Tensegrity Seminars
Culver City - October 1995
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To: The Ixtlan Mailing List
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 1995 04:20:51 -0500
Here's the crib sheet on the passes for the second weekend in October, which included the Recollecting Disbursed Energy with the Feet and the Hands.
Oct 13-15 Culver City Workshop (arming words in CAPITALS)
1) Recalling Dispersed Energy with the Feet and Hands
- lean left then right 3x
- grab left front then grab right front 3x
- knee up, opposite hand up 3x (starting with left knee)
- grab and lasso left and right 3x, BRAKE 1st & 3rd each side
- knee up, opposite hand up, grab and lasso left and right 3x,
BRAKE 1st and 3rd each side
- grab in front with both hands, 6 inward circles left foot then right
(PULVERIZE at beginning on each side)
- grab in front with both hands 6 outward circles left foot then right
(PULVERIZE at beginning on each side)
- grab rail in front, braid step 3x left (BRAID on 1st), then right 3x
- grab rail to sides, in/outward "pampas" walk 3x left (WEAVE on 1st) then right
- feet together, swing arms in figure 8 in front with left arm then right
arm for a total of 3x on each side (MIX on 1st two)
- swing arms back around and down to floor, lift and dump over back (POUR)
- hands down front with exhale to close on center2) Luring Concentration from the Heels to the Knees
- Arms hanging count 3
- left knee soft spot grab 10
- arms dangle 3
- right knee soft spot grab 10
- dangle 3
- left ankle squeeze 10
- dangle 3
- right ankle squeeze 10
- dangle 1
- left elbow, right elbow 3x to shoulder, elbow to zenith, (LIFT on 1st 2 elbow lifts)
- arms up above head, palms facing each other, 4" apart
- arms around back and down to SCOOP
- bring arms up above head and dump over back
- bring hands in fists down and around to lower back, fists against adrenals count of 3
- grab right adrenal (around front) with left hand
- grab left adrenal (around front) with right hand
- put left hand over left adrenal in back
- put right hand over right adrenal in back
- massage adrenals, count 3
- feet perpendicular to left, do "Z," SEPARATE IT 4 points starting with
lower right "tail" of Z, then back down, then back to top
- 9 sets of circles with left leg, BLEND IT on first 3 circles
- turn to right
- feet perpendicular to right, do "Z," SEPARATE IT 4 points starting with
lower right "tail" of Z, then back down, then back to top
- 9 sets of circles with right leg, BLEND IT on first 3 circles
- bring hands around to front and push down, straighten legs.3) Hearing Energy
- hang forward at knee level, count 3
- lift left hand behind head, elbow out, arm up tight, thumb on mastoid
bone, open mouth, count 3
- left step forward, count 3 then right arm back and palm up, straighten
left leg HEAR IT
- then pivot 90 degrees w/ left ft, follow with right
- pivot four more times, ending up in the starting position, HEAR IT
each time except last
- repeat with right side
- hang forward
- back up with both hands behind head with fingers interlaced, ct 3
- twist left 3, LISTEN
- twist right 3, LISTEN
- tilt down to right to look left, LISTEN, and wobble (shake torso)
- tilt down to left to look right, LISTEN, and wobble (shake torso)
- step forward with left and dip, LISTEN, then step dip back, LISTEN
- turn left and step with left heel down and pivot straight with toe, LISTEN
- do same step to right, LISTEN
- then vibrate 3x each with left and right hands against head
- hands come down in front with exhale
- chin against chest 10
- chin against left shoulder 10
- chin against right shoulder 104) A Being From the Sky (STRENGTH)
5) A Being From the Ground (SPEED)
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