"Understanding reality does not
necessarily depend on the kind of food one eats; one may be a vegetarian
and be vicious and dull, or a meat-eater and be intelligent in the widest
sense. If one overeats, it is an indication of thoughtlessness; moderate
and rational diet is necessary to alert thought."
1940 7th Public Talk, Oak Grove Talks, Ojai |
Question: If one lives free of such vices as the use of alcohol
and tobacco and follows a strictly vegetarian diet, can this not be a
great factor in helping one to understand your teachings?
Krishnamurti: Please. It is not what you put into your mouth that gives you understanding. (Laughter) What gives you understanding is facing life directly, simply and truly. But by merely giving up meat, alcohol or tobacco you are not going to understand reality. A great many people have given up these things, hoping for happiness. Fulfilment lies not in giving up but in understanding. Mind cannot be a slave to fear and to illusions. Discover first the impediments, the limitations which cripple the mind and heart, and when you liberate yourself from them, then there will be intelligent and natural existence. 1935 3rd Public Talk in Santiago, Chile |
Question: Do you think that pure food has anything to do with the
fulfillment of your ideas of life? Are you a vegetarian? (Laughter)
Krishnamurti: You know, humour is impersonal. I hope that the questioner is not hurt when people laugh. If I am a vegetarian, what of it? It is not what goes into your mouth that will free you, but the finding out of true values, from which arises complete action. 1933 4th Public Talk, Frognerseteren Norway |