Tensegrity Seminars
Seattle - July 1997
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To: The Ixtlan Mailing List
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 21:10:05 +0000
Hi. I'm Juan Jose Yera, and I just recently came back from the workshop in Seattle. I was thoroughly reenergized. I had recently came back from a long sea cruise and something happened to me there. When I got back all I was doing was the long passes and some sprinkling of others. However this seminar has hopefully rekindled my desire to be free and start my recapitulation in earnest. When Kyle arrived she was her normal self, the accomplished stalker and formidable warrior that she is. She said that she was going to teach us some passes that The Nagual had given her, just for us. I was hooked. You know, our butts just puckered up and we thought "OOOOH he sent that just for MEEE!! He probably knows I'm here". Played right up to our self importance. Kyle played it like a pro. I thank her for her great performance that day and for having her thumb on the pulse of the group. Somehow she seemed to know exactly how we felt. She stopped when I felt I could go no more. We did all three videos and we learned some new passes. The Egg and Primate something can't remember exactly and I don't know if the Release passes have been taught elsewhere. I'll describe the best ones I liked.
The egg: Two large, in succession back strokes. Then a slam down with both palms sort of facing in at the level of the stomach. Then 3 circles, palms down and open like if you were rubbing the top of a big, big egg, from front to back . Then palms & fingers spread facing each other, arms held as wide as your hips, at hip level three quick flicks up and down. Next with the hands in same position three large circles as if rubbing the sides of a big egg in front of you starting at your waist level down to the bottom of your thighs. Then you bend down and do three circles as if tracing the bottom of the egg just as at the top of the egg, palms facing up. While still bent over spread both arms wide and come in fast in a motion as if to pick up the egg. Quickly stand up holding the egg in both hands. Then take the egg your holding and smash it against your chest. Then rub it in and say MMMMMMM as you rub. This sounds too humorous for life. But it is a heck of a lot of fun. (Wouldn't it be funny If they were pulling our leg, and these passes are just a bunch of ridiculous movements.) But even if they are, I sure am having fun doing them!
The next, like I said I can't remember what the name is right now but the movements were simian in nature . It starts out by bending over and hanging your arms and hands down in front of you. Then it continues with alternating as if you were a monkey standing up as you raised your hands your hands continue about a count of six to the middle of your body then the simian gestures turn into a climbing like movement again as far as you can reach about a count of six. when all the way up you grab an imaginary bar or pipe and bring it down on your head in a breaking motion and then shower yourself with that energy touching your head face, neck and continue to your chest and down to your sides.
Reni spoke about three main points. 1. moods of the warriors. And living the mood. Warriors actions don't come from the same place. Not what's in it for me 2. Driving force is the knowledge that we are on our way to die. All is lost we have nothing to do but gain. 3. Universe is not linear and can not be understood with straight line logic. We have a finite amount of energy and simply when you use it up you die. We use energy foolishly so Tensegrity redeploys that energy that is encrusted on the inside of our luminous egg. Parable: Energy in this instance is similar to a man in the desert looking for water although he has a big jug of water tied to his back he can't drink because he does not have the tools necessary to get to the water. Tensegrity is the tool to get to that water (energy) that we need. (In the language of the 90's Recycle that energy: mine)
Another thing addressed was Carol Tiggs. She said (Kyle) that it is a fact that she was gone for 10 years and is back. She was gone from this world shoes and all. I seem to be running into different people at these seminars the same ones many times. All very interestingly different beings. Many that have stopped doing what they have always done & seem to have left the world and dedicated themselves to Tensegrity and the warriors way. One thing that I learned from someone concerned the Blue Scout. For the longest time I seemed to be fixated on the scout. And I believed that she was a person that had gotten trapped there (world of the inorganic beings)as a result of dreaming. The questions that came to mind were: But were did she come from before, how did she learn to go to that world. I'm sure some of the same questions we all have. But now I realize that is not the case, she is actually another form of being , I suppose she has now fixed her assemblage point at the habitual place for Human beings. This realization was rather overwhelming at the time and awesome in its implications. Is there anyone out there that can agree with this or have any comments about this subject? I mean if everyone else knew this, silly me I didn't remember. If I have left something out, well I probably have forgotten that too, and hope that it is all stored in a position of my assemblage point. If there is any thing that I can tell you about the passes is this, in the words of the Nagual "just do them" :)
Juan Jose Yera. [email protected][ 1997 Index | Previous | Next ]
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