Suchen Sie über 40.000 Artikeln von der ursprünglichen, klassischen Enzyklopädie Britannica, 11. Ausgabe.
AVARS oder AvARI, kaukasischen Ostleute, renowned See also:der Stämme Lesghian, zentrales See also:Daghestan bewohnend (sehen Sie LESGIJIANS). Sie See also:sind der einzige See also:Stamm Lesghian, die eine schriftliche See also:Sprache besitzen, für die sie die arabischen Buchstaben gebrauchen. End of Article: AVARSZusätzliche Informationen und AnmerkungenLesginen haben eigene Sprache.die Awaren verstehen nicht die Lesginen.die Lesghinen und Awaren sind ganz andere Voelker.Wer ist sogennante "Komarov"? Lesen Sie bitte Omeljan Pritsak! Die kaukasische Awaren sind ein Teil der Warhunnenhorde.das Zentrum der Awaren ist Khunsakh(d.h."beim Hunnen").Die daghestanische Awaren hatten festige Bund mit Tschengis-khan Mongolen.Die spaetere Mongolen zerstoerte die ganze Dagestan. ABER NUR MIR KAUKASISCHE AWAREN MACHTEN FESTE KAMPFBUND.DENN SIE WUSSTEN DIE AWAREN ALS TEIL DER WARHUNNEN. Die lesginen leben in Dagestan aber haben ganz andere Sprache.Die Lesginen und Awaren sind andere Voelker.Die Awaren haben eigene Sprache,eigene Geschichte und Antropologie.Die Grossteile der Awaren haben weisse Haut und europaeische Auesserung aber die Lesginen typische Asiaten als Aserbeidschasner. Die Awaren in Dagestan sind WEISSE HUNNEN,EIN TEIL DER WARHUNNENHORDE.DAS ZENTRUM DER AWAREN NENNT SICH "KHUNSAKH" (d.h. "beim Hunnen").Spaeter Mongolen (Tschengis-khan's Mongolen) zerstierte Dagestan und ermordetete viele Menschen...ABER NUR MIT EINZIGE (!) AWAREN MACHTEN DIESE MONGOLEN DEN FESTE BUND.DENN DIE MONGOLEN WUSSTEN GUT UEBER DIE DAGESTANISCHE AWAREN. "Komarov" und andere russische Gelehrter sind nur russische luegneerische Chauvinisten.UM ZU DIE WARHEIT ZU WISSEN LESEN SIE BITTE OMELJAN PTITSAK! CAUCASIAN AVARS Avars or Caucasian Avars are a modern people of Caucasus, mainly of Daghestan, which are the predominant group. The Capital city of Caucasian Avars is Khunzakh which means “At the Huns” or “The city of Huns”. Their self designation is “Avaral” and “Ma’arulal” (from “mu’rul Avaral”, “Avarian Highlanders”). The Caucasian Avar language is said to show some affinity ancient Mesopotamian agglutinative languages like Hurrian, Sino-Tibetan and also Ket (Yenissei Ostyak) of which there are now less than 500 speakers left in Siberia. It appears from Chinese sources that a Yenisseian group was among the peoples that up the tribal confederation known as the Huns (Xiong-Nu, Hsiung-Nu). The linguistic data showed that the contacts of Yenisseian languages with Caucasian languages were later than with Basque and Burushaski not to speak about the Indian languages of America. This fact permitted to assume that Indians diverged first from that Union, then the Basques and Burushaski and later on the Caucasian people. Taking into consideration the Indian settlements in America to be 15 thousand years ago, A.Dulson approximately defined the Caucasian-Yenisseian language contact at 6-7 thousand years ago. He devoted his last period of life to Yenisseian langua-ges and their comparison with other language families. Ket having preserved the most ancient structure in the conjugation system gave the key to the explanation of the conjugation system in such languages as Finno-Ugric, Uralo-Altaic, and Indo-European, which was based on pronouns. A.Dulson also noticed typological similarities in the structure of case-markers in Yenisseian and Indo-European. In his opinion the contacts between Yenisseian and Indo-European peoples could have existed even earlier than the Hun community in the North of Central Asia, that is not during the contacts of Indo-Europeans with the Huns on the territory of Europe. In the Caucasian Avar language the word "Avar" is always used any time Avars mention the na-mes of Messengers, Prophets: Abraham, Noah, Moses, Jesus or Muhammad. For example; Ibrahim-Avarag, Isa-Avarag or Muhammad-Avarag.Thus the word Avarag seems to mean the descendants or followers of the Messenger, Prophet, Messia or Archangel. One of the prominent figures in Avar history is Sheikh Shamil (1797 – 1871) political and religious leader of the anti-Russian national liberation movement of the Caucasian peoples in 1817 – 1859. He was third imam of Daghestan and Chechnya (1834 – 1859).
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