I have read the communication
of "H. M." in your paper of the 8th inst. I would not have mentioned
the "Todas" at all in my book, if I had not read a very elaborate
octavo work in 271 pp., by William S. Marshall, Lieut.-Col. of Her Majestys
Bengal Staff Corps, entitled: A Phrenologist among the Todas, copiously
illustrated with photographs of the squalid and filthy beings to whom "H.
M." refers. Though written by a staff officer, assisted "by the
Rev. Friedrich Metz, of the Basle Missionary Society, who had spent upwards
of twenty years of labour" among them, "the only European able
to speak the obscure Toda tongue," the book is so full of misrepresentations though
both writers appear to be sincere that I wrote what I did.
What I said I knew to be true, and I do not retract a single word. If
neither "H. M." nor Lieut.-Col. Marshall, nor the Rev. Mr. Metz
have penetrated the secret that lies behind the dirty huts of the aborigines
they have seen, that is their misfortune, not my fault.
[From the London Spiritualist.
New York, March 18th, 1878
H. P. Blavatsky