It was a long, hot summer’s evening. I was just returning from a local meeting of the Aetherius Society (hah!) when I noticed something rather unusual taking place. A thin, iridescent mist was falling from the sky and soon enveloped me. It transformed into a shape that vaguely resembled a human. I blinked, to ensure that my eyes were focussing. Then an unearthly human voice spoke to me… “My Master from the outer world has sent me with the assignment of investigating the beliefs of the inhabitants of the Earth. I have already spoken to a Christian, who tells me there is an ‘Almighty God’, but, when I enquired ‘what is Satanism?’, he looked upon me with horror and called me an Evil Spirit. Can you please tell me what Satanism is?”


Indeed I can, follow me…


Religions, Christian or otherwise, serves its purpose for the weak individuals, or the sheep, as I prefer to call them. They are insignificant little people, who bend their knees to a hypothetical superior being called “God”. They cannot physically see him and they do not even have any proof of his existence.


Most Humans are content to believe in this ‘external super-power’. It is their emotional crutch. It is the only thing that keeps these sickly Humans functioning.


The only belief which is an exception to this is Satanism, which is also the least understood, as the average person is unwilling to wake up to reality and the authorities treat is as a threat. Indeed, it is a threat to them anyway. If there were an upsurge in Satanic philosophy, the system would have to change somewhat, and the authorities see this as a dangerous prospect. With this in mind, they link with the Christian Church to suppress the masses with terrifying propaganda. “Keep away! Lest ye be devoured by evil forces.”


The Satanist laughs, as the Christian Bible itself states “God created man in his own image.” How true! And who is this ‘God’? It is Man himself. (A normal biological process – a continuation of the species.)


Psychiatrists say that the average human uses about 3% of his brain capacity. The other 97% is “unknown”. In this 97% somewhere is your ‘God’. It is the 97% unexplored. It could well be our ‘Occult’, where the unexplained becomes known and the impossible becomes possible.


Instead of looking for external signs and wonders, as the mystics do, the Satanist uses introspection and realises his true potential. The Satanist realises that he is, indeed, his own ‘God’. It gives him a greater sense of value and self-esteem. We have the victory to overcome all psychological barriers, fear, depression, inferiority complexes, as these only make it difficult for us to realise our true self. We must love ourselves. Are we not truly divine? If we look at some Christian biblical scriptures, taking them metaphorically rather than literally, we can expound some sense from them (and some good Satanic philosophy!)



            FATHER, SON                                                                       (HOLY SPIRIT

FATHER & SON both describe                                                                       OF MAN)

a HUMAN BEING                  -                       that being          -                       GOD.

And that God is YOU if you are a Satanist!


“Excuse me for interrupting,” said the Alien, “but what’s all the talk of sacrifice, blood and dancing around an open fire?”


Nothing more than a fiction-writer’s over-imagination. A fiction-writer’s aim is to sensationalise. He is not interested in facts, only in selling his work. There is no such thing as “Black” or “White” Magick – only Magick. It is only the intention of the operator which is referred to as either of these. “White Magicians” are no better than Christians, who believe in external forces and that, by manipulating these forces, they will achieve one-ness with God... eventually!.. and adorn themselves in a false sense of spirituality!


The Satanist has already achieved one-ness with his ‘God’, his magickal endeavours are directed towards ‘materialism’ and are effectively used as weapons if the need arises.


We are the elite and it therefore makes sense that, in our awareness of our supremacy over the conditioned multitudes, though we do not condone their conditioned responses to the stimuli which society provides, we leave them to their own devices and respect their views. We do not kill or do anyone an injustice... unless it is necessary to maintain our survival.


But am I right in thinking that Satanists worship someone called ’Satan’ or ‘the Devil’?” enquired the Alien.


He who affirms the Devil creates or makes the Devil, and that is psycho-logical! When, for example, a Magician of whatever persuasion assumes a god-form, he/she unknowingly unlocks the door of his/her subconscious and taps into some internalised behaviour structures, which exhibit themselves externally in the person involved in the ritual. The possession syndrome is obsolete. Demons do not exist. They are a facet of the subconscious mind which has been disturbed during ritual.


Satanists are not restricted by observances of full moons, solstices or equinoxes, as our ritual successes do not rely on external forces. This is the main obstacle to many newcomers to the Left Hand Path.


Anonymous article taken from the Dark Lily Journal No 6, Society of Dark Lily (London 1988).