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[DIR]1 - SEE - Sacred Books of the East (SBE), series of 50 Vols. 1879-1910/ -
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[DOC]1 - Sacred Texts Timeline - www.sacred-texts.com.doc210K
[PDF]Religion in Japan, Shintoism, Buddhism, Christianity - George Augustus Cobbold 1905 A.O.pdf8.9M
[PDF]Shinran and His Work, Studies in Shinshu Theology - Arthur Lloyd 1910 A.O.pdf 15M
[PDF]Shinto, The Way of the Gods - William George Aston 1905 A.O.pdf 23M
[PDF]Shinto, the Ancient Religion of Japan - William George Aston 1921 A.O.pdf4.1M
[DOC]THE KOJIKI - R.H. Chamberlain, translator 1882.doc117K
[DOC]The Nihongi (excerpts), translated by W.G. Ashton, 1896.doc257K
[PDF]The Political Philosophy of Modern Shinto, State Religion of Japan - Daniel Clarence Holtom 1922 A.O.pdf 22M
[PDF]The Shinto Cult; a Christian Study of the Ancient Religion of Japan - Milton Spenser Terry 1910 A.O.pdf5.8M
[DOC]The Yengishiki or Shinto Rituals.doc 41K