Editorial DL12


The following four pages are reproduced by permission of the SORCERER'S APPRENTICE LEGAL FIGHTING FUND.

This reproduction is necessary because, regrettably, only a comparatively small number of DL readers have joined SA and have therefore received a copy of this bulletin. To those of you who have joined, we are proud to stand with you. To those who have not joined: SAFF is campaigning on behalf of all Occultists. That includes you. The successes already achieved and those yet to come, are for the benefit of all Occultists, in Britain and overseas. How much longer are you going to sit on the sidelines whilst someone else fights your battles for you?


If this sounds like an army recruiting posted... in a way, it is. This is a war. No-one has been killed yet (for which you can thank Lucifer, or good luck, or whatever else you believe in). But there have been injuries, mental and physical, and property has been damaged (SA was firebombed - so we can call this the Second Burning Time).


You don't have to stand in the front line. You don't have to put yourself or your livelihood in danger. Chris Bray is doing that; for all of us, to ensure that we continue to have the right to practise our beliefs. What we are asking from you is support: a donation to the fund; letter-writing when required; information on anything relevant which comes to your attention.


When it's all over, the next generation of Occultists is going to ask: "What did you do during the Second Burning Time?"


What are you going to reply?



Anonymous article taken from the Dark Lily Journal No 12, Society of Dark Lily (London 1991).