"Reality is the interval between two thoughts."

Unknown source

"...the man who is experiencing reality from moment to moment has no means of communicating that reality."

The First and Last Freedom, p.205

"If you know reality, you cannot surrender to it; you cease to exist; there is no surrendering to a higher will."

The First and Last Freedom, p.214

"...reality is not in the distance; the unknown is not far off; it is in what is."

The First and Last Freedom, p.265

"It was a beautiful day, a cloudless day, a day of shadows and light...Shadows are more alive than the reality; the shadows are longer, deeper, richer; they seem to have a life of their own, independent and protecting; there is a peculiar satisfaction in their invitation. The symbol becomes more important than the reality. The symbol gives a shelter; it is easy to take comfort in its shelter. You can do what you will with it, it will never contradict, it will never change; it can be covered with garlands or ashes.

There's an extraordinary satisfaction in a dead thing, in a picture, in a conclusion, in a word. They are dead, past all recalling and there is pleasure in the many smells of yesterday. The brain is always the yesterday, and today is the shadow of yesterday, and tomorrow is the continuation of that shadow, somewhat changed but it still smells of yesterday. So the brain lives and has its being in shadows; it is safer, more comforting."

Krishnamurti's Notebook, p.54

"Reality is not to be reached through detachment; it is unattainable through any means. All means and ends are a form of attachment, and they must cease for the being of reality."

Commentaries on Living, First Series, p.36

"You cannot search out reality; you must cease for reality to be."

Commentaries on Living, First Series, p.46

"Reality is not the opposite of illusion, of the false, and if you try to approach it as an opposite it will never come into being. Reality can be only when the opposites cease."

Commentaries on Living, First Series, p.49

"There is no intermediary between you and reality; and if there is one, he is a perverter, a mischief-maker, it does not matter who he is, whether the highest saviour or your latest guru or teacher."

Commentaries on Living, First Series, p.66

"Reality cannot be experienced. It is. If the experiencer thinks he experiences reality, then he knows only illusion."

Commentaries on Living, First Series, p.74