Druid Library

The contents of this CD-ROM (in PDF-files):  

Die Druiden aus: Initiatenorden und Mysterienschulen / Lothar Diehl    
Druiden aus: Die Unfehlbaren / Peter Wendling   

United Ancient Order of Druids

Ancient Order of Druids

International Grand Lodge of Druidry

Deutscher Druiden-Orden V.A.O.D. 

Schweizerischer Druidenorden V.A.O.D.

Den Norske Druidenorden

Svenska Druid-Orden


Deze CD-Rom is te bestellen door € 30,00 over te maken op postbankrekening 5587552 tnv Stichting Argus te Utrecht, ovv. 'Druid Library'.

You can order this CD-Rom by payment of € 30,00 via Paypal to [email protected] (subject Druid Library), or send an email to this address for an invoice and instructions.