A WARRIOR'S GESTURE OF MAGICAL INTENT (Boston, MA 4/99) This series was taught a bit differently from the Pomona version. It is performed sitting/lying down, on a mat. It begins in a sitting position, legs apart. 1. Perform "Dusting The Link With Intent" on the left and right. The arms gracefully unfold as in "Opening Oneself To Intent" (from video 3), inhaling. Lean forward as the fingertips point to the ground between the legs and whisper, "Intent!" Place the palms flat on the ground between the thighs, fingers spread. Turn the hands and torso a few degrees to the left, then right, then center. 2. Brush the hands lightly up the body. Open up the arms and chest as you inhale, exhale as the arms sweep out to the front and back in. Repeat twice, but on the third return, the arms go out to the front with the forearms and back of the palms together. Inhale as the arms sweep around and again point to the front, but with palms up and forearms parallel. Exhale as the elbows are brought to rest on the body. Cross the wrists, left on top, and rotate the hands as they become fists. Inhale as the fists pull apart to shoulder width, and exhale as you apply the energy to the vital centers with a sliding motion. The palms continue in an arc back over the shoulders as in the "Abstract Affection" form, as you look up at the sky. 3. Place the right palm on the floor behind you and turn to the right onto your hands and knees. Exhale as you rock gently forward on your hands, then inhale as the hands slide down the sides and back into wings, similar to the "Abstract Affection" form--the hands are flipped, and the body is leaned forward as you gaze at the earth. Lean to the left as you exhale, letting your eyes take in everything, then staring past your wingtip into infinity. Inhale as you re-center and gaze at the earth, then mirror right. Return to center, the hands coming to the palm-up, in-front-of-the-body position of the "Abstract Affection" form. 4. As you sit back on your heels, the palms again arc up to the shoulders as you inhale in awe through your open mouth, gazing overhead into infinity. The torso turns left, then right as you continue to gaze overhead. As the torso re-centers, return to hands and knees. 5. Rock slightly left, then right. The right leg extends backwards, as the body lies down, left knee raised to the left side, head facing left. Make three circles with the left palm and foot on the earth. Rub the left wrist and foot gently up and down, three times. Close the right eye, and make three scooping motions on the earth with the left palm and foot. Turn to the right and mirror, except that the right eye is also the one closed on this side. 6. Still lying prone, turn to face the front. Make three large swimming motions on the earth, using the arms and legs. 7. Lift the calves and chest from the ground, arms out to the sides, palms hanging loosely. Rock the left side up and "hover" for a few seconds, then the right. 8. Lie flat on the earth facing left as the palms go face up by the hips. Inhale deeply, then exhale as you sink into the earth. Turn to face right and mirror. 9. The right arm is extended overhead, and the body turns over on its back towards the left as the left hand, palm facing out, crosses in front of the eyes. 10. The hands brush up the body to stretch overhead as you inhale, toes pointing. The arms circle down and around as you exhale and repeat. On the third pass, the palms pause at the shoulders and grab energy there before extending overhead, left, right, left, right. Only the toe on the same side points. 11. The palms face out as the wrists cross and spread apart to shoulder width, inhaling. Exhale as the right hand traces its half of the wheel of time, then the left. Gaze and inhale as the fingertips, palm up, point to infinity. Grab the wheel of time and turn it slightly clockwise, then open the arms and chest to receive a new view.