My Secret Life was first published between 1888-1894 in 11 volumes in Amsterdam by the Belgian-born bookseller/publisher Auguste Brancart. For the next 100 years, it remained banned and considered obscene and pornographic. The British Library has a set that it believes was published in about 1880, but "The imprint is probably false; printed in Belgium?". No-one really knows the true identity of "Walter". But biographer Ian Gibson claims it is the pen name of one Henry Spencer Ashbee, pictured left. Only 20-25 sets of My Secret Life were originally printed, and sold at £60 per set, an enormous sum for the times, equivalent to over £4000 ($6000) at today's prices. Famous People who owned My Secret Life * Aleister Crowley (1875?7) English occult writer and 'magician' * Harold Lloyd (1893?1) American silent film comedian and producer * Josef von Sternberg (1894?9) Austrian film director and Svengali to Marlene Dietrich * George Mountbatten, 2nd Marquess of Milford Haven great-grandson of Queen Victoria, brother of 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma Key Dates in History ? 1834 Henry Spencer Ashbee born 21 Apr 1834 in Southwark, London to Robert and Frances Elizabeth Spencer ? 1859 Walter mentions the Battle of Solferino at the start of Chapter 7. Henry would be 25 years old. ? 1862 Henry Ashbee marries Elizabeth Jenny Lavi in Hamburg, Germany ? 1863 Henry and Elizabeth Ashbee's son, Charles Robert Ashbee, born 17 May 1863 in Isleworth, London ? 1888 My Secret Life first published ? 1900 Henry Spencer Ashbee dies on 29 Jul in Hawkhurst, Kent ? 1932 New York publisher issue 3 volumes of My Secret Life before being arrested ? 1964 In his book The Other Victorians (New York, 1964), Steven Marcus makes a case that Ashbee was not the author. ? 1966 New York publisher Grove Press successfully publishes My Secret Life, 78 years after original publication in two books. The introduction by Gershon Legman suggest that Ashbee is the author. ? 1967 Pendulum Press of Atlanta Georgia publishes a facsimile of all 11 volumes of the 1888 edition of My Secret Life ? 1967 Drs. Eberhard and Phyllis Kronhausen write Walter. The English Casanova. A presentation of his unique memoirs. 'My secret life' (London, Polybooks) ? 1969 UK Bradford printer Arthur Dobson sentenced to two years as a "professional purveyor of filth" ? 1995 UK publisher successfully issues "Wordsworth Editions" (not in print), 107 years after original publication ? 2000 UK's Channel 4 broadcasts "Walter: The secret life of a Victorian pornographer" (10.30pm, Tuesday, 9 May 2000) ? 2001 The Erotomaniac: The Secret Life of Henry Spencer Ashbee by Ian Gibson published by Faber and Faber; ISBN: 0571196195 ? 2003 An extract of My Secret Life appears on the Web. ? 2004 The full eleven volumes of My Secret Life appears on the Web for the first time in 116 years. It is fully searchable too.