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Title: The Sorcerer's Code  •  Size: 9150  •  Last Modified: Tue, 01 May 2001 00:30:37 GMT

Date: Tue, 06 Jan 1998 11:55:29 PST

The Code

1. Both hands in monkey scooping position at level of pelvis. Lift
hands in arc and lay on vital centers. Grab energy with fists, while
R leg retracts. Now strike out to sides with back of both fists.
Follow with leg push. Repeat with L leg.

2. Same as 1, except as R leg slowly extends down, grab energy and
push slowly and forcefully energy toward ceiling with fists, open
hands, open hands, grab energy, then pull down to vital center. Open
hands on vital centers and rub. Repeat with L leg.

3. Striking up with the edge of the hand while R leg retracts
simultaneously. Shoulder blades may come off floor. Non striking hand
covers the same side vital center. Repeat with L leg, L hand.

4. Same as 3, but alternating hands strike. Begin with R hand strikes
up and R leg down, L hand up, R leg up. Repeat with L leg, L hand

5. Same hand strike, but both hands striking in unison, along with R
leg. Repeat with L leg.

6. The  teepee: Lift both legs. Join only the three middle fingers of
the hands together with heels of hands on ribcage, elbows out to
sides.  Raise the hands towards ceiling, bringing the elbows in, and
slowly push upwards and together with great pressure, until the arms
are fully extended upwards( with shoulder blades off the floor).
Slowly  extend legs after arms are fully extended.

7. Flat palm, skimming above body, from just above breast, diagonally
strike down and across opposite vital center (quick motion). R arm
strikes as R leg retracts, L arm strikes as R leg extends. Reverse
for L leg.

8. L leg is retracted, then R palm slides diagonally down across
chest (touching body), from R breast across vital center. R palm
continues up L thigh as if were a ramp, then L leg extends,

9. Start with arms straight, out to sides at a 45ss angle ( hands at
thigh level). Retract R leg. Hands grab energy from vital centers of
the same side simultaneously, making fists, and forearms strike out
to the sides with soft part of fist (as if pulling apart a rope). Slo

10. Same as above, but after grabbing, and as R leg slowly extends,
the fists strike out very slowly to the sides. The arms are held very
tight throughout. When forearms are perpendicular, lower elbows to
mat then forcefully lower forearms so that the soft part of fist
touches floor, then slide arms down to 45 degrees. starting position.

11. Retract R leg. Slap down to R vital center with the palm of the R
hand, as the R leg extends. The fingers of the R hand point towards
the L hip (wrists pulled back). Non striking hand covers the same
side vital center.

12. Same but alternate hands; slap opposite with the R palm as the R
leg retracts and then with L as R leg extends.  Repeat with L leg.

13. As 12, but same side and unison. Palms strike pointing together
from breast to below vital center. Then make big outward circle and
restrike. Repeat with L leg.

14. Both legs retract. Wrists are crossed below chin with open palms
facing down (L on top). Palms slowly and forcefully push down and
extend. Repeat with L leg.

15. Retract R leg. R arm is bent, elbows facing feet, and by ears and
facing ceiling. Slap R arm up and out above V-spot, so fingers
pointed to ceiling, as you extend R leg. Non striking hand covers the
same side vital center. Repeat L leg.

16. Same as 15, but slap R arm as R leg extends and slap L arm as R
leg retracts. Repeat L leg.

17. Same as 14, but with both arms slapping.

18. Retract both legs. Right hand on top of left hand, together
pointing at ceiling (wrists are on v-spot and palms facing feet.).
slowly and forcefully push hands toward zenith while pushing them
together. Arms end up in dining position toward zenith with shoulders
off floor. Then slowly extend legs. Repeat L hand on top.

6 sets of two movements, opening and closing: Each set is comprised
of two movements. The opening movements are done horizontally, along
the body, and the closing movements are done vertically,
perpendicular to the body. When I say strike down, I mean towards the
toes, and when I say up, I mean towards the zenith, in this case,
not 180 degree.

A.Opening: Palms face each other, above vitals, fingers pointing
towards toes, hands flat, about an inch apart. Outward circular
motion, away from each other and back to original position. Do this
6X. Right hand rubs the left palm forcefully, towards the feet. 3x
each side. Palms comes together, then strike down with ging. Separate
with tension, and lift energy to the chest (slightly above chest
without touching - all following movements follow this). Hold, then
hands back to the sides of the body

A.Closing: Palms face each other, this time pointing up. 6X with
inward circles. Hands together, 6X with rubbing, towards zenith.
Hands together, strike up, apart with tension, pull to chest, hold,
back to sides.

B.Opening: Palms face each other, pointing down, fingers apart,
slightly above vitals. Fingers interlock. Pull upwards, towards the
chin. Make 6 circles upward then back down. Strike down interlocked
fingers. Pull apart with tension, pull back energy to chest, hold
slightly above, arms back to sides

B.Closing: Same as above, but pointing up. Fingers cross. Pull down
near chest. 6X circular motion, this time opposite way, bigger
circles, on the way back over head and back to starting position.
Shoot up, pull apart, bring down, hold, back to sides.

C.Opening: Fists, bent at elbows, on sides of body, at vital centers
area. 6X circular motion (backward shoulder roll). Rather small
circles. 6X punches, straight down, stopping at hip area, beginning
with right. Pull up both fists, then punch down with both fist. Pull
up that energy, and hold above chest, keeping hands in fists. Bring
back to sides.

C.Closing: Fists. Starts the same. 6X circular motion (forward
shoulder roll). 6X strikes up, right first. Pull back, strike with
both, bring energy with fists above chest, hold, back to sides.

D.Opening: Fists come about an inch apart, knuckles facing each
other, about chest level, palms facing down. 6X circular motion
(backward shoulder roll - like rowing). Now, bring arms bent at
elbows down to opposite side. Count of 6 while fists make rapid
circles wrapping around each other at pelvic area. Circles go towards
you. Bring energy up to chest, hold, back to sides.

D.Closing: Fists, starts same, bent 90ss, 6X circular opposite way. 6X
outward circles at wrists. 6X strikes, crossing sides, upward. Count
of 6, wrapping energy, circles away from you. Stop, bring to chest,
hold, back to sides.

E.Opening: Hands flat, pointing up, palms on ribs. Slide hands up
slightly above body. Cut down with a flick of the wrist, then flick
up. Arms cross over chest, right over left. 6X circular motion
(backward shoulder roll). Bring hands to sides, bent elbows, 90ss,
bent wrist, open hands. 6X circles with hands at wrists, inward. Cut
again, same as before. Now stabbing type strikes downward, very quick
12X. On the 12th, curl hands, pull up, chest, etc.

E.Closing: Same beginning until the cut, which this time is back ,
then up. Arms interlock, left on top, 6X circular motion opposite
way. Hands come up to bent elbow position, and a little higher. 6X
circular, outward. Cut back and up. Now 12 quick jabs with pointing
fingers up. Curl energy, bring to chest, etc.

F.Opening: Fingers pointing at each other about an inch apart, hand
flat, palms facing down. 6X circular motion (backward shoulder roll -
nearly imperceptible). Now, palms turn towards body, left about an
inch or so above right. Count of 6, while making quick circles
(towards you), wrapping, then stopping with left hand ending on top.
Alternate right hand on top, left, 6X, one above the other, while
moving arms down with each change until they reach hip area. Slice
downwards 6X (the arms are at upper thigh level and slice, starting
up, but the emphasis is downwards). Slice with forearms, wrists
straight, parralel, alongside body. On the 6th, curl up the fingers
by the thighs, bring to chest, etc.

F.Closing: Same beginning, but a little bit lower. 6X circles
(forward shoulder roll). Right hand on top, Count of 6 wrapping away
from you. Alternate smooth pockets with the real jolt going upwards
and back above head. Curl fingers above head, bring to chest, etc.

The code sequence_

A.O  7,9,11 A.C

B.O 15,2,4 B.C

C.O 18,5,17 C.C

D.O 14,3,16 D.C

E.O 1,10,6 E.C

F.O 8,12,13 F.C