Woodmen / Foresters Library

A collection of rituals and documentation of various fraternal organizations related to woods, including some orders that merged with Woodmen or Forester orders.

The contents of this CD-ROM (in PDF-files):  

Modern Woodmen of America

Official Ritual of Modern Woodmen of America, 1939
Drill and Axe Manual (Vol. 1 – Floor Drills), 1900 
Ritual for Women’s Camps, 1929 
By-Laws, 1897 

Patriottic Order of Junior Woodmen

Ritual, 1904

Royal Neighbors of America

Rituals for Local Camps 1921
Ritual for Local Camps, 1951 


Woodmen of the World

Ritual, 1903 
Ritual of the Sovereign Camp, 1897 
Drill Regulations Uniform Rank, 1914 

Woodmen Circle

Ritual for Local Groves Supreme Forest Woodmen Circle, 1926 

United Order of the Golden Cross

Ritual for Subordinate Commanderies, 1905
Constitution and Laws, 1891

Order of Railroad Telegraphers

Constitution, 1919 

Ancient Order of United Workmen

Ritual, 1924 
By-Laws and General Laws, 1918

Southern Woodmen

Ritual, 1915

Eminent Household of Columbian Woodmen

Authentic Ritual, 1910


Ancient Order of Foresters (AOF)

Simplified and Amplified Ritual, 1907 
Ritual of the AOF of America, 1891  
Ritual of the AOF of New Zealand, 1962
General Laws of the High Court US, 1909 
AOF 1834-1984 150 years / Walter G. Cooper 
The AOF : Its Evolution 1834-2000 / Audrey Fisk 
Grandfather was in the AOF 
By the Members - For the Members
In Sickness and the Promotion of Health

Independent Order of Foresters (IOF)

Ritual for Subordinate Courts, 1896
Ritual for Subordinate Courts, 1986
Ritual of the Royal Foresters, 1892  
Foresters Illustrated, United Order of Foresters / Independent Order of Foresters, 1895
Ritual of the Juvenile Foresters IOF, 1892  
Constitution IOF 2001
Fraternally Yours : A History of the IOF, 1967

Order of Scottish Clans  

Ritual of a Subordinate Clan, 1940
Ritual of a Ladies' Auxiliary, 1952  
Ritual Daughters of Scotia, Ladies' Auxiliary, 1975

Brotherhood of the American Yeomen

Ritual, 1927 
Ritual, n.d.

Catholic Order of Foresters

Ceremonial 1926

National Catholic Society of Foresters

Ritual, 1969

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