Tensegrity Seminars
Los Angeles (3) - August 1995
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To: alt.dreams.castaneda
Date: 3 Aug 1995 23:50:36 -0700
I'm sure Rich will post some detailed notes, but for now, here's some quick ones.
Carlos showed up for both meetings today. At the second meeting, he got so into his lecture that he went overtime and we needed to stay late to make up for it. The topic was mainly "poor baby" and I got the feeling that carlos was feeling confident enough about the audience to be a little less diplomatic. For instance, he talked about other philisophies and said they'd become "unvital". This was part of a discussion about how different it is to live like a sorcerer and actually be involved in exploring new worlds. Carlos said that if anything, he'd watered down the books because the real thing was too foreign to us.
All of the group appeared tonight with the possible exceptionn of Fabrizio (who might have been there but I don't know what he looks like) and Tracy.
The names of a couple of people in the group have changed again, so I'm going to dump the Whos Who list. Rumor has it that they made fun of it, so watch out, they seem to know what's being said on this newsgroup!
Carlos laid out something only hinted at yesterday: They fully expect some weird things to happen as a result of this workshop. Carlos told us to keep our fingers on the panic button because he wasn't our mother or guru.
He reemphasized that the chacmools are ideal for us because they're half way. He said he's no longer in this world. In fact, he couldn't project himself past the last sunday lecture so they had to move the last meeting to tomorrow so that both groups will end on sunday.
That's all till rich writes in. I also saw a number of other people taking really good notes, let's hope they show up here. If not, I'll try to remember what was said.
Last night I posted a message about falling asleep and dreaming while driving on the freeway with my eyes open. Carlos suggested in tonight's meeting that this might happen to us during the workshop. He talked about seeing pine forests, but all I saw was christian outhouses...
At last night's workshop meeting, Carlos showed up and addressed all three of these topics a little bit.
About the tenant he said that the worlds they are currently exploring are outside the traditions of don Juan's lineage (presumably because they are created by assemblage point positions with a different shift than don Juan used, and more like what the tenant used).
About good and bad he said that neither existed from the point of view of sorcery.
About DJ's mood he said that as a person, he (Carlos) didn't have much to say to us. But that if we joined up with his purpose he would be bound to help us in any way possible. He said he cared deeply about the condition of mankind and didn't want to leave without doing something to help. He couldnt' see letting don Juan's knowledge simply end with him. Then he said that don Juan didn't share his concern, that don Juan didn't particularly care for his fellow man.
On a related note...
Today Carlos came in at the end of a hard Tensegrity workout, and lectured us on the importance of doing the movements JUST EXACTLY the way the Chacmools specify, rather than the way "you feel" they should be done. He said that those movements, if done PRECISELY and diligently, will have the intended effect on your body, and on your energy body, whether or not you believe that they will.
So, discipline is the issue here.
Recapitulation I have found to be a similar story. My tendency was to want to futz around with all the little details, making sure I had everything "just so", rather than getting down for days and days and days and slogging it out. Well, I finally futzed all I could, and now I'm slogging.
Discipline. That's the thing, at least, for me...
A Lazy Boy,
To: alt.dreams.castaneda
Date: 7 Aug 1995 01:31:59 -0700
August 5th:
On Saturday Carlos took the B group and divided them into 6 small groups of about 25. He taught each of those small groups different techniques as a prelude to Tensegrity. There were about 3 techniques or movements taught to each. I was in group 1, and was taught about the shake energy.
At the workshop I was with someone and we asked Kylie if it was possible to read lecture notes and pick up techniques we hadn't actually been taught ourselves, and to my surprise she said, "absolutely!"
I found the techniques that Carlos taught me to be so intriguing that I'm passing them on to you in as much detail as I can.
The techniques are designed to shake specific areas of the body. For instance, the shoulder blades are considered by sorcerers to be too big to be a fully evolved structure, they are considered remnants of some sort. That means they carry the residue of something different.
To shake these, pull your palms WAY back, keeping them flat. Then do palm thrusts to the ribcage of someone in front of you. Your fingers will naturally point a bit outward, the hands at about 45 degrees with the heel of the palm hitting. If you pull the hands way back, you'll feel a huge shock to your shoulder blades, like a big thud.
Then swing those hands down and up over the head and strike downwards with the palms to someone's shoulder blades. The fingers will poiint slightly inwards. This shocks your throat and ribcage in the front, in a line downwards.
Then swing the hands back, up over the bottom and strike upwards, like you were going to strike in the groin, but the hands are seperated about 1 foot and go to the level of the navel. Like striking the bottom of a counter. This shocks the back of the spine from the neck downwards.
Carlos said that this would teach us how the different movements in Tensegrity produce shocks in the body, and would wake up these remnant energies in us.
To: alt.dreams.castaneda
Date: 7 Aug 1995 01:25:12 -0700
August 7th:
At the workshop someone asked about cyclic beings today (sunday). Carlos had Zaia and the child she had been hanging out with stand up. He said they were cyclic beings. I guess he decided that the audience wasn't taking him seriously, so he reiterated that he was much too involved to make things up, that this was a matter of life and death.
The child looks a lot like Zaia Alexander who is the dark haired woman who has the same general tone and hair color as Reni. But the child has shiny eyes and a more spanish look. They two of them hang out so much that at one point I was sure that Zaia was her mother. By the way, I'm not sure if Zaia is her name. If it were, it might change tomorrow anyway.
Today the child drew little thankyou cards and pasted flowers and tassles on them and gave them to three or four of the members of the group. The girl looks about 12 and is extremely well-behaved and patient. Zaia treats her like both a daughter and comrad, it's really nice to see. Zaia also pays a great deal of attention to the child, several times I was looking at the child and at Zaia to see if they looked related and each time she spotted my gaze from way accross the room and through 100 people.
To: alt.dreams.castaneda
Date: 7 Aug 1995 01:36:55 -0700
They are teaching a technique at the workshop called, "The male and female winged fighter." They have said that this technique is "proper" (belongs) to the death defier. It is one of two that will be taught which came from that source.
In the private group 1 Carlos was emphasizing how timid we are. He gave the example of Cancer and fatal viruses saying that we were so timid that we accepted that some things were permanent. Then he said that the technique I mentioned about was for "changing grooves" (grooves, groves???), like skipping from one record track to another. Thus if you found something wrong with your body, even a handicap like fused spinal vertibrae (someone in the audience asked specifically about this), you could change grooves and be free of any handicap or life threatening situation.
The start of this technique has a movement where you pick up the leg (from a horse stance) and loop it up and back down, like the Tekki series Katas of Japanese Karate (somewhat). Carlos demonstrated how you can change grooves with this movement by jumping to the side.
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