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Title: The Gazing for Stirring the Energy of the Left and Right Body (Pomona CA, 1999)  •  Size: 4022  •  Last Modified: Tue, 01 May 2001 00:30:37 GMT

(Pomona, CA 1/99)

These movements were shown both sitting and standing.


A.      The thumbs and index fingers gently tug downward on the
        earlobes a few times.  They then gently pull the lobes
        away from the head a few times.

B.      The tops of the ears are gently pulled up by the fingers
        a few times.

C.      The thumbs are placed behind the ears, the rest of the
        fingers resting on the spots of mystery on the crown
        of the head.  The thumbs rub upwards a few times, and
        on the final time they and the fingers leave the
        head with a flicking motion.

D.      The thumbs and index fingers gently pull the flesh of
        the eyebrows away from the skull, making their way
        from the bridge to the temples.  The thumbs are rubbed
        together vigorously, and the heat spread across the brows
        on the same path, a few times.

E.      The index fingers are rubbed together vigorously, and
        the heat spread across the cheeks from the sides of the
        nose to below the temples, a few times.

F.      Rub the last two joints of all the fingers together
        vigorously.  Rub the heat from the cheeks by the ears
        to the temples a few times.


1.      Find a spot on the horizon ahead, adjust slightly
        up.  Open the eyes wide, shut them tight, open them
        half-lidded or "soft".

2.      Taking everything in, without turning the head, follow
        the horizon with the gaze slowly all the way to the
        left.  Slowly retrace back to the center and continue
        on all the way to the right.  Slowly return to the

3.      Taking everything in, without moving the head, follow
        a diagonal line 45 degrees up to the left slowly as
        far as possible.  Continue across the top of the
        inverted triangle all the way to the right, then down
        the right diagonal to the center.  Roll the eyes right
        a few times, then left.  Follow the gaze straight up
        without moving the head, then back.  Eyes open, shut,
        soft gaze.

4.      Exhale as the body loosely folds forward at the waist,
        inhale as the fists are raised above the head in
        "touchdown" position, then gently relax to a position
        at the level of the eyes.  The wrists are fairly loose.

5.      Turning the eyes only, look at the left fist, then the
        left elbow, center.  Mirror right.  Gazing ahead,
        repeat the sequence using only the peripheral vision.
        Drop the fists to the sides.  Intend to see them still
        there with your peripheral vision.

6.      Repeat 4.  Turning the eyes only, watch the left fist
        perform "The Up and Down Pressure" from the Heat Series.
        Mirror right.  Repeat using only peripheral vision.

7.      Repeat 4.  Repeat 6 but perform "The Inward Turn".

8.      Repeat 4.  Repeat 6 but perform "The Outward Turn".

9.      Again fold forward as you exhale, inhale up to
        normal stance, gazing at the horizon.  Intend for
        the point to pull you.

10.     Break the gaze.