THE INTENT SERIES LONG FORM (Updated at Ontario, CA 8/98) "Turn on" the body and: 1. Perform one set of "Grinding Energy With Three Slides Of The Feet", left-right-left. Leave the feet in position. 2. Perform one set of "Grinding Energy By A Sideways Slide Of The Feet" by moving the heels to the left, toes left, heels left, and heels right, toes right, heels right to end up at the starting position. Reset feet. 3. Perform one set of "Mixing Energy By Striking The Floor With The Heels", left, then right. Pause. 4. Perform one set of "Mixing Energy By Striking With The Heels Three Times", left-right-left. Reset feet. 5. Perform one set of "Gathering Energy With The Soles Of The Feet And Moving It Up The Inner Legs", left, then right. 6. Perform one set of "Stirring Energy With The Knees", left, then right. Pause. 7. Perform one set of "Pushing The Energy Stirred With The Knees Into The Trunk", left, then right. 8. Pivot 90 degrees to the right so that the left foot is slightly behind the right, and perform one set of "Kicking Energy In Front And In Back Of The Body"; the left leg kicks up, the right back; as the right foot returns to the ground, slightly behind the left, pause as the body sets to perform the pass for the right side. The right leg kicks up, the left back. 9. As the left leg reaches the ground, immediately begin "Lifting Energy From The Soles Of The Feet" on the left, pivoting back to face the front as the left foot returns to the floor. Complete the pass normally with the right foot. 10. Perform one set of "Pushing Down A Wall Of Energy", left, then right. 11. Perform one set of "Stepping Over A Barrier Of Energy", left, then right. Pause briefly, then the next four movements are performed very quickly: 12. Perform one set of "Kicking A Lateral Gate", left, then right. 13. Perform one set of "Cracking A Nugget Of Energy", left, then right. 14. Perform one set of "Scraping Off The Mud Of Energy", left, then right. 15. Immediately pivot 90 degrees to the left and perform the left side of "Stirring Up Energy With The Feet And Arms"; Pivot back to the front, then finish on the right side. 16. Perform "Rolling Energy On The Adrenals" for a three count down (as fists are closest to the body), then a three count up (as fists are closest to the body). 17. Perform one set of "Stirring Up Energy For The Adrenals", left knee forward, then right knee. 18. Inhale deeply as you straighten and immediately go into a quicker than normal "Fusing The Left And Right Side Energy"; left side, right side. 19. As you straighten, leave the right wrist pulled back and fingers forward for the right side of "Piercing The Body With A Beam Of Energy"; complete on the left. 20. Don't drop the hands and turn the torso immediately to the right to perform "Twisting Energy on the Solar Plexus And The Adrenals" with the hands close to the body near the right hip. Don't perform on the left. 21. Perform "The Half-Circle Of Energy", left-right. The right hand begins as the left hand, wrist pulled back tight, slowly completes its half circle. 22. Immediately bring the hands in front of the chest in position for "Stirring Energy Around The Neck", right palm on top, turning to face left. Complete set on right. 23. Perform "Kneading Energy With A Push Of The Shoulder Blades", right-left-right. 24. Immediately perform one set of "Stirring Energy Above The Head And Cracking It", right, then left. 25. Hop to set the feet at a 45 degree angle to the left for "Reaching For Energy Stirred Below The Knees". Grab once. Turn so that you are 45 degrees right of the ORIGINAL direction, and grab once with the right hand. 26. The body turns back to the front, the right palm shoots out to begin "Transporting Front Energy To The Adrenals". Don't complete on the left. 27. Perform "Scooping Energy From The Sides Of The Left And Right Bodies". 28. Perform "Cracking The Circle Of Energy", r-l-r, and on the second left pivot right to face the rear. After applying the cracked energy, the right hand crosses the body to the left shoulder in a "parry", then the left hand goes to the right shoulder to parry as you follow it around back to the front. 29. Immediately begin "Gathering Energy From The Front Of the Body And Right Above The Head". 30. Perform one set of "Stirring And Grabbing Energy From The Lower And The Upper Parts Of The Luminous Sphere": left strikes down, right up; right strikes down, left up. 31. Perform one set of "Mixing The Energy Of The Left And Right Bodies"; left, then right. 32. Perform a modified "Grabbing Energy From Above The Head For The Two Vital Centers": both hands make two small circles up and out at chest level, then the hands strike and grab together above and in front of the head. Forcefully pull the energy down, and apply it. 33. Perform one set of "Reaching For Energy Above The Head", left, then right. 34-36. The three breaths: "Dragging Energy From The Kneecaps Along The Front Of The Thighs"; "Dragging Energy From The Sides Of The Legs"; "Dragging Energy From The Front Of The Legs", are performed normally with two exceptions. After the first two passes, the energy is applied only briefly before the hands strike down to begin the next pass, using what's left of the same exhale for the first part of the next pass. On the final pass, the hands briefly swipe the energy and then the palms are lifted gracefully to face the front at about shoulder height.