Version-nr: 1.21

- Article 'Zoroaster in “History” and Zarathustra in the Secret Records' Vol 3 page 449-468 is now available fully as text, no scanned pages anymore
- Added article "An interpetretation of the vision, by Serjeant" Vol 8 page 287-292
- re-imported the Cum. Index from CDROM using Word and correcting most OCR errors on the CDROM
- added a search facility powered by
- checked all pages of all volumes (but vol XV, see elsewhere) for missing items (1 article to be included, is being paid attention to)
- all tables and layout are now ok Some are now better than on the CDROM with color and higher resolution to make them readable.
- 99.9 % of the wrong converted characters corrected using a white magic tool called 'Grep" of the wizard unix
- all 4 missing articels now also included, only Vol III 1882_010 still has last few pages as scanned in from book
- all pagenumbers filled in at root-level, checked if all articles are complete, 4 bugs on CDROM found

I have marked places with Greec or Hebrew with <cwo_greec> and <cwo_hebrew> but may may not have found them all. Insertings the real Greec and Hebrew is ons of the first things to do but will be interesting for a small group of readers that should maybe buy the books. Notice that the Greec and Hebrew texts are also missing on the CDROM on which this online version is based.

Italic text has not been included in italics. I plan to look for "italics" in the text and take action on it, for example "italics by HPB" so that the italics by HPB will be present.

Ton den Hartog