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Tensegrity Seminars

Mountain View - June 1998

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To:   The Tango Mailing List
Date:   Wed, 17 Jun 1998 17:06:09 -0700

During the Mountain View workshop, Brandon was telling a story about an experience he had with Carlos regarding the practice of Tensegrity. The two of them were on the way to the movies as I recall. Brandon was saying how difficult it is to find the time to squeeze in the passes in his busy life. With all the hours he worked at the legal firm it was hard to find the time to practice the passes as much as he would like. He had hit upon a great idea of finding a nice quiet location out of the way where nobody would find him, and on his breaks he would go there and practice. Of course he chose the mens room in the law office, where else. (I am sure there are more than a few of us who have resorted to some spin off of this strategy.) So off he would go. On breaks then at lunch. Then he started going between breaks and between lunch. Eventually he would go..... between all the other times.

Unfortunately, two recurring problems cropped up. Inevitably someone would walk in to use the restroom right in the middle of the "Breathing in Energy from the Ground" position or something. With lightning quick reflexes he would have to snap to a pedestrian position and pretent to be straightening his tie in the mirror, as his interupter walked by, gazing suspiciously upon him as he passed. The other problem with this strategy was that soon, the other people in the office began to notice that he was always going the toilet.....all the time. Of course it took a long time for anybody to actually approach him to question him about it. By that time I'm sure the whole office was convinced he had diabetes or something. But basically the plan wasn't working that great.

As they continued their walk to the movies he couldn't help notice that Carlos had apparently stepped in something unmentionable and kept shaking his foot, or kicking at the air as they walked along in a "not-so-subtle" attempt to dislodge the offending substance or scrape it off the sole of his shoe. This went on for quite some time without anything being said about it. Brandon was dying to ask him what in the world was going on but was too polite to mention it. Finally as they approached the ticket window at the movie theater he worked up the nerve to as Carlos about it. "Excuse me,....Nagual, but is there something stuck to the bottom of your shoe?" to which he replied in amazement, "No, I'm simply doing my passes". Brandon, perplexed, asked him more about it. The passes he went on to say, are designed to be practiced, as we are walking, sitting, working, or pretty much any other ordinary activity that we are typically engaged in. Pieces, fragments are able to be performed as we are walking along wherever we go.

I have found this to be a great way to integrate the practice of tensegrity into our daily lives, and keep our awareness on the fact that we are warriors, always stalking ourselves. Whether we are at work, home, play or whatever, the battle never ends. Doing this has the immediate effect of transforming the events of our daily lives into the magical stage where the battle is fought. Our own private Sonora. By reminding ourselves constantly with the passes that we are all more than we seem, we are able to tie together the many facets of our lives into a cohesive, singular effort. From there we strike into infinity.


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