Tensegrity Seminars
Maui - March 1995
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To: The Castaneda Mailing List
Date: 95-05-04 12:09:06 EST
Some thoughts about The Shaking Pass -
Taisha said something interesting about the Shaking Pass at the Maui Tensegrity Workshop earlier this year. She said the Shaking Pass is similar to what takes place when a sorcerer transforms their physical body into pure energy. She said that once, without forwarning, her teacher Emilito said "Hey Taisha, look," and he began to shake. Starting with his feet and ankles, the shaking moved like a seizmic tremor up his body and as it did, his body became amorphous and transparent- until he was gone from sight.
The next day someone asked Kiley if any of the Chacmools had ever witnessed their teachers disappearing. She said that they had seen them disappear before their eyes once, but the experience wasn't anything to talk about. She said that they were there and then they weren't and the whole thing seemed afterward like a dream.
The Shaking Pass seems to be how the Chacmools like to end the tensegrity instruction. They used it in both Mexico workshops, in Maui and in Boulder. It's a fun pass- not imbued with the heaviness that some of the others have. But, it's tricky in that regard. The Shaking Pass will make you feel alien to yourself quicker and make you sorer the next day than any of the others.
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