Druid Library
contents of this CD-ROM (in PDF-files):
Ancient Order of Druids
Ritual of the United Ancient Order of Druids, Western Australia
Ritual of the Subordinate Circles of the Grand Circle of California, 1958
Royal Arch Chapter Ritual, U.K.
Constitution, By-Laws and Rules of Order of the Grand Grove of the U.A.O.D. of the United States of America, 1875
General Laws for the Government of the South Australian United Ancient Order of Druids, 1947
Supplementary Laws Royal Arch Chapter U.A.O.D., 1933
Rules of the Loyal City of Bristol Lodge No. 383 U.A.O.D., 1926
Ancient Order of Druids
Primitive Degree Ritual, 1931
Primitive Degree Ritual, 1935
Primitive Degree Ritual, 1948
Royal Arch Lecture
Consecration Ceremony, ± 1950s
Consecration Ceremony, ± 1970s
Introductory Book, 1929
Introductory Book Containing the Constitutional Laws, 1967
Directory of Lodges, June 1963
Fact Sheet The Druids
Report on the Fourth Annual Conference, 1965
Voluntary Benevolent Fund - Manual 1980
The Origin and the History of the Voluntary Benevolent Fund
International Grand Lodge of Druidry
Ritual, 1952
Deutscher Druiden-Orden V.A.O.D.
Grundgesetz des Deutschen Druiden-Ordens V.A.O.D., 1930
Wir über Uns Loge Marsentreue
Druiden in Dithmarschen
Der Deutsche Druiden-Orden / Wolf J Bütow
Schweizerischer Druidenorden V.A.O.D.
Statuten, 2006
Camelot Basel, Band 1
Den Norske Druidenorden
Various copies of the magazine Barden
Svenska Druid-Orden
Various copies of the magazine Svensk druid Tidning
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You can order this CD-Rom by payment of € 30,00 via Paypal to [email protected]
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