Tensegrity Seminars
Munich - May 1998
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To: The Tango Mailing List
Date: Tue, 26 May 1998 11:34:30 -0700
A few personal observations on the Munich [May 23rd, 1998] workshop.
This time there seemed to be a general feeling of urgency among practitioners. There was very little in the way of 'passing the time' and idle chit chat in between sessions and the practice sessions themselves seemed to compress time.
Although, the relationships between people were harmonious there were some areas where behaviours got strained, in particular around the book stalls and the water canteens, but on the whole people were friendly and self composed.
In myself during the tensegrity sessions I noticed, particularely on the first day, a lot of negativity arising, yet at the same time I knew that it was not MY negativity. Rather it was like some kind of wind circulating around and that if I chose to get cought by it and indulge in my petty concerns I would be totally consumed by my self import. So instead I ignored it and just concentrated on doing the passes. Eventually, by day two things cleared up and I got the sense of doing tensegrity with others rather than by myself. For a brief moment towards the end of the workshop I felt that 'all of me' was there present at the Munich workshop.
The genaral consensus seems to be that the new passes which were taught to us... 'the tensegrity of affection?' were exactly what was needed at this point in time.
It seems to me now that the large Energy body of tensegrity (made up of all the practitioners across the world) has an unbending purpose and that it is up to us individually to put aside our petty individual preferences to walk the path with a heart without holding back anything. That may allow the Tensegrity energy body to unfold its wings and fly onto infinity. There is not much time left.
The joy that was present in that hall as the clock struck noon was something I'll always remember.
My thanks go to the Nagual , the Witches, the tensegrity teachers, my fellow practitioners, the organisers and the city of Munich too which I found very hospitable and beautiful.
>>> Lets do it <<<
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