Tensegrity Seminars
Los Angeles (10) - August 1997
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To: The Ixtlan Mailing List
Date: Wed, 3 Sep 1997 22:33:01 +6
In the course of the past 30 years, nothing has exalted my spirit (alas, just a plain old book-loving spirit, not an impeccable warrior sorcerer spirit) like the appearance of a new Carlos Castaneda work. In order to accurately convey the deep and profound impact Sr. Castaneda's work has had upon my reflective life I would probably have to do my entire recapitulation in this e-mail and I doubt Tango would pass it along. Suffice it to say that the last three decades of my life have been inestimably enriched by the awareness of the 'something greater' at whose portal the nagual Don Juan Matus will forever remain demonstrating power, perception and the value of laughter to Carlos Castaneda.
It was a deeply profound thrill to pick up an Arizona newspaper some weeks back and encounter an interview with this deeply cherished author. And, even more amazingly, to learn that he and his associates were teaching something "magical" (passes to the masses). I attended the Phoenix Tensegrity workshop, found it immensely interesting and will be forever hold it dear as still another expression of a life (i. e. Castaneda's) seeking a purpose that matters in the context of an infinite predatorial universe (from one of the early books, I recall Don Juan and Don Genaro advising Carlos that the art of living is acknowledging that nothing matters but acting as if something does).
As I read the reports of the extracalifragilisiticsupercaliexpedotius (sp?) LA Tensegrity workshop...and thank you all who are taking the time to share your impressions...I simply find myself filled with relevant echoes of the books. Why should anyone be surprised, brave brave John Garvey, that a financier has achieved the rank of Element when Don Juan himself, in a metropolitan setting and dressed in an impeccable light-colored summer business suit if I remember the passage correctly, once announced to a stunned Carlos that he, Don Juan, earned money as "an investor." That same passage, incidentally came to mind during the Phoenix workshop when I noticed the nation's leading astrological stock timer in the crowd.
On a different note, I can't help but swallow hard when I read that Carol Tiggs, I think this is to whom Tom Hiken is attributing the reference, is somehow dismissing the practices in the books as something that Carlos and Taisha are no longer involved with. So what? So what? So what? Not everyone can be a sorcerer and these books are TREASURES because they help us to more profoundly appreciate and even lend some hope to our tenous situation in a hostile universe. Frankly, for the past four years I've very honestly been worrying about Carol Tiggs because I thought she had disappeared from the world on the wings of intent in The Art of Dreaming ...how do I, as a slave to the story, begin to express the turmoil into which my soul was sunk as I learned she was now teaching seminars (it's not the sort of thing you yell out in a crowd)?
I suppose all I'm trying to say is that this Tensegrity thing may prove itself the greatest gift of all. But the books, thirty years of what may well be the most impeccably recorded spiritual journey in the history of literature, are also worth cherishing. Without them, it all seems like just so much yoga.
In gratitude,
Steve Weiss[ 1997 Index | Previous | Next ]
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