Tensegrity Seminars
Los Angeles (7) - August 1997
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To: The Ixtlan Mailing List
Date: Tue, 2 Sep 1997 15:21:12 +6
This workshop truly brought together so many of the elements of the last 5 attended. It was like the fog lifted in areas that were so simple and yet had evaded comprehension. The Dark Sea of Awareness- it was if a giant reservoir of something opened and has made itself available. The memory of Miles voice entoning "fifTEEN, six TEEN, sevenTEEN" as our feet moved silently from side to side. Over the next few days mere moving my feet from side to side brought that feeling of awareness back into my being. The non doing passes are beyond my expectations. They already have brought so much into reality.
During the workshop several synchronistic events led to a "dreaming/seeing" experience. During the not doing passes, I went into a state where I realized I was in another reality, "stuck" there and extremely angry and frustrated. Merely becoming aware of this was a release through out my body and by stating my intent to clear and be released, I found myself getting out of that field or band of energy. A certain level of anxiety that had been present on a low level began to dissipate and a feeling of well being began to emerge. This has continued.
Upon returning home, it seemed as if the force of the workshop demanded that I "clean up" areas of my life and I spent the first few days, tearing apart things and getting rid of the unneccessary. Whew! I wanted to do the passes 2 hours a day and still do. I did 2 physical activities and found that in order for the feeling from the workshops to continue I had to bring the same attention to them as doing the long passes. After both experiences, I felt "blasted" with energy. ANother practioner came over so we could clarify some of the sketchiness of our memory and we were in shock that 2, not one hour had passed. A sleeping problem that has been persistent for a year and a half (especially during the workshop) was resolved by moving the ME point to the right while reclining. WOW! An awareness for cultivating silence has grown and the ME ME ME behavior is being noticed (yikes) and shited. Chaos has erupted in a most beautiful way that is a new teaching.
In addition, a passion for "sacred " or "shamanistic" theater, which I have pursued for years, has been pointed in a direction. The maneuver of Weds night was impecable, intense, aligned and beyond the entertainment value that was easily experienced. I am curious if there are others who share this inclination.
Finally as an antidote, an offering from the energy of not doings
While performing the not doing passes on Sunday I was vaguely aware of neighbors having conversation, but was not registering what they were saying. I was drifting in between passes, my internal dialogue going over the days events to come. All of a sudden, the husband said two words very clearly and distinctly: "Not Doing", which reminded me to court inner silence.
In all of this, I have become aware of the meticulous path that we have been lead on, especially over the last year and a half. I for one am grateful and applaude the 210% that is exercised by the witches, the Energy Trackers, the Elements, Cleargreen and the volunteers. Oh yes and did I mention the attendees who inspired me with their attention, silence and lack of personal agenda. My being is full. Thank you all.
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