KALAHAMSA STUDY GROUP in the Montreal,Que - West Island area

KALAHAMSA STUDY GROUP - Schedule for September 2007 to May 18th, 2008
Secretary for the group   Suzanne 514-630-3833
e-mail: [email protected]  
Place of meeting:
  Date of meetings Sundays 12.30 to 2.30 P.M.

Subject of discussion:
to be defined
This activity is not offered by the culture and recreation department and the Kirkland Library is not responsible for its content

Kirkland Library,
17100 Hymus Blvd,
Kirkland, QC
2007 September 16
October 21
November 18
December 16
2008 January 27
February 17
March 16
April 13
May 18

KALAHAMSA LIBRARY BOOKS Beaconsfield, Que. 514- 630-3833
[Insights into the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi  library]  
Evidence for Survival: from claimed memories of  
Inspirations from the Ancient Wisdom; At Feet of Master; Light on the Path; Voice of Silence.  
Gifts of the Lotus [book of daily meditations Adyar
The Healing Energy of Love (a personal journal) Allen, John
Ahimsa:  Dynamic Compassion Altman, Nathaniel
The Divine Plan Barborka, Geoffrey A.
The Mahatma Letters to A.P.Sinnett Barker, A.T.
Mahatma Letters to A.P.Sinnett & A.O.Hume Barker, A.T.
Daily Meditations Beechey, K.A.
Self-Knowledge: A Yoga for the West Bendit, Laurence
Everyone’s Guide to Theosophy Benjamin, Harry
Esoteric Christianity Besant, Annie
From The Outer Court to the Inner Sanctum Besant, Annie
Hinduism  (booklet) Besant, Annie

Man and His Bodies

Besant, Annie
Reincarnation Besant, Annie
The Ancient Wisdom Besant, Annie
The Pedigree of Man Besant, Annie
Thought Power  Besant, Annie
The Doctrine of The Heart Besant, Annie
Jataka Tales: Birth Stories of the Buddha Beswick, Ethel
A Blavatsky Quotation Book Blavatsky, H.P.
Isis Unveiled- Volumes 1 & 2 -combined Blavatsky, H.P.
Practical Occultism Blavatsky, H.P.
The Key to Theosophy Blavatsky, H.P.
The Roots of Ritualism in Church & Masonry (booklet) Blavatsky, H.P.
Voice of the Silence ( Copy 1)  Blavatsky, H.P.
Five Years of Theosophy [Articles by H.P.Blavatsky] Blavatsky, H.P.
From the Caves and Jungles of Hindustan - HPB's and Olcott's trip through India Blavatsky, H.P.
Isis Unveiled Blavatsky, H.P.
Key to Theosophy, The      [First copy] Blavatsky, H.P.
Key to Theosophy, The      [Second copy] Blavatsky, H.P.
Theosophical Glossary Blavatsky, H.P.
Voice of the Silence ( Copy 1)  Blavatsky, H.P.
The Wheel of Rebirth (novel of re-incarnation) Challoner, H.K.
The Evolution of Integral Consciousness Chaudhuri, Haridas
Trust yourself to Life Codd, Clara M.
Light On The Path + Essay on Karma [Copy 1]
Collins, Mabel
Through The Gates of Gold Collins, Mabel
Light On The Path + Essay on Karma [Copy 2]
Collins, Mabel

Theosophy Simplified

Cooper, Irving S.
An experience of Enlightenment  Courtois, Flora
Self Transformation Through Music Crandall, Joanne
Reincarnation: an East -West Anthology Cranston, S. & J.Head (Edited by ..
The Art of Inner Listening Crum, Jessie K.
Opening the Eye of New Awareness Dalai Lama
Fountain Source of Occultism De Purucker, G.
Collected Writings of H.P.Blavatsky - Vol.1/15 [1874-1878] De Zirkoff, Boris
Collected Writings of H.P.Blavatsky - Vol.10/15 [1888-1889] De Zirkoff, Boris
Collected Writings of H.P.Blavatsky - Vol.11/15 [1889] De Zirkoff, Boris
Collected Writings of H.P.Blavatsky - Vol.12/15 [1889-1890] De Zirkoff, Boris
Collected Writings of H.P.Blavatsky - Vol.13/15 [1890-1891] De Zirkoff, Boris
Collected Writings of H.P.Blavatsky - Vol.14/15 Miscellaneous De Zirkoff, Boris
Collected Writings of H.P.Blavatsky - Vol.15/15 - Index De Zirkoff, Boris
Collected Writings of H.P.Blavatsky - Vol.2/15 [1879-1880] De Zirkoff, Boris
Collected Writings of H.P.Blavatsky - Vol.3/15 [1881-1882] De Zirkoff, Boris
Collected Writings of H.P.Blavatsky - Vol.4/15 [1882-1883] De Zirkoff, Boris
Collected Writings of H.P.Blavatsky - Vol.5/15 [1883] De Zirkoff, Boris
Collected Writings of H.P.Blavatsky - Vol.6/15 [1883-1885] De Zirkoff, Boris
Collected Writings of H.P.Blavatsky - Vol.7/15 [1886-1887] De Zirkoff, Boris
Collected Writings of H.P.Blavatsky - Vol.8/15 [1887] De Zirkoff, Boris
Collected Writings of H.P.Blavatsky - Vol.9/15 [1888] De Zirkoff, Boris
The Astral Light (booklet) Edge, H.T.
Psychism & the Unconscious Mind Edmunds, H.Tudor

The Cross and The Grail

Elwood, Robert
Illustrated Encyclopedia of Buddhist Wisdom Farrar-Halls, Gill

Tibetan Healing: Modern Legacy of Medicine Buddha

Fenton, Peter
A Mind to Embrace  the Universe     (booklet) Gardner, E.L.
Chains and Rounds      (booklet) Gardner, E.L.
Whence Come the Gods and related studies Gardner, E.L.
The Wider View (Studies in the Secret Doctrine) Gardner, E.L.
A Yoga of Light     (pamphlet) Geoffrey Hodson
The Prophet Gibran, Kahlil
The Waking Dream:Unlocking symbolic language of our lives Grasse, Ray
Karma —The Universal Law of harmony Hanson, V. & Stewart, R.- (Edited by
H.P. Blavatsky and the Secret Doctrine Hanson, Virginia
The Golden Stairs commentary     (booklet) Harris, Iverson
The Hidden Wisdom in The Holy Bible-Vol.III Hodson, Geoffrey
The Supreme Splendour Hodson, Geoffrey
Jung and The Lost Gospels Hoeller,Stephan A.
Jungian Symbolism in Astrology Howell, Alice O.
Concentration and Meditation Humphries, Christmas
Studies in the Middle Way Humphries, Christmas
Master Teach me (booklet) Ianthe Hoskins
Uncovering Wisdom of the Heart-Mind Jensen, Lin
Christ and Buddha Jinarajadasa, C.
The Ocean of Theosophy Judge, W.Q.
Notes on the Bhagavad-Gita Judge, W.Q. & Crosbie, Robert
The Bhagavad Gita Judge, William Quan
Gnostics and Their Remains -Secret Doctrine Series King, C.W.
Tarot & the Tree of Life: Finding everyday wisdom in Minor arcana Kliegman, I.R.
Freedom From the Known Krishnamurti, J.
Krishnamurti’s Notebook Krishnamurti, J.
The Quest of the Quiet Mind Krishnamurti, J.
The Wholeness of Life Krishnamurti, J.
Think on these Things Krishnamurti, J.
Truth is a Pathless Land Krishnamurti, J.
The Creative Hierarchies: co-workers with God Lavender, E.
A Textbook of Theosophy Leadbeater, C.W.
Man Visible and Invisible Leadbeater, C.W.
The Astral Plane Leadbeater, C.W.
H.P.Blavatsky: Her life and Work for Humanity Leighton-Cleather, Alice
Astrology Beyond Ego Lyons, Tim
Reincarnation In Christianity MacGreggor, Geddes
King Arthur’s Round Table of the Zodiac Maltwood, K.E.
The Creative Silence Mehta, Rohit
The Way Beyond: An Overview of Spiritual Practices Mikulas, William L.
Through Temple Doors: studies in Occult Masonry Mitchell, Roy
Creative Attitudes     (pamphlet) Morgan, Fred
Golden Threads in the Tapestry of History - Point Loma Morris, Kenneth
The Secret Oral Teachings in Tibetan Buddhist Sects

Neel, Alexandra-David-& Lama                                                                    

The Goddess Re-Awakening Nicholson, Shirley
Feasts of Light: based on Egyptian Goddess Mysteries Normandi, Ellis
The Future is Now: the significance of precognition Osborn, Arthur W.
The Lord’s Prayer      (booklet) Pearson, Norman E.

Reincarnation for Everyone     (booklet)

Perkins, James S.
Marry Your Muse Phillips, Jan
The Astral Body Powell, A.E.
An Abridgment of the Secret Doctrine Preston, Elizabeth & Humphreys, Christmas-Editors
An Encounter With Awareness Puligandha, Ramakrishna
The Spiritual Image in Modern art Regier, Kathleen
Out of the Silence      (booklet) Rhodes, James
Doctrine of Cycles       (booklet) Ross, Lydia
Culture, Crisis and Creativity Rudhyar, Dane
Rhythm of Woleness Rudhyar, Dane
What is Theosophy?      (booklet) Ryan, C.J.
Psychic Powers      (booklet) Savage, Helen

Buddhism – [Outline of Teaching and Schools]

Schuuman, Hans Wolfgang
A Renaissance of the Spirit / new way to see ourselves- Scott, Mary
Legends of the Sufis  Shah, Dries prefaced by
The Passionate Necessity: a view of human purpose Shearman, Hugh
The Theatre of The Mind Skolimowski, Henrijk
Hatha Yoga: simplified course Slater, Wallace

Intelligence came First      [Copy 1]

Smith, Lester B.

Intelligence came Fir st [Copy 2]

Smith, Lester B.
The Yoga of the Bhagavad Gita Sri Krishna Prem
An approach to Reality  Sri Ram, N.
Life's Deeper Aspects Sri Ram, N.
Thoughts For Aspirants Sri Ram, N.
Former Incarnations Stevenson. Ian

East Meets West : The Transpersonal Approach

Stewart, Rosemarie
Man, God and the Universe Taimni, I.K.
Self-Culture in the Light of Occultism Taimni, I.K.
The Science of Yoga Taimni, I.K.
The Secret of Self-Realization Taimni, I.K.
The Ultimate Reality and Realization Taimni, I.K.
The Mystery of Healing Theosophical Research Centre
Hierarchies (booklet) Van Pelt, G. W.
Rounds and Races (booklet) Van Pelt, G.W.
New Encyclopedia of Freemasonry Waite, A.E.
Up From Eden       (booklet) Wilber, Ken
Basic Ideas of Occult Wisdom Winner, A.K.
Mahatmas and Chelas       (booklet) Wright, L.L.

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This document is a publication of the
Canadian Theosophical Association (a regional association of the Theosophical Society in Adyar)
89 Promenade Riverside,
St-Lambert, QC J4R 1A3

To reach the President - Pierre Laflamme dial 450-672-8577
or Toll Free - from all of Canada 866-277-0074
or you can telephone the national secretary at 905-455-7325
website: http://www.theosophical.ca