of the state, presenting some of the
evidence to your constituents.
My conclusions are as follows:
Many scientists both in government and in the private sector who discovered dangers, or even expressed concern, have been attacked and silenced. How could the government approve dangerous foods? A close examination reveals that industry manipulation and political collusion - not sound science - allowed these on the market. I have discovered that:
Let's explore
some of the popular myths about genetically modified foods:
Myth 1
The FDA has thoroughly evaluated genetically
modified foods and found them safe.
This is untrue.
Internal FDA documents made public from a lawsuit reveal that
agency scientists warned that genetically modified foods might
create toxins, allergies, nutritional problems, and new diseases
that might be difficult to identify.6 Although
they urged their superiors to require long-term tests on each
genetically modified variety prior to approval, the political
appointees at the agency, including a former attorney for
Monsanto, ignored the scientists. Official policy claims that
the foods are no different and do not require safety testing.7 A manufacturer can introduce a genetically modified food without
even informing the government or consumers.8
A January 2001 report from an expert panel of the Royal Society
of Canada said it was "scientifically unjustifiable"9 to presume that genetically modified foods are safe. Likewise,
a 2002 report by the UK's Royal Society said that genetic
modification "could lead to unpredicted harmful changes
in the nutritional state of foods," and recommended that
potential health effects of genetically modified foods be
rigorously researched before being fed to pregnant or breast-feeding
women, elderly people, those suffering from chronic disease,
and babies.10
In unpublished studies on the FlavrSavr tomato, laboratory rats fed the genetically modified crop developed stomach lesions and seven of the forty died within two weeks. The tomato was approved.
Myth 2
These foods have been extensively tested for
This is untrue.
In the mid-1990s, a major grant was awarded by the British
government to develop the first independent safety-testing
program on genetically modified food. It was to become the
model for the UK, and later for all of Europe. As part of
the research, scientists fed rats a genetically modified potato
engineered to create an insecticide, known to be harmless
to rats. Upon examination, it was found that the rats developed
damage to the immune system, smaller brains, livers and testicles,
partial atrophy of the liver and potentially pre-cancerous
cell growth in the intestines and stomach.11 When
the lead scientist tried to alert the public about these alarming
discoveries, he lost his job, he was silenced with threats
of a lawsuit, and the safety testing program was scrapped.
The research was eventually published in the prestigious journal The Lancet, and remains the most in-depth animal
feeding study on genetically modified foods ever conducted.
Two other studies also showed preliminary evidence of a potentially
pre-cancerous condition reported in The Lancet. All
other published animal feeding studies on genetically modified
foods were not designed to identify health effects.12,
13 That's all the other seven studies. Unbelievably,
there are only ten published animal feeding studies on the
health effects of genetically modified foods. In unpublished
studies on the FlavrSavr tomato, laboratory rats fed the genetically
modified crop developed stomach lesions and seven of the forty
died within two weeks. The tomato was approved.
Myth 3
Approval was based on sound science.
This is untrue.
I asked Dr. Arpad Pusztai, an eminent scientist fired and
silenced after discovering damaged health in rats, what was
the most shocking moment he encountered. It was not discovering
the damaged health in the rats or being fired after 35 years.
It came months earlier when he read the confidential submissions
made by the biotechnology companies to the UK government,
requesting that their foods be approved. He was given the
600+ pages by the director of his institute, who sat on the
twelve-member committee that approved requests. Arpad knew
that the director and most of the committee members would
never actually read the studies, as they were committee-men,
not working scientists. Arpad, on the other hand, had been
in charge of a twenty-member team for two years, designing
safety protocols. He was among the most qualified persons
in the world to evaluate the submissions.
Reading them, however, was the most shocking moment. He said
the studies were examples of extremely poor science. It was
obvious that the companies were doing as little as possible
in order to get their foods onto the market quickly. Reading
these superficial studies was a turning point in this pro-biotech
scientist's life. Later, when he discovered the damage to
the rats after consuming genetically modified potatoes for
the equivalent of ten human years, he realized that if the
soy and corn on the market were creating the same effect in
humans, it would never have been picked up by their flimsy
tests, and it would not be obvious in the population for years.
Studies Rigged
In fact, many industry studies appear to be rigged to find
no problems. In the case of a genetically engineered bovine
growth hormone (rbGH), for example, researchers injected cows
with only a fraction of the normal dosage before reporting
hormone residues in milk.14 They heated the milk
120 times longer than standard, in an apparent attempt to
report that pasteurization destroys the hormone.15 It didn't, so they added powdered hormone, 146 times the naturally
occurring amount, heated that 120 times longer than normal,
and only then reported that pasteurization destroys 90% of
the hormone. That was what the FDA reported as well. Furthermore,
researchers apparently used cows that were pregnant before
treatment to claim that rbGH didn't impede fertility.16 Cows that fell sick were allegedly dropped from studies altogether.
With soybeans, serious nutritional differences between genetically
modified and natural soy were omitted from a published paper.17 Feeding studies masked any problems by using mature animals
instead of developing ones and by diluting their genetically
modified soy 10 to 1 with non-GM protein.18
No Adequate Tests for Allergic Reactions
There are no adequate tests to verify that genetically modified
food will not create dangerous allergic reactions. While the
World Health Organization developed testing standards to minimize
the possibility of allowing allergenic genetically modified
varieties on the market, genetically modified corn currently
sold in the U.S. has not been subjected to those tests and
would most certainly fail them. One company's test, for example,
used a far stronger acid concentration and more than 1,250
times the amount of a digestive enzyme later recommended by
the WHO, to make the claim that their protein degrades too
quickly to cause an allergic reaction.19
The only human feeding trial ever conducted confirmed that
genetically engineered genes from soy burgers and a soy milkshake
transferred to the bacteria inside the digestive tract after
only one meal.20 The biotech industry had previously
said that such a transfer was impossible.
Super Diseases and Cancer
The World Health Organization and the American Medical Associations,
and several other groups have expressed concern that if the
"antibiotic resistant marker genes" used in genetically
modified foods got transferred to bacteria, it could create
super-diseases that are immune to antibiotics.21 This was one reason cited why the British Medical Association
called for a complete moratorium on genetically modified foods.
More worrisome is that the "promoter" used inside
genetically modified foods might get transferred to bacteria
or internal organs. Promoters permanently turn on genes that
might otherwise be switched off. Scientists believe that this
might create unpredictable health effects, including the potentially
pre-cancerous cell growth found in the animal feeding studies
mentioned earlier.
Only those who consumed genetically modified L-Tryptophan became ill… Once discovered, industry and government covered up facts and diverted the blame.
Myth 4
The biotech industry says that millions have been eating genetically
modified foods without ill effect.
This is misleading.
About 100 people died and 5-10,000 to fell seriously ill when they consumed the food supplement L-Tryptophan.22 Only those who consumed genetically modified L-Tryptophan became ill. That brand had minute but deadly contaminants that would easily pass through current regulations today. The disease it created was rare, acute, and came on quickly. If all three of these characteristics had not been present, the genetically modified supplement might never have been traced as the cause. Once discovered, however, industry and government covered up facts and diverted the blame. Some tried to pin the blame on a change in the company's filter. We know now that hundreds had contracted the disease from genetically modified versions of the supplement during the four years prior to the change in the filter. The FDA testimony before Congress blamed health fraud schemes, and never told congressmen that the supplement was genetically modified.
Milk from rbGH-treated cows contains an increased amount of the hormone IGF-1. We know that IGF-1 naturally occurs in milk. We also know that drinking milk can increase the free circulating IGF-1 in humans. Premenopausal women with high IGF-1 levels are seven times more likely to develop breast cancer. Besides family history, that makes IGF-1 the highest known risk factor for breast cancer.23 Men with high levels are four times more likely to develop prostate cancer.24 IGF-1 is also implicated in colon and lung cancer.
Soy allergies
skyrocketed by 50% in the UK, coinciding with the introduction
of genetically modified soy imports from the U.S.25
According to a March 2001 report, the Centers for Disease
Control says that food is responsible for twice the number
of illnesses in the U.S. compared to estimates just seven
years earlier. This increase roughly corresponds to the
period when large amounts of genetically modified foods
have been introduced into the American diet. Could genetic
engineering be contributing to the 5,000 deaths, 325,000
hospitalizations, and 76 million illnesses related to
food each year? Might it play a role in our national epidemic
of obesity or the rise in diabetes or lymphatic cancers?
We have no way of knowing if there is a connection because
no one has looked for one.
Actually, the Food Standards Agency of the UK developed a plan to monitor potential health problems. They approached the UK supermarkets, asking to use the purchasing records of the 30 million consumers who used "loyalty cards." They were going to see if those people who ate genetically modified foods had higher levels of birth defects, childhood allergies, and cancer. When their plans were leaked to the public, they cancelled the study.
I saw on the pro-biotech side was the attitude that the
technology was good, and that it was almost immoral to
say that it wasn't good… and there was a lot of
money invested in this, and if you're against it, you're
Luddites, you're stupid."
- Dan Glickman, former Secretary of Agriculture
One of the most dangerous aspects of genetic engineering
is the closed thinking and consistent effort to silence those
with contrary evidence or concerns. Just before stepping down
from office, former Secretary of Agriculture, Dan Glickman,
admitted the following:
What I saw on the pro-biotech side was the attitude that
the technology was good, and that it was almost immoral to
say that it wasn't good, because it was going to solve the
problems of the human race and feed the hungry and clothe
the naked… And there was a lot of money that had been
invested in this, and if you're against it, you're Luddites,
you're stupid. That, frankly, was the side our government
was on… You felt like you were almost an alien, disloyal,
by trying to present an open-minded view.26
Contrast this with the warning by the editors of Nature
Biotechnology: "The risks in biotechnology are undeniable,
and they stem from the unknowable in science and commerce.
It is prudent to recognize and address those risks, not compound
them by overly optimistic or foolhardy behavior."27
Please don't become overly optimistic or foolhardy. I urge
you to read the evidence amassed in my book Seeds of Deception.
I do not offer opinions. I offer meticulously documented accounts,
with 340 footnotes in all, showing that these foods should
never have been approved and might already be creating massive
health problems in our population. As you read the book, please
note down any questions. Make them tough. I will be available
to answer the questions, or put you in touch with scientists
who may be better equipped to respond. Thank you for the opportunity
to share with you what I have learned about this important
topic. The following is excerpted from Seeds of Deception.
Seeds of Deception
The biotech industry's success with government leaders became
apparent on May 26, 1992 in the Indian Treaty Room of the
Old Executive Building. There, Vice President Dan Quayle announced
the Bush administration's new policy on genetically engineered
food: "The reforms we announce today will speed up and
simplify the process of bringing better agricultural products,
developed through biotech, to consumers, food processors and
farmers. We will ensure that biotech products will receive
the same oversight as other products, instead of being hampered
by unnecessary regulation."28
By "receive the same oversight as other products,"
Quayle meant that genetically modified foods would be considered
just as safe as natural, non-GM foods. Sidestepping "unnecessary
regulation" meant that the government would not require
safety tests or special labels identifying the foods as genetically
engineered. The rationale for this hands-off policy was spelled
out in an FDA document dated three days after Quayle's announcement.
"The agency is not aware of any information showing that
foods derived by these new methods differ from other foods
in any meaningful or uniform way."29
Monsanto, under its new leadership, had what it wanted: government
endorsement of safety and no regulations that would interfere
with its plans for rapid worldwide sales.
Could genetic engineering be contributing to the 5,000 deaths, 325,000 hospitalizations, and 76 million illnesses related to food each year?
Science at the FDA
Attorney Michael Taylor had overseen the development of FDA
policy. Prior to working at the agency, Taylor worked at King
and Spaulding law firm; Monsanto was his personal client.
Taylor helped Monsanto draft pro-biotech regulations that
the industry would lobby for. While working for the FDA, Taylor
could implement those laws himself. For Monsanto, there was
no better person to step into a leadership role at the FDA.
Taylor did not simply fill a vacant position at the agency.
In 1991 the FDA created a new position for him: Deputy Commissioner
for Policy. He instantly became the FDA official with the
greatest influence on genetically modified food regulation,
overseeing the development of government policy.
According to public interest attorney Steven Druker, who has
studied the FDA's internal files, "During Mr. Taylor's
tenure as Deputy Commissioner, references to the unintended
negative effects of bioengineering were progressively deleted
from drafts of the policy statement (over the protests of
agency scientists), and a final statement was issued claiming
(a) that [GM] foods are no riskier than others and (b) that
the agency has no information to the contrary."30 In 1994, Taylor became the administrator at the Department
of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection Service, where
he was also involved in biotechnology issues. He later became
Vice President for Public Policy at Monsanto.
When the FDA announced
its policy, the public was not aware of any internal dissent.
The policy boldly claimed there was no information to indicate
that genetically modified foods were different or more risky
than natural varieties. Since the American public generally
trusts the FDA, they assumed no such risks existed. But nearly
a decade later, the agency's internal documents - made public
for the first time through a lawsuit - told a different story.
Linda Kahl, an FDA compliance officer, protested that by "trying
to force an ultimate conclusion that there is no difference
between foods modified by genetic engineering and foods modified
by traditional breeding practices," the agency was "trying
to fit a square peg into a round hole." She insisted,
"the processes of genetic engineering and traditional
breeding are different, and according to the technical experts
in the agency, they lead to different risks."31
One such expert was FDA microbiologist Louis Pribyl. "There
is a profound difference between the types of unexpected effects
from traditional breeding and genetic engineering," wrote
Pribyl in a letter to James Maryanski, the FDA's biotech coordinator.
Pribyl said that several aspects of gene splicing "may
be more hazardous."32 According to the New York Times,
"Dr. Pribyl knew from studies that toxins could be unintentionally
created when new genes were introduced into a plant's cells."27 Moreover, Pribyl wrote "there is no certainty that [the
breeders of genetically modified foods] will be able to pick
up effects that might not be obvious." He declared, "This
is the industry's pet idea, namely that there are no unintended
effects that will raise the FDA's level of concern. But time
and time again, there is no data to back up their contention."32
Pribyl was one of many FDA scientists asked to provide input
during the formulation of the FDA's policy on genetically
engineered food. According to Druker, records show that the
majority of these scientists identified potential risks of
genetically modified foods. Druker was the main organizer
of the lawsuit that forced the FDA documents into the public
domain; his nonprofit organization, the Alliance for Bio-Integrity
was the lead plaintiff. Having sorted through tens of thousands
of pages of FDA documents, he described the opinion of the
agency's scientists as follows: "The predominant view
was that genetic engineering entails distinct risks and that
its products cannot be regarded as safe unless they have been
confirmed to be so through appropriate feeding studies."
Druker says several scientists "issued strong warnings."
The Toxicology Group, for example, warned that genetically
modified plants could "contain unexpected high concentrations
of plant toxicants," and described the reasons why these
might be very difficult to identify.33 Their director
wrote, "The possibility of unexpected, accidental changes
in genetically engineered plants justifies a limited traditional
toxicological study."34
The Division of Food Chemistry and Technology outlined four
potential dangers:
1) "Increased levels of known naturally occurring toxins"
2) "Appearance of new, not previously identified"
3) Increased tendency to gather "toxic substances from
the environment" such as "pesticides or heavy metals"
4) "Undesirable alterations in the levels of nutrients."
They warned, "unless genetically engineered plants are
evaluated specifically for these changes," these four
"may escape breeders' attention." The division recommended
testing every genetically modified food "before it enters
the marketplace."35
Gerald Guest, the director of FDA's Center for Veterinary
Medicine (CVM), sent a letter to James Maryanski at the FDA
stating CVM's conclusion that there is "ample scientific
justification" to require testing and review of each
genetically modified food before it is eaten by the public.
He stated, "CVM believes that animal feeds derived from
genetically modified plants present unique animal and food
safety concerns." He pointed out that, "residues
of plant constituents or toxicants in meat and milk products
may pose human food safety concerns."36 Guest
also wrote, "I would urge you to eliminate statements
that suggest that the lack of information can be used as evidence
for no regulatory concern."36
In spite of repeated internal memos outlining the potential
for increased health risks posed by this new technology, subsequent
drafts of the FDA's policy statement, overseen by Taylor,
deleted more and more of the scientist's input. In a fiery
memo to Maryanski, Pribyl challenged the direction the policy
statement had taken: What has happened to the scientific
elements of this document?
Without a sound
scientific base to rest on, this becomes a broad, general,
'What do I have to do to avoid trouble'-type document…
It will look like and probably be just a political document…
It reads very pro-industry, especially in the area of unintended
effects, but contains very little input from consumers and
only a few answers for their concerns.
Pribyl pointed out a glaring inconsistency. He said that while
the FDA policy says "there are no differences between
traditional breeding and [genetic modification]… In
fact the FDA is making a distinction, so why pretend otherwise."
Pribyl also made two eerily accurate predictions:
White House Influence
on FDA Policy
While the FDA's scientists were emphasizing caution and testing,
its leaders were beholden to an altogether different lobbying
effort. A March 1992 memo from FDA Commissioner David Kessler,
confirmed the White House's influence in the crafting of the
agency's policy. "The approach and provisions of the
policy statement are consistent with the general biotechnology
policy established by the Office of the President… It
also responds to White House interest in assuring the safe,
speedy development of the U.S. biotechnology industry."37
Even the draft of the policy Kessler praised as White House-friendly
was subject to further revision as it went up the political
chain of command. A May 1992 Memorandum from the Office of
Management and Budget to President Bush's White House counsel
made the following recommendations.
The policy statement needs to stress the role of decentralized
safety reviews by producers; with informal FDA consultation
only if significant safety or nutritional concerns arise.
It should avoid emphasizing obligatory FDA review and oversight.
The letter also suggested that the following sentence about
genetic engineering be added. "Since these techniques
are more precise, they increase the potential for safe, better
characterized, and more predictable foods."38
Similarly, a memo from the Office of the Assistant Secretary
for Health, at the Department of Health & Human Services,
expressed reservations about the length and depth of the policy
statement's concern for environmental effects of genetically
modified crops. The letter said, "The extensive twelve
page discussion seems to be … dangerously detailed and
drawn-out… In contrast to the sections on food safety,
which properly imply that biotechnology is a fundamentally
innocuous tool of food production and that the fruits of biotechnology
will be substantially equivalent to those with which we are
already familiar, the [environmental] section gives an incorrect
impression that biotechnology raises significant new agricultural
and environmental concerns."39
Politics of Food
These memos reveal that as the evaluators have less and
less background in science and more political accountability,
the foods, and their environmental impact, are regarded
as safer and safer. In the end, it was the political rather
than scientific recommendations that prevailed. The agency
not only ignored its scientists, it claimed their concerns
never existed. The official FDA policy proclaiming ignorance
of any meaningful differences between genetically modified
and non-GM food became the rationale for eliminating any
meaningful oversight.
Other government departments also invoked this political
concept of equivalence in support of their policies. For
example, the State Department's Melinda Kimble, while
negotiating genetically modified trade policy said, "I
want to make very clear that it is the position of the
United States government that we do not believe there
is a difference between GMO and non-GMO commodities."40 Likewise, a March 2003 statement by Speaker of the House
Hastert declared, "There is general consensus among
the scientific community that genetically modified food
is no different from conventional food."41
When the FDA documents
eventually became public, Maryanski defended the agency's
policy. On February 28, 2000, he told the OECD Conference
on GMO Food Safety in Edinburgh, Scotland, that the FDA scientists
had merely been asking questions about the various issues
involved in bio-engineered food. Maryanski was unpleasantly
surprised when Druker, who was a member of the conference,
stood up and invited the audience to read the FDA memos that
were posted on his organization's website. They could see
for themselves that the agency's scientists were not merely
asking questions; many of their statements were quite emphatic
about the unique risks of genetically modified foods.
Maryanski and other FDA officials and representatives throughout
the U.S. government continue to claim there is overwhelming
consensus among scientists that genetically modified foods
are safe. In an October 1991 letter to a Canadian official,
however, Maryanski himself had admitted that this was not
true. He said, "there are a number of specific issues…
for which a scientific consensus does not exist currently,
especially the need for specific toxicology tests." Maryanski
also said, "I think the question of the potential for
some substances to cause allergenic reactions is particularly
difficult to predict."42
Commenting on statements made by FDA scientists, the New
York Times wrote. "The scientists were displaying
precisely the concerns that Monsanto executives from the 1980s
had anticipated - and indeed had considered reasonable. But
now, rather than trying to address those concerns, Monsanto,
the industry and official Washington were dismissing them
as the insignificant worries of the uninformed."43
Many scientists
who understood the dangers, however, were not convinced by
the FDA's assurances. Geneticist David Suzuki, for example,
said, "Any politician or scientist who tells you these
products are safe is either very stupid or lying. The experiments
have simply not been done."44
A January 2001 report from an expert panel of the Royal Society
of Canada likewise supported the conclusions of the FDA scientists.
The report said it was "scientifically unjustifiable"
to presume that genetically modified foods are safe. The report
explains that the "default prediction" for any genetically
modified foods is that "expression of a new gene (and
its products)… will be accompanied by a range of collateral
changes in expression of other genes, changes in the pattern
of proteins produced and/or changes in metabolic activities."
This could result in novel toxins or other harmful substances.
The report emphasized the need for safety testing, looking
for short and long-term human toxicity, allergenicity, and
other health effects.45 P
M. Smith is the author of the explosive new exposé, Seeds of Deception: Exposing Industry and Government Lies
about the Safety of the Genetically Engineered Foods You're
Eating, available at,
at 888.717.7000, or at bookstores near you.
1. Jeff Kamen, "Formula for Disaster," Penthouse,
March 1999
2. Robert Cohen, Milk, the Deadly Poison, Argus Publishing,
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1998
3. James Baxter, The Ottawa Citizen, October 23,
1998, P. Al
4. Ann McIlroy "Pierre Blais thought it was his duty," Globe and Mail (Canada)
5. Steve Wilson, "Secret Canadian Govt. Study Reveals
Serious Faults with bGH Research; FDA Approval Was Based on
Faulty Conclusions?" October 7, 1998,
6. Louis J. Pribyl, "Biotechnology Draft Document, 2/27/92,"
March 6, 1992,
7. "Statement of Policy: Foods Derived from New Plant
Varieties," Federal Register vol. 57, no. 104
at 22991, May 29, 1992
8. Emily Gersema, "FDA Opts against Further Biotech Review,"
Associated Press, June 17, 2003
9. "Expert Panel on the Future of Food Biotechnology,"
January, 2001
10. Paul Brown, "British scientists turn on genetically
modified food," The Guardian, February 5, 2002,
11. Stanley W B Ewen, Arpad Pusztai, "Effect of Diets
Containing Genetically Modified Potatoes Expressing Galanthus
Nivalis Lectin on Rat Small Intestine," Lancet,
Research letters, Volume 354, Number 9187, 16 October 1999
12. Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber, Trust Us, We're
Experts, Jeremy P. Tarcher/ Putnam, New York, 2001, p154
13. Jeffrey M. Smith, Seeds of Deception, Yes! Books,
Fairfield, IA, 2003, pp. 34-38
14. Judith C. Juskevich and C. Greg Guyer, "Bovine Growth
Hormone: Human Food Safety Evaluation," Science,
1990, vol. 249, pp. 875-884
15. Robert Cohen, Milk, the Deadly Poison, Argus
Publishing, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1998
16. Samuel Epstein and Pete Hardin, "Confidential Monsanto
Research Files Dispute Many bGH Safety Claims," The
Milkweed, January 1990
17. Barbara Keeler and Marc Lappé, "Some Food
for FDA Regulation," Los Angeles Times, January
7, 2001
18. GM-FREE Magazine, vol. 1, no. 3, August/September
19. Bill Freese, "A Critique of the EPA's Decision to
Re-Register Bt Crops and an Examination of the Potential Allergenicity
of Bt Proteins," adapted from Friends of the Earth submission to the EPA, Dec. 9, 2001,
20. John Vidal, "GM genes found in human gut," The
Guardian, July 17, 2002,,2763,756666,00.html
21. "The Impact of Genetic Modification on Agriculture,
Food and Health," British Medical Association, Board
of Science and Education, May 1999.
22. Phillip A. Hertzman and others, "The Eosinophilia-Myalgia
Syndrome: The Los Alamos Conference," Journal of
Rheumatology, vol. 18, no. 6, 1991, pp. 867-873
23. S. E. Hankinson, and others, "Circulating concentrations
of insulin-like growth factor 1 and risk of breast cancer," Lancet, vol. 351, no. 9113, 1998, pp. 1393-1396
24. June M. Chan and others, "Plasma Insulin-Like Growth
Factor-1 [IGF-1] and Prostate Cancer Risk: A Prospective Study," Science, vol. 279, January 23, 1998, pp. 563-566
25. Michael Meacher, "Are GM crops safe? Who can say?
Not Blair," The Independent, June 22, 2003
26. Bill Lambrecht, Dinner at the New Gene Café:
How Genetic Engineering Is Changing What We Eat, How We Live,
and the Global Politics of Food, St. Martin's Press,
New York, 2001, p. 139
27. "Expert Panel on the Future of Food Biotechnology,"
January, 2001,
28. Kurt Eichenwald, and others, "Biotechnology Food:
From the Lab to a Debacle," The New York Times,
January 25, 2001
29. "Statement of Policy: Foods Derived From New Plant
Varieties," Federal Register vol. 57, No. 104
at 22991. May 29, 1992
30. Steve Druker,
31. Linda Kahl to James Maryanski, about Federal Register
document "Statement of Policy: Foods from Genetically
Modified Plants," January 8, 1992.
32. Louis J. Pribyl "Biotechnology Draft Document, 2/27/92,"
March 6, 1992,
33. Edwin J. Mathews to the Toxicology Section of the Biotechnology
Working Group. "Analysis of the Major Plant Toxicants."
October 28, 1991,
34. Samuel I. Shibko to James Maryanski, "Revision of
Toxicology Section of the Statement of Policy: Foods Derived
from Genetically Modified Plants," January 31, 1992,
35. Division of Food Chemistry and Technology and Division
of Contaminants Chemistry, "Points to Consider for Safety
Evaluation of Genetically Modified Foods; Supplemental Information,"
November 1, 1991,
36. Gerald B. Guest to James Maryanski, "Regulation of
Transgenic Plants - FDA Draft Federal Register Notice on Food
Biotechnology." February 5, 1992,
37. David Kessler, "FDA Proposed Statement of Policy
Clarifying the Regulation of Food Derived from Genetically
Modified Plants - DECISION." March 20, 1992,
38. James B. MacRae, Jr., Office of Management and Budget,
to C. Boyden Gray, President Bush's White House counsel, "FDA
Food Biotechnology Policy." March 21, 1992,
39. Eric Katz to John Gallivan, "Food Biotechnology Policy
Statement," March 27, 1992,
40. Bill Lambrecht, Dinner at the New Gene Café,
p 322
41. "Speaker Hastert Calls for End of European Union's
'Protectionist, Discriminatory Trade Policies," U.S. Newswire, March 26, 2003
42. James Maryanski, to Dr. Bill Murray, Chairman of the Food
Directorate, Canada, "The safety assessment of foods
and food ingredients developed through new biotechnology,"
October 23, 1991,
43. Kurt Eichenwald, and others, "Biotechnology Food:
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44. Andrea Baillie, "Suzuki Warns of Frankenstein Foods," CP Wire, October 18, 1999
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