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Title: Video Long Form 1 (Ontario CA, 1998)  •  Size: 3623  •  Last Modified: Tue, 01 May 2001 00:30:38 GMT

VIDEO LONG FORM 1 -- passes from the three videos, culminating
                             with "The Butterfly"

1.      Perform "Helping The Flow Of Immunity", but after both hands
        have vibrated beneath the chin, do not return the hands to
        the lower back.  Instead, inhale and perform "Two Prongs On
        The Face" for a count of 3.

2.      The hands immediately go into position to perform "The Lobster's
        Strike", right hand in front.  Do three sets.

3.      The hands strike immediately into position for "The Ball Of
        Energy".  Omit the initial adjustment of the hands--that is,
        the left begins above the right and ready to form the ball.
        Complete the movement, with three twists of the hands each
        time you form an energy ball.

4.      Perform "Teasing The Web", with each part of the movement done
        in sets of three. The left thumb is initially on top as you
        get rid of the excess energy at the end.

5.      Perform "Rolling Energy", three small circles (l-r-l), three
        large (r-l-r), and three outward sweeps of the arms to end the
        movement.  Immediately perform "Massaging The Glands Around The
        Shoulder Blades", three times.

6.      The wrists cross at waist level, left on top, palms up.  Perform
        "The Axis Breath"--instead of taking three breaths as the forearms
        rest on the knees, pause a moment then inhale as the hands are
        retrieved to the midsection.  At the end of the movement, the palms
        drop to face the floor by the hips.

7.      Perform "The Infinity Breath".

8.      With the hands still overhead from 7., they sweep out and then
        are pulled up tight next to the ribcage as you inhale to begin
        "A Structure Made Out Of Energy".  Immediately bring the edges of
        the palms together to perform "The Seer's Window".  Arm with
        "Intent!"  Take a step backwards, and perform "Rallying Dispersed

9.      With the hands still at the end of 8., continue to extend the
        left hand and pull back the right shoulder as you inhale for
        "Bringing Energy Down From Above The Head".

10.     Step forward with the left and bring up the right as the right
        palm strikes for "Transferring Energy To The Assemblage Point".
        Do not hold the hand in the back for a count of three, only pause
        momentarily.  Complete on the left without stepping.  With the
        palms still extended to the front face up, begin "Opening Oneself
        To Intent"--arm as usual with "Intent!"

11.     Perform "Pouring Intent Into Two Pouches Of The Body".

12.     As you walk away to the left at the end of 11., begin "The
        Butterfly".  After the three circles with each foot, turn to
        face the front before completing the movement.