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Tensegrity Seminars

Omega Institute - October 1997

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To:      The Ixtlan Mailing List
Date:    Tue, 14 Apr 1998 16:20:12 EDT

These note were taken after Zaia Alexander lecture at the Omega workshop on 10/11/97.

Zaia Alexander gave a short explanation of the male female configuration known as "Awareness through harmony". She stated that it was not possible for Carlos Castaneda and Carol Tiggs to have a harmonious relationship as she and Miles Reid share because Carol Tiggs would dominate Carlos Castaneda. Zaia explained that she and Miles were very similar energetically and they had found the line that connected them. She stated that she had been going through a most trying time in her life when she found Miles. She also elaborated on the fact that human beings can find their counter parts and can discover great strength when finding that being.

Zaia also explained that in Ancient times females dominated the males and were very powerful, but because the has lost their sobriety they fell from power and the males kicked them out physically. Since that time the value of the male female relationship has never been explored. Zaia said that there are currently two pairs of practitioners who are in a position to take advantage of the "Awareness through harmony" yet when ever they are near each other they despise each other. This delights Carlos Castaneda to no end for he takes advantage of this and keeps them together for long periods of time. Zaia stated that those practitioners are so alike that they even beads of sweat form on their faces in the same place.

The shamans code is a series of 18 not-doing magical passes. Instead of naming those passes the Shamans of olden times would give them numbers and would scramble the order to give themselves great awareness.

Zaia made a comment at this point about self proclaimed teachers teaching Tensegrity. She gave and example of a man who she had heard had been to two practice groups and was now teaching Tensegrity, and of a woman in Mexico who was teaching a magical pass that Zaia tried to replicate for the audience. It involved sticking your finger in your mouth and then pulling it out making a POPING noise. Zaia's attempt was unsuccessful yet utterly funny. These self proclaimed teachers where trying to be teachers. Zaia explained the difference between a Teacher and Practitioner. A teacher is someone who teaches something they learned ages ago, but a Practitioner is someone who shows what they have learned and they themselves practice and live by. These so called teacher who were trying to be recognized as the 'best.' "No one is the best" she stated with authority "Infinity is the best!!"

She said that the Shamans Code could not be done outside this workshop. That it would be futile to replicate what we were going to do. Those magical passes were going to preformed "for our awareness only." Zaia said that one could be selfish is such situations, but it was a different kind of selfishness.

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