Tensegrity Seminars
Culver City - November 1995
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To: The Ixtlan Mailing List
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 1995 03:30:13 -0500
Here are my notes for "Two Circles of Energy" and "Redistributing Energy with the Feet and Hands."
Two circles of energy
Left palm up/Rt. palm down (Rt. above left) perform three alternating inward circles in front of the body (hands held between navel and solar plexus level), starting with left hand.
Perform one more small circle with left hand in close to the body (on left side @ hip level).
Circle Rt. hand down back around and up over right shoulder ending in front about navel to sloar plexus height wrist flexed, palm flat.
As soon as right hand stops moving, circle left hand down back, around and up to front. When arm is in back, hand is open but as soon as you bring it down in front, clench fist. Open hand again on backward portion of circle. Perform this circle three times ending with fist clenched in front, elbow slightly bent at same height as right hand.
Flip right palm up, left palm down and repeat sequence above to opposite side. (start circles with right hand).
Starting with left, scoop, swing arm parallel to floor from right side around to back. As arm gets to approx. fully extended to left side, straight out from left shoulder, begin clenching fist as arc begins to move to back. The fist is fully clenched by the time the time the arm has finished the swing to the back, ending about the level of the adrenals. Fist is parallel to floor, fingers facing the floor.
Alternating arms, repeat this movement three times with each arm.
Figure eight scoop--scoop with left arm right to left, parallel to floor (hand in claw position). Continue scooping motion around to back. When arm is fully extended to back (elbow still slightly bent) rotate palm forward and bring arm back to the front in close to the body. As arm gets to front, rotate hand up and over clockwise until it's in the position you started from. Continue scooping around to left, bending elbow and rotating hand around so that wrist is bent, fingers pointing back at the body, palm pointed up. You are standing as if holding a large boulder under your left arm about at your hip, elbow pointing straight out away from body.
Repeat this figure eight scoop with the right hand, leaving the left as it is holding the boulder of energy.
Standing straight, with energy boulders under each arm, twist slightly to the left and heft the boulder under your left arm in preparation for gently throwing it over your right shoulder. As you twist to the right, gently hoist the left energy boulder over right shoulder (should feel pressure on the adrenals here) and let the energy run down your back. Slowly bring the left hand back down diagonally across the torso ending with left palm flat, facing the floor, hand extended out away from the body on the left side about hip height.
Repeat this boulder hoist move with the boulder under your right arm.
With both hands held palms flat, facing the floor, extended out away from the body about hip height, begin foot movements.
Raise left knee almost parallel to floor and perform a snap rotation of the lower leg/foot 1 1/2 times clockwise.
Repeat this motion on right side (counter-clockwise rotation). Alternating legs, perform three rotations with each leg/foot.
Raise left knee again almost parallel to floor and perform a snap rotation of the lower leg/foot 1 1/2 times counter-clockwise (inscribe the number six in the air with your left foot).
Repeat this motion on right side (clockwise rotation, inscribe an inverted number six with your right foot.)
Alternating legs, perform three rotations with each leg/foot.
Scoop-kick inward toward groin three times each foot starting with left.
Foot is kept pointing straight forward, pivot bottom 1/2 of leg inward raising knee slightly. Try to keep this motion under the body as much s possible, not out in front. Inside edge of foot aims for area between anus and genitals.
With palms flat, facing floor against body at the hips, circle both palms out together and around to back (counter-clockwise for left, clockwise for right) and back to starting position. Circle both hands out and around to front and back to starting position (clockwise left, counter-clockwise right).
Alternating back/front, repeat three times each direction.
Scoop hands up in front of body up to about shoulder level and back down front of body, palms facing body. Repeat scoop up to face level and down again.
Repeat scoop up to top of head, wrists limp and bent, palms facing top of head, elbows pointing forward.
Pause with hands dangling over head then lean back (elbows still pointing straight ahead) and shake hands with fingers pointing down the back as tho you were shaking water off your fingertips down your back. Continue for 3-5 seconds.
From this position, shoot hands straight up over head, palms flat, facing front. Come up on tip toe as hands shoot up.
Bring hands down front of body (come off tip toe as hands start moving down). Circle hands around and up just in front of armpits and then shoot hands up over head again, coming up on tip toe as you do.
Bring hands down front of body (come off tip toe as hands start moving down), circle around and up just in front of armpits and then shoot hands up over head a third time, coming up on tip toe once again.
Bring hands slowly down the front of the body.
Redeploying Energy with the Feet and Hands
1.) Lean left/Rt., Left/Rt., Left/Rt., Left/Rt.
2.) Grab front (fists perpendicular to the floor) Left/Rt. 3X
3.) Bring left knee up, toe (pointed down) Rt. hand up together (palm flat and facing in toward the body). Alternate knee/arm up 3X each side
4.) Grab front starting w/left, circle wrist 5X and strike forward on 6th count. Alternate Left/Rt. 3X each side.
5.) Left knee/Rt. hand up (as in #3), grab front w/left hand circle left wrist 5X and strike front on 6th count (as in #4 above). Alternate Left/Rt. 3X each side.
6.) Grab both fists in front (simultaneously) fists perpendicular to floor. Circle left foot inward (clockwise) 6X. Circle right foot inward (counter-clockwise) 6X. Lower hands, then grab forward w/both fists again. Circle left foot outward (counter-clockwise) 6X. Circle rithg foot outward (clockwist) 6X.
7.) a) Sweep hands down back, around, up above shoulders and back down in front. Grab two imaginary rails parallel to the body, hands extended in front, about hip height, and slightly more than shoulder width apart.
b) Braided step forward Left/right/left; Braided step back Left/right/left; Repeat 3X total.
Bring Rt. foot behind right; Braided step forward Right/left/right; Braided step back Right/left/right; Repeat 3X total.
Bring hands down to sides
c.) Repeat rail grabbing motion but close to body, hands right beside the hips.
d.) Tango step forward Left/right/left; Toe-heel step back Left/right/left; Repeat 3X total.
Bring Rt.foot behind left; Tango step forward Right/left/right; Tango step back Right/left/right.
8.) Trace figure 8 in front of body 3X starting with left arm (make infinity symbol in air w/arm). The cross of the figure 8 should should be a bout solar plexus level. Keep the crossing point at the same spot. Repeat figure 8 with Rt. arm 3X.
Repeat this Left/Rt. sequence 3X.
9.) Squat down and with palms up scoop energy starting at floor level (like you were scooping up bundles of fibers). Continue scooping as you stand (Inhale). Bring arms up,bend elbows and pour energy down your back.
Exhale as you bring hands slowly down the front of the body.
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