SUNRISE: Theosophic Perspectives
Articles from back issues, organized by volume
Volumes 25-29: October 1975 - September 1980
Volume 25: October 1975 - September 1976
Volume 26: October 1976 - September 1977
- "Grandmother Sirius, Brother Vulture" by Ida Postma (Oct 76)
- "On the Sun, Planets, and Meteoric Veils" by KH and G. de Purucker (Oct 76)
- "The Radiant Thread of Egyptian Myth" by I. M. Oderberg (Nov 76)
- "Bright Space, Son of Dark Space: Creation in the Qabbalah" by Grace F. Knoche (Nov 76)
- "As Old as Time: Welsh Creation Myths" by E. A. Holmes (Nov 76)
- "I, the Great Mystery" by Blair A. Moffett (Nov 76)
- "Origin of Ages: Norse Creation Myth" by Elsa-Brita Titchenell (Nov 76)
- "A Dream Dreaming Us . . ." by Ida Postma (Nov 76)
- "That Man Might Arise: Maori Creation Myth" by Andrew Rooke (Nov 76)
- "Renovation Follows Renovation without Cease" by Robert Rensselaer (Nov 76)
- "The Book of God" by Eloise Hart (Dec 76) (Zoroastrianism, pt 1)
- "Web of Compassion" by Esther P. Littlewood (Dec 76)
- "Songs of the Quiet Heart" by Bill Dougherty (Jan 77)
- "The Story of Beginnings" by Eloise Hart (Zoroastrianism, pt 2) (Jan 77)
- "The Path of the Here and Now" by Bill Dougherty (Feb 77)
- "The Prophet of Light" by Eloise Hart (Zoroastrianism, pt 3) (Feb 77)
- "The Vast Individual" by Eloise Hart (Zoroastrianism, pt 4) (Apr 77)
- "The Golden Mean: On Chapter 6 of the Bhagavad-Gita" by William Q. Judge (Apr 77)
- "The Vision of Ardai Viraf" by Eloise Hart (Zoroastrianism, pt 5) (Jun/Jul 77)
- "Druids: Adepts or Savages?" by E. A. Holmes (Aug/Sep 77)
Volume 27: October 1977 - September 1978
Volume 28: October 1978 - September 1979
Volume 29: October 1979 - September 1980
Sunrise Back Issues Menu