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Title: The Winged Being (Ontario CA, 1998)  •  Size: 9274  •  Last Modified: Tue, 01 May 2001 00:31:42 GMT

Ontario, CA 8/98

1.  The two partners stand side by side an arm's length apart.
    The feet are together, then each takes a side step left.
    Each steps forward with the right foot as the right palm
    comes up to face the left at V-spot level, wrist pulled back,
    as the left arm makes an energy gathering motion similar to
    "The Half Circle of Energy", the eyes following the hand.
    The left foot steps forward as the left arm repeats the move,
    then steps back as the arm repeats the move a final time.
    The right foot steps to a spot beside the left as the body
    stoops slightly to the right and both hands go to palms facing
    a foot apart at the right knee, as if gently holding the
    gathered energy there.

2.  The left foot swings around the back and to the right of the
    right foot, and the body pivots to face 180 degrees from the
    original direction.  The hands, maintaining the same relative
    position and distance, are circled by the arms clockwise,
    ending up as though gracefully tossing the gathered energy
    to the left.  The outer arm parries, then the inner arm as
    the partners turn to face one another, fisted forearms
    crossed at chin level, palms to face.  The fists are then
    forcefully separated to shoulder width, then the arms
    immediately go to the "A and B Energies", right side, left.

3.  The hands perform a modified "Getting The Assemblage Point
    Loose"--the right foot steps back behind the left as the right
    palm comes before the eyes, while the left palm faces the floor,
    fingers to the front, wrist pulled back, just behind the left
    hip.  The feet come back side by side and the hands drop
    momentarily. Mirror on the left.  Mirror again right, but the
    feet remain side by side.

4.  For the next series of moves, one partner steps back as the
    other steps forward, and then reverse.  The partner going forward
    steps with the right foot as the left hand "Hurls the Assemblage
    Point Like A Knife", then left foot, right hand; finally left hand,
    right foot.  The other partner uses the same hand order, but
    the feet are opposite.  The forward going partner's right hand
    "Hurls the Assemblage Point From The Waist" as the right foot
    steps in the reverse direction; left hand, left foot; right hand,
    right foot.  Again, the other partner uses the opposite feet.

5.  The right hand reaches back and "Hurls the Assemblage Point Like
    A Ball" as the left foot steps back.  The left hand repeats the
    movement as the left foot steps up, and the partners' palms meet

6.  The hands drop to perform "Transferring Energy From the Adrenals",
    right in front, left in front, step back left, right in front,
    step back right. Step back left and perform "Forcing the Assemblage
    Point To Drop Down" on the left, step back right and perform on the

The Being From The Sky:

7.  Step forward with the right foot, wave upward facing palms up body and
    turn over and drop gracefully down the front 3 times.  Step with the
    left foot and repeat.

8.  Bring the arms back into wing position, then while inhaling and ducking  
    head slightly, bring the wings up, with palms facing out and about 4  
    inches apart.  Look through the  opening between the wing tips.  Exhale
    and look slightly down as the arms sweep back.  Do 3 flaps.
9.  Straighten and bring right foot up.  Wings go straight out to sides from 
    the shoulders, palms face down.  Flap arms forward in 3 medium circles.

10. Bring the left arm in slightly toward the chest and slice around to left
    as, gracefully as if flying, twist torso to left from buttocks and ruffle 
    feathers of wing in direction of turn by rubbing chin along it 3 times.  
    Mirror right.  In front, rub chin on chest.  Flap arms forward in 3
    medium circles.
11. Repeat 10., but gaze at ground with left eye only, right eye only, and 	
    both eyes, respectively.  Look forward.

12. Sweep arms back while remaining erect.  Look at a point on the ground 	
    directly in front of right toe, then step left heel to right toe, right 
    heel to left toe, left heel to right toe in a straight line.  Exhale and 
    lean weight back onto the right foot as the wings sweep into folded 
    position, one partner's inside the other's.

The female:

13. The  partners turn to face the original direction and inhale as the arms
    go to the front, wrists on the vital centers, palms flat and facing,
    fingers pointing forward.

14. Exhale as wrists slide to hip bones, palms as near to parallel with 	
    the ground as possible.  Leaning forward, in one motion palms travel to 
    the kidneys on the back, then the arms sweep straight out to the sides, 
    palms facing backwards, the partners' wings overlapping.	

15. Both partners turn 90 degrees to stand back to back, but not touching.
    The palms return to the position of 13., then sweep up and out to form 
    wings, then return to starting position.

16. Hands still on hip bones, shrug the left shoulder, then the right, 3

17. Both partners raise the same foot (the one towards the original back
    direction) and shake it three times, then curl the foot in a scooping
    movement as it returns to the floor.  Mirror.

18. Fold left palms flat on torsos under right breasts, then right palms
    under left breasts.

19. Strike palms straight out facing each other, elbows held against the body 
    at the sides.  Strike forward for count of 3, up and down for count 	
    of 3, in and out for count of 3, and flip palms over (flat to ground 
    and facing up) for count of 3.

20. Keeping arms in place, lean backwards and inhale, lean forward on exhale.

The male:

21. The  partners turn to face the original direction and inhale as the arms
    go to the front, wrists on the vital centers, palms flat and facing,
    fingers pointing forward, further apart than before.

22. Exhale as wrists slide to hip bones, palms as near to parallel with 	
    the ground as possible.  Leaning forward, make larger wing, the partners' 
    wings crossing at the forearm, palms returning to starting position.

23. With palms in place, the left toe taps 3 times to left, shift weight to 
    left. Right foot taps 3 times to right, shift weight to right.  Left toe 
    taps 3 times to front, 3 times to back, 3 times to front, pivot to face 
    back, tap 3 times to new front with right, 3 times to new back, 3 times 
    to new front, pivot and bring feet back parallel.

24. Repeat 18. then the hands strike up and out to sides--hands form eyes by 
    making OK sign--index finger and thumb make circle, other 3 fingers 
    extended.  Eyes are facing sides, then face front.

25. Hands circle down and in for 3 large loops, ending with eyes close 	
    together but facing front.  The eyes face each other.  Hands circle up
    and out for 3 smaller loops.

26. Eyes return to starting hand position and facing body on exhale.  Eyes
    make large outward loops on inhale, exhaling from zenith as they return
    to the body.

27. Left eye strikes up to left side, eyes in head following.  Right eye 
    strikes down to right side, eyes in head following.  Swivel torso to left 
    as eye looks to the left for a count of 3, eyes in head looking in
    direction of pointing fingers; swivel to right, bringing right hand up 
    and left down; right eye looks to the right for count of 3.  Face 
    forward as the eyes wobble to regain equilibrium for count of 3, the 
    partners' arms circling one another.

28. The eyes are brought to the starting position, then shoot out in front 
    of the body with flat facing palms as before, but elbows are about 4-5 
    inches in front of the body; the new hand sequence is forward for 3, up 
    and down for 3, in/out for 3, crossovers for 3, and palm flips for 3.

29. The arms sweep out and back while leaning forward and the facing palms 	
    strike straight ahead while inhaling.  Exhale as the torso twists to the
    left until the palms are parallel to ground.  Inhale as you return to 
    the front.  Exhale as the body twists to the right.

30. Inhale as the body straightens and the palms grab and squeeze the solar 
    plexus for a count of 3.  Exhale as the hands fall to the sides.