STUDY GROUP in the Montreal,Que -
West Island area
part of the CANADIAN
KALAHAMSA STUDY GROUP - Schedule for September 2007 to May 18th, 2008 | |||
Secretary for the group | Suzanne | 514-630-3833 | |
e-mail: [email protected] | |||
of meeting: |
Date of meetings | Sundays
12.30 to 2.30 P.M. Subject of discussion: to be defined |
Kirkland Library, 17100 Hymus Blvd, Kirkland, QC |
2007 | September 16 | |
October 21 | |||
November 18 | |||
December 16 | |||
2008 | January 27 | ||
February 17 | |||
March 16 | |||
April 13 | |||
May 18 |
KALAHAMSA LIBRARY BOOKS | Beaconsfield, Que. 514- 630-3833 |
[Insights into the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi library] | |
Evidence for Survival: from claimed memories of | |
Inspirations from the Ancient Wisdom; At Feet of Master; Light on the Path; Voice of Silence. | |
Gifts of the Lotus [book of daily meditations | Adyar |
The Healing Energy of Love (a personal journal) | Allen, John |
Ahimsa: Dynamic Compassion | Altman, Nathaniel |
The Divine Plan | Barborka, Geoffrey A. |
The Mahatma Letters to A.P.Sinnett | Barker, A.T. |
Mahatma Letters to A.P.Sinnett & A.O.Hume | Barker, A.T. |
Daily Meditations | Beechey, K.A. |
Self-Knowledge: A Yoga for the West | Bendit, Laurence |
Everyone’s Guide to Theosophy | Benjamin, Harry |
Esoteric Christianity | Besant, Annie |
From The Outer Court to the Inner Sanctum | Besant, Annie |
Hinduism (booklet) | Besant, Annie |
Man and His Bodies |
Besant, Annie |
Reincarnation | Besant, Annie |
The Ancient Wisdom | Besant, Annie |
The Pedigree of Man | Besant, Annie |
Thought Power | Besant, Annie |
The Doctrine of The Heart | Besant, Annie |
Jataka Tales: Birth Stories of the Buddha | Beswick, Ethel |
A Blavatsky Quotation Book | Blavatsky, H.P. |
Isis Unveiled- Volumes 1 & 2 -combined | Blavatsky, H.P. |
Practical Occultism | Blavatsky, H.P. |
The Key to Theosophy | Blavatsky, H.P. |
The Roots of Ritualism in Church & Masonry (booklet) | Blavatsky, H.P. |
Voice of the Silence ( Copy 1) | Blavatsky, H.P. |
Five Years of Theosophy [Articles by H.P.Blavatsky] | Blavatsky, H.P. |
From the Caves and Jungles of Hindustan - HPB's and Olcott's trip through India | Blavatsky, H.P. |
Isis Unveiled | Blavatsky, H.P. |
Key to Theosophy, The [First copy] | Blavatsky, H.P. |
Key to Theosophy, The [Second copy] | Blavatsky, H.P. |
Theosophical Glossary | Blavatsky, H.P. |
Voice of the Silence ( Copy 1) | Blavatsky, H.P. |
The Wheel of Rebirth (novel of re-incarnation) | Challoner, H.K. |
The Evolution of Integral Consciousness | Chaudhuri, Haridas |
Trust yourself to Life | Codd, Clara M. |
On The Path + Essay on Karma [Copy 1] |
Collins, Mabel |
Through The Gates of Gold | Collins, Mabel |
On The Path + Essay on Karma [Copy 2] |
Collins, Mabel |
Theosophy Simplified |
Cooper, Irving S. |
An experience of Enlightenment | Courtois, Flora |
Self Transformation Through Music | Crandall, Joanne |
Reincarnation: an East -West Anthology | Cranston, S. & J.Head (Edited by .. |
The Art of Inner Listening | Crum, Jessie K. |
Opening the Eye of New Awareness | Dalai Lama |
Fountain Source of Occultism | De Purucker, G. |
Collected Writings of H.P.Blavatsky - Vol.1/15 [1874-1878] | De Zirkoff, Boris |
Collected Writings of H.P.Blavatsky - Vol.10/15 [1888-1889] | De Zirkoff, Boris |
Collected Writings of H.P.Blavatsky - Vol.11/15 [1889] | De Zirkoff, Boris |
Collected Writings of H.P.Blavatsky - Vol.12/15 [1889-1890] | De Zirkoff, Boris |
Collected Writings of H.P.Blavatsky - Vol.13/15 [1890-1891] | De Zirkoff, Boris |
Collected Writings of H.P.Blavatsky - Vol.14/15 Miscellaneous | De Zirkoff, Boris |
Collected Writings of H.P.Blavatsky - Vol.15/15 - Index | De Zirkoff, Boris |
Collected Writings of H.P.Blavatsky - Vol.2/15 [1879-1880] | De Zirkoff, Boris |
Collected Writings of H.P.Blavatsky - Vol.3/15 [1881-1882] | De Zirkoff, Boris |
Collected Writings of H.P.Blavatsky - Vol.4/15 [1882-1883] | De Zirkoff, Boris |
Collected Writings of H.P.Blavatsky - Vol.5/15 [1883] | De Zirkoff, Boris |
Collected Writings of H.P.Blavatsky - Vol.6/15 [1883-1885] | De Zirkoff, Boris |
Collected Writings of H.P.Blavatsky - Vol.7/15 [1886-1887] | De Zirkoff, Boris |
Collected Writings of H.P.Blavatsky - Vol.8/15 [1887] | De Zirkoff, Boris |
Collected Writings of H.P.Blavatsky - Vol.9/15 [1888] | De Zirkoff, Boris |
The Astral Light (booklet) | Edge, H.T. |
Psychism & the Unconscious Mind | Edmunds, H.Tudor |
The Cross and The Grail |
Elwood, Robert |
Illustrated Encyclopedia of Buddhist Wisdom | Farrar-Halls, Gill |
Tibetan Healing: Modern Legacy of Medicine Buddha |
Fenton, Peter |
A Mind to Embrace the Universe (booklet) | Gardner, E.L. |
Chains and Rounds (booklet) | Gardner, E.L. |
Whence Come the Gods and related studies | Gardner, E.L. |
The Wider View (Studies in the Secret Doctrine) | Gardner, E.L. |
A Yoga of Light (pamphlet) | Geoffrey Hodson |
The Prophet | Gibran, Kahlil |
The Waking Dream:Unlocking symbolic language of our lives | Grasse, Ray |
Karma —The Universal Law of harmony | Hanson, V. & Stewart, R.- (Edited by |
H.P. Blavatsky and the Secret Doctrine | Hanson, Virginia |
The Golden Stairs commentary (booklet) | Harris, Iverson |
The Hidden Wisdom in The Holy Bible-Vol.III | Hodson, Geoffrey |
The Supreme Splendour | Hodson, Geoffrey |
Jung and The Lost Gospels | Hoeller,Stephan A. |
Jungian Symbolism in Astrology | Howell, Alice O. |
Concentration and Meditation | Humphries, Christmas |
Studies in the Middle Way | Humphries, Christmas |
Master Teach me (booklet) | Ianthe Hoskins |
Uncovering Wisdom of the Heart-Mind | Jensen, Lin |
Christ and Buddha | Jinarajadasa, C. |
The Ocean of Theosophy | Judge, W.Q. |
Notes on the Bhagavad-Gita | Judge, W.Q. & Crosbie, Robert |
The Bhagavad Gita | Judge, William Quan |
Gnostics and Their Remains -Secret Doctrine Series | King, C.W. |
Tarot & the Tree of Life: Finding everyday wisdom in Minor arcana | Kliegman, I.R. |
Freedom From the Known | Krishnamurti, J. |
Krishnamurti’s Notebook | Krishnamurti, J. |
The Quest of the Quiet Mind | Krishnamurti, J. |
The Wholeness of Life | Krishnamurti, J. |
Think on these Things | Krishnamurti, J. |
Truth is a Pathless Land | Krishnamurti, J. |
The Creative Hierarchies: co-workers with God | Lavender, E. |
A Textbook of Theosophy | Leadbeater, C.W. |
Man Visible and Invisible | Leadbeater, C.W. |
The Astral Plane | Leadbeater, C.W. |
H.P.Blavatsky: Her life and Work for Humanity | Leighton-Cleather, Alice |
Astrology Beyond Ego | Lyons, Tim |
Reincarnation In Christianity | MacGreggor, Geddes |
King Arthur’s Round Table of the Zodiac | Maltwood, K.E. |
The Creative Silence | Mehta, Rohit |
The Way Beyond: An Overview of Spiritual Practices | Mikulas, William L. |
Through Temple Doors: studies in Occult Masonry | Mitchell, Roy |
Creative Attitudes (pamphlet) | Morgan, Fred |
Golden Threads in the Tapestry of History - Point Loma | Morris, Kenneth |
The Secret Oral Teachings in Tibetan Buddhist Sects | Neel, Alexandra-David-& Lama |
The Goddess Re-Awakening | Nicholson, Shirley |
Feasts of Light: based on Egyptian Goddess Mysteries | Normandi, Ellis |
The Future is Now: the significance of precognition | Osborn, Arthur W. |
The Lord’s Prayer (booklet) | Pearson, Norman E. |
Reincarnation for Everyone (booklet) |
Perkins, James S. |
Marry Your Muse | Phillips, Jan |
The Astral Body | Powell, A.E. |
An Abridgment of the Secret Doctrine | Preston, Elizabeth & Humphreys, Christmas-Editors |
An Encounter With Awareness | Puligandha, Ramakrishna |
The Spiritual Image in Modern art | Regier, Kathleen |
Out of the Silence (booklet) | Rhodes, James |
Doctrine of Cycles (booklet) | Ross, Lydia |
Culture, Crisis and Creativity | Rudhyar, Dane |
Rhythm of Woleness | Rudhyar, Dane |
What is Theosophy? (booklet) | Ryan, C.J. |
Psychic Powers (booklet) | Savage, Helen |
Buddhism – [Outline of Teaching and Schools] |
Schuuman, Hans Wolfgang |
A Renaissance of the Spirit / new way to see ourselves- | Scott, Mary |
Legends of the Sufis | Shah, Dries prefaced by |
The Passionate Necessity: a view of human purpose | Shearman, Hugh |
The Theatre of The Mind | Skolimowski, Henrijk |
Hatha Yoga: simplified course | Slater, Wallace |
Intelligence came First [Copy 1] |
Smith, Lester B. |
Intelligence came Fir st [Copy 2] |
Smith, Lester B. |
The Yoga of the Bhagavad Gita | Sri Krishna Prem |
An approach to Reality | Sri Ram, N. |
Life's Deeper Aspects | Sri Ram, N. |
Thoughts For Aspirants | Sri Ram, N. |
Former Incarnations | Stevenson. Ian |
East Meets West : The Transpersonal Approach |
Stewart, Rosemarie |
Man, God and the Universe | Taimni, I.K. |
Self-Culture in the Light of Occultism | Taimni, I.K. |
The Science of Yoga | Taimni, I.K. |
The Secret of Self-Realization | Taimni, I.K. |
The Ultimate Reality and Realization | Taimni, I.K. |
The Mystery of Healing | Theosophical Research Centre |
Hierarchies (booklet) | Van Pelt, G. W. |
Rounds and Races (booklet) | Van Pelt, G.W. |
New Encyclopedia of Freemasonry | Waite, A.E. |
Up From Eden (booklet) | Wilber, Ken |
Basic Ideas of Occult Wisdom | Winner, A.K. |
Mahatmas and Chelas (booklet) | Wright, L.L. |
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Canadian Theosophical Association (a regional association of the Theosophical
Society in Adyar)
89 Promenade Riverside,
St-Lambert, QC J4R 1A3
To reach the President - Pierre Laflamme dial 450-672-8577
or Toll Free - from all of Canada 866-277-0074
or you can telephone the national secretary at 905-455-7325
website: http://www.theosophical.ca