Knights of Pythias Library


A comprehensive collection of publications and rituals that are (or were) used in the various orders of Knights of Pythias and appendant bodies. This CD-Rom consists of some very rare rituals of Pythian side-degrees, such as the Knights of Khorassan, the Nomads of Avrudaka and the Ancient Order of the Orient. 

The contents of this CD-ROM (in PDF-files):  

Knights of Pythias

Ritual for Subordinate Lodges, 1948

Ritual for Subordinate Lodges, 1954

Senator, 1924
Pythian Floor Work: A Manual for Knights of Pythias Drill Teams / W.F. Spicer, 1909

Drill Regulations Uniform Rank Knights of Pythias, 1904

Revised Knights of Pythias Illustrated, 1906

The Pythian Story

Knights of Pythias: An Exposition of the Society, 1889

Pythian Manual, Containing Historical facts, 1912

Manual for Subordinate Lodges, 1958

Official Examiniation in the Rank of Page (old)

Official Examiniation in the Rank of Page (new)

Official Examiniation in the Rank of Esquire (old)

Official Examiniation in the Rank of Esquire (new)

Official Examiniation in the Rank of Knight (old)

Official Examiniation in the Rank of Knight (new)

Pythian Sisters

            Ritual, Containing the Forms, Ceremonies, Emblems, Regalia etc., 1970

Dramatic Order of Knights of Khorassan

            Constitution and Statutes of the Imperial Palace, 1963  
            Ritual, 1958

Nomads of Avrudaka

            Samhita (a ritual), 1928

Ancient Order of the Orient

            Knights of the Orient Illustrated: the full illustrated ritual, 1905

Knights of Pythias of N.A., S.A., E., A., A. and A.

            Constitutions and Supreme Statutes, 1949
            Latest Ritual, n.d.
            Installation Service and Funeral Ceremonies of the Supreme Lodge, n.d.
            Initiation in the Fifth, or Heraldic Rank, The Grand Lodge Degree, n.d.
            The New Universal Pythian Catechism, containing the Historic and Exoteric work, 1958

 Order of Calanthe

            Ritualistic Ceremonies, 1970s
            Ritualistic Ceremonies of the Juvenile Department of the Order of Calanthe, 1918

Knights of Pythagorus

            Ritual (Emergency and Founding ed.), n.d.

Pythian International, april 2004
Pythian International, july 2004
Pythian International, fall 2004

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