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Hartmann, Carl Heinrich

( ? -1887). Hartmann was a noted Australian horticulturist whose name was given to a number of new species of plants and insects. He was born in Germany and emigrated to Australia about 1850, settling at Toowoomba in Queensland. He was devoted to theosophy and willed his estate, worth about £5,000, to the Theosophical Society (TS). The family protested and in 1891 Henry S. Olcott undertook a special visit to Australia to investigate their claim. Olcott decided that the estate should be sold to the Hartmann family for a nominal sum of £1,000 plus £130 to cover his expenses. In consequence of this generous settlement all the Hartmann family joined the TS thus forming the nucleus of the Australian Section. Hartmann died in December 1887.

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