In the Burning Time, the possession of a birthmark, mole or supernumary nipple was infallible proof of Witchcraft. The witchfinders had great fun hunting for this evidence and such a mark was quite sufficient to ensure condemnation. Superstition lingers and it is still said that a dimple in the chin is “the mark of the Devil.” (As a child, I spent hours pressing the top of a pen into my chin; it did not work.) In those illogical times, no-one asked the obvious question, why Lucifer should make it easy for his enemies to identify his followers.


The natural human desires to be different and yet to belong are shown in the wearing of badges or symbolic jewellery, now that it is (usually) safe to make apparent one’s beliefs. We have occasionally been asked if there is really a bodily mark to distinguish Satanists, and the answer has to be No, although certain individuals may attribute their own peculiar birthmark to this cause, or have acquired a tattoo (a somewhat hazardous practice) or a brand (proof, at least, of dedication).


How, then, can those who follow the Left Hand Path be recognised, since they do not seek to attract admiration or awe? Perhaps the fact that they do not need such tributes is one indication. Generalisations can be misleading, but I have noticed an innate quality of detachment (“in this world but not of this world”). I am describing an Adept, but we should all aim for this aloofness, whether or not we can maintain the pose; it comes easier with practice.


However, there is not just one Left Hand Path; there are as many ways as there are groups, each with their different methods. Every aspirant should find the one which suits him/her, and this will probably mean trying more than one. No genuine group will have any objection to a neophyte resigning, providing the normal undertaking regarding confidentiality are maintained. Commitment comes very much later, when the member is in a position to give an unqualified pledge.


Commitment – that may be the real distinguishing mark. The hard-won certainty, based on reason not emotion, that this is the way to achieve one’s objectives, and the self-assurance which arises from that decision. An intangible: not nearly so melodramatic as a claw-mark on one’s shoulder, but, to those who possess it and those who have contact with them, it is far more potent.


Anonymous article taken from the Dark Lily Journal No 9, Society of Dark Lily (London 1989).