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Title: The Being From The Ground (Ontario CA, 1998)  •  Size: 3264  •  Last Modified: Tue, 01 May 2001 00:30:38 GMT

Ontario, CA 8/98

1.	From horse stance, sweep hands as though flattening a rolled up 	
	chart on a table.	

2.	Hop hands 3 times inwards, ending with paws (all fingers together 
        pointing to the ground from bent wrists, forearms pointing ahead)
        on each hop.
3.	Turn paws so that fingers are parallel to the ground, and strike out 
        with left paw (DON'T fully extend elbow);  hand returns to position 
        and right hand strikes; do 3 sets quickly.
4.	Leading with left, do 3 sets of quick upward strikes to about shoulder
        level and back.  
5.	Leading with left, inhale as you bring paw more slowly up to head level, 
        holding elbow in position, until the paw points to front; exhale on 
        return.  Mirror with right.
6.	Take 2 diagonal steps left, bringing up the right foot behind the left 
        to form a T.  With each step, the paws dig together at the right 	
	side of the body as though digging in the direction of the step.
	Mirror for right.

7.      Leading with the left foot, scratch backwards by stepping slightly
	forward, lifting knee and bringing it in to center of torso 
        before setting foot down, then kicking backwards from the hip.  
        Mirror right.
8.	Bring left foot over so heels are on a parallel line, then pivot on 
        the heels to face 180 degrees from the starting point.
9.	Hop forward.  Scratch air furiously with paws for quick count of 10.
        Repeat twice more.

10.	Make ground being face by putting upper lip over bitten lower lip, and 
        smiling.  (Maintain this face for the rest of the pass!)

11.	Hop paws upwards in 3 steps as though climbing, making your best ground
        being bark at each hop.  
12.	With paws at head level, lean the torso left, then right, twice.  
        Remain leaning on last.
13.	With eyes closed, do 3 side digs back towards the center, by 	
	sweeping the outer paw around in a full loop, immediately followed 
	by the inner paw in a tighter loop, both paws ending up together in 
	position of step 2.  Open eyes.

14.     Repeat 11 and mirror 12 and 13 for the right.

15.	Repeat 11 and lunge paws forward and down 3 times as if digging 	
	furiously; try not to move the knees.  Eyes are closed while digging.

16.	Repeat 11.  Lean the torso back slightly, holding paws in position
        as you look overhead and make the final ground being cry.