Tensegrity Video 2: Redistributing Dispersed Energy
I'm Kylie Lundhal. These are my associates Reny Murez
et Nyei Murez. The movements that you are about to see have been taken
directly from other movements which shamans, seers, who lived in Mexico
in ancient times used to call magical passes. Everything we know about
those movements was taught to Carlos Castaneda, Taisha Abelar, Florinda
Donner-Grau and Carol Tiggs by don Juan Matus a yaqui Indian shaman from
the state of Sonora- Mexico. Don Juan's four disciples in turn taught the
three of us everything they know about those magical passes. The seers
of ancient Mexico performed these passes in order to condition their bodies
and minds for activities pertinent to shamanism. Shamanism was understood
by them as the acquired capacity to expand the limits of our normal perception.
The peculiarity of the magical passes which is most meaningful to us is
that by practicing them one can become aware of some cohesive force that
bind together the conglomerate of energy fields that we are. This binding
effect is something similar to what modern day astronomers believe happens
at the core of every galaxy that exists in the cosmos. They believe that,
at that core, a force of incalculable strength, holds the stars of galaxies
in place. This force called a black hole, is a theoretical construct which
seems to be the most reasonable explanation of why stars do not fly away,
driven by their own rotational speeds. Likewise, the conglomerate of energy
fields that we are, is kept in place cohesively by a tremendous binding
force without which, seers believe, we would explode from within and vanish
like a puff of air. The seers of Antiquity were capable of handling that
force once they became conscious of it. Their expertise in dealing with
it became so extraordinary that their actions were transformed into legends,
mythological events that could only exist as fables. After years of hard
work and dedication, the three of us, guided by don Juan's four disciples
were able to rescue the magical passes from their esoteric setting and
adapt them to more conventional surroundings. The result of this restoration
process we have called: Tensegrity, which to us is the art of using the
magical passes for the purpose of becoming conscious of the binding force,
which holds a human being together as a concrete unit. In our first volume,
"Twelve Basic Movements to Gather Energy and
Promote Well-Being", we dealt with complete magical passes and
with fragments of magical passes which were used to arrive at a minimal
awarness of what seers believe is the counterpart of our body. They call
it the energy body. Seers argue that we can learn to perceive energy directly
as it flows in the universe, and that when we do this, we are capable of
perceiving a human being as a conglomerate of energy fields that resembles
a luminous sphere. The energy body is an identical luminous sphere which
exists at a very great distance from us. Seers maintain that we are not
complete until the energy body is with us, and that through performing
the magical passes we can bring the two, closer to each other. In this
volume we are going to deal with the utilization of internal energy that
has been dispersed by the wear and tear of daily living, from the core
of the luminous sphere to the periphery of it. To make use of our own energy
that is normally inacessible to us is considered by the seers to be the
most important step towards well-being and completion.
This was a transcription of the speech of one pass taken from
Carlos Castaneda's Tensegrity Video number 2.
1: A Structure Made Out Of Energy
With our first magical pass " A structure made out
of energy" we aim at creating a structure in our immediate energy
horizon. Seers give the name of energy horizon to energy fields which are
immediately adjacent to us when we are perceived as luminous spheres. This
magical pass is basic, seers said, because it creates a dwelling so to
speak for the energy body. Their idea is that energy body had been separated
from us at birth and pushed away by antagonistic forces. By creating a
magical energetic dwelling seers believe we put out the invitation for
energy body to come closer to us.
- The emphasis of this first magical pass is on the area
of the kidneys and adrenals. By making a body stoop slightly forward we
create the adequate pressure on that area.
- Then the body is brought to a vertical position with
the upper chest fully extended, the back's straight, the eyes looking onward
fiercely. The eyes are always kept looking to the front with as much fierceness
as possible. Seers say that eyes must reveal our unbending intent.
- The next movement brings even greater pressure to the
adrenal area because the arms shoot out in front bent at the elbows with
tremendous force, the greater the force, the greater the effect on the
adrenal area.
- The trunk straightens up when the arms are raised above
the shoulders as if carrying a tray.
- The palms are then turned over with great force.
- The hands cross over one another and the arms are extended
- The hands are brought down then and pressure is brought
to bear again on the adrenals by stooping the trunk slightly and bending
the knees.
- The magical pass is closed with a quick lateral movement
of both arms.
2: The Seer's Window
Our second magical pass "The seers'window" is
performed to create an energetic opening to the outside of the luminous
egg. Seers maintain that by executing this magical pass we are actually
capable of manufacturing, so to speak, a momentary opening for peering
into infinity. This opening, seers maintain, is of crucial value for establishing
contact with the force that sustains our lives and give us nutrients, purposes,
vitality, name it, a force seers call "intent". Upon creating
his opening seers yelled the word "intent" which they say is
laid as a bridge from the human being over infinity to intent.
- The hands come together gently at the center of the body.
The thumbs are held firmly over the palms and only the edges of the hands
- Next, both hands are moved to the sides as if touching
a flat surface that extend to end of the arms aperture and closes again
to the center of the body.
- The left arm does the same movement alone while the right
one is kept at the same level, at the middle of the body.
- The same movement is executed with the right hand.
- The hands are then moved from the center until they are
the width of the body apart, held in a vertical position with the palms
facing each other.
- The left palm moves as if feeling the exterior edge of
a window frame.
- Then the right hand does the same thing.
- The left hand moves in an arc, pivoting on the elbow
to the interior edge of the invisible window frame. It moves upward and
downward once.
- The right hand does the same movement.
- Then both hands are raised above the head with the palms
facing the sky.
- The hands come together at the inner edges and both are
extended to the sides as if tracing the interior upper edge of a window
- They are held in a central point again and the left hand
performs the same movement.
- Then the right hand.
- Both hands are joined together again.
- The hands draw a small circle until the palms are down
and as if resting on the invisible window sill.
- The upper trunk stoops forward holding the kidney area
as the pivoting center, as if one is peering into a window and the word
"intent" is shouted, immediately afterward a step back is quickly
3: Rallying Dispersed Energy
The third magical pass: "Rallying Dispersed Energy"
is performed in order to rally the energy that has been dispersed by the
wear and tear of interaction in daily life. This rallying gets us from
lethargic state to one of greater alertness. "Rallying dispersed energy"
means to move it, by making it rotate in order to place it on a projection
of the solar plexus which is situated at arms length in front of us on
the periphery of the luminous sphere. Seers believe that storing energy
there is the surest way to make it available at a moment's notice.
- Both hands are brought together with great force over
the right shoulder with the left hand on top of the right.
- Then they are brought diagonaly across the body, as if
one is holding an invisible axe, to the area above the left knee.
- Dispersed energy is stirred around, counterclock wise
movement of both hands held together.
- Both hands clasped together are pulled back to the area
of the liver and gall blader.
- And then they are shoot out to the point directly in
front of the solar plexus.
4: Piercing The Two Columns Of Energy
The forth magical pass called "Piercing The Two Columns
Of Energy" rallies dispersed energy by deliberatly poking it at centers
that seers considered to be key spots. In other words the dispersion of
energy to the periphery of the luminous sphere results in the formation
of definite pockets of energy which seers poke in order to allow it to
diffuse and be rallied more easely. Poking is not done with the hand although
the hands and the arms are used, but it is done with the energy we call
tendon energy, for lack of a better name, which streams out of the limb,
when they are projected out with sufficient force.
- The forth magical pass begins with a vibratory movement
of both hands, a vibration generating from the axis of the forearm.
- The left arm turns in front of the body stirring dispersed
energy, and it pokes high into the column of energy to the right of the
body. A column that seers say, resembles the drippings of a candle.
- The right hand moves backwards in order to allow the
left hand a maximum explosion of tendon energy.
- The left arm rotates backwards one and a half times in
the opposite direction and pokes low at the same column of dispersed energy.
- The same movements are repeated with the right arm poking
high and low at the other column of dispersed energy on the left side that
looks like the one on the right.
- The right hand with the fingers pointing to the ground
draws a circle around the body from the left to right followed by the left
- Then the left hand draws the same circle followed by
the right hand.
- The right forearm rolls the ball from top to bottom,
followed by the left hand.
- Both hands hold the ball of energy on the solar plexus
and first push it in, then pull it out forcefully, and push it on to the
projection of the solar plexus, on the outer edge of the luminous sphere.
5. Awakening The Center Of Feeling
The seers' idea that sustains our particular series of
magical passes is that, through the effects of daily life, our internal
energy which is amassed around the area of the kidneys and adrenals is
dispersed to the periphery of our luminous sphere. This dispersion does
not mean in any way a loss of energy but rather a loss of our facility
to get access to it. The fifth magical pass "Awakening The Center
Of Feeling" has to do with the delibarate calling of the dispersed
energy on the periphery of the luminous sphere in order to bring it to
a specific center of feeling, a center located on the left side right above
the edge of the ribcage at the high of the upper tip of the pancreas and
spleen, a spot which seers believe is the epicenter of feelings. With this
movement we are preparing the bond of indubitable affection that must exist
between the body that we know and the energy body that we don't know, but
every one of us intuits it.
- In our fifth magical pass we keep the knees slightly
bent in order to allow the body stability.
- The hands join in a forceful, yet very controlled movement.
- They come together and pierce the dispersed energy accumulated
right in front of us.
- They rip it upwards and they are turned clockwise to
stir it.
- The hands come down to the mid-section, to the stomach
level, then they are turned over with the right hand on top.
- They cut upwards in a ripping movement and then they
are brought to the areas of the pancreas and spleen.
- From there the hands push out to the sides and they rip
what seers consider to be the heaviest concentration of dispersed energy:
the energy that accumulates next to the right and left sides of the body.
Seers refer to that concentration as columns of wasted energy that give
the impression of the dried up drippings of gigantic candles.
- The hands are brought again to the center of the body,
they rip upward, they stir the energy once again in a clockwise direction
and are brought once more to the pancreas and spleen areas and then they
projected out to the front of the body.
6. Transferring Energy To The Assemblage Point
Our sixth pass "Transferring Energy To The Assemblage
Point" deals with the transfer of dispersed energy from a frontal
area to the back in order for this force to serve as a crutch for the assemblage
point. When seers perceive human beings as luminous spheres, it becomes
evident to them that there exists on the already luminous sphere a spot
of even more intense luminosity, the size of a tennis ball, habitually
located at the height of the shoulder's blade and arm's length behind them.
Seers are firmly satisfied with their conclusion that it is there, on that
spot, that perception is assembled and that is why they called that spot
the assemblage point. By deliberatly displacing this assemblage point to
another place away from its habitual position, seers did prove to themselves,
that it is there that perception is assembled. The end result of this maneuver
is the perception of a world that is quite different than the world of
daily affairs. Seers have explained this difference by the observation
that when the assemblage point is on its habitual position, billions of
energy fields from the universe at large converge there, giving as a result:
the world we know. But when the assemblage point is displaced to another
location on the periphery or the inside of the luminous sphere, other sets
of billions of energy fields that resemble luminous fibres converge there,
giving as a result the perception of another world. Transferring energy
from the front to the back, seers believe, solidifies the position of the
assemblage point in all of us, espiecially in the case of extremely sensitive
persons whose assemblage point shifts eratically and who are incapable
of disciplining themselves. As they gain more awareness, however, the same
energy that served as a crutch, serves as a factor that expedites the peaceful
and deliberately displacement of the assemblage point. The magical passes
are always begun with the left arm. The reason for us is that the left
side of the body is always lagging behind the right one in terms of prowess
and dexterity. For the seers of antiquity, the reason was that we are inexorably
heading for a bilateral dissymetry. The left body is being unavoidably
shrunk by the right one if we do not engage our conscious efforts to balance
- This pass "Transferring Energy To The Assemblage
Point" begins by raising the left arm with the palm facing the ground.
- The palm is turn shortly upwards as the elbow is pulled
- Next, the left arm shoots out with the palm facing upward
and the wrist held immobile as straight as possible keeping the elbow bent.
- The left forearm is raised to the level of the eyes as
if it were a mirror in which we can see ourselves.
- We stare at the palm of the hand for a moment, then the
hand close into a fist that pivotes 45 degrees to the right.
- The elbow is raised until the upper arm is parallel to
the ground and the fist points downward, still twisted at an angle.
- The right hand is then placed over the left shoulder
as a support or a buttress of sort while the left arm pivotes as it is
twisted until the fist reaches the area of the right adrenal.
- At the count of three the right hand dislodges itself
from the shoulder and in an elegant arc it moves to the front of the body,
where the left arm straightens and joins the right at the same height.
- And they are both retrieved to the sides of the body.
- The exact same movements are repeated with the right
side of the body.
7. Bringing Energy Down From Above The Head
To Three Different Areas On The Front Part Of The Body
Our seventh magical pass "Bringing Energy Down From
Above The Head To Three Different Areas On The Front Part Of The Body"
brings dispersed energy from the top of the luminous sphere to three areas
on the body: the chest, the stomach area and the groin. Seers say that
this is the most direct way to arrive at a quick charge of energy. Energy
that has been dispersed to the area just above the head is, according to
the seers, an extremely active, extremely aggressive energy or rather the
fact that energy from other parts of the luminous sphere has been transferred
to the area above the head makes that energy extra-volatile highly charged.
To place that energy on those 3 areas of the body, seers say, ensures a
quick and effective reaction on our part.
- This movement "Bringing Energy Down From Above The
Head To Three Different Areas On The Front Part Of The Body" begins
with a raising of both hands with the arms stretched downward and the forearms
are raised at the elbow until the hands are almost touching the shoulders.
- The index finger and thumb are kept extended while the
other fingers are bent, nearly touching the palm.
- All the air from the lungs is exhaled and a deep breath
is taken while the left arm extends totally in front of the body and the
right arm, bent at the elbow, is thrust backward. A full extension of the
shoulders is obtained in this manner.
- All the air is exhaled then as the left arm is retrieved
all the way to the back and the right arm is extended fully onward. Another
breath is taken while the right arm is retrieved to the shoulder.
- The left one is pushed to the same level.
- With both arms at the level of the shoulders, the left
arm is extended straight upward with the index finger pointing to the zenith.
- All the air of the lungs is expelled at this point and
an inhalation is taken as the arm is lowered to the shoulder.
- The exact movement is repeated with the right hand.
- Then all of the fingers are extended upwards, the left
arm shoots up again as the fingers point to the zenith, all the air in
the lungs is exhaled.
- The fingers curl as if grabbing a handle and a deep inhalation
is taken as the arm is pulled downward until the hand, still holding an
invisible handle, is lowered to the level of the shoulder.
- The same movement is executed with the right arm and
when both hands are held together at the same level, the air inhaled with
the last movement is held in the lungs while the left and right hands come
together twice as if mixing a paste.
- The hands slide over the breasts with a deep exhalation.
- The hands move to the mid-section, fingers touching,
a deep inhalation is taken.
- Then the hands slide over the mid-section from the center
to the sides of the body as all the air is exhaled from the lungs.
- The hands go to the groin area, finger tips touching.
- Another inhalation is taken and then the hands slide
over the groin to the hips as all the air is once again expelled from the
lungs. * Notice that the elbows are kept pulled backwards and the chest
is fully extended.
8. Pulling And Wrapping The Internal Fibers Of Energy
Our eight pass is called "Pulling And Wrapping The
Internal Fibers Of Energy". Seers support the idea that the totality
of the universe is composed of energy fields, they could be described almost
in a visual sense as resembling luminous threads of infinite length. Seers
say that such energy fields can never be broken, that they could only be
stretched and bent. With this rather complex magical pass seers aim at
pulling and stretching threadlike energy fields that exist inside the luminous
sphere, in order to buttress areas which they consider to be essential
for withstanding the redirection of dispersed energy. Such of the areas
are in the shoulder's blade and the shoulders where ganglions are heavily
concentrated. Another area of equal value is the area of the knees and
ankles on which all the physical support of the body rests.
- First, both arms are raised as if they were holding two
thin vertical fibers.
- The left arm is placed on the right shoulder and the
right arm is immediately placed, behind, on the right adrenal. Notice that
both hands must be kept as if they are pulling two invisible vertical cords.
- The first is a tug onward and the other one is a backward
tug that counterbalances the first one.
- A deep breath is taken with the first one and a exhalation
is made on the second.
- Then the left hand wraps the invisible cord round the
back of the neck and comes down to rest on the area of the pancreas and
the spleen.
- Then the right hand wraps the invisible cord round the
back of the neck and comes to stop at the left clavicule.
- The back of the left fist touches the left adrenal and
the same movement of tugging forward with an inhalation and pulling backward
with an exhalation is done.
- The right fist, holding the invisible cord, moves round
the back of the neck and comes to rest over the liver and gall blader.
- The left fist and its invisible cord wrap round the back
of the neck from the left to the right and come to rest over the pancreas
and spleen. The arms are brought down and the forearms are raised again
holding another set of invisible vertical cords and the same movements
are performed again, starting with the right arm pulling the invisible
cord then goes over the left shoulder to the adrenals.
- When the full movements have been repeated and the fists
are held over the pancreas and liver, they are pulled forward to the initial
beginning position.
- The right leg has raised with the bent knee and the invisible
cord is tied over the knee once from the outside to the inside of the leg,
one more time from the inside to the outside of the foot and it ends with
a final turn from the inside to outside of the raised knee.
- The right hand is held in the initial position of this
movement while the left ties the invisible cord on the left knee in a mirror
image of what was done with the right leg.
- When the clenched hands are in the initial position they
are brought together over the solar plexus forcefully interlocking the
knuckles, and creating a pressure in the hands over the solar plexus, a
deep breath is taken.
- The pass ends by exhaling and bringing the open hands
to the sides with the palms up.
9. The Stellar Hatch
Our last magical pass, called "The Stellar Hatch"
is the final stage of our energy manipulation. A seers' belief is that
there are basic energy that cannot be diminished or augmented, it can only
be transferred from one area to another. One of the most remarkable accomplishments
of the seers who lived in Mexico in ancient times was that they found methods
to stir all the energy accumulated on the periphery of the luminous sphere.
This statement examined in light of our logic or reasonableness of every
day life is nonsensical but it wasn't non-sensical for the seers in question.
They claimed that by opening themselves to the influence of the energy
from the stars, they were creating a condition by which external forces
bore on them. Their energy was not increased in any measure by external
forces, but those external forces exerted a specific pressure on the periphery
of their luminous spheres, a pressure that was translated in to stirring
to the maximum, their dispersed energy, crusted through the years on the
periphery and rendering it ready for energetic manipulation. Buttressing
the body to extend the effect of this redistribution is, to seers, something
of key importance. Hence the value of our preceeding magical pass which
achieves this purpose.
- This movement is began by looking down as if one were
perched in an high place, looking at a spot on the ground located between
the feet, many storeys below. The hands are kept at the sides of the body.
The eyes begin to pull up an invisible clump of energy, perhaps the size
of a tennis ball.
- The eyes begin to pull up an invisible clump of energy,
perhaps the size of a tennis ball.
- It is raised to the chest at the level of the chin.
- The head is kept lowered with the chin to the chest.
- The invisible ball of energy is held at that position
on the chest by a jutting movement of the head.
- Then it is taken by the chin, raised to the level of
the eyes and the eyes push it to the zenith as the head moves backward.
- Once that ball of energy is held to the zenith, the arms
proceed to cut an opening in an energy ceiling above the head. The left
arm moves with the edge of the hand like a knife and cuts an opening. The
right hand is pushed down at the same time to help creating a slicing force.
- The left hand moves down as the right hand is raised
to produce the same cutting effect.
- Then the left hand is raised and both hands go through
the slits in the energy.
- Next, the right hand moves back as the left hand moves
to the front in a circular motion, propelled by a twisting of the torso.
- This is completed by the movement of the right hand to
the front and the left hand to the back. In this manner, a hatch is opened
in the energetic ceiling.
- The lid to that hatch is lowered and comes to rest on
the chest.
- The ball of energy then shoots out pushed by the eyes
through the opening into infinity. 3 seconds are counted for the ball to
reach its destination, and 3 seconds more are counted until it returns
and lands with an impact on the back of the neck.
- Air is inhaled as the shoulders are lifted and an exhalation
is made as the shoulders drop.
- Then the lid is picked up from the chest, placed back
in its position and opening is sealed by moving hands and the torso from
right to left and then left to right and then to the center.
- The next movement is to lowered the hands to the sides
of the body.
- The ball of energy that is held on the back of the neck
is unhooked by pushing it forward. This is done with another jutting movement
of the head.
- Then the ball drops all the way down to its original
position on the ground, several storeys below. A count of 3 seconds is
- Then a deep inhalation is taken by raising the shoulders
and the tops of the lungs as the arms with the hands bent at the wrist
extend outward to the sides of the body, creating a pressure behind the
ears that gives the sensation of breathing through gills.
- This is followed by an exhalation and arms come back
to the sides of the body.