Sell your soul to the devil, live 5 billion years.
Just as I thought the second issue was done and I could go back to watching
TV reruns, a reader sent in the following lecture notes. They were so interesting
that we added four pages to the newsletter. As a result, the newsletter
was mailed a few days late. No one on staff wanted to make readers wait
until the next issue.
To set the stage, we start this column out with the letter of the reader
who sent the notes. The portions of the letter which are not printed (...)
are just the usual introductory remarks like "you can print this", etc.
Following the letter is an exact copy of the notes sent in by the reader.
The italics and special emphasis marks are as specified by the reader; we
assume these point out ideas emphasized by Carlos himself. Note that the
Phoenix Bookstore is where Carol Tiggs is said to have materialized after
her 10 year absence and may explain Carlos' debt.
Dear Editors,
... I am enclosing the notes I took for three of the four lectures Carlos
Castaneda gave in Los Angeles last year. I was not able to attend the third
lecture, which I understand was mostly questions and answers. He did not
charge for these lectures, although a fee was paid to the bookstore's owner,
to whom Carlos felt indebted...
He discouraged the audience from taking notes but I did. The main themes
which he emphasized most were: the need for recapitulation, using intent,
how self-importance saps our energy, using death, not using drugs. Some
of these will probably not be that clear to you: some are not that clear
to me.
I have been recapitulating in a cardboard box that was used to pack a washing
machine. I think that calling to intent, aloud, is very powerful, "Intent,
I want to be responsible for the fact that I'm going to die."...
...I am interested in seeing how Don Juan's teachings overlap other teachings,
such as Brain Swimme's, a cosmologist, who writes that our consciousness
feeds the universe.
Source: Seattle, WA
Purpose of lecture series: paying debt to Phoenix Store,
Discussion of the term "Sorcery". CC does not like that term, prefers "Nagualism".
Definition of nagual: double charged person, has more resources. Nagual
requires discontinuity (being cut off from source of psychological continuity)
for training.
Too much energy is used in the defense of the presentation of self in everyday
life. In order to become aware of factors we are defending, do recapitulation.
DJ said that everyone had a trick or a hinge in his/her presentation of
self. For a long time now that trick has been "poor baby". Much energy is
expended in presenting and defending the self as feeling self-important
and deprived.
Wasted energy in looking for a companion. The false belief that a mate will
lead to fulfillment. "We don't know how to give love. We only want to receive."
** Warriors love life and the beyond without expectations of return.
We accept the idea of self-importance without examination. There is no uniqueness.
We all express the same needs. (Story of CC listening to psych.. tapes and
identifying with them all). Need for recapitulation to lose self-importance.
We get this idea of self-importance from the social order. The social order
is not interested in the individual. It is leading us to our destruction.
Turning us into repetitious idiots, teaching us to feel sorry for ourselves.
"I need you. I love you" mantra. The social order does not supply us with
meaning or purpose. However, the social order keeps us from experiencing
discontinuity and dissonance. The world is predictable when you leave lots
Our flaw: We have no purpose. Without purpose, there is no gain. We need
Recapitulation helps us drop self-importance in the presentation of self.
You don't need a guide. You only need energy. Energy is supplied by unbiased
Anti-dope message: Drugs make you incapable of sustaining pressure. CC was
given drugs to enhance his concentration, not for pleasure or gratification.
Even mentions prozac.
Discipline: develops warriorship. Warrior is someone who asks for freedom.
Freedom is taking your awareness into the inconceivable. Our heritage is
to be free. We are travelers. Must fulfill our fate by becoming warriors.
Discipline is the only deterrent to social order. What is discipline? Not
compulsive schedule. It means being fluid, reasonable, demanding, and continuing
with unbiased examination of self 24 hours/day.
To be a warrior:
- Accept responsibility: Accept that s/he will die---in humbleness.
This is not open to negotiation. Look in the mirror in the middle of
night; look at the being who is going to die. Ask, What are you doing?
What is the sum total of your actions?
- Forget understanding things. Don't ask why. There is no rational
explanation. Since when have we been able to understand any of this
around us. Nothing can be explained.
- Yell intent. Name what we want: "I want to be responsible for the
fact that I'm going to die." There is an impersonal force in the universe
which obeys our calling. Say it out loud: "I want to accept the fact
that I'm going to die." Our voice carries tremendous power. Our word
is final. We will begin to see subtle changes. Words cannot be explained;
should be called "index."
- Recapitulation: Make list, recall events. "Cloak of confidence" is
developed by recapitulation.
- Take discarded stimuli and make a world. The world of common sense
is not the only possible world.
- Indebtedness: If you receive something, you are indebted. Accept
responsibility for indebtedness. You are indebted to the world and to
the spirit (something inconceivable that sustains us). Payment for service
is freeing,
Stories about CC searching out other gurus after his left world. His search
was very discouraging. He found only "merchants of God." Teachers should
not charge for their teachings: they should work from 8 to 5. Their interest
was in accumulating wealth.
We only take a cursory look at the world. Interpretation follows. Interpretation
is inherited. We go thru life interpreting.
Where is the world taking place? In us. Answers have been constructed. We
have been led to accept these answers. We should examine, not interpret.
Defining the universe is magic. Voice responsibility for perceiving: Yell,
"I am a human being, Therefore, I am sublime." Our fate is to be perceivers.
It is cowardly to hide behind ideas. The world should be fabricated based
on the fact that we will die.
TV-Teaches us complaining. Everyone complains on TV: "poor baby".
What do we have to look forward to? Senility. Story of old person yelling
in restaurant, "Nurse, I need some more ketchup."
Disease is indulging. Voice your intent to become someone else.
"Bladerunner" movie quote: I have perceived inconceivable worlds.
Don Juan did not believe that man was evil. However, he did see man as a
sad creature. He said that warriors could identify with man but that they
should not feet sorry for him because that implies an attitude of "being
Energy By saving enough energy, you can see energy-seeing not with the eyes.
Energy is visible at a level that is incomprehensible. We are seeing energy
now but we don't know it because our awareness is not aware.
Not-doing Cognitive dissonance (which is produced by not-doing) helps the
warrior suspend judgment. S/he needs moments of doubt. By not-doing, warriors
realize that the world is an arrangement. Ex: tying shoe laces in a different
way Ex: "album of sublime moments" - moments that require exquisite care
(alcoholic-operatic singer-barber singing when CC was ten years old) (hearing
a Mexican poem --- Nagual rides the top of the wave).
It is time for us to get out of the "brain of the beast" (that part of us
which is extravagantly repetitious, all of our routines). Search for companionship
is primordial. People who pour all their energy into companionship are wasting
energy. Without the search for a partner, the person would have an enormous
amount of energy.
The brain of the beast stops us from seeing although we think we're great.
A warrior needs to examine every sense of superiority.
Dreamer Sees herself as something indescribable, indefinable.
Warrior sees everything as a challenge. Only as warriors can we become what
we really are. We deny our true nature. DJ had to destroy the egomaniacal
CC. When your assemblage point shifts, person changes. "Claim your destiny,"
Dreams Dreams can be used as a springboard into infinity. Dreams are trap
doors: Your awareness goes through one way and awareness from infinity comes
in the other way.
Assemblage point Assemblage point determines where perception takes place.
It is located behind right shoulder at arm's length. When A.P. is displaced,
new world perceived.
In sleep, assemblage point is displaced, The farther the displacement, the
more terrifying the dream. It is terrifying because there is no order. If
dreaming is seen as a challenge (a formal enterprise) demoniacal expressions
will I disappear. Discipline is required so that dreams do not Upset Our
balance. Accept maintaining balance as a challenge.
In dreaming one must maintain the assemblage point fixed in the
same position. At first, the results are chaotic but then we organize the
new world into new categories.
Dreaming can be very exciting. Can't wait to go to sleep. Dreaming can take
only a few minutes-the rest is normal sleep. Dreaming makes you stronger
and revitalized.
There are seven entrances to dreaming. Each implies a different world.
1st step: become aware of falling asleep. You really want to become aware
of the elements present in your dreams. Take short glances so that the dream
doesn't change. You lie to your mind by saying "I want to become aware that
I'm falling asleep." But your real purpose is to examine every element of
ordinary dream.
Say, "I am a dreamer". Use intent from the position of a being who is going
to die. (If you don't do this from the position of knowing you will die,
what are you saving yourself for? Senility? Once you voice intent, energy
will pull the dreamer. Intent must be simple and humble, as a person who
is going to die.
Something is keeping us from realizing how bad off we are. We are not in
the best of all possible worlds, in spite of what many think. Need to use
death. Once a warrior sees the flow of energy, the world is never the same.
Story of CC -writing book: Obsessed about notes, plan to destroy them if
he died. DJ said that was crazy and complicated, that he should write a
book-either dream a book or write a shitty book. CC wrote a shitty book
and left it in a theater, so he wrote a second shitty book.
Dream Intruders Should notice intruders in dreams. There is an underlying
sense of things in our dreams: then something inconceivable appears (flying
fish). That is an intruder or scout. Scouts are from inconceivable worlds
of awareness. Awareness is the element of travel (Like boats use water to
Stop the dream when you see an intruder and say, "hey, tell me where you
come from." Intruder is compelled to take you to where it came from (need
energy to do this). When you ask the intruder, it is compelled to do this.
You will be taken to "Twin Force". Things are twins in the universe. The
twin universe is a universe of awareness, a world of awareness, but it lacks
organisms. Inorganic beings are slow, live a long time, are teachers. Females
are replicas of inorganic beings.
The universe is female--- always in search of males.
You are noticed immediately when your awareness is enhanced. Battle? ? Interaction?
? with inorganic beings is unavoidable (at death). Why not do it when you're
alive and vigorous? The sea of universe will eventually get you. "Call to
it now. Claim your destiny."
Going with intruders is dangerous when you're greedy (CC was greedy by nature).
Must be crystal clear and have guts of steel to go with intruder.
People are scared by these concepts---too real. (His publisher sent his
latest book out to over 130 reviewers and not one reviewed his book. Too
When your energy wanes, you are pulled back like a rubber band.
Energy Need energy to remember details of dream. Must save energy. Boost
of energy from accepting death and losing self-importance (not better or
worse than anyone).
All of us can be "A-1" Quality dreamers, if given the opportunity.
Sadness There is a wave of entological sadness in the universe. We are often
protected by our ego. Waves come and hit us whether we like it or not. We
personalize it, but it's not personal. It's out there and there is nothing
that can be done about "great wave".
2nd stage: wake up into another dream. By this point it feels like we have
always paid attention to dreams, but we were not aware of doing it with
the energy body. DJ said that the energy body (composed of pure energy)
is working all the time. We have a double view (perception with our eyes
and with our energy body).
Element of time. Takes so long for us to get all this. DJ would say to CC,
"What have they (meaning the dominant culture) done to you?" The art of
dreaming can help repair us.
Double positions: For incredible perception, fall asleep in dream in same
position that you really fall asleep in. Try this and "write me a letter
in care of Phoenix Bookstore after trying twin positions." "Aiming at tapping
2nd gate: You will come to a complete halt in your dreams. You will be held
in position, find yourself staring at an object. It does not shift into
something else the way that things normally shift in other things in dreams.
The fixation is broken only when it releases you. The twin universe imposes
itself on you. We have more energy. They (inorganic beings) have more awareness.
Our advantage is that we're temporary, which makes us powerful and as fast
as a bullet.
Ask, "Take me where inorganic awareness arises." Will go to the tubes of
energy. You will begin to hear a voice (not losing your mind)---the dreaming
emissary will tell you what is hidden from view. (first a man's voice, then
a woman's)
DJ despised this information: Tells only what you already know or what you
should know. Don't let it impinge on your life. Say "Stay away from my affairs."
You can easily become dependent on the voice---exonerates you from responsibility.
Said he called a few people about the lectures and they were unhappy: complaints
about the fee, about his not being a teacher.
His way requires discipline. Emotional revelations do not change us. He
wants us to do it. Take the "infinitive journey."
He put down the concerns of everyday life: "Haven't done our Christmas shopping."
There is "nothing where we are but emptiness and boredom."
Knowledge has been passed down in his lineage. CC was close to (similar
to) Julian. Something has prevented the continuation of the lineage. CC
will "Close the cycle".
Death and dying are not necessarily linear concepts. There is nothing but
energy out there. Must meet that energy with all your might. Be prepared
for a splendid fight (with death).
A warrior has no self-reflection. S/he can maintain total silence. The "Ethereal
man" is a warrior in true silence. In a moment of silence, can reconstruct
the world. Our internal dialogue is banality, has nothing to do with life
and death. With discipline the warrior is prepared to meet that immensity.
"The mind cannot resist persistence." In normal life the fantasy of self-importance
helps us fight off the immensity.
Falling in love is a subjective state. How different it is to really feel
A ball of energy has been bothering CC. Maybe it is one of us?
"I cannot meet you at the place where you are. It is a preposterous place."
Invitation to meet him where he is. "Take me up on it."
* - Down on drugs: marijuana, peyote, heroin,
Expressed frustration regarding spreading his message in Mexico. "Deeply
Catholic people hardly know anything." Symbol of Jesus must be examined.
DJ had CC study the history of the church.
Press yourself. Break linear thinking. Seek moment of silence. When the
internal dialogue ceases, it is black from the eyes up. Then infinity will
seek you out---"Pull you up". The discipline of DJ and his party was that
they all left together. Dona Florinda burned from within in 1985. Her energy
leaped into infinity. "That's worth fighting for!"
It takes forever for death to take us back--- to dissolve our experiences.
Sorcerers beat the odds. Recapitulation gives death a facsimile of our awareness.
"It" will let you go. "Try it."
Complaints about people's comments, wanting to tell him their dreams.
"Tell me about your dreams after working with discipline." You will not
age easily (with recapitulation).
Someone told CC that she would pray for him, which pissed him off. "It
is arrogant to pray for someone." (He brings this up several times).
Man is the measure of his world. We are in a rotten state--- worse than
in 1950. There is no point in our technological accomplishments. The social
order doesn't care about the being who is going to die. "Take this option
Carol Tiggs changed CC. She brought the possibility of CC talking with others.
His interest is to hook us to the abstract. It is a very difficult maneuver---to
hook us to the abstract.
Women have much more facility than men. Men are rare and coveted. Forces
will snatch men, make a bid for men. In the twin universe, entities are
aware, more powerful, but slower. They become aware of men. Your energy
body will tell you what to do. Trust something in you (don't trust amulets
or red underwear). Avoid confrontation. Women can be incorporated in the
twin universe with little effort, just a little discipline. Women can project
themselves in.
If you voice your desire to stay, you will live for 5 billion years. They
offer nearly eternity. You will die with the earth. CC never gave his word.
The emissary of dreaming was a salesman: "You don't even have to breathe."
DJ refused. CC nearly succumbed. CC says he couldn't help it; he loves to
go to the twin universe.
Let "IT" (the impersonal energy) come to you. You will reach unthinkable
things. All of us can do this. We have never been given the opportunity.
Referred to a lecture he went to in Ojai, where there were lots of "shoulds".
There are no gods, only perception. "Do this before you die." The ethereal
man is a man of silence who is pulled away by infinity.
DJ told CC: "I will leave and will leave behind the birds singing `me, me,
me." (referring to CC feeling self-importance).
CC will meet us only at the place of no pity. Act! Make a list of people
and recapitulate. Direction of head is not important. Breathe and re formulate
the memory. This will increase your energy.
"I will give you my word that we will meet again if you do the work."
Editor: Thanks for taking notes. It's interesting that Carlos' group tells
seminar goers not to take notes. Don Juan told Carlos not to take notes,
he ignored him, and we all got a chance for freedom as a result. Carlos
told this reader not to take notes, s/he ignored him, and now we all have
his promise to meet us again. And the men have the knowledge that they can
live as slaves of the inorganics for 5 billion years.
This reader took excellent notes, and I didn't find anything unclear. I
do believe however, that "infinitive journey" might have been "definitive
journey". Or perhaps Carlos was making a pun. Eventually, we will have notes
from someone else on this meeting and I bet we'll see an even different
view of the lecture series. I have already seen different notes (which I
can't yet publish) on Taisha's lecture featured in this issue. It might
just as well have been a different lecture. We'll print them as soon as
we can.
I was thinking about the notes from Carlos' lectures and a disturbing thought
occurred to me. Carlos said that "Females are replicas of inorganic beings."
Also, Clara told Taisha in, The Sorcerers' Crossing, that men drain energy
from women through sexual intercourse. And Carlos said that the inorganics
offer men energy. Since there has already been quite a bit of male bashing
in the books, I don't feel too bad about pointing out the following: The
inorganics offer men energy and invite them to live in their tunnels for
the rest of their lives. And women are replicas of the inorganics. As don
Juan said, "draw your own conclusions."
As a result of reading these notes, I tried the twin positions last night.
I was flying in a dream and that triggered dreaming. I then had the choice
to look at objects or try the twin positions. I decided to go for the twin
positions because I was sure I remembered the position I went to sleep in.
I laid down on the sidewalk in the dream, crossed my hands over my solar
plexus, and went to sleep.
All I got out of the deal was a cozy nap. I actually slept in the dream,
completely aware of sleeping. It was very restful, but after a few minutes
of expecting something transcendental, I decided to wake up. I woke up in
the real world and discovered that sometime in the night I had turned over
in my sleep and was now on my stomach. Now I'm left wondering if that was
the reason for the failure, or if one is supposed to go to sleep and the
dream comes later, like a normal sleeping situation.
I guess I won't be "tapped" by Carlos any time soon. Maybe a reader will
have more luck. If anyone succeeds in making it work, please tell the
newsletter about it. And if Carlos "taps" you, please send a picture.
Just kidding!
Nagualist Newsletter and Open Forum /
2 Aug. /Sept. 1994